I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 867: The smell of red!

Yinghong revealed to Chen Ge a lot of information, and also verified some of his guesses. These 13 forbidden places should be the last secret in the ghost school.

"There are several scenes of the psychic ghost school that coincide with the Xicheng Private College, which also indirectly proves my previous speculation that there are no ghosts in those forbidden areas because they have left with Zhang Ya." Chen Ge ’s brain is in Run fast.

"Yinghong just said that a room in the deepest part of the boys' apartment exudes foul smell. That room should be the place where my haunted house staff once lived. The room is locked with a father's body and a stinking heart. This description is also a bit Meaning, is the 'smelly smell' around me still incomplete? He locked his heart and his father's body together? "

Only Hongyi will have his own "heart". Yinghong's words have attracted Chen Ge's attention.

In Chen Ge's impression, although the Xicheng Private College is a Samsung scene, the reason that scene will be rated as Samsung is entirely because of Zhang Ya.

"It seems that I underestimated this scene." Chen Ge remembered the scene when he was fighting with the out-of-school gangsters in the warehouse area. Those gangsters exuded a pungent smell, and other ghosts could not avoid it. : "No wonder he is like a fish in this ghost school. Previously in Living Coffin Village and Liwan Town, other ghosts have been promoted by eating, except for his appearance."

Chen Ge expects that the stench will bring him more surprises. The male apartment is a forbidden place for others, but for him it is like visiting the staff's home.

"The ghost correction is constantly changing, and there are many night dreams. If the foul heart is really locked deep in the dormitory, then I will help him get this heart back, but only if he is willing to take his heart back." Locking Xin and his father ’s body together, Chen Ge does n’t know what he meant to do so. If the stench wants to forget the past and just be a happy fat man, then he wo n’t force him.

Under the guidance of Ying Hong, Chen Ge ran towards the center of the school. The closer to the center, the more students he met.

Most of the students stayed quietly in the classroom according to the warnings on the radio. At this time, the children who were still running around were mostly stabbed.

This is not necessarily 100% correct, but Chen Ge thinks so, as long as he sees the untruthful students, he will run over and talk to others.

Sometimes I have to admit that Chen Ge is indeed quite talented in persuasion and debate. After a "push heart" conversation, many students shed tears of touching emotions. Most of them chose to join Chen Ge's team.

A small number of students have important matters, and it is not convenient for students who go with Chen Ge to verbally express their support for Chen Ge and agree with Chen Ge's ideas before leaving in a hurry.

All the way from the west side of the ghost school to the school center, the number of the team behind Chen Ge doubled, and he also successfully attracted the attention of the school will.

That **** day had broken through the blood mist and pressed against the ghost correction, because the distance was getting closer, Chen Ge also really saw the true face of the **** day for the first time.

It is actually a huge blood-red eyeball, crimson pupil, countless bloodstains intertwined and rolling in it, and one after another a desperate face is reflected in the eyes.

"Every face should represent a desperate disillusionment, but this number is too much?" Chen Ge felt that Hanjiang City should not have such a large number of disillusionment, this monster may also attract some obsessions from other places, Just like the cursed hospital, it was at the junction of the two cities, but it was counted as a black cell phone by Hanjiang.

"The four-star scene has begun to affect the surroundings. How scary will the five-star scene be?" Chen Ge looked out the window. The eyes above the ghost school were very powerful, but the face in his eyes was constantly wailing and screaming, and seemed to be afraid. what.

"The will of the ghost school has been staring at the direction of the Scarlet City. What monster is hiding in that city? What is it afraid of?"

The blood-red city in the distance is constantly approaching, and it feels like a tide of blood, wanting to swallow the ghost school.

"It's strange, I always think that city is like having life ..."

"Here it is, this is." When Chen Ge thought, Yinghong had led them to the student apartment. She grabbed Chen Ge's sleeve and whispered: "All the buildings in the school are connected together, forming a huge The enclosed building complex, the teaching area on the left, and the apartment dormitory on the right, if you look closely, you should find that the colors of the two walls are not the same. "

"Since you're here, let's go and see." Chen Ge is not afraid of anyone except Chang Wenyu and the painter. He has already completed the task of Chang Wenyu in excess, and a large group of people have gathered around him, but he has not yet obtained the ghost. The school will approve it: "Let ’s go to the boys’ dormitory first, and then go to the room that smells like you said before. "

"Your request is really weird. At first, I thought you were deliberately brave and pretended not to be afraid of anything. Now I found myself wrong and you are obviously in it." Yinghong's expression is strange. There is a feeling of sickness and abnormality.

"The world of adults is very complicated. I can't understand it with you. I will lead the way ahead." Chen Ge called for stench, a fat boy with a huge body and a stinking smell, squinting a pair of small eyes, holding his own Belly, posing a harmless look for humans and animals.

Since he appeared in Chen Ge's haunted house, he has always behaved very docilely. Chen Ge himself knows that it is very inappropriate to use docile to describe a fierce ghost, but that's how it feels.

No matter how hard he is, he is bullied and laughs ~ www.readwn.com ~ No matter what he does, he rushes to the first. Although he sometimes does bad things with good intentions, he often dares not show up because he is afraid of complaints from tourists. I dared to hide in the distance, fearing that the taste would be too strong to smoke away.

Who would have thought that such a thoughtful employee might even be a hidden red man who also locked his true heart with his father's body.

"The stench has no form, can such a ghost be a red suit? Forget it, I don't want to wait so much to talk to the place again." Chen Ge and Ying Hong turned into the promenade where the boys' apartment is located, probably because they are in class, here A student could not see it, and there was a faint **** mist around it. It seemed that a window had been broken, and it was too late to repair it.

They crossed the promenade, entered the corridor again, walked down four floors, and finally stopped in front of a gate nailed by planks.

"The school has sealed this place. No one has ever entered, and no one knows what's inside. If you open the door, you might release something extremely scary." Even the ghost of the character of Ying Honghong made a noise Remind that this place is really dangerous for ghost school students.

"It's okay, believe me." Chen Ge glanced at the still stupefying "smelly smell" and motioned everyone to come and remove the board.

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