I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1046: You have her inseparable, I only have the soul ...

"What are you doing outside? Why don't you enter the house?"

After seeing Chen Ge, the exhaustion on his father's face dissipated a little, barely squeezing out a smile.

"How did you go to the teacher's house yesterday? It's not good to be so troublesome."

The familiar chatter came. The man didn't complain to Chen Ge about how hard he was working, nor did he justify Chen Ge's work on the grounds of how hard he worked.

"Come in, come back, I will cook for you."

"I can't go in." Chen Ge stood on the spot. He searched a part of the east and west areas of Liwan Town last night, and gave him two days to search the entire Liwan Town.

"What's the matter?" The man didn't expect Chen Ge to stand in the door even if he didn't want to go in. He stopped. "This is our home. It's a place where you can comfort you when you feel tired and in a bad mood. I I don't know what you are afraid of? "

'S home is a very warm place in Chen Ge's memory, but it may not be the case in my heart. As soon as I enter the house, the night will come, and it will be bright only when I leave the house.

Chen Ge is unclear why he sees this impression. Although he has no father, he has a mother who loves her very much.

Seeing Chen Ge still standing in the same place, the man didn't force him: "At least after I cook, you come in and eat."

He sighed softly and entered the kitchen. It didn't take long for the sound of tableware and chopsticks to suddenly fall from the house. Chen Ge's father seemed to have fallen.

Instinctively stepped into the room, Chen Ge ran directly over, the man leaned against the wall, covering his stomach, and the ground was broken pieces of porcelain.

"The medicine, the medicine is in the coat pocket."

Chen Ge hurried over to find a small bottle of medicine. The label on the bottle was torn off, and he couldn't see what medicine it was.

"I'll cook, you have a good rest." Chen Ge lifted the man, Luo Ruoyu looked at the kitchen door, his eyes full of worry.

After cooking, Chen Ge returned Luo Ruoyu to her room, covered her quilt, and poured two cups of hot water into her father's bedroom.

Closed the door, Chen Ge put the drinking glass on the bedside table, and moved a chair to sit beside his father's bed.

He grabbed his father's hand and looked at the weak, tired man on the bed.

In his impression, his father is a mysterious, cheerful, very interesting, knows many things, and can solve any difficulty.

The tall back figure has been standing in front of himself, sheltering himself from the wind and rain. He never thought that one day the figure would be so weak lying on the bed.

The pain from his abdomen made his body curl, and he bowed his back. He seemed unwilling to let Chen Ge see himself like this.

"For more than 20 years, we have never talked like this. Life urges me to keep moving forward. I am accustomed to everything. Until the day you left, I did not know that my so-called independence is just a kind of independence in life skills. . ”Many of Chen Ge ’s words were buried in the bottom of her heart and she could not speak to others.

"What are you talking about?" The man's face was pale, he leaned on the pillow, hesitated for a long time, it seemed that he wanted to say something to Chen Ge, but in the end he didn't say it, but just made a joke casually: "Who do you learn from?" Cooking? The taste is very good. "

"Perhaps the inherited gene is better." Chen Ge handed hot water to his father: "What medicine did you just take?"

"Healing the stomach is not a problem."

"It's better to get sick as soon as possible. I don't have to manage it at home. I will take care of Ruoyu."

The man in front of him is Chen Ge's own memory. Now he seems to be calming down to talk to the "father" in a special way.

Chatted for a long time, and solved all misunderstandings.

In the middle, Chen Ge was worried about the man's body and hoped that he would take a rest early, but the man stubbornly kept Chen Ge beside him, constantly explaining his responsibilities as the head of the family.

The most common sentence he said was, take care of yourself and take care of your sister.

When the day was about to dawn, the heavy rain stopped and Chen Ge walked to the door again, but before he walked out of the room, there was a sound in his father's bedroom.

He hurried over and found that the man was sitting neatly by the bed, covering his stomach with one hand, and rummaging through the drawer with the other.

"Don't go to work today." Chen Ge helped him find the medicine and looked at the blue-black blood vessels on the back of his hand. It was not a disease, it was a curse, a womb, and Yu Jian cursed Chen Ge's memory.

