The ancient Taoist practice of the Six Jia Qi Men is one of the indispensable magical powers for Taoist practice, which can be roughly divided into two parts.

One is the Six Dings and Six Jias, which can be used to sacrifice and refine the six guardian gods. Although the gods are not of high status, they have mysterious power and many magical features.

The second is the art of Qi Men Dun Jia, and Qi Men Dun Jia is divided into three concepts: "Qi", "Men" and "Dun Jia".

"Qi" refers to the three Qis of Yi, Bing and Ding.

"Men" refers to the eight gates of Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Si, Jing and Kai.

"Dun Jia" is hidden under the six instruments...

In short, all kinds of things are combined together to form the Six Jia Qi Men, which has many magical powers such as arranging formations, divination, prediction, etc.

Lin Chen's mind was filled with countless information and insights, and he suddenly felt a sense of swelling.

This Liujia Qimen is all-encompassing, and each part of it needs a very long time to comprehend it separately.

In this way, Lin Chen comprehended it for a month without sleep under the magical tree, and only then did he have some understanding of this magical power.

It contains thousands of years of inheritance, which cannot be understood in a short time, and it takes time to deduce and comprehend it bit by bit.

Lin Chen stood up and suddenly noticed that the buds that grew on the treasure tree before have become a side branch, and extended a little.

I think that in a few days, a leaf will grow completely, but I don't know what kind of things will grow on the leaf this time.

The classics that gave birth to the magical tree are the essence of Taoism for thousands of years. In addition to the various magical powers of Tiangang Disha, there are many things that have not been explored.

Some classics he has never even seen.

Then, Lin Chen's body shook, and his mind returned to the outside world.


In the training room.

Lin Chen got up from the futon, walked outside, and looked at the willow tree beside the cave.

His eyes flashed, he raised his left hand, stretched out his hand and waved it towards the ground, and with a few "swoosh" sounds, several stones fell into his palm.

Lin Chen lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth and spit out, and a few strands of spiritual energy drilled into the stones. Suddenly, the stones trembled slightly and emitted some white light.

He picked up a few stones with two fingers of his right hand and shot them around the willow tree.

After a short while, the stones were arranged in a strange shape. He pinched the magic formula with both hands, pointed forward, and with a whoosh, a beam of spiritual light flew away.

I saw that the stones that were infused with a little spiritual power shook slightly, and suddenly floated up, about half an inch above the ground.

The air was slightly shaken, and the willow tree began to twist. After a blur, it disappeared into thin air.

Lin Chen looked at the effect in front of him and muttered to himself.

"It is somewhat similar to the maze array in the world of immortal cultivation."

He released his consciousness, scanned the front, and then sighed.

"It seems that the arrangement of the array is still lacking in maturity. Without careful research, it is not very useful. Even my consciousness can't hide it, let alone other cultivators."

"It's even worse than the finger transformation."

Lin Chen shook his head. If he had time in the future, he could buy some basic arrays in the world of immortal cultivation to study.

Maybe the combination of the two can have some strange effects.

As for the refining of the Six Ding and Six Jia gods, it is more complicated, and it is probably difficult to refine them now.

He mainly practiced the effect of predicting and deducing the disasters and blessings of the day.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen waved his hand, and a beam of spiritual light flew out and landed in front of him. After a few "buzzing" sounds, the willow tree reappeared and came into view.

He walked towards the practice room, sat cross-legged, and thought silently in his heart.

I haven't practiced this Liujia Qimen yet. As long as it can play some role, I can feel it and prevent others' plots, it will be considered a good practice.

Then he flipped his left hand, took out a white jade pill bottle, poured out a pill of Juling Pill, raised his head and took it, and began to refine it.


Time flies, and eight months passed in a flash.

In front of the cave of Qingling Peak, the spiritual field in front of him has been harvested and the seeds of Juling Grass are being replanted.

In the spiritual field, a boy with slightly yellow skin is working hard. He is at the third level of Qi Refining. He is Wu Ming, who planted the spiritual field for Lin Chen many years ago.

Now he has taken over the task of taking care of the spiritual field in front of his cave.

It didn't take long for Wu Ming to finish planting the spiritual field of more than one mu. He put down the silver spiritual hoe in his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Walking to the cave

In front of the mansion, he shouted loudly.

"Brother Lin, the spirit gathering grass has been planted."

A few breaths after the voice fell, the stone door of the cave opened with a "creak", and a handsome man in his twenties walked out.

He had fair skin and was wearing a white inner door robe, which made him look more detached.

It was Lin Chen, who looked half a head taller than before. If it weren't for the little childishness on his face, I'm afraid anyone would think he was a young man in his early twenties.

Lin Chen walked forward and swept his eyes over the spirit field. Seeing the spirit gathering grass planted in the field, the spacing was orderly and very well placed, he nodded with satisfaction.

He chuckled and said.

"Not bad, Brother Wu, your skills are getting better and better now. You are not far from the fourth level of Qi Refining."

Wu Ming touched his head and said with a smile.

"Brother, you have a keen eye. I am indeed close to the fourth level of Qi Refining."

Lin Chen looked at the other party carefully after hearing this. He raised his right hand slightly, made a few strange gestures with his hand, and closed his eyes to calculate.

After a few breaths of silence, he opened his eyes and spoke to him.

"Junior Brother Wu, you lack wood in the five elements. The Wu hour seven days later is a good time to break through. You can bathe and meditate one day in advance, and you will definitely make a breakthrough."

Wu Ming was delighted when he heard this, and he bowed his hands to thank him.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lin, for your guidance. I didn't expect that you can also tell fortunes. Isn't this some worldly strange art?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said.

"There are many strange arts in the world. Junior Brother can also practice some to keep you company in the future."

After speaking, he waved his hand, indicating that the other party could leave. Seeing this, Wu Ming immediately flew away on a golden cloud.

Lin Chen continued to stand in front of the cave. When he calculated yesterday, he knew that there would be a visitor today.

Calculating the time, it should be time.

For nearly a year, he has been practicing in the cave. Even if he occasionally goes out, he will never leave the scope of the sect.

He is afraid that Yu Feng will catch the opportunity and make trouble for him.

Not long after, a black spot appeared in the sky, approaching Lin Chen's position rapidly.

After approaching, he looked up and found two figures, a man and a woman. After a closer look, he found that they were Xin Qiu Shui and Xin Ling, the two siblings. He frowned and was a little surprised.

In the past few years, they did a lot of tasks together, but since he learned that Yu Feng had built his foundation, he never went out of the mountain gate. What is the reason for the two of them to come today?

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