I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 865: I want to know where they went?

The only way to teach students according to their aptitudes is not to avoid weaknesses, but to face problems and flaws and take appropriate measures.

Although Chen Ge has no children, to a certain extent, he is the head of his haunted house.

Treat different employees and communicate in different ways to maximize the enthusiasm of employees. This is also the ability that a successful boss must have.

After Han Song and members of the Taekwondo Association joined, the team behind Chen Ge became much longer.

"Principal, in fact, I didn't plan to kill Han Song from the beginning. I just wanted him to feel the pain of the weak and remind him of himself." Chen Ge didn't want to misunderstand with the old principal: "Our fundamental The purpose is to gain recognition of the will of the ghost school, and killing students in the ghost school will obviously violate the will of the ghost school. "

Chen Ge understood this very early: "In addition to the will of the ghost school in this school, the most powerful existence should be a ghost called a painter. He has a lot of ideas and uses the resources in his hand to want to put the ghost school It turned into a paradise without fighting, but unfortunately he was obstructed by another top red clothing. I did n’t know the result in the end, but the ghosts who offended the painter and hindered the painter were all wiped out of memory. "

"The painter didn't kill them?" The old headmaster said the key.

"Yes, even if the fierce ghosts continue to make trouble, the painter did not kill them." Chen Ge said softly: "Eating red clothes can greatly improve the strength of himself and his companions. The painter will not understand this truth, so he is not wanting to kill It ’s not killing. Do n’t forget that before the new doormen appeared, the real master of this school was the ghost school will hanging above the school. The painter was very strong, but it still had to be within the scope of the school will Internal action. "

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"If I tell you the truth, will you still show that kind of expression? When you went to save Han Song just now, you really wanted to save him, regardless of everything, sincerely, these things can't be disguised, I can see Han Song should be able to see it. ”Chen Ge smiled from the corner of his mouth:“ Principal, you are the kindest person I ’ve ever seen. I did n’t mean to deceive you, but I wanted to do more. In this world There are many things that cannot be done by good faith alone. "

The smile on his face slowly converged: "The door is full of despair and negative emotions, but the source of these emotions is outside the door. I do n’t know how the world behind the door appears, but I know if everyone is like you Again, behind the door may just be a pure dream. "

Turning his head and looking out the window, Chen Ge looked at the thick blood mist: "Maybe the stars can be seen here."

The old headmaster saw Chen Ge for the first time with this expression: "You seem to have something in your heart?"

"I never told others about these things, you were the first to hear, probably because you know my parents, and I'm sure you won't hurt me." Chen Ge and the old principal walked in the line At the front: "There is a big ghost school. Standing among the red clothes and the ghosts, I may be the only living person. Sometimes I will be afraid, but I know I can't be afraid. I am a very ordinary living person, but It ’s also the boss of the haunted house. It ’s the backbone of those children. If I mess up, everyone will be soulless, so I ca n’t be scared, nor dare to have the idea of ​​fear. ”

It wasn't until Chen Ge said this that the old headmaster started to watch Chen Ge again. If he was still alive, his grandson should be as old as he is.

Chen Ge should be very strong, so even he ignored the most fundamental problem. He was the only living person in the desperate situation.

In this blood-red abyss, he was like a swaying candlelight, and a slightly stronger wind would blow it out.

He should also be difficult.

The old headmaster's heart emerged unintentionally: "If you want to talk to people in the future, you can come to me at any time. I have lived for most of my life. Although I haven't done anything important, there is no problem with being a qualified audience. of."

"Thank you." Chen Ge asked casually: "Actually, I really want to know about my parents. They didn't tell me anything. Principal, can you tell me about them in your heart?"

"I only know that they are very enthusiastic and do not ask for a return, which has helped me a lot. In addition, as far as I know, they have helped many people in the western suburbs, and their haunted house income will always be donated to most of them. More is needed. "The old headmaster spoke highly of Chen Ge's parents.

"Then did they mention me? I want to know what I look like in their eyes?" Chen Ge's speech slowed down, and he wanted to find out what happened between himself and the shadow.

The old headmaster did not answer immediately, he said after a long time: "I have been to your house, it was a late night, your parents are going out. I do n’t know where they are going, I only saw them standing in front of your room for a long time long time."

"Have you been to my house?" In order to maintain the normal operation of the haunted house, Chen Ge bought the old house in his house, and he didn't want to go back to that place, lest he remember the past.

"Chen Ge, anyway, I hope you understand that your parents really love you. They may have done a lot of things that you can't understand now, but I hope you don't get angry with them." The old principal seemed to know some insider , But he couldn't tell Chen Ge.

"I haven't seen them in a long time?" Chen Ge's voice made the old headmaster very distressed.

"Can you tell me where they went last?" Stopping, Chen Ge suddenly opened his mouth, and the old headmaster's mouth opened slightly, as if subconsciously wanting to say something, but he quickly closed again at the moment he was about to speak. Speak up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't you tell me? "Chen Ge stopped and looked at the old principal like that, like a homeless child standing in a rainstorm."

The old principal hesitated again and again, and finally shook his head: "They will come back to find you."

"It's okay, I also think they will come back." Chen Ge took a breath and became the same as usual: "Let's go, let's move on, wait for the recognition of enough ghosts, the ghost school will also recognize us At that time, we will show off directly with everyone, and I do n’t want to drag on anymore. "

Sunshine, strong, kind-hearted, with a fierce force in his bones, so calm that he was outrageous, but sometimes he was like a child again.

The old headmaster looked at Chen Ge, and his views on Chen Ge changed unknowingly. If it used to be only a cooperative relationship, then now Chen Chen is regarded as his junior.

This change, he did not realize it, either because of guilt, or because of other reasons.

"Principal, what I said to you today, I hope you don't tell others."

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