I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 882: What color is destiny

| | |->-> The **** eyeballs hanging above the ghost school split from the middle and turned into a huge mirror that covered the whole ghost school.

The mirror surface is blood red, the side of the mirror is the world of blood color behind the door, and the side of the mirror is the east-west campus of the painter.

"The East-West campus is just a painter's use of the remaining memories of the students to construct it. When the will of the school is hit hard, the East-West campus he spent a lot of effort on will naturally be affected."

Chen Ge looked up at the mirror in the sky, and the girl sitting on the top floor of the experiment building over the mirror did the same.

"Chang Wenyu?"

A name crossed in Chen Ge's mind, the girl and Chen Ge imagined completely different.

In the movie shot by Chang Gu, Chang Wenyu has many personalities, but is generally a quiet and lovely girl.

This should be what Chang Wenyu thinks in Chang Gu ’s mind, and his brother, who actually knows his sister, has been misled by Chen Ge for various reasons.

The real Chang Wenyu was a girl who didn't want to get close at first glance. Her left eye was dug out, leaving only a dark hole. The flame burning in her right eye, hiding a craziness suppressed to the limit, like this No matter what kind of things people do, it is possible that there is nothing in the world that can restrain them, and even they cannot control themselves.

Comparatively speaking, the painter is the other extreme. He said nothing, and the silence seemed like a dead sea.

Even if the artboard is broken, even if the school district that he worked hard to build is collapsing, even if the school will be hit hard, his expression has not changed from beginning to end.

The painter and Chang Wenyu are two extremes. When there is a big problem with the will of the ghost school, and the whole ghost school is exposed to the **** city, these two people, looking down at their artboards, seem to recall that they used to draw on this artboard. The other painting, sitting on the edge of the building and looking up at the sky on the other side of the mirror, seems to be admiring this rare chaotic scene.

"Two lunatics." Chen Ge's eyes have moved from the girl to the boy. He can now be sure that there is definitely a connection between the painter and Fan Yu.

They have exactly the same face, but their bodies are slightly different. Fan Yu may have kept his head down because of low self-esteem, with a slight hunchback, the painter looks more ordinary.

"I have seen Fan Yu outside the door with my own eyes, and took him to eat and drew and painted. I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Chen Ge's eyes couldn't be removed from the painter. He couldn't understand it. Outside the door Fan Yuming is still alive, why there will be a "Fan Yu" in the world behind the door, and the two have completely different personalities, and their abilities are so different.

"Really that child." The old headmaster also recognized Fan Yu, and besides his surprise, there was a trace of guilt on his face.

"Principal, are you sure that Fan Yu was bullied at school has nothing to do with you?" Chen Ge pulled the principal to his side.

"I am the principal of Muyang Middle School. Anything happening in the school is related to me. How could he be bullied that I have no responsibility?" The old principal did not understand Chen Ge's words.

"I mean, did you do anything that directly or indirectly hurt him, for example, he asked you for help, but you didn't pay attention because you were too busy ..."

"If he asks me for help, this tragedy will not happen." The old principal also looked at Fan Yu: "He is a good boy."

"Since Fan Yu is bullied and has nothing to do with you, then our plan will not be affected." Chen Ge's eyes are firm: "I will do everything I can to make you the principal of the ghost school and lead the will of the ghost school. In this case, you I also saw that none of them can bring redemption and relief to the children, only you can. "

"I can't do it either. Every child has his own obsession, and it's too difficult to get rid of it."

"At least you will not let them go astray and suffer more harm." Chen Ge said seriously: "There is no more suitable person than you, principal, you can use this as the second Muyang Middle School."

"Well, I'll try it as much as possible." The old headmaster had a bitter smile on his face. He was just a half-length red dress, and his competitors were all top-notch red dresses.

"There are thirteen paintings in the studio, representing thirteen people who are qualified as pushers. Most of them don't care. We only need to pay attention to the painter and Chang Wenyu." Chen Ge started from entering the ghost school The plan is now the most critical time for his plan.

"So what are we going to do next?" The old headmaster was nervous.

"Let's find a safe place to stay first. Chang Wenyu dare to calculate the will of the ghost school. It is very likely that an agreement has been reached with a monster in the Scarlet City. If the ghost school is in chaos, we must save our strength." Chen Ge Let the students who follow them stay together, they go down the corridor to find a safe place.

The **** haze scours the ghost school arbitrarily, and the mirror above the head covers the campus, and it can only barely allow the monsters in the **** city to enter.

However, this **** mirror is composed of the will of countless students. When the will is defeated, the complete collapse is only a momentary thing.

On the east and west campuses over the mirror, more and more students recalled their lost memories ~ www.readwn.com ~ All kinds of negative emotions began to flow in, and blood fingerprints appeared one after another on the walls between the east and west campuses. Horrible and bizarre things started to happen.

"This is what they really look like. There are countless pains and despairs behind every good memory. Fate is so fair and cruel." Chang Wenyu shook her legs and she looked at everything happily.

"Fate?" The artist slowly raised his head, his lips moved slightly, and said a few words: "Do you know what color fate is?"

"I don't know, it's probably red, I like red." Chang Wenyu looked back at the painter and listened to the tone of the conversation between the two. I am afraid that people who don't know may think they are very close friends.

"Fate is white, what kind of paint you use on it, what color it will become." The painter's voice can calm people.

"So you took advantage of the will of the ghost school and tampered with their memories without permission? Just to keep the beautiful moments for them? How do you know that this is what they want? What qualifications do you have to tamper with others' most precious things?" Chang Wen Yu's memory seems to have been touched by the painter, which should be one of the reasons for their conflict: "Don't think that the most recognized person in the ghost school will be you, you should think of yourself as the **** of this school!"

Faced with Chang Wenyu's blame, the painter didn't refute, he just bowed his head and picked up the broken artboard: "Why is there a God in the world behind the door? Even if there is, it's just that the devil occasionally shows kindness."

When he finished the last word, a pungent **** smell radiated from somewhere on the drawing board.

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