'S increasingly weak father is because they are fooling around. They should be prepared to start with all those who love Chen Ge deeply, so Chen Ge also feels despair.

Flipped through the comic book, Chen Ge tried to call out the names one by one, and a small bloodshot appeared on the comic book.

"I need more time."

Men let men rest at home, Chen Ge took his backpack to school.

Entered the school gate, he did not feel anything wrong, this day is like usual.

Came to the classroom, many students have already arrived, some began to preview today's class, some are memorizing words, and some people are taking the time to make up for their homework.

Chen Ge sat in his place, he glanced aside, Du Ming lowered his head to modify something, and his desk near Chen Ge neatly arranged the work of various subjects.

Du Ming didn't talk to Chen Ge, but the meaning he wanted to express was obvious-what he needed to copy.

Compared to Du Ming who was a child, Chen Ge is a thousand years of fox and fairy. He knows that Du Ming has been paying attention to himself.

What happened to this guy? Why didn't he stop talking to me suddenly? Is he the source of the rumors?

Although Du Ming in his memory is a kind of selfish person, he never spreads rumors. He has no interest in gossip. He might as well spend more time spreading rumors.

Don't look at this little fat man's mouth is broken, but it is a school bully who has never dropped out of the top ten in his grades. He has little entertainment time and is very self-disciplined.

Chen Ge didn't touch Du Ming's homework, took out the English textbook, and looked at it against the homework.

"Make the multiple choice question first, it would be nice if the pen fairy was there."

The third session in the morning is English class. When Zhang Ya entered the classroom, many students in the class immediately began to whisper.

Rumors and malicious slander did not affect Zhang Ya's state, she was still as usual.

In the fourth lesson, Chen Ge was listening to the lesson suddenly, and suddenly received a call.

The person who called was his father's colleague, and the other party said that his father suddenly fainted and was hospitalized, so he hurried over.

As the eldest son of the family, Chen Ge explained to the teacher briefly, then hurriedly left the school and rushed to the hospital in Liwan Town.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Chen Ge's father is still in a coma: "Doctor, what's wrong with my dad?"

"We are examining, you are restless, please sit outside and wait, do not affect the patient."

Chen Ge was driven out of the ward by the doctor. He was kept on a bench outside the hospital. A footstep appeared again in the corridor more than ten minutes later.

"Chen Ge, what did the doctor say?" Zhang Ya also rushed to the hospital. She knew Chen Ge's family and was Chen Ge's class teacher, so she thought she should come over at this time.

Seeing Zhang Ya coming, Chen Ge felt a little relieved: "I am checking, I guess the medical level of the town hospital, even if what is checked out, they can't treat it."

Through the window on the ward, Chen Ge saw his father's black and cyan arm, and the black particles representing the curse had spread widely.

"If there is any need for my help, just say it." Zhang Ya handed the lunch box to Chen Ge: "I have no classes in the afternoon, you will go back first, I will stay here, if something happens, I will be the first inform you."

"Let me stay here, I have a bad hunch." Chen Ge and Zhang Ya didn't go to school in the afternoon. When it was getting dark, Chen Ge's father was awake and his condition was very poor.

"Leave it to me at home, you should take good care of it." Chen Ge shouted the name of the red high-heeled shoes in his heart, but no response was received, but a thin bloodshot appeared on the page where the red high-heeled shoes were hidden in the comic book.

Employees are about to break free, Chen Ge holds his father's hand, and his mood at this time few people can understand.

When all the red clothes appeared, he was able to return to reality when the world was broken, and he would lose everything he has now.

After dark, Chen Ge returned home, he had just entered the corridor, Luo Ruoyu heard the footsteps, and ran over to open the door.

No matter how tired or uncomfortable, when you go home, the light is on and someone will help you open the door. This is the simplest happiness.

"Brother, brother ..."

"Daddy stayed outside these days and will not come back for a while. Brother will cook for you, OK?"

Luo Ruoyu didn't understand what hospitalization meant, she just saw Chen Ge very happy.

Entered the house, Chen Ge cooked the meal and served it to the table, but Luo Ruoyu didn't go to eat it.

"What's the matter? Is it unpleasant?"

