I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 907: long time no see!

After only about twenty minutes, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor, and it seemed that many people were running towards the ward.


The closed door was knocked open, and Li Zheng and the other two policemen rushed into the ward with alert look.

"Chen Ge!" Li Zheng shouted Chen Ge's name aloud. His hand was already pressed on his lower back, and he prepared for the worst.

"Li Team, I'm here!" Seeing Li Zheng's familiar face, Chen Ge ran directly over. He couldn't help but gave Li Zheng a big hug: "Long time no see!"

Chen Ge's voice contained a trace of fatigue that could not be hidden. Li Zheng patted Chen Ge's shoulder lightly: "We ... not just met yesterday? What's wrong with you? Is your head hurt?"

"That's not there." Chen Ge loosened Li Zheng: "The prisoner has been taken away by the nurses here, and now he should be on his way to Hanjiang Central Hospital."

"What did he do? Is this ward the first crime scene? Are you staying here to protect the scene?" Li Zheng and Chen Ge are very familiar with this kind of familiarity, which has transcended the relationship between the police and the public. Treat Chen Ge as his colleague, and he is a colleague with rich "criminal" experience.

"That guy is very dangerous, and it seems to be related to the coma of many children. As long as you release the news that he was taken away by the police, there will definitely be parents of many students to find you." Chen Ge did not lie, a large number of keeper of psychic ghost school After introducing the remnant soul into the door, he lost consciousness and obsession, and all the children became vegetative-like. Most of them lay in the hospital, while others were taken home to take care of them.

People usually understand how to cherish after they have been lost. Good children suddenly fall into a coma. Many parents feel regret and self-blame during this long time. If they can spend more time with their children and care more about them, Those kids will not do stupid things anymore.

There are many students tempted by psychic ghost schools. Not only Han Jiang, Chang Gu also used the power of those parents in order to find Chang Wenyu, so once the police disclose the whereabouts of Chang Gu, parents will definitely contact the police.

As for what they said, the police believe it is another matter.

Chen Ge is not worried that Chang Gu will expose himself. The guy was hit by the will of the ghost school with the body of a living person and stayed in the blood mist for a long time. Whether he can wake up is still a problem.

"Cause a large number of students to be comatose? This is a big case." After hearing Chen Ge's words, Li Zheng's first thought was not to question, but to think about how to proceed to the next step. He subconsciously believed Chen Ge's words After all, the man in front of him had an extremely "brilliant" past.

"Well, if you pay close attention to the investigation, I will go back to the haunted house first. If you need anything, just open the door. I will cooperate fully with the investigation!" Chen Ge said with full cooperation, and the body has moved to the door of the ward.

"Don't hurry, I still have a lot to ask you." Li Zheng grabbed Chen Ge's arm.


The investigation and inquiry were much longer than Chen Ge expected. Li Zheng did not open the back door for Chen Ge because he knew him well. One question after another, more than an hour had passed.

The sky outside the window was completely lit, and it was almost time for the park to open for business.

Li Zheng also knows that Chen Ge is not easy, but also runs a haunted house. In fact, Chen Ge is now in a very poor state, and looks like a coma: "For the time being, just do n’t go anywhere until the suspect wakes up. Stay in the park honestly, especially at night. "


When Li Zheng and other police went out to ask other doctors and witnesses, Chen Ge seized the time to wrap the mirror fragments on the ground with bed sheets and stuffed them into his backpack.

"The mirror with the memory of the painter is probably broken intentionally without a smile. It should be hidden in a piece of debris now, and be prepared to escape at all times. This guy is much smarter than the former principal. Slow down time. "

At eight or ten, Li Zheng asked a policeman to go to the hospital to see Chang Gu, while the other stayed in the mental hospital to continue the investigation. He personally drove himself to send Chen Ge back to the New World Paradise.

"Not used anymore?"

"Fasten your seat belt, I'll take you back. By the way, there is something else I want to ask you separately." Li Zheng couldn't help but said, "Please" Chen Ge into the police car, and then started the car.

Li Zheng drove quickly. After entering the police car, his face became very serious.

"Li team, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, there is no need to go around the corner between us." Chen Ge leaned on the back seat. The police car made him feel at ease. It was safe here.

"Chen Ge, I know you may want to investigate something, but you are using the name of the Criminal Investigation Team of the City Branch, whether it is for public or private, it is a mistake. You have a strong sense of justice, but do n’t let it dominate. You, sometimes, justice is not innocent. "Li Zheng said these words to Chen Ge alone, but he was actually worried about Chen Ge.


"I think people are accurate, you lied, although I don't know which one you lied about. In addition, those mirror fragments should be important to you? If they are related to this case, remember to hand it in after you use it. To us, we have a professional testing team ... "Li Zheng said for a long time, no one answered, he looked at the rearview mirror and found that Chen Ge had fallen asleep holding his backpack and gift box.

Sleepy Chen Ge looks like a clean white paper, without any complicated thoughts, all the sad things are exposed on his face.

"It seems that he is really tired."

Li Zheng shook his head gently and drove the police car near the New Century Paradise before waking up Chen Ge: "Sleeping really dead, hurry and get off!"

Carrying big bags and small bags ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge walked among the tourists waiting to open the door and trot all the way.

Several employees all stood in front of the horror house, they have been waiting for a long time.


By the sound of the boss, let Chen Ge quickly adjust the state: "Don't talk nonsense! All go to the dressing room to gather! Ready to open for business!"

Pushing away the protective fence, Chen Ge led all employees into the dressing room, and he began to make up the employees non-stop.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the gate of the New Century Paradise opened, and the flow of people poured into the paradise, and a long queue lined up in front of the horror house.

After finishing the makeup for the employees, Chen Ge put the Li ghost staff in the backpack back to various positions in the haunted house, let Laobai and Lao Zhou take charge of the haunted house order, enter the employee lounge, and fall asleep.

Chen Ge didn't set the watch, he fell asleep at noon, and finally he was awakened by the loud knock on the door.

"What happened?" Chen Ge didn't care to put on his coat and quickly opened the door.

"Chen Ge, Director Luo is looking for you! There is something very important to tell you!" Uncle Xu stood outside the door with a strange expression.

"What is it? You may have revealed it, let me have a psychological preparation." Chen Ge became nervous, because the virtual future park will be opened the day after tomorrow, and they will face unprecedented pressure.

"Let's watch today's news express yourself." Uncle Xu took out his mobile phone and opened a page. The headline of that news was very eye-catching-the student was in a coma for five years! Miracle awakening! The first sentence of the mouth is actually the New Century Paradise in the suburbs of Jiangxi!

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