I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 778: 3rd floor

Compared with oil canvas, oil painting paper is cheaper and easier to handle, suitable for daily training for novices.

But oil painting is a special kind of painting. Art students usually have a certain art foundation before they can start to create oil paintings. At this time, most of them are not interested in primary painting materials such as oil painting paper, so when Chen Ge saw the painting on the easel When he was painting on paper, he had some doubts in his heart. Who was he who created this work?

Chen Ge University is studying toy design and manufacturing, and has taken some courses related to art and appreciation. He can see some ways from the other party's simple composition. The person who painted this picture is definitely not a novice.

"He seems to be constantly trying to express something." Chen Ge's finger slipped across the paper, half of the paper was rough, the lower half was smooth, and the touch was completely different: "Why did he have to paint oil painting? Is it? Because oil painting can better express his meaning? "

Two upside-down wards, two patients with the same appearance, can't see any problem in the composition of the picture. Only when they are touched by hand will they find that the materials on the upper and lower parts of the drawing paper are not the same.

"This is an oil painting. Do I need to apply paint on it to see the difference?"

With a try mentality, Chen Ge opened the white cloth on the shelf and prepared to choose the paint.

The shelves are large. The paints here are different from those sold in the store. They are all packed in glass cups without any trademarks and instructions

"Why ... only red?"

Looking at the rows of glasses, Chen Ge froze in place, and there were all kinds of red on the shelves, but there was no other color except red.

Reaching to unscrew the cup lid, a faint **** smell flew out, Chen Ge can be sure that this is definitely not the smell that oil paint can emit.

"Just use it."

Chen Ge took the paintbrush on the easel and smeared the red liquid in the cup on the oil painting paper.

On the first stroke, Chen Ge noticed a problem.

There seems to be an invisible dividing line in the middle of this paper. The dye in the cup only left a light red mark on the upper part of the drawing paper, but it left a deep red, scary like scar on the lower part. Handwriting.

After a few strokes, the picture on the easel changed.

The upper part seems to be just a ward with light red lights on, but the lower part seems to be soaked in blood.

The patients in the painting have exactly the same expression, but the feeling is very different.

One looked ordinary, with a slightly dazed expression, and the other was covered in blood, with hatred and resentment condensed on his face.

"Is this picture mapping the world behind the door? Or is it something else?"

After a few seconds, Chen Ge saw another more magical scene.

On the painting paper with special material, the upper part of the painting is slowly fading, while the lower part of the painting is getting darker, as if the upper half of the painting dumped all the blood into the lower half.

"Isn't the world inside and outside the door like this? The despair in reality keeps pouring into the world after entry, one purifies oneself, the other keeps becoming more desperate."

Chen Ge looked at it more and more and felt that the painting was related to the door. He tried to remove the painting, but he only demolished it in half, and suddenly heard a knock on the door outside.

"That thing is coming?"

Khan Mao stood up instantly, Chen Ge decisively gave up taking the picture, he followed the scrapped piece of paper from the ground, and trot to the window.

Chen Ge had seen it outside before entering this building. All windows in this building were not equipped with anti-theft nets.

Opening the thick gray-black curtains, Chen Ge pushed open the window, just preparing to climb out, and suddenly saw a person standing under the building.

The other party's head was down, wearing leather shoes, tall and thin, and the state was very abnormal.

"Teacher Bai?"

Teacher Bai, who was originally in the boys' apartment, didn't know why he appeared around the experiment building. He seemed to be looking for something.

Chen Ge's body that was about to turn out was back again, and he drew the curtain with fear, "Almost found!"

Looking out the gap of the curtains, Teacher Bai wandered around the experiment building. He seemed to hesitate to enter the experiment building.

"Jumping from here, just fell on his face, what can I do?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of knocking on the door became hurried, and Chen Ge is now in a dilemma.

His brain was moving fast, but the things outside the door did not intend to give him too much time.

The sound of inserting the key into the keyhole was like a knife piercing Chen Ge's chest. He had no time to hesitate, and the door would be opened the next moment.

"No matter, leave and talk."

Carrying the bag, Chen Ge stepped on the edge of the window.

If you can't jump down, then crawl on both sides.

He checked the timing and moved to the window sill of the next room.

"Hang out, it will be seen by Teacher Bai sooner or later, this position is too conspicuous."

Holding the air conditioner externally with both hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge didn't take a breath, the paint storage room door was opened.

The man in the room seemed to see that the window was not closed and was walking towards it!

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer. At this time, as long as the other party reaches out and looks out the window, Chen Ge will be found.

"Go to the third floor!"

Clenching his teeth, Chen Ge grabbed the window sill on the third floor with both hands, and climbed to the window sill on the third floor without any protective gear.

Just as he climbed the window sill on the third floor, a whitish arm stretched out from the window of the paint storage room on the second floor.

Chen Ge stepped on the slap wide window sill on the third floor and didn't dare to breathe too hard.

Maintaining this posture consumes a lot of energy, and once it is not held firmly, it will fall.

Chen Ge tried to push the window on the third floor, and when he found that it was not locked, he jumped into it decisively.

Before it was too late to check what was in the house, he hid next to the window and watched Teacher Bai secretly.

"Why didn't he leave?"

The third floor is the most dangerous one. The elevator stopped on the third floor at the beginning. When he took the elevator just now, those things in the elevator finally went to the third floor.

Staying in the corner, Chen Ge was motionless. He decided to wait in this room until Teacher Bai left, and then make his next plan.

The night wind blew into the house, and big red curtains floated over his neck. Chen Ge was about to close the window tightly, and suddenly remembered that the curtains on the second floor seemed gray and black.

The body paused for a second, and Chen Ge stepped back a few steps. After moving away from the window, he immediately opened the door and rushed out.

The dark corridor, there is no trace of light, all the laboratory doors on the third floor are open, and some are still making a crunching sound.

Closing the door behind him gently, Chen Ge went directly to the room on the other side of the corridor.

He thought about going out of the window of this room, which happened to be the other side of the building, which could perfectly avoid Teacher Bai.

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