I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1004: Waking up in a nightmare (four thousand)

"Snail? The old lady just reminded me to be careful of the snail. Why did Jiang Ming take out the snail's shell?"

Chen Ge was a little confused, but he knew that the old man would definitely not hurt Jiang Ming.

Carefully put the snail shell back into his pocket, Jiang Ming took Chen Ge's hand out of the old man's hut.

The child took Chen Ge to run around in the shared apartment building. They went to the window sill on the roof, the storage room where the briquettes were piled up, and the garbage compartment. The snail Jiang Ming would be very happy if he found it.

Chen Ge is not sure why Jiang Ming tried so hard to find the snail. He just looked at Jiang Ming's seriousness and couldn't bear to interrupt.

Silently accompanied Jiang Ming. They only found four snails when they ran through the apartment. Jiang Ming put them all in his pocket, and then took Chen Ge's hand and ran towards the first floor.

As long as there is no sound, those strange neighbors will not come over, and Jiang Ming ’s father has not appeared again after being beaten by the old lady.

"Are you going home?"

Jiang Ming nodded happily. He led Chen Ge standing outside the rental house with wooden signs, and reached out to pull the light rope.

After the lights in the house flashed a few times, the rental house door was opened, and a slender, "skin" woman appeared behind the door.

She saw Jiang Ming come back safely, with a gentle smile on her face. Immediately after she saw Chen Ge, there was a trace of confusion in her eyes, which seemed to be afraid of the arrival of the stranger.

This woman is signing with Chen Ge, she seems to be a deaf mute.

Chen Ge can't understand complex sign language, but can only keep smiling and make himself appear more approachable.

The door of the rental house slowly opened, and Jiang Ming ran to the woman in excitement. He took out snails from his pockets like he was showing off.

The woman touched the boy's head, with a gentle smile on her face, quietly looking at Jiang Ming's happy appearance.

"This should be Jiang Ming's mother."

Entered the house, Chen Ge closed the door.

Looking at the harmonious picture in front of him, Chen Ge couldn't fit into it at all. The woman's face was the same as an ordinary person, but her body was covered with patches.

Looking at it from a distance, Jiang Ming's mother is like a rag doll. She only has hands on her face and no patches on her face. All other places are mended and the skin is like a worn coat.

Chen Ge didn't dare to imagine what a woman had encountered before, and it appeared in the child's memory in such an image.

The woman's hands gestured, it seemed to praise Jiang Ming, but the pleasant atmosphere in the house soon disappeared.

The light at the door turned on again. Both the rag doll mother and the young Jiang Ming looked at the door, and finally Jiang Ming's mother walked to the door and opened the door of the rental house.

The pungent smell of wine poured into the nasal cavity, and the drunken-faced drunkard appeared at the door.

Muddy body pressed against the door frame, with the wine bottle long arm pointing at Chen Ge, drunkard stared at the rag doll woman fiercely.

The woman gestured for sign language, but the drunkard had no patience to look at it and pushed it away.

Watching the drunkard come in, Jiang Ming took out the snails from his pocket and trot to the drunkard.

He held the snail in his hands, and wanted to let the drunkard take a look, but before he reached out his hand, the drunkard fanned Jiang Ming's arm to the side.

The snail shell fell to the ground, and the snail Jiang Jiang was struggling to find was crushed.

The drunk stared at the cracked snail on the ground, his face turned red, and blood vessels bulged, and he seemed even more angry.

Nowhere to vent that anger, he overturned the small table in the living room, the water bottle on the table almost hit Jiang Ming, but fortunately the rag doll woman blocked it.

The hot water spilled on the ground, and a part of it splashed on the drunkard. His whole body became red, and he directly grabbed the ragdoll's hair and pushed it down.

The first reaction of the woman after she fell was to wave her hand towards Jiang Ming and let him quickly hide inside the house.

The drunk dragged the woman's legs, and the arm that grew with the bottle kept falling.

The boy was standing in a messy living room. He did not know what he had done wrong. The snail on the ground was crushed and the rag doll mother was crushed.

His shoulders were trembling with fear. He didn't know who to ask for help. He looked at the painful mother. He wanted to help the woman, but he was helpless. He couldn't even speak.

"Don't be afraid."

Chen Ge patted Jiang Ming's trembling shoulder gently: "I'll help you."

Chen Ge kicked at the drunk, when the drunk and the rag doll woman separated, he smashed the skull hammer and hit the drunk on the shoulder.


