I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 811: Zhang Ju's memory

"The freshman reported that the next day, he was chased by the teacher and fled over the wall to escape, which is completely different from what I imagined in college life!" Zhou Tu slapped the dirt on his body and untied the rope tied around his waist.

"Wait, there may be more things you can't imagine." Chen Ge dragged a few ropes tied to the wall of the wall, hiding it behind the creeper, even if someone walked by, don't look carefully Can't find it.

"This rope is my back path." Chen Ge was alone when he left the East Campus, and when he came back, he had become the head of a society.

"Teacher, have you found anything that is not right." Zhang Ju stood up straight, his eyes hidden in the scar slowly widening.

"what happened?"

"Maybe I'm more sensitive. I feel that the air on the side of the wall is sticky, soggy, and smells of a strange smell, as if bleeding." Zhang Ju said the strangest words in the calmest tone.

He slowly opened his mouth, licked the scar on his upper lip with his tongue, and his eyes showed confusion and doubt: "It feels more familiar to me here than the West Campus."

"Are you kidding? Are you familiar with the breath of blood?" Zhou Tu originally thought Zhang Ju was ugly, but I was still normal. After hearing what he said just now, Zhou Tu had a new idea for Zhang Ju understanding.

"I'm not kidding, it's true." Zhang Ju looked at Chen Ge, who stood there smiling with a smile.

"You are not wrong, here is the fertile ground for the cultivation of beautiful dreams. In the world behind the door, only the corpses and blood can be used as fertilizer to bloom amazing flowers."

Chen Ge picked up Wang Yicheng and motioned for Zhang Ju to follow behind him: "I will take you to a place first. Be careful not to make too much noise."

Walking through unattended bushes, the night became their best disguise.

Along the way, Chen Ge led Zhang Ju to the place where the female ghost of Shudong was.

"Do you look familiar here?" Chen Ge pointed to the tree hole with the female ghost's head and the surrounding trees.

"We seem to have been here ... by the way, isn't this the scene of the murder of the girl? We've seen it on the west campus! Why is there an identical scene on the east campus?" Zhou Tu's eyes widened, and the two scenes even had trees The hole position and opening angle are exactly the same.

"The murder scene on the west campus is just an empty shell. The corpses and the souls of the dead are hidden on the east campus. What you see now is the real murder scene." When Chen Ge said these words, Zhang Ju seemed to be caught by something Attracted, he stood alone beside the tree hole, his shoulders trembling gently.

"Zhang Ju?"

He didn't seem to hear Chen Ge's voice, squatted slowly, knelt beside the tree hole, his hands trembling into the tree hole.

"Hey! What are you crazy about? I remember that the girl's head was found in the tree hole! What did you reach into?"

Zhou Tu wanted to drag Zhang Ju, but was blocked by Chen Ge: "Don't disturb him, his memory is hidden in the tree hole, and the lost things must be dug out by himself."

"Dig out? You are really crazy!" Zhou Tu could not break free without Chen Ge's strength, and could only stand and watch.

Kneeling on his legs, Zhang Ju was lying next to the tree hole, his eyes staring straight at the dark tree hole, his arms were not in the hole a little.

His body was trembling all the time, and sweat was sticking to the scar on his face, like tears falling down.

"No? Why not? Why not! Impossible!" Zhang Ju didn't feel anything. His voice was intermittent, as if he was so nervous that he couldn't breathe: "I saw it with my own eyes! I saw him hide that thing in it. In the tree hole! How come there is no! "

His fingers scratched the soil and the trunk, and his nails began to bleed, but Zhang Ju couldn't feel the pain. His expression was grim, and he dug madly at the bottom of the tree hole.

"Zhang Ju, are you looking for this thing?" Chen Ge took out a rusty kitchen knife from his backpack. This kitchen knife was the deposit of the female ghost in the tree hole. After the black shadow swallowed the female ghost, she was deep in the tree hole. I found it (see Chapter 787 for details). At first, Chen Ge wanted to use a kitchen knife to defend himself, and did not think about it too much.

Suddenly quiet around, everyone's eyes were focused on the kitchen knife.

"I found this kitchen knife in the tree hole, and the soul of the deceased has been pinned on this kitchen knife." Chen Ge placed the kitchen knife in front of Zhang Ju: "Take it, can you think of your past? ? "

Zhang Ju was about to collapse, his arms trembling more and more, his pupils beating violently.

"Aren't you familiar? Have you seen this knife elsewhere? At whose hand was the knife held in the end, and in the end was the knife cut into whose neck?" Chen Ge's words stabbed like spikes. In Zhang Ju's mind, he shook his hand toward the kitchen knife. When his fingertip touched the handle, his face suddenly changed dramatically, his pupils narrowed, and his mouth grew, as if he had hit a red iron.

Before Zhang Ju shouted, Chen Ge covered Zhang Ju ’s mouth one step in advance: “It ’s okay, those things have passed, it ’s just your past ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhang Ju comforted his mouth, Chen Ge's eyes were fixed on Zhang Ju's hand holding the knife. Once the opponent made a slash, he would immediately push it down.

Zhang Ju's strength is much greater than Chen Ge's imagination, and as his memory is loose, his strength is still growing. This child should not be an ordinary ghost.

Just when Chen Ge was almost unable to control Zhang Ju, the other party finally calmed down.

Chen Ge let go of his hand and Zhang Ju fell to his knees directly, his lips against the dirt on the ground, and the scars on his face appeared dazzling.

"I, I remembered something." Zhang Ju stared at his cracked nails: "That day was the senior's birthday. A girl wanted to confess to the senior, but the senior had his girlfriend, so he asked me to replace him. I refused each other. I did n’t see the girl when I arrived at the place I had been waiting for. Later, I heard something moving in the woods. I ran quietly and saw someone holding the knife ... "

"The girl is still struggling, but I dare not go out. I was scared and stupid. I have never seen so much blood before." The nails were dug into the mud, and the scars on Zhang Ju's face squeezed together: "If I was then Stand up, maybe the girl will not die. "

Self-blame and guilt are always tormenting Zhang Ju. He clenched the kitchen knife: "When I went back to call the police, those people had escaped. I don't know if they were caught, but I saw one of them. The figure is very familiar. "

"The next night, we drank a lot of wine, then went to sing, and then there was a fire. I was taken to the hospital, and then things went on ..." Zhang Ju thumped his head violently: "Go on What happened? Why do I have no later memories? "

"Burn coma was sent to the hospital, your memory stays here." Chen Ge already knew Zhang Ju's past.

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