I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 879: Change!


In psychic ghost schools, mirrors have a special meaning. Each mirror represents a person, and there is a memory hidden behind each mirror.

The scene in front of him shocked Chen Ge. He had been in the ghost school for so long, and he had not seen a few mirrors in total. It was unexpected that those mirrors were all hidden in this room.

"The mirror represents the memory, and there are secrets hidden in the memory. The doorman peeks into the past of all the ghosts and outsiders in the door."

The door and the wall are exactly the same color, almost integrated, and the outside is covered with announcements and photos. After the doorman died, no one would think that there will be a room behind this shame wall.

"The preference of this door man is a bit special. Was the despair behind the door distorting him, or did he give up himself and open his arms to embrace the abyss."

Chen Ge is very curious about every doorman, and the doorman of the psychic ghost school is the only one who has died, which is of great research value.

"You follow me." Chen Ge dragged Xu Yin into this hidden room.

"I didn't lie to you. This is the principal's office you are going to. The doorkeeper is the master of the ghost school. This room is also the deepest hidden room of the ghost school." The scenes here attracted, and did not notice the new blood words on the puppet.

The room is not big, there are no windows, no ventilation holes, and the whole room is connected to the outside world only by the door.

"This is the most depressing room I have ever seen." Bai Qiulin carrying a mirror and did not enter with Chen Ge. He just looked outside for a while and shook his head again and again: "Seal himself in a mirror-filled room every day. Every day, I only look at myself in the mirror, and even Li Gui rarely does such a thing. "

"Don't underestimate these mirrors." Chen Ge carefully picked up a piece of mirror on the ground. He took the mirror in front of him, but what was reflected in the mirror was not himself.

The deserted mirror looks strange and pitiful.

"The ghost school is different from other scenes. One of the key points is the appearance of the special item, the mirror. The secrets about the mirror should be in this room."

There is no way to get down in the house. The mirror and the mirror fragments are piled up and overlap each other. There is me in you, and I always have you, just like the will of the ghost school above your head. .

"I also brought you here in the principal's office, and I am very sincere." The puppet hooked Chen Ge's clothes and let Chen Ge look at him.

"En." Chen Ge's response was only one word, and he was attracted by a mirror in the corner of the room.

Most of the mirrors in this room are broken, the edges are uneven, and the surface is smeared with blood and stains, but there is a mirror in the corner that is well preserved, it emits a faint red light, and blood continuously flows on the mirror surface. It seems that something wants to come out.

"Whose mirror would it be? Looking like a small mirror for a girl, is it Chang Wenyu?"

Chen Ge suddenly thought of a question. If every ghost school student corresponds to a mirror, is it possible that that elegant mirror is also in this room?

Shook his head, Chen Ge drove the idea out of his mind: "Zhang Ya even killed the doormen, how could he leave his mirror?"

Thinking about this, Chen Ge was even more curious: "Xu Yin, go get the mirror."

Chen Ge took over the puppet, he was worried that this was a puppet's conspiracy, prevent it in advance, and prevent the puppet from contacting anything in the house.

Hearing Chen Ge ’s words, Xu Yin walked towards the corner of the room, but he just stepped on the mirror on the ground. All the mirrors in the room began to bleed outward, and cracks appeared. One mirror seemed to open his mouth. Xu Yin swallowed.

"come back!"

Chen Ge shouted loudly, after Xu Yin stopped approaching, the lens in the room slowly returned to its original state.

The clothes were touched, Chen Ge looked back, and a line of words appeared on the puppet: "Once these mirrors are touched, the school will immediately start targeting you, just a warning."

"Can only watch, can't touch?"

"No, this warning should only be effective for red clothes. If it is an ordinary obsession, their reaction is not expected to be so strong."

"What if it is a living person?" Chen Ge returned the puppet to Xu Yin: "Neither the doormen nor the will of the school would expect that a living person would enter this room. When I picked up a piece of mirror just now, they did not Change occurred. "

"Unclear ..."

Chen Ge didn't ask the puppet again. He slowly stepped on the mirror debris on the ground, as he guessed, everything in the room was normal.

"Xu Yin, stay here and don't move."

A little bit forward, Chen Ge's body was completely standing on the pile of mirror fragments: "Sorry, more offended."

Every mirror is a memory, Chen Ge apologized in advance, also to reassure himself.

Looked down, looking at the mirror fragments, as if it were a mirror cemetery.

"Only the surface of the mirror in the corner is bloody. Whose mirror is that?" Chen Ge now has the painter's mirror ~ www.readwn.com ~ But this information is never obtained from the mouth, and the credibility not tall.

Feet are full of mirror fragments. If you don't pay attention, you will fall, and the injury is still a trivial matter. Chen Ge just doesn't want to destroy these mirrors.

He slowly moved his body, and it took more than a minute to get close to the corner of the wall. He squatted down and carefully examined the mirror fragments in front of him.

This mirror is different. When he looks at the mirror, more and more blood begins to appear on the mirror surface, as if this is not a mirror, but a beating heart.

"There seems to be something in the mirror." Chen Ge used the Yin pupil. He was surprised to find that the blood-red mirror reflected the room.

In a confined space filled with fragments of mirrors, a boy in a red dress was squatting at the corner of the wall, looking intently at a mirror for girls' makeup.

"Wait! This scene is the same as what I am experiencing now ..." Chen Ge was about to retreat. The red boy in the mirror squatting in the corner of the wall suddenly turned his head. This person's face was similar to Chen Ge's. Even more frightening is that his facial features are still changing slowly, more and more like Chen Ge's face.

"Is it for the dead ghost?" Chen Ge was about to retreat. The boy in red in the blood-red mirror suddenly screamed. He ripped his face with his hands and dug out large pieces of flesh. It seems that this face indicates the ultimate Unknown and disaster-like.

As the red boy in the mirror went crazy, there was a loud noise outside the corridor, and then Chen Ge heard the voice of the old principal.

"Chen Ge! The school will have a problem! That eyeball is bleeding!"

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