I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 797: A nightmare weaving together

"no problem."

Zhou Tu agreed without hesitation. In his view, the students listened to the teacher's words very normally.

After Zhou Tu ’s affirmative answer, Chen Ge nodded gently. He did n’t need the community to develop so well. He only needed every member to obey the command and cooperate with him.

"It won't take long for you to be thankful for your choice." Chen Ge looked at the lively West Campus: "I have no intention of changing all this, but everyone should have the right to know, after all, this dream is to use all of us The memory is woven out. "

Several students could not understand what Chen Ge was saying, just felt that this teacher was nagging, unlike other teachers.

"Okay, everyone has a mutual understanding, let's start the activities of today's club." Chen Ge motioned several club members to get closer: "Did you hear about any strange talk about our school?"

"Teacher, what do you want to do?" Zhou Tu instinctively produced an unknown hunch that the teacher seemed to be going to a very dangerous thing.

"The name of our society is the Paranormal Research Society, then our community activities must be to study paranormal phenomena, is there anything wrong?" Chen Ge said seriously that even the students didn't believe it.

"That's right, but let's find out if the supernatural phenomenon will be treated by others ..." Zhu Longqian coughed, and he couldn't think of a good adjective: "Also, it's a little late now, if Will it be said to us by other teachers? "

"Take it easy." Chen Ge took out Teacher Bai's teacher qualification certificate and accidentally blocked the photo: "The school will not control, everything is with me."

Chen Tu and Zhu Long relaxed after seeing Chen Ge ’s teacher qualification certificate, but Wang Yicheng still frowned, as if something was in his heart.

"Xiao Wang, what do you want to say? Don't worry about it, after joining the club, we are all a family."

"Mr. Bai, I'm thinking, what should we do if we really see something that we shouldn't see? Is it just a few of us?" Wang Yicheng didn't know that he was scared by the ghost story told by the seniors Or, something in his memory has not been eliminated. In short, when he learned that Chen Ge really wanted to take them to look for supernatural phenomena, his reaction was a bit strange.

"Some things will only be believed if you see them with your own eyes. In addition, don't worry about security issues. Although our community is small, all of them are elites. Besides, I am still there, and everything is under control." Chen Ge said affirmatively. The look is plain and gives a very reliable feeling: "Tell me, what campus weird talks have you heard?"

The square is no longer so lively, most schools have reported to the club, and the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a bit.

"I heard a strange talk, it should be fictitious, but I saw the person." Zhang Ju first said: "When I came to school yesterday, because of my special circumstances, the teacher specially called me to the office and asked me if I needed No help is needed. There was another senior in the office at the time. He kept crying and kept saying the name of a girl. "

"I overheard the conversation between the teacher and him. I learned that the name of the senior student kept talking about him. He was one of his many suitors. On his birthday that day, his suitor asked him to join him in the grove and wanted to talk to him. He confessed that he was rejected. "

"At that time, he didn't think much about it. After going back, he sang and drank with his roommates, and forgot about it."

"But the next day, the school found that the girl was gone, and finally found the girl's body in the woods, the death was miserable."

"The most terrifying thing is that the girl's death time was before meeting with this senior. No one can explain the reason so far. The senior is also under stress because of mental stress and is preparing to suspend school."

Zhang Ju touched his face burned by the fire: "It's gone, I don't know the specific situation. If you want to go to the woods, I can lead the way."

"The girl's death time was before the meeting with the senior, would it be the senior lied? Actually the murderer was him, the girl didn't like him at all?" Chen Ge remembered the girl she saw in the woods of the East Campus, The other party is full of grievances and cannot communicate at all.

"I think the murderer has other people. The girl just wants to meet her beloved again at the last moment of her life, but that person doesn't like her." Zhu Long touched the scar on his arm, that is Wash the scars left by the tattoo.

"Is that a person's name? Can't see it, you are quite romantic." Zhou Tu glanced at Zhu Long's arm, and then looked at Chen Ge again: "Teacher, why don't we go to the wood today? End early, go back to the bedroom early, you see there are not many people in the square. "

"Don't worry, have any of you heard anything strange?"

"I haven't heard of strange talks, but I have seen an interesting paragraph on the Internet." Zhu Long habitually touched the scar on his arm: "Probably the content is that a very simple boy met his favorite girl, He had the courage to confess with the girl that the girl neither agreed immediately nor refused directly, but said that if they could meet again at the same university, they would stay with him forever. "

"The boy's academic performance is very poor, and he is working madly for this agreement, but his foundation is too bad. It is very difficult to enter a good school if he wants to be reborn in just a few months."

Zhu Long said that this expression became a little strange ~ www.readwn.com ~ He may not realize it himself: "But beyond everyone's expectation, the boy finally met with the girl at the same university."

"As long as you are willing to work hard, it is never too late, and this is considered a lover to become a family." Zhang Ju sighed beside him.

After hearing Zhang Ju ’s words, Zhu Long ’s expression was even stranger, and he shook his head: “The girl was admitted to the top medical school in China, and the boy ’s score differed from that school ’s score by 150 points. . "

Hearing the three words of medical school, Chen Ge seemed to understand something, but the other members of the society were still confused.

"So how did he meet the girl?"

"In an anatomy class."

Zhu Long's hand was dug into the meat, but he didn't notice it at all: "The boy was taken out of formalin and placed on the experimental table of the girl. They met at the same university. Do you think the girl will keep it? Promise, to stay with the boy forever? "

'S expression became more and more strange, but Zhu Long didn't realize his abnormality at all.

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