The two of them were married, and the two of them were married.

"Sister, do you mean that after Yu Feng built his foundation, the family behind Sister Yan quickly finalized the marriage and chose a date to get married?"

"Yes, although Sister Yan was unwilling, she still had to marry him. After all, for disciples of the family like me, the price of disobeying the family is too heavy."

"I heard that Junior Brother Wuhuan wanted to fight for it again, but was rejected by Junior Sister Yan."

"At the beginning, we offended Senior Brother Yu Feng... No, now we have to change our words to Uncle Master."

As he said that, Xin Qiushui suddenly asked a question in a low voice.

"Brother Lin, you didn't encounter any accidents, did you?"

Lin Chen thought about it, and shook his head. He didn't tell the previous things. After all, there was no evidence. If he was accused of slandering the elders of the sect, it would be a loss.

After a moment of hesitation, he spoke.

"Since Yu Feng established his foundation, I can only avoid the sharp edge temporarily and hide in the sect first. Everything will be solved when I establish my foundation."

Xin Qiu Shui also nodded repeatedly and said in a light voice.

"Yes, after I get the purple sun grass this time, I will go into seclusion directly, and I will never come out until I establish my foundation."


While they were talking, a very eye-catching cloud flew over from the horizon.

It was several times faster than the escape speed of ordinary Qi training disciples, and the speed was extremely fast, with a faint sound of thunder.

Xin Qiu Shui raised his head, glanced at it, and spoke.

"It's Junior Brother Lei Chuan, he's here~"

Hearing this, Lin Chen also looked intently. It was indeed extraordinary, worthy of being a thunder-attributed spiritual root. Even the ordinary cloud-calling technique was different from that of ordinary disciples.

With a fast escape speed, he could take the lead to a certain extent. If he could beat him, he would fight. If he couldn't beat him, he would run very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the thundercloud landed, and a young man jumped down from it, with the cultivation level of the ninth level of Qi Refining.

He had handsome features and a resolute face. The most distinctive feature was his eyebrows, which were slightly raised at the ends, which had a domineering meaning.

After he glanced around, he saw Xin Qiu Shui's figure and hurried over.

A very deep voice came out.

"Hello, Senior Sister Xin, Junior Brother Xin, who is this Junior Brother?"

Xin Qiu Shui smiled sweetly, raised her jade hand, pointed at Lin Chen and introduced him.

"This is Junior Brother Lin Chen, who is also entering the Spiritual Realm with us this time."

After Lei Chuan examined Lin Chen for a few times, a trace of doubt flashed across his face, and he said in a light voice.

"Oh, is your cultivation a little weak? Junior Brother Xin Ling has several spirit beasts in the late stage of Qi Refining. I wonder what means this junior brother has."

Lin Chen smiled lightly and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

"Hello, Senior Brother Lei. My means are not worth mentioning. I still need to rely on you a lot on this trip to the secret realm."

Seeing this, Lei Chuan didn't ask any more questions.

Xin Qiu Shui glanced at the few people and said with a smile.

"Everyone, there is no time to lose. Let's go in now. While the news has not spread out yet, the chance of finding it is also greater."

Lin Chen and the others nodded after hearing this, and then walked towards the Spiritual Hall together.

After entering, there was a large hall, about thirty or forty feet in size, surrounded by green stone walls dug out from the belly of the mountain.

There was a gate several feet high on the stone wall in front of them. There were several windows on the stone wall on the right side. Some inner disciples were standing inside, responsible for collecting spirit stones.

There were more than a dozen Qi training disciples in the hall, standing in groups of three or two, and some were whispering.

Waiting for something here, the hall was relatively quiet.

The four walked to the window on the right and handed in the spirit stones to enter the secret realm, and then received a white jade token with the word "spiritual" engraved on the front.

The four stood to one side and continued to wait.

Xin Qiu Shui spoke to Lin Chen.

"Junior Brother Lin is the first time to come to this spiritual secret realm. After gathering 20 disciples, we need to take a large teleportation array.

When teleporting to the secret realm, remember to hold this jade token tightly. There will be a small feeling of dizziness, and it will be fine when you are teleported."

Lin Chen heard this and nodded.

He had learned some of these from the jade slips yesterday. The spiritual secret realm was located in a special space, and ordinary means could not directly enter it.

It was necessary to use a special short-distance teleportation array to do so.

The teleportation array is a kind of space array, which can instantly move the cultivator to the other end of the teleportation array. The short distance is generally three to five miles, or about ten miles.

It is said that there is a super long-distance teleportation array in the world of immortal cultivation, which can instantly teleport the cultivator to a million miles or even tens of millions of miles away. Of course, this kind of teleportation array has gradually been lost.

It belongs to the existence in ancient books.

Soon, twenty Qi-refining disciples gathered in the temple. With a "creak", the stone door in front slowly opened.

A deacon disciple of the Spiritual Hall came out and spoke to everyone.

"Fellow disciples, you can go in and prepare for the teleportation."

After speaking, the deacon disciple strode in without hesitation, and many disciples in the temple followed in.

Lin Chen felt that after his eyes were brightened, he was in a wider stone hall, but the situation here was slightly different from the outside.

The walls around are not ordinary bluestone, but reflect metallic luster, revealing a very heavy atmosphere, which should be mixed with some refined iron.

And there are many mysterious array patterns printed on it, making the whole stone hall look extremely solid.

This spiritual secret realm is also a relatively important place in Lingyun Sect.

At the end of this stone hall, there is an extremely large circular teleportation array, with a radius of seven or eight feet, and there are three circles of special grooves on the edge for placing spirit stones.

On one side of the teleportation array, there is a small stone house, which exudes the aura of foundation-building cultivators, and there are as many as two of them, and their cultivation seems to be not weak.

The deacon disciple of the Spiritual Hall walked forward and quickly filled the spirit stone grooves on the teleportation array with spirit stones one by one.

Then he came to the front of the stone house respectfully, bowed his hands and spoke to the inside.

"Uncle Lu, the disciples who will be teleported this time are ready. Please give your approval."

Lin Chen also looked at the stone house curiously, and soon felt a strong spiritual power spreading out from the house like a flood, sweeping over them.

After a short while, a simple word came from the house.


The deacon disciple immediately turned around and spoke to everyone.

"Fellow disciples, you can go to the teleportation array. Remember, inject spiritual power into the token in your hand to resist the abnormality caused by teleportation."

After a burst of rustling sounds, everyone stood on the teleportation array, then clenched the token in their hands, injected spiritual power, and condensed a white special protective shield within half a foot of their bodies.

As the deacon disciple pinched the magic formula with both hands and pointed at the teleportation array, a "buzzing" sound was heard, and the whole magic array began to emit some colorful lights.

After a "swoosh" sound, a white light flashed.

The figures of the twenty disciples on the teleportation array were enveloped by a white light, and in a flash, they all disappeared in an instant.



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