After thinking for a while, Lin Chen made a decision in his heart, closed his eyes slightly, and sank his mind into the space between his eyebrows.

After a moment of trance, his figure appeared in front of the magical tree.

With his current magical powers of nine breaths of Qi and food, he can use them in cultivation to support a very fast speed.

The world of immortal cultivation is full of dangers, and self-protection requires some offensive magical powers.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen immediately stepped forward, walked in front of the treasure tree, and looked at the leaves of the magical tree above.

After a short while, Lin Chen's mind fell on the thirty-six magical powers of Tiangang, which could call the wind and rain.

All of a sudden, the spells of calling the wind and rain and so on flooded into his mind. Lin Chen combined them with the water spells he had practiced and sorted them out.

He was in a trance for a while, and his soul felt a sense of floating. The next moment, the treasure tree in front of him was infinitely stretched in his sight.

The spiritual patterns on the tree body squirmed, turned into a little golden words, and drilled into his body.

"This is!!"

"The perception and true meaning of the magical power of calling the wind and rain!"

Lin Chen widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

This was not the first time he encountered such a situation. Could it be that as time goes by, these trees will automatically evolve magical powers.

Then, when he practiced, he instilled it into his mind.

So, he still underestimated this magical tree.

Lin Chen then returned to the outside world, closed his eyes slightly, and gradually digested the magical perceptions instilled by the treasure tree.

Calling the wind and rain, one of the thirty-six magical powers of Tiangang, is a truly great magical power. It can nourish the common people, but it will dissolve everything...


Early in the morning of the next day.

Lin Chen came to the roof of the inn early.

When the first ray of morning glow came, he quickly opened his eyes, pinched the magic formula in his hands, and opened his mouth to inhale the purple air of the morning glow.

Between inhalation and exhalation, wisps of purple air were inhaled into Lin Chen's mouth and absorbed into his meridians, moistening his body little by little invisibly.

When the morning glow retreated, he returned to the room of the inn and meditated to refine the innate purple air.


Not long after, a respectful word came from outside the door.

"Mingyang County Magistrate, Yu Qiheng, asks to see the immortal~"

Hearing this, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, pinched the magic formula with both hands, slowly closed the power, and then let out a long breath.

He stood up, glanced outside the door, sat down at the table, and waved his robe sleeves towards the wooden door.

With a creak, the wooden door opened.

The governor of Mingyang County walked in wearing his official uniform, gathered his sleeves, bowed solemnly, and saluted Lin Chen again.

"Hello, Immortal. I wonder what the important matter you mentioned yesterday was?"

Lin Chen nodded slightly, did not stand up, and just said lightly.

"Lin needs a separate courtyard, which should be high and quiet."

Yu Qiheng stood there and thought for a while, then spoke hurriedly.

"This is easy to do. You can choose from inside or outside the city."

"Outside the city."

"Okay, I'll do it right away."


About half an hour later, Lin Chen was brought to a rather impressive house outside the city.

The house covers an area of ​​about three or four acres and is surrounded by a high wall, which is about ten feet high and difficult for ordinary mortals to cross.

Two stone lions are placed at the gate of the house. The stone lions are majestic and majestic without anger. At a glance, you can tell that their owners are either rich or noble.

Yu Qiheng personally stepped forward and pushed the door open, and Lin Chen walked in.

The environment inside is pretty good. There is a rockery, a pond, and so on built in the backyard. Everything is very suitable for Lin Chen from the inside to the outside.

This is the other courtyard built by the previous county governor. After it was built, even if there was a severe drought for many years, water was transported in from the outside to maintain the other courtyard.

After Yu Qiheng took over, he confiscated it. It has never been used, just right for offering flowers to Buddha.

"Yes, let's go for this house."

"Just arrange two guards at the door, and there is no need for food. If you need to pray for rain in the future, let me know in advance."

"At other times, I don't want to be disturbed."

Lin Chen looked around, expressionless, and his voice was flat, but with an inexplicable pressure.

It was a feeling caused by the gap brought by the spiritual power around him.

Mortals have no spiritual power, so they will naturally fear immortals.

"I understand, and everything will be done according to the immortal's instructions."

Yu Qiheng hurriedly bowed and replied.

Then he slowly left and walked away

He left the house and closed the door.

After leaving, he immediately restored the dignity of the county governor and started to do what Lin Chen had told him to do.

After Yu Qiheng left, Lin Chen chose a clean room in the backyard as his residence, and finally walked to a small pavilion by the pond to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

He will spend the next year here.


A few days later, in front of the pavilion in the courtyard.

Lin Chen closed his eyes slightly, feeling the rich water vapor around him. He slowly closed his eyes, and a breeze blew, blowing his clothes slightly.

Some light blue water spirits lingered on his body.

As one of the thirty-six magical powers of Taoism, calling the wind and rain is naturally powerful, and ordinary wind and rain are not very useful.

But this magical power can summon three thousand kinds of innate divine winds and three thousand kinds of innate divine waters to fight against the enemy.

Finally, Lin Chen opened his eyes, and the endless wind and rain in his eyes were reflected in his eyes.

He quickly made several hand gestures with both hands and pointed his hand towards the sky.

The next moment, a strong wind blew gently over the pond, which was like a spring breeze at first. After three breaths, the willow branches planted by the pond fluttered wildly.

The waves on the water surface first caused ripples, and then rolled up waves.

The carp in the pond seemed to sense the breath of danger, and first ran around, and then swam towards the bottom of the pond.

In the air, a trace of water essence condensed, and a little blue light appeared. It was the many innate true waters condensed naturally between heaven and earth.

Lin Chen's face moved, and suddenly the mysterious orifices around him opened up, his body shook, and the mysterious orifices produced an invisible suction force out of thin air.

Countless blue dots suddenly flew towards him as if they were summoned by something, and gradually merged into the mysterious orifices.

"Is this the innate true water?"

Suddenly, he raised his right hand, and a thin strand of true water condensed at his fingertips. If he hadn't summoned it himself, it would have been so subtle that it would have been out of sight.

Suddenly, the strands of true water began to spin, enveloping the surrounding water vapor and forming a pea-sized drop of light yellow water.

Lin Chen looked around, flicked his finger, and the light yellow water droplet shot out immediately and landed on a willow tree next to him.

"Squeak!" A violent corrosive sound came out.

The lush and vibrant willow tree withered in an instant, and its vitality was annihilated.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

"What a domineering magical power!"

"I didn't expect that this ability to summon wind and rain, when used in this world, would actually cause such a phenomenon."

It is said in the Taoist Canon that the Yin spirits often live in the Nine Netherworlds, dyeing the soil yellow, and the springs producing yellow soil, which is the Yellow Spring.

The water drop just now contained one of his mystical orifices, the Nine Nether Yellow Spring Water, which has the ability to annihilate the soul and vitality.

And his mystical orifices all over his body contain three thousand kinds of true water essence, but the quantity is very small, only a trace, not even a drop of water can be condensed.

This is the first time he has activated this magical power of calling the wind and rain.

In addition, his current cultivation is too low. If he can condense more Nine Nether Yellow Spring Water, I am afraid that all the living beings within a few miles will be annihilated on the spot.

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