Dark clouds enveloped the city, and the sky seemed to be within reach.

Li Man stood by the window, watching the rain slide down the glass, leaving a trail.

The clock on the wall ticked, and the dull time flowed quietly in the cabin.

"At five thirty, the work is finished." Li Man stretched out, moved the fleshy meat on the window sill into the house, and walked to his desk.

She put the sign with the marriage registration desk on the desk into the drawer and glanced at the large characters on the wall-administration by law and civilized service.

"It's raining so much today that no one should register to get married."

Li Man hummed and started cleaning. The empty marriage registry was the only one. The staff at the divorce registration office had already left work 15 minutes earlier.

"Hello, may I ask for the marriage certificate?" The door was pushed open, and a mature, magnetic male voice came from the door.

The sound is so nice, the person must be very handsome.

Li Man looked up and stood at the door of the marriage registry a man wearing a black raincoat.

He looks ordinary, but he carries an unspeakable temperament.

"Yes, do you ... want to get a marriage certificate?" Li Man looked at the man carefully. She was the first time she saw a man wearing a raincoat and carrying a heavy mountaineering bag to get a marriage certificate.

"Well, I made an appointment online to apply today."

"Let me check, what is your name?"

"Chen Ge."

Li Man entered the word Chen Ge in the computer, and really saw his appointment application: "I am going to get off work, we have a quick decision, have you brought everything? Both the male and female hukou, ID card, and you The two have no direct relationship between the direct blood relatives and the three generations of collateral blood relatives. "

"All brought." The man opened the backpack and began rummaging through it.

Li Man vaguely heard a cat meow, and she looked at the man's backpack with some curiosity.

The bag was stuffed with repeaters, comic books, rag dolls, ballpoint pens, and a big white cat.

"Trouble you." The man handed two hukou books and two ID cards to Li Man: "Everything is here. I have seen the woman's family and they are very satisfied with me."

"It seems that you have made a lot of preparations." When Li Man finished registering the information of the man and started to register the information of the woman, she suddenly found that the magnetic stripe on the ID card was no longer available. She looked at the name on the woman's ID card Suddenly realized one thing.

The man in front of him came to register the marriage, prepared all the materials, and even brought a cat, but he did not see his girlfriend.

"Wait a minute, sir." Li Man stopped his job: "Are you here to get married?"


"What about your girlfriend? How did you get married alone?" Li Man smiled bitterly: "You must be present to get the marriage certificate."

The clock on the wall was ticking, and the rain outside was getting bigger and bigger. The man gently pressed his lips and looked up at Li Man: "She came and stood behind me."

Raindrops hit the window violently, and the air inside gradually solidified.

"Sir, don't make a joke. Marriage requires both parties to be present in person. I can't help you with this." Li Man clutched her chest, and she didn't know why she was suddenly out of breath.

"She really came, we are inseparable, wherever I am, there is her." The man's eyes were clear, with a hint of stubbornness in his tone.

Looking at the man's serious look, Li Man held the ID card that had been demagnetized in her hand, and she suddenly thought of a possibility.

Turn over the woman's household registration book. On the page printed with the woman's name, the seal of death declared by the police station was stamped. The time of death was a few years ago.

"Sir ..." Li Man wanted to say something, but she looked at the man's stubborn expression and moved.

Looking at the man's backpack, Li Man looked at the items in the bag.

Are these the things that girl used to use? Are these things preserved and cherished a memory of the two of them? Is this cat the cat the girl had raised before she died?

In an instant, Li Man understood why a man brought a lot of things to the marriage registry, and why a man said that a woman has always been with him.

Eyes are astringent, Li Man holds the girl's ID card, she does not know what to say, whether to comfort the man, or to tell the man the cruel truth.

Lips opened slowly, but Li Man couldn't say anything when she thought about it. She looked at the man like a child in front of her, and the mood was a bit complicated.

She barely kept herself smiling: "Sir, you must love her very much? How do you know each other?"

