I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 873: What did the girl see?

Thick blood mist poured into the promenade along the path opened by Chen Ge. Blood-red benches appeared in the distance, and the wailing and cry for help could be heard clearly in the ear.

"How many people have died in this corridor? There is a feeling of horror as you walk in it?" The old headmaster whispered, as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt cold and desperately drilled into his throat.

"I don't know." Chen Ge shook his head, he was approaching Zhang Ya's secret step by step: "How did an introverted simple girl become the top red dress? What she experienced should be able to find the answer here."

The screams and wailing in the ears gradually increased, blood dripped, and thin bloodstains appeared on the wall skin. This corridor was like the esophagus of a beast, very depressed.

"Chen Ge, I feel a little bad."

The old principal guarded Yingbai and Yinghong, he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yinghong: "This place makes me very uncomfortable and has a tingling sensation in your heart. You better not move on."

The heart of red clothes is different from that of living people. Their heart is the deepest obsession, and a tingling sensation in their hearts means that the obsession is shaken, indicating that they are in a very dangerous scene.

"Boss, I also have a feeling of scalp tingling." The broken hand in Bai Qiulin's pocket trembles slightly, the last time he still encountered a shadow in Liwan Town.

"Don't panic." Of all the people, only Chen Ge remained calm. He looked at the chair deep in the promenade, and every time he blinked, the distance between the chair and him seemed to be getting closer.

This scene seems to have been similar, just as he did when he first went to Xicheng Private College.

"Be careful with that chair!" Ying Hong reminded again that the chair was not too scary, but it seemed to represent something that would directly inspire the uneasiness in the heart.

"The cry for help seems to be coming from the chair. The legends of the school will not be true?" The senior ghost school students and teachers were watching the entrance of the girls' dormitory. They also saw this scene.

The blood was floating, and the chair was slowly approaching. No one had entered the restricted area before. At this moment, their hearts were all raised.

The most terrifying legend in the ghost school is in sight, no one knows what will happen in the next moment, everyone holds their breath.

"Save me ... save me ..."

A girl's voice became clearer and clearer, and as the chair kept getting closer, everyone vaguely saw a male student sitting on the chair with vicious eyes.

"She seems to be looking for a dead ghost."

Even the red dress can't make the **** the chair back, the expression on her face is constantly distorted, straight to the crowd.

"What is that? You can see it, but you can't perceive it. It's not like a ghost or a residual thought. It's strange." Chen Ge alone has such a strange feeling, including the red clothes around him, all Everyone found anomalies.

The **** the chair and the corridor seemed to be a whole, and as the girl approached, it seemed that the whole corridor was moving, as if with a huge mouth, preparing to swallow everyone in one bite.

"Be careful!"

The thick **** smell mixed with the cry for help, everyone had an unknown hunch.

"Director Lei, shall we stand outside and watch? What if they have something wrong? A lot of students followed him in." A female teacher outside the corridor of the girls' dormitory said.

"Then you go in and call them out, I won't stop you." Director Lei glared at the female teacher. "When I entered this school, the restricted area already existed. The most dangerous secrets in the school are hidden here. , Do you know what a secret is? "

The female teacher's face was not very pretty, she shook her head gently.

"The secret is that if you know it, you have to pay the corresponding price, such as death, or you also become part of the secret." Director Lei is a very smart person, otherwise it is impossible to mix in the ghost school. From: "Will call for more helpers to come over, bring people bricks, and prepare to seal this place."

"Director, now the school is being hit by something outside, and there are gaps everywhere. I am afraid that there will be a big problem if we recruit people to come over."

"I can't take care of that much, just do what I said."

"So do the students here need to be evacuated?"

"No, I want them to watch the guy named Chen Ge die in the penalty area, so that no one will doubt the will of the ghost school, and no one will believe what he said just now." Director Lei Retired to the crowd: "There are enough disobedient children in this school, so they should be awake."

"But is this really good?" The female teacher also wanted to persuade.

"It's too late to say anything now, and the ending is already doomed when they see the chair. Whether it's a ghost or a red dress, as long as they are targeted by the monsters locked in the chair, unless they escape from this school ~ www. readwn.com ~ Otherwise it will definitely die. "Director Lei obviously knew something. He didn't say it clearly, but with a trace of pain in his eyes, it seemed that his friends disappeared here:" This girl's apartment is a cannibalistic monster , All the people who went in did not come out again. "

Across the crowd, Director Lei looked deep into the corridor, and the blood-red chair quickly approached Chen Ge and them.

"Rebellion will only cause more mutations. The rooms on both sides of the corridor are all monsters. As soon as he starts, these people will immediately be swallowed. There is no leftover slag." Director Lei's wise eyes seemed to have seen At the end, he shouted to all the students around him: "Retreat! Here will soon ..."

Before the words fell, Director Lei suddenly found that the female teacher beside him looked very strange. He turned his head to look and saw that the chair in the corridor finally appeared in front of Chen Ge, but the chair hadn't stopped yet. The girl sitting on the chair Suddenly screaming, escaping deeper into the corridor at a faster rate than when he came.

"It's impossible!" Director Lei's hand froze in the air, and he strode to the entrance of the girls' dormitory, and took off the pile of debris and looked inside.

The girl ’s screaming in the chair alarmed all the monsters in the corridor, but unlike Director Lei ’s expectation, the scene of Chen Ge ’s being swallowed and torn apart did not appear. Instead, a half-open door was closed. , He even heard the sound of locking.

"What did the girl in that chair see?"

Director Lei couldn't understand it. The students and the old principal who were beside Chen Ge in the corridor couldn't figure it out. In fact, Chen Ge himself took a few seconds to react.

"The **** the chair may feel Zhang Ya's existence, and only then can I say that." Chen Ge looked back at his shadow: "Just the breath left on me shouldn't scare her away, can it be said? Zhang Ya is about to wake up? "

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