I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 910: The most difficult task

"Do you have a double chance of meeting a special tourist when you open at night? Are black phones encouraging me to open a night show?"

During the day, the ghosts can only hide under the haunted house. Even the ghosts like Lao Zhou and Duanyue are afraid of the sun. They can only appear for a few minutes during the day, and they cannot be exposed to sunlight.

If it is at night, the ghosts will be unlimited, and the haunted house at that time will be more terrible than during the day, not only because of changes in the environment, but also because most of the employees in Chen Ge ’s haunted house are real ghosts. The more active.

"The problem of the door has not been solved. In case there is a serious fooling around among the tourists, it will probably hurt the tourists by mistake."

Chen Ge was not ready to open the night show. He thought about it and then dismissed the idea.

Removed a handful of cat food from the cabinet. Chen Ge deceived the white cat and hugged it in his arms: "Go, follow me to see the new scene."

White cats are very sensitive to such things as ghost obsession. Bringing white cats can not only warn you, but also screen for unstable factors in new scenes.

The white cat eating cat food and rubbing his head against Chen Ge's chest has not yet realized the danger, and when it finds that Chen Ge is going to enter the underground scene, it is too late to run.

"Look if you are fat now, don't call it White Tiger if you're not active, call it White Pig."

Carrying his backpack, Chen Ge opened the iron gate leading to the underground.

A cold air rushed straight into the brain. With the unlocking of the psychic ghost school, the entire underground scene seemed to become more gloomy.

Can hear the sound of the wind in his ears, the dark ground, and I don't know where the wind came from.

The yellowing test paper was blown up, and occasionally the heads of one or two puppets could be seen quietly rolling away.

"It's too late to run around. Be careful. I invite the old headmaster back and let him take care of you every day." Chen Ge held the white cat in one hand and the black phone in the other, and went to the stairs according to the prompts on the phone. back.

The entrance of the psychic ghost school is between the Muyang Middle School and the underground corpse. If you want to enter this scene, you must go through the triple iron gate. Just pushing the heavy iron gate, people feel very depressed.

The internal layout of the ghost school is nothing at first glance, but if you go deeper, you will find countless places where you are afraid.

For example, there are windows with thick curtains hanging on both sides of the corridor. Some curtains are opened with concrete walls, while others are opened with another room.

Even compared to the map in the black phone, Chen Ge also looked dizzy. The psychic school was too big, filling the entire open space of the underground parking lot, and digging down several layers deep.

"Who would have thought that there would be such a school deep underground." Chen Ge glanced at the road when he came, "or that the town is more appropriate."

The four-star scene of Chen Ge perfectly restored the psychic ghost school behind the door. The nightmare and reality overlapped. The terrible memories poured into Chen Ge's heart and became the material in his hand.

"The walls of the dormitory covered with nails, the canteen that is only open late at night, the deceptive little girl in the staff dormitory, buried in the head of the green belt tree hole, will automatically light up a certain number of elevators, blinking statues, blood The blackboard with the words, the figure behind him upside down, the student who has been resurrected, the teacher Bai who is not recorded in the file at all ... "

Chen Ge touched his pocket. Teacher Bai ’s teacher ’s ID and his student ID were still in his pocket. However, after they went outside, there was a lot of blood on the two IDs that could not be wiped away.

Seems to have been soaked in blood and was taken out after a long time.

"I have a lot of materials, but the number of employees is not enough. This scene is really too big." Chen Ge took out the comic book and called Yan Danian, let him release all obedient ghosts and obsessions in the comic book. .

Chen Ge had helped a lot of ghosts before going to Liwan Town and Living Coffin Village. Now it is time for them to repay their favors.

After Bai Qiulin became a red man, what he said was more persuasive. Many ghosts put down their hatred in the process of talking with Lao Bai and decided to embrace a new future. Chen Ge was very pleased to see their determination and promised to wait After being busy, help them make up for the regrets of their lifetime.

He is not just talking, as long as the employees really regard the haunted house as their own home, it should also be fulfilled for them.

Chen Ge registered the name of each haunted house. Only when this name can be found in the black mobile phone staff bar, he arranged it into the ghost school scene.

Before and after, Chen Ge designed more than 40 strange talks and hundreds of shock points in the ghost school, but most of them require staff control, and the manpower is still not enough. In many cases, an employee is responsible for several shocks at the same time. point.

"For the time being, this can only be done. Next, I will also design the story background to facilitate the substitution of tourists. What identity is better arranged for them, young men and women who try to abandon the school at night? Or are they kept in ghost schools in search of lost memory Students? Or say nothing, just let them escape? "Chen Ge rubbed his temple:" This scene should be used well. The simple escape is too wasteful, it is better to play this time more exciting. "

Chen Ge carried the white cat around the ghost school: "Infirmary, laboratory, music club, sports club ... Wait a minute, I don't seem to see the art club in the ghost school."

He went to the ghost school for an hour and couldn't find the art club: "I also didn't find the red building studio and strange talk classroom that comes with the psychic ghost school. Do these two special buildings still need to trigger conditions?"

Open the control page of the psychic ghost school in the black phone. Chen Ge studied carefully and found the problem. He has been wandering around the east and west campus of the ghost school, and has not been to the deep red campus hidden at the bottom.

If you want to enter this hidden campus, you must pass through a secret road. There are three known passages, a well near the playground of the ghost campus west campus, a movable mirror in the library of the east campus, and a certain mirror in the east campus. The last compartment of the toilet.

"Easters and surprises are hidden in horror. If anyone can find the hidden area, it would be really lucky."

Chen Ge came to the last compartment in the toilet of the teaching building, pushed the door in, and in front of him was a step that extended all the way down.

At the end of the steps, a faint red light can be seen, and cry and laughter can be heard in the ear.

"Crimson Campus?" Chen Ge, the four-star scene unlocked by the horror house, also entered for the first time. He hugged the white cat and walked down the stairs.

The **** handprints and various scary blood words slowly appeared on the walls on both sides, and the blood stains became more and more until the entire corridor became bloody.

"Much like the world behind the door, very depressed and terrifying, many people estimate that they have never dreamed of such a scene in a nightmare." Chen Ge nodded with satisfaction, holding the white cat's eyes and continuing to move forward.

Crimson campus is under the east-west campus ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the bottom floor of the whole horror house. It is empty and there is no ghost. The crying and laughing sounds seem to be the hallucinations of visitors.

Walked for more than ten minutes, Chen Ge finally found the sign of the Fine Arts Society in the Crimson Campus. After entering, he saw the oil painting studio he had seen behind the door.

There are thirteen easels in front of thirteen seats. Thirteen upside-down blood oil paintings are on the thirteen easels.

"Red Studio?"

When Chen Ge discovered this place, the black phone vibrated and a new message was sent.

"Red Studio (Inverted World): After entering the studio, you will see the past of Red Clothing. When you can face the fear, Red Clothing will devour some of your doom. If you ca n’t face it, you may be unconscious. It's a good choice. "

"Can it also help tourists get rid of the disaster?" Chen Ge saw this message and stood next to the oil painting and tried it. It had no effect.

"The past of Red Clothes is really unbearable for ordinary people, but tourists who can find the secret road and rush straight into the painting room should not be ordinary people." Chen Ge thought for a while and took out himself On the mobile phone, a line was written in the column of the planning table: "Tentatively the most difficult task, find the 13 oil paintings in Qi Tongling Ghost School, and put them all in the studio of the art club."

Literally, this task is mediocre and there are some boring, but if you really do it, it should be impossible to complete without coma more than 13 times.

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