"She chased me, and the first love letter I received in my life was sent by her." The man's eyes flickered, as if to recall the past: "Our first date was at an abandoned school."

"Abandoned school? Go to abandoned school for the first date?"

"Xicheng Private College, where there is her obsession and past, I stand in the hall where she once practiced dancing, back to the mirror, back to her, we talk to each other."

Li Man listened silently, and a picture appeared in his mind.

On a quiet night, the two recalled the past in their abandoned alma mater. The former college was beautiful and lively, and now only the two of them are left, back to back, snuggling with each other, what a poignant love!

"The second date was in a psychiatric hospital. She was dressed in a red dress.

"Mental hospital?"

"Because of my parents, that day I ..."

"Understood, I'm sorry." Before the man finished, Li Man apologized. She didn't like to uncover other people's scars. Perhaps the parents were another pain in the man's heart.

"The third date was in a building, and I blocked the man who used to make her unhappy in the elevator, and gave him a lesson that I will never forget."

"You can really spoil your girlfriend, I think she must be very happy after knowing this."

"She was by my side at the time." The man looked soft, thinking of the elevator wrapped in black hair in the Talking Guild Building.

"That scene must be very romantic and warm." Li Man felt that the man in front of him was a boyfriend.

"The fourth date was in the underground corpse of the forensic medical school. She was injured but didn't tell me. She sat quietly with me, as if she secretly hugged me." The man's voice was very nice, hoarse Mature charm, he is recalling the past, the faint feeling even makes Li Man subconsciously ignore the special dating place of the underground corpse.

"The fifth date was on the roof of a small town. It was very similar to today. It was raining heavily outside, and I was leaning against her."

Compared with the abandoned school, psychiatric hospital and underground corpse, this date's normal place makes Li Man a little uncomfortable: "Did you confess to her that day?"

The man nodded gently: "I stood at the highest point of the town and shouted my heart to the strange world. I don't believe there is anything more romantic in this world than a lifetime."

"Wow." Li Man heard many people's stories, but none of them were shocked by Chen Ge's story. Perhaps it was because she saw the death certificate in her hukou, and she already knew the reason for the result in advance: "Will come later?"

"Later ..." Chen Ge took a light breath: "She fell asleep, it took a long time to wake up, I have been waiting for her."

At the moment, the death certificate in the hukou punctured Li Man's heart like a steel needle, and her tears poured into her eyes unconsciously.

Looking down, Li Man pretends to be looking for something. When the computer covers her face, she wipes her tears secretly. She already knows the ending of the story ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one in the house speaks. After a long time, the man broke the calm , His hand gently resting on the empty seat next to him, as if sitting there with his girlfriend: "Our sixth date ..."

What the man said later is not important anymore. Li Man knew that this man trapped himself in a cage named Love after his wife had an accident. He thought his girlfriend was still in the world.

Because of deep love, I refuse to believe the fact that the other party has left.

Holding her hands together and the whiteness of her fingertips, Li Man wanted to tell Chen Ge the truth, but she couldn't bear to say it.

She buried her face behind the computer and entered all the information on the application form. She wanted to help the man in front of her complete a dream, but when she pressed the OK button, the computer popped up a page with mismatched household registration information. .

The girl died many years ago, and the person is not in the household registration data.

The reality is like a pot of ice water pouring on Li Man. She looked at the man ’s face in memory and bit her lip: "Sir, we have incomplete data here, the system is being upgraded, and I ca n’t help you for the time being. Come again this week. "

Li Man wants to help the man in front of him, even if he is going to make a similar small red book that does not have legal effect.

"Okay, then trouble you." The man slowly got up, packed everything and walked out. When he walked to the door, he suddenly took off his raincoat and propped it over his head as if he were standing next to him at this time. With another person: "Zhang Ya, don't be too far from me, the rain is heavy."

Li Man saw clearly in the room that there was no one under the man's raincoat except himself.

Looking at the man's back, Li Man wiped his eyes: "Maybe this is love, love you, be loyal to you, heartfelt to you, and terminate with you."

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