Drunken ghost hit the door of the rental house, Chen Ge did not give the other party the opportunity to choose to continue the attack.

"Jiang Ming, you see clearly, he is not invincible, he is just a weak coward, you don't have to fear him at all!"

The body of the drunk man who was smashed is recovering quickly. His arms grow together with the furniture in the room, and his expression becomes more and more fierce.

"I will lead him to the back room, and wait for the door to open, you quickly escape!"

In order to buy time for Jiang Ming and the rag doll women, Chen Ge can only knock down the drunk again and again.

Every time he was smashed, the drunkard's appearance would become more terrifying. His body was constantly inflated, and his back was attached to the wall, slowly blending into the whole room.

In Jiang Ming's memory, the words home and father are closely linked, so Chen Ge was not surprised at all. The only thing that worried him was that Jiang Ming and the rag doll woman did not escape the room.

Cracks appeared on the wall, the ceiling began to fall off, the ground was shaking, the light behind the door flashed a few times and then suddenly went out.

The light disappeared, and a thick smell from the dark room came out from above.

The cracks on the roof are getting bigger and bigger. The drunkard's body expanded several times and touched the ceiling, and at this time the roof of the rental house collapsed.

The smell came out, and something that overwhelmed this family appeared!

A hard shell with a thread, a sticky body, and a huge blood-red snail crawling above this home.

A steady stream of negative emotions was injected into the drunkard's body. A mouth was cracked under the slightly smaller antennae of the giant snail, and there were densely counted teeth.

The huge body protrudes from the shell, and the **** snail bites at Chen Ge.

"Snail? Why is there such a horrible thing in Jiang Ming's dream?"

Chen Ge backed Jiang Ming back, the world behind the door changed completely after the appearance of the snail, the walls began to bleed outward, and the apartment building seemed to collapse at any time.

"Go upstairs and find the old grandma!" Chen Ge led Jiang Ming and the rag doll woman upstairs, and the neighbors who were similar to monsters became crazy under the influence of **** snails.

The feeling that this world initially brought to Chen Ge was only absurd. It was like a very small child sketching with a paintbrush, but since the appearance of the **** snail, the world has become **** and cruel, getting closer to the real door Post-world.

After the three came to the room where the old man lived, Chen Ge knocked **** the door.

"Grandma, let me take you and Jiang Ming away! I know the way out!"

The door opened, and the old lady stood at the door on crutches. She saw the crazy neighbors and the **** snails crawling here.

"Your obsession is unbroken, there are things that matter, you should not stay here, let's go with us." Chen Ge had already decided that he took out the comic book.

The old man was hesitant. She opened her mouth and said a few words, but Chen Ge couldn't hear her voice at all.

"I'll do it when you agree." Chen Ge turned to protect the old lady and Jiang Ming's mother and son behind him. He stared at the **** snail crawling slowly here: "This snail is the culprit that crushed Jiang Ming's entire family It is also the embodiment of all the negative emotions and disasters in Jiang Ming ’s mind. If he can get rid of this thing, Jiang Ming may not be confused any more. ”

Press the repeater switch, Chen Ge yelled softly: "Xuyin!"

The blood-red lines spread rapidly around Chen Ge as the center. The blood-colored snail sensed the threat, and all the crazy deformed neighbors ran towards here.

"Five red clothes can ruin this incomplete scene. The extra red clothes can be used to maintain the basic framework of this scene."

Turned the comic book, more and more **** lines appeared, they were amazingly aggressive, and spread to the entire scene in a very short time.

The blood-red snail has stopped advancing, and it feels threatened, but Chen Ge's hand to turn the comic book has not stopped.

More and more blood-colored lines will almost cover Jiang Ming's world behind the door, and finally at a certain moment, the critical point is broken, and the thick **** smell comes like a sea of ​​blood pouring back!

One figure after another began to appear next to Chen Ge. The red clothes were like blood, so he didn't need to say anything more. Those red clothes were like sharks smelling a fishy smell, pounced on the **** snail.

Digital red teamed up, the hard shell of the snail was broken, at this time Chen Ge saw a terrible scene.

In the deepest part of the hard shell of the snail, there is a baby face with closed eyes!

That face is exactly the same as the one he saw in the shadow of Liwan Town, it was the appearance of a baby in a baby!


The baby's eyes opened slowly, with pure evil in his eyes.

