I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 813: You dare?

The shadow figure is very similar to Chang Gu, but with agile movement, it is not like a person who is almost blind.

Chen Ge did not dare to venture out, he wanted to continue to observe for a while, but the other party ran directly to the other side of the corridor, as if looking for something.

"Is that often lonely? His eyes are back to normal?"

The teaching building is completely dark, even though Chen Ge has a yin pupil, he still walks cautiously.

"Teacher, is that your acquaintance? Should we follow?"

"One more thing is worse than one less, let's go to the top floor first." Chen Ge's eyes kept staring at the black shadow. The other party did not leave, but entered another classroom.

There are other people in the teaching building late at night, the variables increase, and Chen Ge does not know whether it is good or bad.

Several people came to the fourth floor, and the toilet was on the other side of the corridor.

"Don't answer no matter what sound you hear, you can't leave the team no matter what you see, do you understand?" Chen Ge urged the members of the community to say a few words, and then carried Wang Yicheng into the corridor.

He lowered his body and scanned the classrooms on both sides with the afterglow of his eyes.

There was a dark paint inside the window and nothing could be seen.

The members of the society followed Chen Ge. They tried to control themselves not to look on both sides, but the more they told themselves not to look casually, the more uncontrollable their eyes looked at other places.

"what is that?"

The classroom here seems to have not been cleaned for a long time. When Zhou Tu passed a window, he saw a strand of hair beneath the window frame. It felt like a girl lying on the window of the classroom.

"Isn't it really a person?" Zhou Tu tipped his toes. He kept walking forward, tilted his head slightly, and looked down the classroom window sill.

"Hair ... moving?"

Before Zhou Zhou could see clearly, his body suddenly bumped into something, and he was caught off guard. He didn't hold the kitchen knife in his hand, and the rusty kitchen knife fell to the ground.

The collision of rusty kitchen knives and floor tiles made a soft sound, which sounded unusually harsh in the teaching building late at night.

Everyone stopped, Chen Ge also looked at Zhou Tu: "What are you doing?"

"I accidentally bumped into Zhang Ju." Zhou Tu covered his nose and pointed to Zhang Ju, who was stupefied. He found Zhang Ju's expression a bit strange: "You walked well, why did you stop suddenly?"

Zhang Ju didn't reply, looking up at the picture on the wall, his mouth slightly opened, and his pupils shrunk a little.

"Zhang Ju?"

No matter how other people shouted, Zhang Ju did not respond. He stared at the picture on the wall, wearing a trace of sadness in his calm eyes.

When he saw the kitchen knife that killed the girl in the woods, he was mentally devastated and hysterical, and now he became completely different from before.

No crazy screaming, no self-mutilation to relieve mental pain, he just stood quietly in front of the photo.

"This doctor ... I have seen it."

His voice was so small that only the people around him could hear it.

"That fire burned one-fifth of my skin. I watched the flesh burnt and smelled the smell of my body until the eyes melted and the eyelids stuck together, and my world fell into darkness."

"I was taken to the hospital, because it hurts so much, so I can't feel the pain."

"The eyes can't open, the nose is burned, two-thirds of one ear is left, and one-third is left of the other ear."

"I became a monster, I can't see myself, but I know that I am no longer me, I can't go back and live like a person."

"Have you tried listening to your family with two-thirds of your ears?"

"Someone is saving me, I can feel more and more pain in the body, I get closer and closer to life, but how do I wake up?"

"Both eyes were cut open by cold things and cleaned a little bit. The left eye was taken out. The right eye could vaguely see a gray world."

"I can't perceive the light, there is only a shadow in the world seen by my right eye, you said, do I have to continue to live?"

Zhang Ju's hand pressed on the wall photo, his face was bleeding, and thin bloodshot lines came out from under his skin, as if it was a needle for surgical suture.

"I know this doctor. He has been with me for a week. Death wants to take my life. He is betting against Death."

The voice became more hoarse, Zhang Ju's voice seemed to have been burned by the fire, and his appearance gradually changed.

Scars and bloodstains spread on his face, his ears began to wither like flowers, and the left eyelid slowly melted.

"I didn't say a word to him, but I was very impressed with him. At the last moment of life, one of the three people who accompanied me."

The guilt of the deceased opened the lock in Zhang Ju ’s memory, and the doctor who had treated him made the vague memory clear, the fragments of memory in his mind joined together, and blood oozes out from under his skin, It's as if the scars that healed have broken apart again.

Blood filaments condensed into blood beads and dripped onto Zhang Ju's coat ~ www.readwn.com ~ The coat on his body was turning a little bit red: "If you are in the same situation as me, would you choose to live or die?"

"Half-length red dress? After the memory is restored, Li Gui will restore its original appearance? Isn't the Shudong female ghost able to maintain its normal human form, just because the memory has not been eliminated?" Chen Ge's eyelids flicked lightly, but his reaction was better than that of other community members. It's much better now.

Zhou Tu couldn't even pick up the kitchen knife and grabbed Zhu Long's arm. The two unconsciously retreated three meters away.

When no one answered, Zhang Ju's eyes slowly moved away from the photo. He looked at Chen Ge: "I remembered who I am, now can you tell me who you are?"

The two stood on the dark corridor and looked at each other.

"You have asked me this question, and I have given you the answer." Chen Ge stood on the spot without stepping back: "We are the same kind, I want to find my forgotten memory, to help you is to help myself . "

"You are lying!" Zhang Ju reached out and grabbed Chen Ge, but he stopped again when his finger was about to touch Chen Ge.

"Why stop?" Chen Ge took a step forward. He was close to Zhang Ju's desperate and terrifying face: "Are you afraid of killing me, will another one stand up from the body? Are you afraid of wearing a red dress? Me? "

Grabbing Zhang Ju's shoulders with both hands, the expression on Chen Ge's face was crazy to the extreme. He moved his hands on Zhang Ju's shoulders, and finally slowly lifted Zhang Ju's face, gently touching the other's forehead.

"Kill me? Do you dare?"

Not only Zhang Ju, but Zhou Tu and Zhu Long hiding behind were also frightened.

There was no sound in the corridor. After a long time Chen Ge released Zhang Ju. He looked at the other members of the society in the corridor: "I just want to find my lost memory. You help me, you are helping yourself, and vice versa."

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