I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1016: You want the world to hear your voice

Wu Jinpeng did not care about the blood flowing into his mouth, he shouted loudly, as if to tear his throat.

It was found that Wu Jinpeng was not affected. The faceless woman was furious, thin black blood vessels emerged from the pale arm, and both hands severely pinched Wu Jinpeng's neck.

"Why! Why do you still want to protect him! I gave you all the goodness! Why do you still want to choose despair!" The outline of the facial features gradually appeared on the woman's face, it was not a woman's face at all, but The face of a baby boy!


"Why not kill you! Only I am the one who really wants to help you! Why do you have to talk to yourself! Why do you have to believe in something that does not exist!" The woman pinched Wu Jinpeng's neck Transfiguration, but it will not kill Wu Jinpeng.

Wu Jinpeng, who still has a breath, kept swinging his arms towards Chen Ge, he couldn't make a sound, but he still tried to open his mouth and wanted to say what he wanted to say to the world.

The woman's face has completely turned into a baby. Her mouth is wide, but her eyes are closed. It seems that it takes a long time to open her eyes.

The clothes were dyed crimson with blood and water. This monster's strength is obviously much stronger than the snail behind Jiang Mingmen.

"Wu Sheng's body has birth defects. He was abandoned by his mother. This is the place where Wu Sheng's heart can't be relieved, and the fetus is using this to continue to spread maliciousness, wanting to imprison the child behind the door. In the abyss of the world. ”Chen Ge has understood everything:“ Underborn tires continue to be induced, but unfortunately Wu Sheng has a good father. No matter what happens, his father always shields Wu Sheng from the wind and rain, letting him know that this world is not unborn child. So desperate. "

"The fetal womb can't kill Wu Sheng's father, indicating that the fetal womb can't change Wu Jinpeng's appearance in Wu Sheng's heart." Chen Ge didn't escape, he looked at the woman who was in a rage: "Unexpectedly, the fierce **** was actually ordinary. Tong ’s father was forced to look like this. "

After understanding the causes and consequences, Chen Ge also understood Wu Sheng's heart knot. The most important thing was that he found the ghosts to which the unborn child was attached.

"The world behind this door does not need to continue to exist anymore. Killing this woman will reduce the strength of the womb again." Chen Ge pressed the repeater switch and stepped backwards: "This woman is more terrifying than the snail Wu Sheng ’s back door world is also more stable than Jiang Ming ’s back door world. It seems that these nine doors are also very different from each other. "

Standing in the blood, Chen Ge took out the comic book.

The cries of the children in the ears and the whispers of the women gradually weakened, replaced by piercing howls and hysterical shouts.

Bloody lines spread like cracks dividing the world. The woman standing in the center of the blood also noticed Chen Ge. She let go of her body deformation, but Wu Jinpeng, who could not die, turned and walked towards Chen Ge.

The body of an adult woman has a baby's face, the scene in front of him is horrible and weird, but Chen Ge is not too scared.

As a red dress appeared, the woman stopped.

"Brother Peng! Wake up! This place is going to be destroyed, and the sky is going to dawn!"

The first appearance of Xu Yin, Lao Bai, and the stench had already passed, and the woman in red did not fall down with one enemy and three. What surprised Chen Ge even more was that the woman in red controlled the blood water to an exaggerated level. To the point, she seems to be able to do everything.

"Go together!"

Red clothes appeared one after another. After the red high-heeled shoes also joined the battle, the woman in red finally couldn't take it anymore. She kept saying vicious curses in her mouth, but she still couldn't change the situation.

The blood was divided, and the baby boy's eyes opened a slit at the end.

"I'm going to kill you! No matter who you are, I will kill you!"

When the red clothes joined hands, the woman eventually turned into blood mist, the blood water disappeared, and there was only one child's teeth stained with black blood on the ground.

"It is illegal to kill people. In order not to let you go astray, I can only keep running to discourage you." Chen Ge walked to the tooth and found that there was something engraved on the tooth: "Is this my tooth?" ? "

He was about to reach for it, and the tooth eroded by black blood suddenly disappeared into his shadow.

The hand stopped in the air, Chen Ge did not respond for a while: "Zhang Ya?"

The world is about to be destroyed behind Wu Sheng ’s door, and Chen Ge did n’t dare to stay too long, carrying the bag, carrying Wu Jinpeng, and ran towards the hut where Wu Sheng was hiding.

"Brother, you put me down, I think of a lot of things."

"Leave before you talk."

All the way to the hut, Chen Ge and Wu Jinpeng entered the house.

"Wu Sheng?" Wu Jinpeng sorted out his clothes and opened the lid of the wooden box. Wu Sheng still covered his mouth and sat inside: "The game is over, you don't have to be afraid that your voice will attract bad people or monsters. In the future, you can say whatever you want. You have to let the world hear your voice. "

He took Wu Sheng out of the wooden box: "We are moving house today."

Under the **** of several red clothes, a group of people came to the end of West Street, and there were many cracks on the closed black iron door.

"We should go."

Chen Ge glanced at Wu Jinpeng. This tall and sturdy man put down Wu Sheng, then crouched on the ground and hugged Wu Sheng: "The most proud thing in my life is that you have your son. Come on, you do n’t belong here. "

The broken iron door was opened, and Wu Jinpeng gently pushed Wu Sheng towards Chen Ge. As the world behind the door continued to collapse, Wu Jinpeng's figure also slowly disappeared.

Putting away the red clothes, Chen Ge dragged Wu Sheng and stepped out of the black iron door.


Knee hit the bed board, Chen Ge carrying a backpack was tripped and planted on the single bed.

The illusory door disappeared behind him ~ www.readwn.com ~ A familiar voice came from the dark cabin.

"Brother? Where did you come from?"

The electric light was turned on, and the long-lost light reflected on him. Wu Jinpeng opened his mouth and looked at Chen Ge who fell on the bed.

Wu Sheng, who was asleep, also opened his eyes, not knowing that it was pressed by Chen Ge, or remembering something, he cried when he saw Wu Jinpeng.

The voice was very loud, and the neighbors could hear clearly.

"Don't cry, don't cry, that uncle didn't do it on purpose ..." Wu Jinpeng was talking, suddenly stunned, Wu Sheng's vocal cords had a congenital problem, he couldn't cry when he was born, and often suffocated his face, very scary .

He didn't even think that he wouldn't cry since childhood. The child who was said to be abnormal by the doctor actually cried today, and he cried so loudly.

"Come and hug him. This child has seen too many things, and those bad things have been suppressed in his heart." Chen Ge sat on the corner with his knees covered. He didn't bother Wu Jinpeng and Wu Sheng.

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