The passage is very long. The walls on both sides are painted with white paint. Every few meters, you can see a rusty iron door with a yellow seal on the door. It seems that it has been a few years.

"I haven't noticed the first few times I came in. This seems to be the passageway for the corpses."

Some medical schools have special passages for transporting corpses. This special passage is generally underground, and the ground is flat to facilitate the trolley. Another obvious feature is that the wall will be painted with a layer of white paint. Extra decoration.

"Don't read it, hurry and go to the warehouse." Liu Xianxian pulled Ma Ying's arm and took the phone into the right channel.

On the left is a corpse, and on the right is a general warehouse where various debris and obsolete equipment are placed.

The two walked along the passage for a long time. When Ma Ying suddenly heard footsteps behind her, she stopped quickly and used her mobile phone to look behind her.

"Xiaoying? What's wrong with you?"

"Someone seems to be following us." Ma Ying was not too sure. When she listened carefully, the footsteps seemed to disappear again.

"Did you hear it wrong?" Liu Xianxian squeezed an ugly smile on her face, and smiled when facing fear. This has become her habit.

"Besides the advanced warehouse, there is no place to hide in this passage."

Speeding up, Ma Ying and Liu Xianxian quickly walked to the first corner, where there was a scarred wooden door.

The lock is badly damaged, and various black nicks remain on the door panel. The most inexplicable thing is that the door was written by someone who didn't know who wrote the word Paradise.

"Strange, when I last left, I clearly remembered to close the door."

The door was half open, as if someone had entered before they left.

"Be careful." Ma Ying opened the wooden door with both hands. She stopped at the door and did not go in for the first time.

The girl seemed to be careless, but she was fine and fine. She picked up her phone and took it to the house. She scanned the rows of shelves and found nothing abnormal.

"This time we two are together, don't act separately." Ma Ying took care of Liu Xianxian and walked ahead.

The teaching building has been banned for many years. This warehouse should be reasonable that no one has been in for a long time, but the strange thing is that there is very little dust inside, as if someone will come in to clean it every once in a while.

Most of the debris in the entire Jiujiang Forensic Medical College is piled up here. It is packed with all kinds of strange things.

There are various bottles and cans on the shelves, some of which are still filled with a thick orange-red liquid, which seems to have preserved organ specimens before.

There are many things like this. If ordinary people come in, they may be scared and turn their heads away, but as forensic students, Ma Ying and Liu Xianxian are not terrible.

Walking through the middle of the shelf, it was messy. There were fire extinguishers, broken photocopiers and computers in the corners. Tables, chairs and benches were stacked together. Drawers were filled with various messy reports. There were some broken sports thrown in the gaps between chairs equipment.

Going further, there are costumes not used by the drama club, and the art club uses a lot of useless artboards and easels.

When Jiujiang Medical University moved to the new campus, most of the waste products cleaned up were piled up here, and it was packed.

"I have inquired with the instructors of the new campus. Before Jiujiang Medical University moved away, there were several clubs that handed over things that were difficult to carry and did not want to throw to the school. The school put all those things underground to save trouble. The warehouse. "Ma Ying walked alone in front of her. She started to rummage through a pile of debris with her mobile phone:" The only thing we can use for sculpture in the medical school is the art club. Tonight we will focus on finding this area. "

Only a few steps away, Ma Ying found Liu Xianxian still stunned: "What's wrong with you?"

"Look at that."

Liu Xianxian pointed at the computer in the corner, and the plug behind the monitor was now plugged into the wall socket: "I found the plug was plugged into the socket last time I came in. I was worried that the short circuit caused a fire and pulled it down. This plug is now plugged into the socket again. "

"It seems that someone came in, would it be a thief?"

"The thief shouldn't be bored to run here to play the computer? Besides, this computer is a model that was eliminated a few years ago. It is estimated that it is no longer available." Liu Xianxian pressed the display switch. After a while, she was surprised. Something happened, the display turned on normally.

Cold light appeared on the screen, and the picture seemed to be stuck, and it could not be loaded all the time.

"Leave it alone, find something first, even if someone comes in, it will have no effect on us." Ma Ying turned and left, ran to the place where the artboards and easels were stacked, and moved those amateurish paintings to the side, looking for possibilities Existing sculpture.

Liu Xianxian was standing still. She looked at the computer screen and did not know whether it was a fault or what the cause was. The outline of a person could be seen faintly on the screen.

She leaned over to the front of the screen, and the silhouette of the man gradually became clearer, as if he were a man with a bald head and a swollen face that was normal.

"Liu Xian, come to help!" Ma Ying shouted and she held a heavy easel.

"Okay." Liu Xianxian unplugged the latch and walked to Ma Ying's side, holding the easel side.

The two joined forces to move away several easels that were blocking the road, and behind them stood a wooden cabinet against the wall.

"There is probably something hidden in this cabinet." Ma Ying said and went to open the door, but when her fingertips just touched the cabinet door, she immediately retracted it again.

"what happened?"

"There seems to be something on it." Ma Ying rubbed her fingers and sniffed under her nose. "How could there be formalin on the cabinet door handle?"

There is formalin on the outside stairs ~ ~ can also be explained as someone accidentally spilled it, but there is formalin on the cabinet door behind the easel, which is too strange.

"Is there a general teacher hidden in the cabinet?"

Ma Ying's heartbeat accelerated and felt that her breathing was not smooth. She made sufficient psychological preparations and opened a gap in the cabinet door.

Looking down the gap, there was no corpse in the cabinet, only a few paintings.

With a sigh of relief, Ma Ying took out the paintings, but when she saw the content in the paintings, her heart grabbed fiercely.

The painting is somewhat abstract, describing the scene of medical students dissecting the corpse, but the strange thing is that the painting was drawn from the perspective of the corpse.

Lying on the cold table, looking at the tightly wrapped medical student next to him, looking at the knife in his hand, and finally looking at his body.

The whole painting contains a special emotion, which is an envy of life, envy of delicate and elastic skin, envy of flexible limbs, envy of him to have everything, rather than lying on the test bench. .

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