I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1031: Shadow playing alone

"Anyway, I can't kill the dead child?" Chen Ge looked up and looked through the gray canopy to the pale sky.

Even if he is willing to be friends with that child, that child still has no friends, because he may be that child.

"I don't believe there will be such a child in the world. If he really exists, I will be friends with him." Chen Ge replied very positively. He finished and looked at the girl: "Oh, how do you know him Can't kill anyway? "

When Chen Ge asked this question, a long gap appeared in the transparent fish tank, and the water in the tank began to flow out along the gap.

It is worth noting that the transparent water in the fish tank turns into a cloudy light gray after flowing out of the gap.

The water was getting less and less, and the blood-red goldfish was also struggling more and more. There were wounds on its body, and the water in the fish tank was slowly stained with red.

"I killed him." The girl's voice has completely changed: "I want to be him, but when I woke up from my sleep, he came back."

"Then do you know how he did it?" Chen Ge's heart beat quickly, but his consciousness became blurred, and he seemed to be forgetting something very important. The most dangerous thing was that he didn't know he was forgetting. what.

"Yeah ..." The girl turned her head and looked at Chen Ge. At this moment her facial features were completely blurred, and a new face slowly appeared: "How did he do it?"

The cold light shone on them, and the two stood at the exit of the woods, and they could see the buildings in the distance bleeding.

The left half of the building corresponding to the girl is covered with thin black lines exuding, and the right half of the building corresponding to Chen Ge is about to be stained with blood, and there are cracks everywhere.

Fang Yu's world behind the door is almost the same as the real world behind the door, but still can't help the toss of nearly ten red clothes.

As soon as he entered the door, when Chen Ge discovered that this world was different from the other behind-the-door world, he immediately let all employees do it.

He knew about Fang Yu's past, so he didn't need to explore it slowly. Facts proved he was right.

"Are you the pinned child behind the door?"

As early as Chen Ge saw Fang Yu, he began to doubt.

If the Fang Yu in the world behind the door has really no longer resisted, as the girl showed, the Fang Yu outside the door can't tattoo the name all over the body, let alone go to the park every day to wait.

The real square fish did not give up.

In order to further verify his guess, he first tried it with Zhang Yi. The girl did not react, but the blood-red goldfish in the fish tank kept swimming.

Afterwards, Chen Ge continued to ask according to his own guess, and finally determined that the girl in front of him was not Fang Yu.

In Fang Yu's amnesia world, in addition to herself, a "human" who can speak and have memories can only be a fetus.

The girl probably already knew that she was seen through, but she didn't care.

"How can you be sure that I'm not a neuter?"

"Although this behind-the-door world is more stable than the previous ones, it is still too fragile for the fierce god, as if you can't put a whale in a household fish tank." Chen Ge before entering the world of square fish I don't think that the fetal womb will be hidden here. What Zhang Yi once told him has given him a lot of help. In addition, if he is a fetal womb, he will definitely hide himself in an ordinary person who has no physical defects.

The other eight people are all under the guise, even if the world behind the door is destroyed, only part of the ability is lost. As long as it is dragged to the real birth, the situation will be directly reversed.

The girl's original facial features were erased, and a baby's face slowly emerged.

His eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth, ears, and nose were bleeding outward, but he didn't cry, as if he couldn't feel pain.

This "Birthstone" is different from the "Birthstone" in other worlds behind the door. He has his own consciousness, and he did not make any excessive moves after he was discovered. Even his coat did not turn red.

She and Chen Ge stood at the exit of the woods like this, looking quietly at the city that was black and red.

Gradual blood red prevailed, the black thread representing the curse was suppressed, and the gray-white city was marked with a blood-red wound, as if the entire city was bleeding.

Nearly ten red clothes broke out with all their strength, instantly suppressing the curse hidden behind the door, but looking at everything in front of him, Chen Ge didn't have any smile on his face.

Counting the door where Jia Ming and Kitano entered, this is the fourth door. Almost ten red clothes have to be shot at the same time to suppress it.

If you enter the fifth door, I am afraid that it will take all the red clothes to explode to break the game.

According to this calculation, the sixth door, even with all the red clothes, may not guarantee safety.

The gray city was covered with blood, and Chen Ge did not use any tactics, that is, the most simple use of violence, crushed with nearly ten red clothes.

This is the simplest, most effective, and safest method.

A blood-red figure appeared, a large number of mirrors on the streets were crushed, and the gray-white city was stained red.

"It's almost that, if I can delay some more time, I can keep you here forever." The girl with the baby's face turned to look at Chen Ge: "I can't kill you, but I can make you forget yourself , Do what they have done to you again. "

Both parties are delaying time. Chen Ge is waiting for the red employees to break through the world's **** behind them. The girl knows some secret things and wants to "kill" Chen Ge by another method.

"What do they do to me? Who are they?" Chen Ge asked.

"Why do you have to look for them? You already have what I want, why do you have to give up?" The girl's body gradually blurred, as if slowly losing color, and about to merge with the world: "Stay in the original Earth, is it bad for me to be you? "

"The person I'm looking for? Is it my parents?" Chen Ge's tone became hurried.

Hearing the words "Parent", the baby's expression changed. Chen Ge seemed to talk about the most painful part of the baby. He didn't answer Chen Ge's question anymore, and hurriedly grabbed the goldfish in the fish tank: "You are lucky, When I was not fully awake, I entered this most dangerous door. But you can never change the facts that are already doomed. "

"Fang Yu!" Chen Ge took out the broken skull hammer and hit the girl. The girl's hand touched the water, but the goldfish escaped from her fingers.

The transparent glass fish tank fell to the ground, the baby's face was twisted, her body and the water splashed in the fish tank scattered together ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am waiting for you behind the door, Chen Ge. "

The girl's body, water splash and gray world merged and disappeared, leaving only a blood-red goldfish and a very ordinary glass marble on the ground.

Chen Ge first put the goldfish on a larger piece of fish tank, where there was still a little muddy water.

Then he stretched out his hand to the very ordinary marble, and the moment his fingertips touched the marble, a strange memory appeared in his mind.

On the third floor of the haunted house at midnight, there is a single bed in the cozy cabin, and a small orange lamp handmade on the bedside table.

The light was shining on the bed. The young child was asleep, but his shadow walked off the bed lightly and took out the toy placed in the room.

The thin shadow sat in the middle of the toy, he played alone for a long time, until midnight arrived, he suddenly heard someone calling a name.

Shadow looked back at the sleeping child on the bed and slipped out of the room.

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