I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1007: Petitioner


The man screamed, but Chen Ge turned and pushed open the door: "Come in and have a look, what's the situation with this guy?"

The two eldest sisters looked into the house, and Jiang Dawu, strong and strong, rolled on the ground with his ears covered.

"He was just about to hit me with a wine bottle, and suddenly it was like this, which shocked me." Chen Ge stood behind the two elder sisters: "You know, I just came in a few minutes, you said he Do you want to wrong me? "

"With this guy's character, everything can be done, but it doesn't matter, we will testify to you that we will never let people who are brave and righteous." Sister Li looks down on Jiang Dawu and hates him.

The two elder sisters were watching beside them, and they were also seeing this for the first time.

"Shall we call an ambulance, it is not a problem to keep him rolling on the ground, and wait for the doctor to come, everything is easy to say." Chen Ge suggested.

"You are still too kind, don't let this kind of person care about him, let him hurt for a while." Sister Mei is a knife tofu heart, after a while, she still called the emergency number.

The ambulance took Jiang Dawu away, and Jiang Ming's mother took the letter and walked to Chen Ge, his hands kept moving, as if he wanted to explain something.

"Don't worry." Chen Ge's talking woman can't hear it, as long as she pulls the elder sister next to her: "Sister Li, in fact, I already knew about their family, can we find a place to chat."

"Okay." The two elder sisters led Chen Ge and Jiang Ming's mother back to the neighborhood committee, and they found paper and pens on the table.

"Don't worry, let me recall it for you." Chen Ge took the desk pen and wrote on the paper. The two can only communicate in this way: "I know you can embroider on water, and you can rely on this independence. You can save some money in life. Do you remember who you learned about rust? "

Jiang Ming's mother was surprised when she saw the words on the paper. She picked up the pen but didn't know what to write.

"You should remember the old lady who lived on the second floor of the apartment. I am his family. The old lady was most worried about Jiang Ming before she died. She likes the little guy very much." Chen Ge wrote all the facts and is now old The wife was included in the comic book, and later lived in a haunted house, she was naturally Chen Ge's family.

Mentioned that the old lady, Jiang Ming's mother became emotional again, this is the second time she saw tears after seeing Chen Ge.

"Unfortunate time has passed, and you will continue to live a happy life with Jiang Ming in the future." Chen Ge looked at the two elder sisters again: "The sooner the cochlear surgery, the better. I have prepared 150,000, and I will soon Contact, but I have a lot of things and I may need a lot of help from the community in the future. "

"Not so much, the community and the Women's Federation now know the situation of her family and will subsidize part of it."

"Well, no matter what, everyone hopes they are getting better and better." Chen Ge himself doesn't know how much money Cary has. He hasn't counted the income of the haunted house in the past few months, but it will definitely not be less than two. One hundred thousand.

A few days later, the task will be over. If everything goes well, he can still make more money. If something goes wrong, he will not use any more money in his card.

Chen Ge is not the kind of person who is more picky, he just wants to spend all his money on the blade.

"Wait a moment." Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and called a hospital in Xinhai.

After explaining the situation, he made an appointment online to recommend the doctor recommended by Wei Jiuqing.

Finally found Dr. Fang's phone. Chen Ge sat in the neighborhood committee for several consecutive calls and no one answered. Just when he was about to give up, the phone was suddenly connected.

"Is it Dr. Fang?" The phone is very quiet, and no sound can be heard. It took a long time for a middle-aged man's voice to ring.

"Sorry, I don't accept appointments for the time being."

"It was Wei Jiuqing who asked me to find you." Chen Ge directly said Dr. Wei's name and pulled Dr. Wei's tiger skin.


"When you were studying in Hanjiang Medical College ..."

"I'm asking who are you? My teacher has passed away for many years. That day I personally sent him the last trip. You better not joke about this kind of thing."

Dr. Fang was directly angry, but it can also be seen that he has great respect for Wei Jiuqing in his heart.

"Actually Dr. Wei is my family, he appreciates you and often mentions you." Chen Ge said something that only Dr. Wei and Fang Ziming knew, and the other party believed Chen Ge's words.

"I understand the general situation, but I can't help the child with the operation for the time being." Fang Ziming's voice sounded a little tired: "I have always been sloppy lately, and there was a medical accident some time ago, and now I don't have The ability to perform surgery is estimated to be adjusted. "

"Did you encounter something?" Chen Ge felt Fang Ziming's emotion was extremely low, and she was speechless.

"Actually, it's nothing. Before the hospital warehouse was renovated, I found a letter in the old warehouse. After it was opened, it said that I would go to an abandoned hospital at midnight. Tell you. "

"Don't, maybe I can give you some good suggestions. Even if I can't help you, it's always good to find someone to talk to." Chen Ge was interested.

"Which patient might be the prank of that letter, and I didn't go to my heart. As a result, I always had nightmares and always dreamed of a grinning man." Fang Ziming sighed: "That man is standing in my house Downstairs ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same location, staring at my window all the time. "

"Always grinning?" Chen Ge appeared in his mind as "not smiling".

"At first, I felt like I was under too much pressure, but one day I was awakened in the middle of the night, and when I saw the curtains being blown by the wind, I wanted to close the window in the past. The grinning man is exactly the same as I dreamed in my dream! "

"Is there something abnormal about you?"

"I don't know, that man appeared once and never appeared again, but my work and life have been completely affected. I always feel uncomfortable thinking about it." Fang Ziming was very uncomfortable: " You are my mentor ’s family, but I ca n’t do the surgery for you in this situation, but I can recommend other doctors to you. Bring that child over as soon as possible. The sooner the cochlear surgery is done, the better for the child. ”

"Dr. Fang, I will send you the child as soon as possible. In addition, I have encountered the situation you just said." Chen Ge lowered his voice: "Something can't be said clearly, you believe me once, I recommend you a person He is a good friend of Dr. Wei. If you are about to bear it, contact him. "

"Teacher's friend?"

"When you communicate with him, pay attention to it, don't have any reservations, don't hide anything, you can tell you everything, he can help you." Chen Ge gave his other social account to Fang Ziming Sent in the past: "I don't know the real name of that person, but Dr. Wei called him-petitioner."

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