I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 815: This is just speculation

"Chang Wenyu took off my left eye, and I was exactly the same as the monster in the mirror."

"She broke all my fantasies. I was not Lin Sisi but Zhang Ju. The scary-looking monster in the mirror was myself."

The wound was oozing with blood, and Zhang Ju's coat had been dyed red for the most part. What was more frightening was that the blood on his clothes was intertwined, more and more.

At first, Chen Ge felt that Zhang Ju was wearing a half-length red dress, but soon he found that he underestimated the other party. As his memory was constantly awakened, Zhang Ju's blood stains on his body increased, and he almost dyed his body.

"I was dragged into the mirror and looked at Chang Wenyu standing outside the mirror. She pinched my left eye and opened and closed her lips, it seemed to be saying-one less."

"My left eye slowly changed in her hands. My memory flashed through my pupils. When she took my left eye, she also took all my beauty and hope."

Tick, tick ...

The blood on Zhang Ju's body dripped on the corridor, and footsteps were faintly heard in the teaching building, but no matter which direction he looked, no one came.

"What kind of world is behind the mirror?" Chen Ge asked softly.

"Red, there is only red, everything is red."

Zhang Ju's description reminded Chen Ge of the scene behind the Samsung trial mission: "How did you come back from there?"

"There is another me in the mirror. He is covered in blood and he wants to eat me. I have no time to think. I can only flee. I ran for a long time, and I found that there is also a school behind the mirror, empty, at least on the surface. This is how it goes up. "

"and after?"

"I didn't hold through the first night, and finally I was caught by another person behind the mirror." Zhang Ju's eyes were a little confused: "In memory, he killed me, but when I opened my eyes again, I came back." In this school, and lost most of his memory, he became a member of this school. "

"That is to say, your memory was tampered with after your death?"

"It's understandable. I don't know what happened in the middle. You want to figure out the answer. I'm probably going to look in the blood-red world in the mirror." Zhang Ju shouldn't lie. Although he looks terrible, he has a very expressive face serious.

"I probably understand." Chen Ge said softly, "normally the" gate "is the only way to enter the world of blood, but there is a ghost in this scene that is beyond our imagination. He may be above the red dress. , This guy used the mirror as a medium to separate another scene in the blood-red world, that is, the school we are in now, can you understand what I said? "

All the members of the community present shook their heads.

"Take a very simple example, push this door, we enter the blood red world. In this blood red world we found another mirror. When we touch the mirror, we enter the world inside the mirror again. . "

"If you use dreaming as an analogy, it should be well understood. Normal people live in reality. After sleeping and dreaming, our thinking appears in the dream world, but what happens if we dream in the dream world? Our consciousness Will appear in a dream. "

"The blood-red world is composed of despair and negative emotions, and the world behind the mirror is more like a" dream "made by the doormen themselves."

Chen Ge spent a lot of effort and didn't make it clear to the students, but he figured out a critical issue.

When he was awake, he lost contact with all employees, and his black mobile phone was not around, which made his situation very dangerous.

He has never been able to understand, how did the school master do it?

Not to mention the black phone, Zhang Ya is hidden in his shadow, but at this moment his shadow has become quite normal, and Zhang Ya is not inside.

From this point, it can be explained that he did not enter the school in his own right.

As Zhang Ju said just now, when he looks in the mirror, there is another one in the mirror.

A gentle and kind, a brutal bloody, these two together are the real him.

"I should have encountered the same problem as Zhang Ju, part of the personality is inside the mirror, and part of the personality is outside the mirror."

All these are inferred by Chen Ge, and cannot guarantee 100% correctness. He is like walking in the mist. At this time, the only light in the world is himself.

"The mirror used by Chang Wenyu is in the library. After reading the toilet, the next step is to go to the library." Chen Ge said his thoughts.

"Everyone can't avoid that place, why do you still have to find it by yourself?" Zhang Ju couldn't understand Chen Ge. His memories had just awakened. Various memories floated in his mind and his eyes were a little confused.

"Compared to here, I prefer the blood-red world because that place is more real."

From what Chen Ge said, he can be heard that he is not an ordinary person ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhang Ju thought about it and thought there was no objection: "Just right, I also want to find out what happened to me. It stands to reason that I shouldn't have died. ?"

After receiving affirmative answer from Zhang Ju, Chen Ge's expression became more relaxed, and he had a good helper.

"Go, let's go to the toilet first." Chen Ge They have been staying in the corridor for a long time. Fortunately, nothing abnormal happened in the teaching building.

The blood on Zhang Ju's body was dripping to the ground. With the sound of ticking and ticking, the sound of gradually approaching footsteps could be heard around, but strangely, they only heard the footsteps and did not see anyone.

"Zhu Long, have you seen the changes in Zhang Ju's body? His face ... is terrifying." Zhou Tu didn't dare to approach Zhang Ju and Chen Ge, feeling they were both lunatics.

"To this day, we can only believe in Teacher Bai. Doesn't the change in Zhang Ju just mean that he didn't deceive us? We are recovering the lost memory." Zhu Long's face is not too good, he gritted his teeth, holding The fingers holding the phone have been whitened.

"Okay." Zhou Tu turned his head and looked behind him. He was terrified and didn't dare to go back alone: ​​"I'm crazy, I actually joined such a society."

He was ruthless and bowed his head to try to pick up the kitchen knife on the ground, but at the moment of lowering his head, the moment his eyes turned upside down, he saw the heads of inverted people staring at him on the promenade behind him.


To be precise, those who are upside down are staring at Wang Yicheng on the backs of Zhang Ju and Chen Ge!

Zhou Tu was so scared that he almost fell to his knees, but fortunately Zhu Long helped him.

"what happened to you?"

"Someone behind us! Let's follow a lot of people behind!" Zhou Tu's voice trembled.

"Where is it?" Zhu Long looked back, and there were only a few of them in the empty corridor: "Are you hallucinating?"

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