I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 834: Sorry, I did n’t mean it

Footsteps suddenly sounded in the quiet library, the broken door was pushed open, and a man came out.

"There is no one in the library. Are the children behind the door so dislike reading?"

Carrying two backpacks, Chen Ge was standing in the corridor outside the library. The library encounter he was expecting did not appear. There was no one here. It was not enough to ask for some information.

"Where did they hide?"

Along the corridor, Chen Ge walked forward aimlessly.

The blood-red campus behind the door seemed to be a completely enclosed building, isolated from the outside world, all windows were sealed off by wooden boards, and Chen Ge walked a long way without finding a way to the outside world.

"Hey! Which class are you from?" A somewhat harsh voice sounded behind Chen Ge. He turned his head to look and found that a door he had just passed was opened by a man, and a chunky middle-aged man stood at the door.

"It's not red ..." Chen Ge glanced at the doorplate of the man's room, with the words "School Affairs Office" written on it.

"It's class time now, don't wander in the corridors." The chunky man suddenly looked up when he saw Chen Ge and said, "Which class do you have? The student ID shows me."

"Student ID?" Chen Ge reached into his pocket, but his eyes kept staring at the chunky man in front of him, with a dangerous light hidden deep in his eyes.

The first time he saw the chunky man, Chen Ge used the yin pupil to look at the other party. He didn't know the identity of the chunky man, only that the other party was not in red.

"First-year freshman?" The chunky man took the student ID for a while, and his tone became more severe: "Just skip school as soon as you enter school. Children like you need to be disciplined!"

He walked out of the Academic Affairs Office, reaching for Chen Ge's arm.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Ge escaped subconsciously, but in the world behind the door, he would never allow others to approach himself casually.

"Take you back to the class, and by the way, warn the teacher who let you run around during class time!" The chunky man was a little angry, and his eyes widened. It seemed that if Chen Ge didn't do what he said, he would wait. Something more serious happened.

"Okay, I'll go back to the class with you." Chen Ge still remembers the task that Chang Gu handed over to him, just taking this opportunity to find those students.

After he finished, he stopped and seemed to be waiting for the chunky teacher to lead the way.

Seeing his perfunctory attitude, the short-haired man's hair, which was not much, was erected.

"It's getting less and less interesting." The chunky man stuffed the student ID to Chen Ge and led Chen Ge through the corridor.

This school is much larger than Chen Ge imagined. They walked a long distance, went down one more floor, and finally stopped next to a classroom.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

The chunky man knocked on the door, and a moment later a tall, thin man came out: "Director Lei? Are you okay?"

"Don't you find that you have one less student in your class?" The chunky man grabbed Chen Ge's arm: "You in your class, take care of him for me! Then let me find him running around in class time, you follow He prepared me for punishment!

The chunky man left Chen Ge at the door of the classroom. He seemed to have other things and left very angry.

"Director Lei?" The tall and thin teacher looked blank, he pushed his black-framed glasses, and looked at Chen Ge up and down through thick glasses: "Are you a new student?"

"Director Lei brought me here, this is my student ID." Chen Ge pointed to the chunky man who walked away. His expression, combined with the tone of the speech, would make people know him and Director Lei. Illusion.

"Oh, come on first, I just have a few empty seats in my class." Gao Shou nodded, just about to take Chen Ge in, and then suddenly stopped: "I don't like children who are too noisy, try your best Have a good relationship with everyone and integrate into our big family as soon as possible. "


"Another point, my surname is Liu, you can call me Teacher Liu."

Opened the classroom door, and Teacher Liu took Chen Ge to the stage.

The class is very quiet, the learning atmosphere is very good, but there are not many people who are really learning.

Seeing someone come in, many students looked up at the podium.

"After a minute of delay, we have a freshman in our class. Now ask him to introduce himself." Teacher Liu gestured Chen Ge over.

Going to the podium, Chen Geju was condescending and looked at the students in the class. On the surface, there was no problem in this class, but he knew very well that the only beauty in the world behind the door was stolen by the painter. At this time, only the blood-red world was left All kinds of negative emotions suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

"My name is Chen Ge."

After a very brief and personal introduction, Chen Ge took his big bag and walked off the stage.

"Don't say a few more words?" Teacher Liu coughed: "Your position is in the bottom third row of the classroom. The position in our class is ranked according to grades. After the mid-term exam, if you pass the exam well, I will give You changed positions. "

Mr. Liu ’s words seem to have other meanings hidden. Chen Ge actually does n’t think it ’s bad to sit in the back of the classroom. When he was in college, he sat every day in the last row of the classroom.

Carrying a backpack, Chen Ge went to the end of the classroom, and the students on both sides looked at him.

Eyes fell on him, some were gloating, some were malicious, and some were already numb ~ www.readwn.com ~ walked to the end of the classroom, Chen Ge stopped beside his seat.

His classmates in the back seat tilted their dirty shoes onto his chair. As the man's body rocked, his chair made a crunching sound and seemed to be about to fall apart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't expect there will be new students coming to our class." The boy in the back seat slowly took back his shoes, and two black and red shoe marks were left on Chen Ge's chair.

"Okay, everyone hurries into the seat, let's continue the class." Teacher Liu's thick spectacles seemed to obscure his sight. He didn't seem to see this scene happening behind the classroom: "Chen Ge, don't stand there, Sit in your place. "

"Okay." Chen Ge's expression did not fluctuate at all. He took a clean piece of paper from Lin Sisi's backpack and put it on the table. Just when everyone thought he was going to swallow the shoe prints on the chair, he grabbed it with both hands. Back of the chair, lift the chair, and turn back to the boy in the back row!


The old chair fell apart when he hit the boy's head. The class was silent, and even Teacher Liu was scared.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Picking up the clean white paper on the table, Chen Ge wiped the blood spot on his hand, and placed the back boy's chair on his seat.

"You, you, you come out to me!" Teacher Liu's hands were shaking, I don't know if it was angry or scared.

"Okay." Chen Ge pressed the repeater switch, placed Lin Sisi's backpack on the desk, and scanned the entire class again.

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