Sharp laughter sounded, the body inside the hard shell of the snail exploded instantaneously, the baby's face turned into blood, and only a wooden toy remained on the ground.

"It seems that the unborn child is not attached to Jiang Ming."

Although there was no found fetus, at least one option was excluded.

Chen Ge walked to the snail's body and picked up the toy on the ground.

He still has an impression of this toy. It was given to him by his father when he was very young, but suddenly one day he couldn't find it.

"Is it taken away by the shadow?"

After the snail exploded, the world behind Jiang Ming ’s door began to shake violently. The deformed neighbors slowly dissipated, and the foundation of the world was shaken.

Chen Ge let other red clothes temporarily stabilize the shaking world, he walked to the old lady and Jiang Ming: "It's time to say goodbye to these pains, I will take you away."

Opening the comic book, Chen Ge wants to include the old lady and Jiang Ming, but Jiang Ming is not willing to let go of the hand holding the rag doll woman.

The woman who was alive in memory gently pushed Jiang Ming away. She gently waved at Jiang Ming, her body slowly became illusory, and finally disappeared.

"After leaving here, I will take you to find her in reality, she must miss you too."

Closed the comic book, Chen Ge took Jiang Ming's hand, and accompanied him to the first floor in the red clothes.

The scene collapsed and they opened the locked iron gate.

When Chen Ge stepped out of the door, Jiang Ming, who was lying on the bed in reality, opened his eyes. He sat up from the bed and saw Chen Ge still holding the leg-lifting position beside the bed.

The door behind him shattered completely. Chen Ge carried a backpack and looked at Jiang Ming quietly.

Jiang Ming sitting on the bed is not crying, he seems to recognize Chen Ge.

"What happened just now, you should think of it as a dream." Chen Ge realized that Jiang Ming couldn't hear it at all. He took out the paper and pen and wrote the word "mother": "Go to sleep, I will take it tomorrow You go to her. "

In order to prevent Jiang Ming from not recognizing the characters, Chen Ge made a gesture while writing.

It took a while for Jiang Ming to realize that he had a happy smile on his face for the first time.

"Have a good rest, good night."

Touched the boy's head, Chen Ge opened the comic book and released the old lady, "Grandma, can you hear my voice now?"

The old lady's eyes have been on Jiang Ming, her body is almost transparent.

"I have been wondering why there is such a terrible snail in the world behind Jiang Ming's door? Does he have a psychological shadow on the snail? Did he say that he was tricked by other people with snails when he was a kid?" Chen Ge had Many assumptions, but they are not true.

"That snail does not mean a real snail." There was a touch of distress in the old man's voice: "Jiang Ming's mother is a congenitally deaf and mute person, and her family has rejected her. When she grew up, her family married her for a small gift Jiang Ming's father. "

"Later Jiang Ming was born. Although he was not congenitally deaf, his hearing was also flawed. The doctor recommended a cochlear implant operation, but the cheapest cochlear implant is also tens of thousands, and the more expensive hundreds of thousands."

"The doctor said that the sooner the operation is done, the better, but Jiang Ming's mother can't afford this money ~ www.readwn.com ~ his father should not even expect it."

"Since Jiang Ming's father knew that Jiang Ming's ears also had problems, his attitude towards the mother and the child had changed a lot, and he even wanted to abandon Jiang Ming. Fortunately, Jiang Ming's mother stopped him every time."

"You can see what happened in the future. Jiang Ming ’s mother learned water embroidery from me and saved money to get cochlear surgery for Jiang Ming. His father likes to gamble and drink, and steals the money saved by Jiang Ming ’s mother. Simply grab. "

"Jiang Ming grew up in such an environment. He is too young to know what cochlear surgery is. Maybe in his world, snails represent the hope of hearing sounds. He struggled to find snails. He longed to be able to. Hearing the voices of others, but at the same time there is an unavoidable fact that his family was crushed by the snail. "

After listening to the old lady, Chen Ge really understood the world in the eyes of this child, and the **** truth was revealed in the absurdity.

"Grandma, do you know where the child's parents live?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I am going to teach the father of the child how to be a man, and I also want to help the mother of the child." Chen Ge took out his wallet from his pocket: "If conditions permit, I hope Jiang Ming can hear the voice in the future. "

"Do you want to fund this child's surgery?"

"What's the matter? Don't look at the ordinary clothes I wear, I am actually an entrepreneur."

After Chen Ge said, he unzipped the backpack and squeezed the cranial hammer diagonally into the bag.

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