I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 827: number 1

The blood-sucked face seemed to be deflated and creased against the ground. If it were not blocked by Zhu Long and Zhang Ju, these dirty things would have climbed onto Chen Ge.

"It seems that this brother does not want to have a good conversation with us."

The blood color in the painting room is spreading. Chen Ge stands behind Zhu Long and Zhang Ju and uses the Yin pupil to look up and down in front of the red dress.

Blood splashed, red clothes swayed, and various torture tools were hanging on his skin. Every step he took, he would have a broken face falling from his coat.

Red clothes are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. Unfortunately, the red clothes Chen Ge encountered are extremely dangerous.

But this is also the place that makes Chen Ge even more strange. Zhang Ju and Zhu Long are not afraid of facing such a red dress. They are different from Xu Yin's crazy crazy and irrational fighting.

Zhu Long and Zhang Ju are sensible, their expressions are calm, and there seems to be a voice in their minds telling them that there is no need to be afraid.

After seeing Zhu Long and Zhang Ju, the red clothing did not immediately start. He slowly raised his head, and his entire face was covered with wet hair.

Chen Ge can see a face covered with black blood vessels through the gap of black hair, pale and sick, it seems to be laughing.


A middle-aged man's face fell off the sleeve of the red dress and fell between Chen Ge and him.

"Save me, this devil who likes skinning, save ..."


Wait for the middle-aged man to finish talking, a blood-stained anti-smashing shoe fell heavily on his face.

His words were forcibly interrupted, and his entire face was torn apart.

The room is very quiet. Because of the quietness, the sound of blood dripping is particularly clear.

The blood on the smash-proof shoe became darker, and the original color was concealed as if it were blood red.

"Let's let it go, his goal is not us." Weak Zhou Tu looked up at the red dress, his eyes did not hide. "He stayed here just to wait for this day, he wanted to see it first The scene in the painting room, because he is both a manager and a participant. "


"He is the author of the sixth painting, connecting two monsters that reverse the world!"

When Zhou Tu said these things, his eyes had been staring at the red dress. His memory had been awakened. Although he was weak at this time, he had a special temperament.

The red dress at the door is not angry because he is called a monster. He seems to like this title very much.

The sound of footsteps rang in the oil painting room, and the red dress and Chen Ge passed by, leaving a spot of blood, and went to the center of the studio.

He finally stopped next to the sixth painting and looked at the oil painting that had been beyond recognition.

Chen Ge vaguely remembered the content in the sixth painting. A man carried a large mirror in the dance room, but accidentally slipped and the mirror was broken.

The ground is full of fragments of mirrors, each of which reflects a blood-red face.

"Don't worry about him, let's go first." Zhou Tu was supported by Wang Yicheng and walked outside the door.

Chen Ge didn't want to face this monster for a while, and fled downstairs with other community members.

"Do you still jump the window?"

Wang Yicheng opened the door of the classroom next door, and the sculpture of the puppet covered with white cloth appeared in the room, and blood beads appeared quietly under the white cloth.

"Most of the painting materials and props in the experiment building were made by the metamorphosis just now." Zhou Tu's face is still very poor, and he did not get better because he left the studio: "Including red paint and those stinky canvas."

No need to elaborate on Zhou Tu, everyone already knows how to make those painting materials.

"Has so many people died in this abandoned school?" Chen Ge was puzzled: "I saw several warehouses on the fourth floor, and they were all filled with 'painting materials'."

"I do know a lot of things, but this does not mean that I know everything." Zhou Tu's attitude towards Chen Ge is very strange. Compared with before, it can't be said to be good or bad, just to hear a trace of his words. fear.

A loud noise suddenly came from behind the oil painting room. Several people turned their heads to look. The spine of the monster in red was fully splayed, and the back was swollen. One rib extended to both sides, and one hanging from each bone A cruel tool.

He stood with his back to the door, as if he was using his own tools to modify the painting.

"Stay away from him." Zhou Tu asked Wang Yicheng to open the window and take himself down first.

The glass window was pushed open. Zhou Tu and Wang Yicheng left first, followed by Chen Ge, but when he stood by the window, he suddenly felt stunned.

In the shadow of the southeast corner of the experiment building, there was a man wearing black leather shoes, with a pale face and gloomy eyes, holding a set of little girl's nightdress and a collar to tie the dog in his hand.

"Teacher Bai?"

Chen Ge has a yin pupil. At a glance, she saw Teacher Bai and the blood stains on the girl's nightdress: "What happened to his daughter?"

Teacher Bai, who was hiding in the shadows, also found Chen Ge. He seemed to have squatted here long ago. It is probably because he didn't think that Chen Ge was surrounded by other people.

"This is Mr. Bai, who is genuine. I took his ID and replaced his identity. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ These things might not be very good if I let my students know." Chen Ge thinks Zhang Ju they should I can guess that I am not a school teacher, but no one pierced this layer of window paper, at least on the surface everyone is trying to maintain the stability of the society.

"You have to find a reason to kill him, destroy the corpses and destroy traces. There should be many people around me who are good at it." Chen Ge still hides a ghost in the shadow. The other party is the most dignified original ghost. He is now instead A chess piece in singer Chen.

With the decision, Chen Ge's gaze towards Teacher Bai became softer. He accelerated his movements and jumped downstairs in less than a minute.

"Where are the people?" Chen Ge looked at the corner of the laboratory building again, and Teacher Bai disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Tu's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and it feels as if it will dissipate at any time: "My time is running out. Some things I have to tell you, it is about whether I can find myself, It ’s also about the life and death of each of you. "

"Speak, let's listen." Zhang Ju and Zhu Long stood around Chen Ge, and they were surrounded by several people.

"The 13 paintings in the oil painting studio represent thirteen people. They are all the same as the red clothes we just encountered. They are very terrifying." Zhou Tu took a breath and waited for Wang Yicheng to help him to the bush, away from him He continued to speak after the experiment building: "The order has nothing to do with strength, it is completely random, but there is one exception."


"No. 1 is an exception, I don't have any memory of No. 1, I only know that he likes to paint, he is a painter."

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