"Dad, dad?" Luo Ruoyu held the bowl and wanted to wait for Chen Ge's father to come back and eat together.

"He is ill and needs to be hospitalized, and he will come back in a few days." Chen Ge sat on the other side of the table, and the cabin with only two people seemed a bit deserted.

He was sitting at the place where his father used to sit. Maybe when he didn't go home, the two of them in the house ate like this.

"How about Dad ..." Luo Ruoyu hugged the bowl, still staring at Chen Ge, she kept repeating the inquiry, it seemed that she was about to cry.

The blind explanation did not appease Luo Ruoyu. Chen Ge called his father's phone and placed the phone in Luo Ruoyu's ear.

Heard the father's voice, and the little girl was happy now.

Chen Ge put the mobile phone on the table, Luo Ruoyu finally began to eat.

Listening to the occasional coughing of his father in the mobile phone, Chen Ge did not touch the food on the table. He silently looked at Luo Ruoyu and the slightly deserted old house.

"The owner of this house is my father. If he leaves one day, I will help him take care of everything. Think about it, this old house is like the horror house in the western suburbs." Chen Ge suddenly realized that Luo Ruoyu was at the door at this time The significance of the post-world existence, Luo Ruoyu was the first ghost in Chen Ge's memory to accompany him. This sister actually represents a family other than parents, and represents those employees in Chen Ge's memory who can't give up.

"In order to take care of Luo Ruoyu, I won't fall down easily."

After coaxing Luo Ruoyu to fall asleep, Chen Ge stayed in the room. As soon as he opened the door, he would arrive the next day. In order to delay the time as much as possible, he did not go anywhere.

Manuals in the comic book are growing, and the rain outside the window is getting bigger and bigger.

After dawn, Chen Ge came to the school with a bag, and the strange eyes around him began to increase.

He doesn't care about these, and rumors and language attacks alone can't make his emotions fluctuate.

Come to the classroom, Chen Ge finds that Du Ming's condition is getting worse and worse, with dark circles on his face, chapped lips, and always dare not look at Chen Ge's eyes.

Chen Ge still didn't copy Du Ming's homework. He knew that Du Ming seemed to have something hidden in his mind. He would still talk to Du Ming during the break, but Du Ming's reaction was very strange. He seemed to even talk to Chen Ge Speaking must make a certain determination.

"Did you encounter something?" Chen Ge didn't think Du Ming would spread rumors, but he thought Du Ming might know something.

After school at noon, Chen Ge first went to the hospital to buy a good meal for his father, and then sold two meals outside to take back to Luo Ruoyu.

He couldn't go home, so he gave Luo Ruoyu the door. The brother and sister sat in the corridor. Chen Ge told Luo Ruoyu while he was eating.

With more contacts, Chen Ge is more certain that Luo Ruoyu's existence is actually referring to the staff of the haunted house. She initially only stayed in the house and would never take a half step, but with the help of Chen Ge, she began to choose In contact with the outside world, I breathed the air outside the house.

Watching Luo Ruoyu finish his meal, Chen Ge returned to school. He occasionally sent a few messages with Zhang Ya. There was always a lot of talk between the two, and he would never be bored.

After returning home at night, Chen Ge began to teach Luo Ruoyu to tidy up the room, as well as some other basic life skills.

What ordinary people can easily do is very difficult for Luo Ruoyu. She can't control her body, and she can't understand many words, so she needs to say it repeatedly.

Teached for a long time, but the gains are not big, but even so, Chen Ge will continue to praise Luo Ruoyu.

Alternating day and night, such days have passed for several days in a row, Chen Ge has never closed his eyes, and his mental state seems to have reached the limit.

On the ninth morning when Chen Ge entered the world behind the door, a few pages of the comic book in his backpack were finally stained with blood, and he finally got in touch with the employees.

"The final contest should start."

Carried the backpack and pushed open the door, and the gray sky pressed against his head, as if he could reach it with his hand.

Not only the school, the neighbors also began to look at Chen Ge and Luo Ruoyu with the same eyes, and the rumors had spread.

Came to school, today's first class is English, Chen Ge prepared early.

These days Du Ming hasn't said anything to him, the little fat man who had broken his mouth has become silent.

