I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 512: Doll in the house

"Half of the construction of the community was stopped, the lines were not completed, and it was impossible to send electricity. What is the light in the building?"

The four buildings stand in the center of the community. The light vaguely oozing out of the building is like slightly opened eyes, staring at the living people close by with bad intentions.

"Chen Ge, don't be too far away from us, always be vigilant!" Li Zheng shouted when Chen Ge didn't come over.

"Understood." Chen Ge knew that Li Zheng was worried about himself, and quickly walked over to him: "I just feel a little strange, there is no electricity in the building, why do individual rooms shine?"

"There are many reasons. It may be the moonlight reflected from the windows, or it may be that the tramp regards the building as his own home. No matter what the reason is, you must be careful when entering this building that has been idle for many years." Li Zheng seems to have What a bad memory: "Abandoned warehouses, factories, and buildings on the outskirts of the city can easily become places for criminals to hide. There are also some crazy people who are keen to try various mysterious ceremonies. The more desolate the place, the more they like it. In a case I was previously responsible for, the murderer stole the body of the hospital, dreaming of being able to summon the mythological ghost, and finally we captured it in a smelly sewer in the suburbs. "

"Summon a ghost in the sewer? Has he considered the ghost's feeling in this way?"

Chen Ge ’s answer made Li Zheng, who wanted to say something, suddenly do n’t know what to say: “You ’re sometimes really unpredictable. Forget it, I do n’t talk to you so much, you Just know that it is dangerous. "

The Mingyang community is very large, and four unbuilt buildings stand in front of it, as if four tombstones with names are written on them.

The night wind blew through, the trees and trees swayed, the leaves rustled, and standing upstairs looked up, which made people feel very uncomfortable, as if the four buildings would collapse at any time, burying everything in the community.

"Otherwise, let's go to the place where the light shines first?" Li Zheng proposed: "The light closest to us is on the left corner of the second floor of Building 1. If there is a way down, I suggest we go to see what the light is. . "

"Shun Road, Room 104 is on the 10th floor. Before going upstairs, we can check all the rooms along the way, maybe we can find any useful clues." Tian Lei knows the Mingyang community very well. He was responsible for the owners of the community. thing.

"Room 104 is on the tenth floor? How are their room numbers arranged?"

"The first two digits are floors, the third digit is the room number on the same floor, and 104 represents the fourth room on the tenth floor." Tian Lei explained to Chen Ge.

"But there are four buildings here. Does that mean there are four rooms 104?"

"The four rooms on the tenth floor of Building One are numbered one to four, and the tenth floors of Building Two are numbered five to eight, so there is no such situation as you said."

"The room numbers of different buildings are all connected together?" Chen Ge was just curious, but what Tian Lei said made him have some ideas: "Why should the designers of the community design like this?"

"It is said that it was the investor's request. They were originally planning to build a corridor bridge at high altitude, connecting the four buildings into a whole, turning Mingyang District into a landmark building in Jiujiang, but unfortunately, there have been accidents before several investors have been built. . "

"You two whisper, prepare to enter the building." Yan team was the first to enter the dark corridor with a police flashlight.

"Make the four buildings as a whole?" Chen Ge took this sentence into his mind. The deaths of the few investors were unclear. The whole thing must have some hidden meaning.

After entering the corridor, I can obviously feel that the temperature has dropped a lot, there is a cold in the air, and every breath is like someone blowing a cool breath on the apex of my heart.

There are many rivers passing through the eastern suburbs of Jiujiang. This place is relatively humid compared with other places in Jiujiang. Moss and mildew spots grow on the corners of the wall. The wall is wrinkled and the fingers are crossed. It can easily tear off a large piece.

"The light seen outside came from this room." Several people came to the left corner of the second floor and looked at one of the rooms.

"Li Zheng, go inside and see, Tian Lei pays attention to respond."

"it is good."

"Roger that."

None of the three policemen carried guns and batons, so they were very cautious.

Li Zheng entered the house with a flashlight in one hand, some strange patterns were painted on the walls, and various kinds of garbage were thrown on the ground. The presence of these things indicates that someone has lived in this room for a long time.

"Boo!" There was a soft sound from the bedroom, and a wine bottle was knocked over.

"Come out! I am Li Zheng, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Branch! Please come out of the room immediately and cooperate with the investigation!" Li Zheng shone a flashlight towards the room. After a long time, a ragged tramp came out.

He looked about sixty years old with hair and beard growing together, wearing a ripped sweater inside and a rotten coat outside.

Even if he wore it like this, he still seemed cold, wearing an off-line hat and a pair of fingerless gloves.

"Name, age, why are they here?" It may be that Li Zheng's uniform played a role, and the homeless did not resist, acting very honestly.

"My surname is Zheng, the name is not remembered, and my family ranks seventh." It seems that because of the few conversations with people, the homeless man speaks very slowly: "I just want to find a place to shelter from the rain. It ’s also empty. If you do n’t let me live, I ’ll leave immediately. ”

"Li Zheng, put down the flashlight." Yan team walked into the house and stared at the man for a while: "It's so hot, you are wrapped in so many clothes, is it uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable, I'm cold." Judging by the homeless man's answer just now, he has a clear line of thought, and he should have no mental problems, but he wears much thicker than normal people, as if he had already advanced Moon enters the same winter.

"Cold?" Yan team glanced at the bedroom where the tramp came out: "Standing against the wall, we will not hurt you, but for safety reasons, I advise you not to live alone in this place, Jiujiang has a special At the rescue station, you can go there for help ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yan team finished, and took a step forward, the wandering Han suddenly became nervous.

"Are you afraid?" Yan team looked away from the tramp's face and suddenly accelerated into the next bedroom.

"Don't go!" The homeless wanted to stop it too late. Li Zheng and Tian Lei stopped him: "Don't go in! You will die!"

"Be quiet!"

The tramp shouted and panicked, but he had no ability to stop Yan and Chen Ge.

The bedroom is not large and emits an unpleasant odor, and some broken doll toys are stacked in the center of the house.

"They weren't the ones I killed. I just accidentally saw them. I didn't kill anyone." The homeless man seemed to be going crazy suddenly, and began to struggle desperately: "I didn't kill anyone! It's not me!"

"These are all puppet toys. Of course we know you didn't kill. Honestly." Tian Lei sucked his breath when he pressed the tramp against the wall and turned to look at the pile of broken dolls.

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