I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 817: Would you be my friend

Chen Ge pushed away the second compartment. Inside was a thin male doll with a deformed foot, curled up inside the compartment, and mud and garbage were thrown around him.

"A bit like Wang Yicheng."

The doll in the second compartment and Wang Yicheng behind Chen Ge are wearing blue sneakers. This doll should refer to Wang Yicheng.

Chen Ge raised his mobile phone and shot at the second compartment, the picture on the screen was worrying.

The child with no face was forced into the toilet cubicle by a group of people who threw various garbage on him.

The boy in the picture also did not resist and let the bully go.

The puppet in the third compartment was wearing a pair of glasses. He was splashed with red paint on his body and stood blankly against the toilet cubicle wall.

This puppet looks similar to the tall and thin boy Chen Ge saw in the 413 dormitory.

With previous experience, Chen Ge directly pointed the cell phone at the compartment.

A boy with no facial features appeared on the screen. He was standing alone in the toilet cubicle, and people were constantly pouring paint into the cubicle.

His original clean clothes were stained, and the paint slid down the corner of the clothes.

The boy lowered his head and said nothing.

"These bullies are out of control." Chen Ge opened the door of the fourth compartment. The puppets were not wearing clothes, and the clothes were wet and thrown beside the squat.

Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and shot at the fourth compartment. The faceless boy in the picture slowly took off his coat full of paint. Someone poured a bottle of water on him.

The fifth compartment, the sixth compartment ...

The pictures in each compartment are shocking. When people fall into madness, they will not know how bad their behavior is. They unrelentingly vent all negative emotions to one person.

When opening the first compartment, Chen Ge just wanted to find the truth. Everything here has nothing to do with him. He was just a passer-by who wanted to leave.

However, after watching six compartments in a row, his heart has changed unconsciously, and his face is somber. If someone who is familiar with him sees it, he will be surprised, because this man rarely shows such an expression.

The change of expression is the change of inner emotions. When exposed on the face, the inner thoughts will be exposed and the weaknesses will be discovered, so Chen Ge always keeps calm when performing the black mobile phone task.

"Is this still a child?"

Looked up, and Chen Ge looked at the seventh compartment, which was the only one without puppets and the only one without door panels.

The door shaft was violently damaged, and the connection was still faintly sawing broken wood chips. The door of the seventh compartment was knocked open.

The door panel flew away, and the inside of the compartment was covered with blood-like things. To be precise, the blood-stains in the toilet actually climbed out of this compartment. The seventh compartment is the source of all blood stains.

"Is Lin Sisi originally locked in this compartment?"

Those black and red bloodstains were like dead mountain creepers. They climbed the walls of the compartment and seemed to cover something.

Chen Ge took out Lin Sisi's mobile phone, he adjusted the screen brightness to the brightest, and then aimed at the compartment to shoot.

The boy with no face hugged his coat and pants, and sewage and paint flowed down his body, colorful, like a monster with teeth and claws resting on his body.

The toilet cubicle door in the screen seemed to be held up by something from the outside. The boy lowered his head, hugged his clothes, and hit the door panel at once.

He had no face, could not see his expression, could not hear his voice, and did not know whether he was crying or calling for help.

The only thing Chen Ge can see is that the child keeps hitting the door of the room until he knocks it open.

He stood barefoot at the door of the cubicle, clutching his underwear, which had been splashed with paint and sewage. His hands drooped. The arm that struck the door panel was cut by wood chips, and blood was scratching on his arm. in.

Depressed, uncomfortable, breathless, his neck twisted, his face with no facial features swept through the empty toilet, the evildoer had left, but their vicious words seemed to echo in the toilet.

The boy stood at the door of the cubicle for a long time. He slowly raised his hand and put the wet clothes on his body one by one.

He was not injured except for his arm, but his body was trembling with pain.

Pants were cut in the middle, there was a big hole in the back of the clothes, the boy put on all clothes, and a terrible monster was reflected in the water stains on the ground.

He wiped his face and tried to take a step towards the toilet door.

The light in the corridor entered the toilet, and the exit was very bright, bright enough to make the boy's picture clear at this time, so bright that he had nowhere to escape.

The steps he took out were taken back. He was wearing stained clothes and returned to the seventh compartment.

Leaned against the wall of the toilet cubicle, the boy's body slid slowly, he curled up in the corner, the face with no facial features was aimed at the toilet door, he seemed to be waiting for the light to turn off.

The screen on the phone screen did not end there. The child looked at it for a long time and then raised his head.

No facial features face Chen Ge, he seems to know that someone is watching him the same.

"Will you be my friend?"

Chen Ge heard such a sentence, he heard very clearly, but when he looked in the direction of the sound, there was nothing there.

"Is it from the mobile phone? Impossible." The shooting scene was fixed in the last scene. The faceless boy curled up in the corner of the cubicle. The face was pointed at Chen Ge as if waiting for Chen Ge's reply.

"I am willing to be friends with you, although your words sound like a curse." Chen Ge doesn't care about the curse, his life is changed from a cursed love letter ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no one Love letter, when doing the first task, he was chopped into pieces by Wang Qi.

Chen Ge agreed, but the boy on the phone's screen still kept the movement.

Removed the mobile phone, there was nothing in the seventh compartment, but when shooting with the mobile phone, he could clearly see the faceless boy.

"Can you hear my voice?" Chen Ge tried to communicate with the other party without any effect. He waited for a while, and the picture on the phone screen changed again.

The door of the seventh compartment of the toilet was pushed open, and a blood-red hand reached in.

This hand gently grabbed the faceless boy. He seemed to say something to the boy. The faceless boy nodded gently.

Then back, the faceless boy was held by that hand and walked to the other side of the "door", disappeared.

"That **** hand stretched out from the door? What did he say to the boy?" Chen Ge suddenly thought of the sentence he had just heard: "What the **** master said to the faceless boy? Is that sentence you would like to be my friend? "

"The faceless boy promised to come down, and then he disappeared?"

Chen Ge combed carefully.

The boy with no face is Lin Sisi. He didn't push the door, but the **** hand extended from the door, which means that there was a door in the toilet compartment.

The host of the blood hand sent an invitation to Lin Sisi, and finally Lin Sisi agreed to the other party. If so, the blood hand is the gatekeeper.

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