He no longer communicates with anyone, his face is getting worse and worse, as if he is seriously ill, and his academic performance has also been affected. Yesterday's small test he stepped back by ten.

"Do you need any help?" Chen Ge explored Liwan Town in the past nine days. Although he didn't find Yu Jian, he could guess where Yu Jian was hiding through various clues.

This match actually started from the moment he entered the world after he entered the world.

Lying on the table, Du Ming accidentally exposed the bruises under his long sleeves. He seemed more tired than Chen Ge.

"Your family hit you? Because of your academic performance?" Chen Ge's voice was very low, but Du Ming heard clearly. He clenched his hands tightly, then slowly released it, and finally buried his face in the textbook.

The morning class started, and only half of the first class was held. Chen Ge and the students in the class heard the quarrel in the corridor.

The voice seemed to come from the office, saying that it was a quarrel, in fact, it was more a woman shouting loudly.

Hearing this voice, Du Ming's complexion worsened, and he looked very painful.

Has some self-blame, a little embarrassing, but more of an unspeakable emotion.

By the end of the class, Chen Ge immediately carried the bag and prepared to go. When he left the seat, Du Ming suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

"what happened?"

"I'm sorry." Du Ming released his hand after he finished speaking. Chen Ge actually guessed a rough idea. He took a deep breath and ran out of the classroom.

The door of the office seemed to be locked. Chen Ge pushed away the students lying on both sides of the window and looked in through the window on the door.

Four students' parents were pointing at a female teacher to reprimand them.

Director Shi explained constantly that he promised to take it seriously.

Noisy in the office, the students outside the office watched with interest, the onlookers were all reveling, only Chen Ge stared at the female teacher silently.

Unfounded accusations, unprovoked accusations, more and more outrageous rumors.

Chen Ge wanted to take out the skull-breaking hammer and rushed in, but he didn't do that. What if he really happened in reality?

If it happens to a child as big as him, what can he do at this time?

In fact, he can't do anything. He can only stand outside and watch. Any excessive actions will make things worse.

"Has Yu Jian ever been so helpless?"

"Being parasitized by the unborn child, he has a more terrible ability than me. He can kill everyone in the house, but he did not do that."

"Ming Fei must be constantly instigating him to make him an abomination to all evils, but he violated the will of Ming Fei, and the difference between him and Ming Fei should reach the apex at this moment."

The more students gathered, the more the teacher in the office finally compromised.

The door of the office was opened, and the parent who walked at the front was a middle-aged woman. She looked stern, and her face was still angry.

When she walked out of the office, she just saw Chen Ge, and her anger suddenly rushed to the top of her head. She was about to attack. The female teacher who had been reprimanded by them came over ~ www.readwn.com ~ stood with her and Chen Ge intermediate.

"Anything has nothing to do with the students." The female teacher seldom talked, but she was very determined. She refused to let her go in one step, which was completely different from her usual gentle appearance.

The woman scolded another ugly word, which was pulled away by other parents. Several parents left the school in the company of Director Shi.

"Go back to class, don't stand here." The female teacher told the students to leave, she finally looked at Chen Ge again, and said softly, "Go back to class too."

"Talk at noon." Chen Ge said three words and waited until the crowd dispersed before leaving the female teacher.

He returned to the classroom, Du Ming was lying on the table and pretending to sleep.

"Du Ming, why did your mother come to school?"

Du Ming, who was lying on the table, did not speak, but could only hear his heavy breath.

"She seems to have counted all the wrong things, and it is actually Mr. Zhang. The person who made the mistake is me." Chen Ge held the pen in her hand and her voice grew louder.

"I am the one who influences your study. I am asking you to borrow your homework. Every day I find you and the person who delays your study is me."

"The whole grade is watching, everyone is accusing Teacher Zhang, but the person who did the wrong thing is me!"

"Don't talk about it!" Du Ming finally opened his mouth, he was very emotional, and seemed to be even sadder than Chen Ge. .

Seeing Du Ming like this, Chen Ge did not want to continue to stimulate him, just said the last sentence: "We are so close, no one has friends, and the only person in the class who can chat is the other party, so you are actually me The only friend. "

Hearing Chen Ge's words, Du Ming was as painful as asthma.

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