I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 502: Murder Cases for Dress Up Games

Fan Cong's mood is very unstable, obviously it was greatly stimulated: "Boss Chen, that game is really too desperate. Every time when Xiao Bu dies, I feel that she is looking at me as if it was my own hands Killed her the same. "

Slowing his breath, Fan Cong took out his mobile phone: "Every time I clear an end, I will record the process and change the options next time to try a new end."

Swipe the screen, Fan Cong clicks on the mobile phone note, and the words on it are densely packed: "After unlocking all the achievements of this dress-up game, the system rewarded me with a" mother's pajamas ". The dungeon key was found in the pajamas and also found After the key, the name of the protagonist of the game becomes Xiao Bu. "

"The dungeon entrance is hidden behind the closet of the classmate's house. After using the key, the style of the game in the healing department has changed. I have told you what happened next."

"I controlled Xiaobu to walk out of the ground and saw a station. In order to avoid the Red Shadow monster, I was forced to take a bus."

The top part of the note is not very different from what Fan Cong said before.

"The bus quickly started and was driving on the highway."

"The little cloth in mother ’s pajamas will walk back and forth in the bus, and not long after, the children ’s crying came out in the game. After listening for a while, two options will appear on the screen: find the source of the crying and Ask the driver. "

"My first choice was to ask the driver, but when I came to the cab, I found that there was no one above the bus, and there was no driver at all."

"The crying is getting louder and louder, it doesn't feel like it's coming from the computer, it just sounds in my head."

"The bus quickly reached the first stop, Liwan Town, and a line of words appeared on the screen: I will leave this place quickly."

"I manipulated Xiaobu to leave the bus. After I got off the bus, I looked at the bus. A horrifying scene appeared. The window of the car was full of faces. They were all looking at me across the computer screen."

"Wait for me to react, a red shadow on the platform ran over, the horror woman in a red raincoat."

"In order to avoid her chasing, I ran into the nearby Liwan Town."

"This town is a town where the protagonist of the dress-up game is doing tasks everywhere. The architectural layout is the same, but the style is completely different, from cheerful, warm and full of sunshine, to a gloomy, gray, full of uneasiness and strangeness."

"The red raincoat chased behind me, and I controlled Xiaobu to run on the street. From time to time, the word" help "popped up under the screen, but no one in the town came out."

"In the end I was forced into a dilapidated family building with nowhere to escape."

"The red raincoat is getting closer and closer, and her face on the screen is constantly zooming in, slowly occupying the entire screen."

"The black hair sticking together separated to the sides, and the red raincoat showed her true face. Her eyes were covered with blood, her mouth was sewn, and she looked extremely emaciated."

"There was a terrible laugh from the computer, and a line of small cloth appeared on the screen to become her new child."

"Xiaobu's head was wrapped in red raincoat hair, and I could no longer control the Xiaobu."

Fan Cong took a deep breath after speaking, the game screen was too depressing, and it seemed to make him feel uncomfortable in retrospect.

"Is this one of the bad endings?" Chen Ge handed a bottle of water from the staff to Fan Cong.

"Compared to other endings, this is the best one." Fan Cong didn't pick up the bottle of water, his face was pale, and he continued to talk about several other endings.

"After the small cloth was taken away by the red raincoat, the screen went black, and there were crying and laughter of children from the computer. A line of grey and white fonts appeared after a moment. Why did you kill me?"

"That font is like the child's numb and desperate eyes. It looks very disturbing. After a long time, the font dissipates, the screen returns to normal, and Xiao Bu wears his mother's pajamas and still lies in his room."

Fan Cong said here, Chen Ge raised his hand and interrupted: "Lying in his room? That is to say, after the character's death, the file reading location is his room."

"Yes, she was lying on the bed, as if everything she had just experienced was just a nightmare. The sun was still shining outside the window. People worked hard and said hello to each other." Fan Cong did not find it strange: "The game started again. I also controlled Xiaobu to enter the dungeon of the classmates' house and got on the bus, but this time I made a different choice from the previous one. "

"You chose to find the cry of the child in the car?" Unlike the eastern suburbs and the western suburbs, all the horror scenes and strange talks seem to be connected by something, forming a whole, moving the whole body together, not rashly, So Chen Ge only wrote down Fan Cong's words, he felt that there were important clues hidden in the game.

"Yes, I controlled Xiaobu to the last row of the bus and saw a worn schoolbag. At this time, a sentence popped out under the screen. Xiaobu found a mobile phone in the schoolbag. The cloth in the game will When the phone opened, a few words appeared in the dialog box. It seemed that Xiao Bu had read the content on the phone screen. "

"Is there a mobile phone in the schoolbag in the last row? What did the phone say?" Chen Ge remembered what Xiao Gu said last night. He saw a high school student on the last bus on the 104th bus, and the high school student was holding the schoolbag Sitting in the last row, his hand was always stretched out in his schoolbag, as if holding something.

"I have written it down. These few sentences are also the reason why I came to you today, because I think this may have been out of the category of the game, and there is definitely a homicide that happened in reality." Fan Cong himself The phone was delivered to Chen Ge, and there were three sentences written on the note.

"On September 1st, my mother and I moved into a new apartment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The neighbor is a young man living alone. He has a big dog and looks very docile, called Xiaobu."

"On September 7th, when I came back from the Internet, I saw my neighbor walking downstairs with a **** bag. He looked sad and said that the pet that had been raised for so many years left him like this, and the dog seemed to eat The unclean thing died at home. "

"At the end of October, the neighbor moved away. The landlord found a refrigerator full of dog meat in the neighbor's refrigerator. When Xiaobu died, the neighbor must be sad."

At first glance, these three sentences are fine, but after reading them carefully, you can find the problem. The neighbor looked sadly holding a **** bag downstairs, saying that his pet was dead, but the landlord later found it full in the refrigerator. Full of dog meat in a refrigerator, what exactly was in the black bag seen by the cell phone owner on the night of September 7?

Fan Cong's finger continued to slide down the screen: "I checked the news bulletin of Jiujiang last September, when a similar homicide did occur at that time, and the location of the homicide occurred in the town of Liwan as mentioned in the game."

PS: Happy New Year! At six o'clock tonight, the air conditioner prepared a wave of red envelopes for everyone. Pay attention to the public account "I will repair the air conditioner". Other similar ones are pirated, there is one more at night

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