I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 912: I like stubborn tourists

"You can rest assured, I am not the kind of person who will cause trouble." Chen Ge and Luo Dong repeatedly promised.

"Today, there may be a media coming, and there are people I invited, but looking at the current development trend, there will definitely be other media coming. You better avoid the limelight." Luo Dong's original intention was to use this incident to make new Century Paradise has become a hot spot. After all, those awakening students have mentioned the term New Century Paradise, but what he did not expect is that the word Chen Ge has also been on the hot search: "There is something for Lao Xu to do. You just stay in the haunted house, recuperate, and wait for the new scene to open tomorrow. "

"Okay." Chen Ge promised to come down, he went back to his haunted house, and got into the staff lounge: "The whole scene can't work with the most difficult tasks, but also to design some simple tasks. The scene of the psychic ghost school is very large. I can play whatever I want. "

Combined with the inspiration brought by the black phone, Chen Ge also learned the way the black phone released the task and designed many hidden tasks and branch tasks. These tasks seem to be unrelated, but if you complete all the branch tasks, you will find The truth of the entire psychic ghost school.

Today ’s New Century Paradise is much more lively than usual. Chen Ge looks out from the window, and there are many media outside the horror house.

Luo Dong did not prevent them from entering, as long as they bought tickets normally, no one would stop them.

Chen Ge and Luo Dong didn't show up, but they embarrassed Xu Shu outside. Tourists and media who saw the news questioned him. Three layers inside and three layers outside. The crowds directly overwhelmed him.

Chen Ge stayed in the staff lounge until noon, Chen Ge, who handled the matter at hand, turned on his mobile phone. Four of the top ten hot searches have been related to New Century Paradise. The most prominent one is New Century Paradise ’s promotional video about the new scene of the haunted house. .

It may be because this video has obvious advertising colors, and there are countless netizens who question the authenticity of things below the video. Many people suspect that this is a complete hype, and there are a few of the most happy guys who think they are. Seeing through the truth blatantly cursed.

Is very normal, indicating that there is heat, and Chen Ge does not care, but when he clicks on his hot search, he finds that the situation is not right.

There are a lot of Sanwu trumpets in the discussion area with rhythm, and some people pretend to be Chen Ge to maliciously discredit the New Century Paradise, and some trumpets even pretend to inadvertently mention the virtual future paradise in the discussion area.

"Is the virtual future paradise acting?" Chen Ge watched as a trumpet pretending to jump on the discussion board, and was a little angry. Since he was a child, he adhered to the principle of not being forced as much as possible, so he rarely quarreled with others.

Login his account, Chen Ge wanted to debunk the true face of the trumpet, but found that the entire discussion area has been controlled by the other party, and there is obviously a team in operation.

From last night to this morning, everyone was paying attention to the relationship between the comatose and New Century Paradise, and they were curious whether the world really existed after death.

This topic has reached a boiling point. With the heat getting higher and higher, all the monsters and monsters have jumped out. Some people are analyzing rationally, and some are fanning the flames.

From morning to noon, the wind direction has changed, and many passers-by who do not know the truth are brought to the rhythm. I think this is the hype of the new century paradise. There is no post-mortem world at all. Those comatose students are also awakened by the unscrupulous media. .

More and more people began to blame New Century Paradise, saying that this paradise is ugly to eat, and several big fans with millions of fans expressed their views. One of them, Liu Gang ’s Big V, directly took New Century Paradise ’s past information. Moved out and said that New Century Paradise is on the verge of collapse. At this time, the virtual future park in the same city opened. In front of strong competitors, New Century Paradise has no way to live, so he made this decision and wanted to use the world after death. For the gimmick, the Jedi counterattacked.

This person looks like "the world is turbid and I am alone, everyone is drunk and I am awake", appealing to everyone to boycott this unscrupulous merchant, and then inadvertently reveals that the virtual future park of Hanjiang is unusual, which is international. A rare sixth-generation paradise.

"How much did this guy named Liu Gang charge for the virtual future park?" Chen Ge held his mobile phone. He felt a little bad. The virtual future park was well funded. The propaganda started a few weeks in advance. The new century park will never be allowed. When they run out of trouble, they will definitely take various measures.

Judging from the current situation, there are high people in the virtual future paradise, and the heat has not been able to suppress it. They simply pushed the boat down and prepared to turn the New Century Paradise into a joke, and then use this blast to promote themselves.

"Less than twenty-four hours left until the virtual future opens, this time is too sensitive." Chen Ge was thinking about how to deal with it, and suddenly received a call from Luo Dong.

"Chen Ge, Virtual Future Park also launched a theme horror scene called reincarnation. They modified the propaganda slogan, and also began to focus on the post-death world and began to promote on various platforms."

"They are really shameless, but it doesn't matter, our scenes are genuine, and it's useless to make them realistic."

"Is it real?" Luo Dong captured the key words in Chen Ge's discourse ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't care about these, Luo Dong, we can definitely crush them in terms of the content and horror of the haunted house game. "

"This sentence is enough for you." Luo Dong seems to be preparing to hang up.

"Wait a minute, Luo Dong, I can assure you that our haunted house is of better quality than their haunted house, but tourists and passersby don't know. Can we broadcast it live when we open tomorrow?" Chen Ge said his proposal.

"What do you want to do?"

"In the morning we will broadcast our own haunted house, and in the afternoon I will challenge their haunted house in the paradise. By comparison, it should allow many passers-by to see the truth." Chen Ge was also a little angry by the virtual future paradise.

"Are you confident? Their horror scene is said to be a blend of dozens of horror movies, using the most advanced technology to restore, can you bear it?" Luo Dong was very worried, afraid of Chen Ge.

"It doesn't matter, I can assure you. When they come to our haunted house to play, they will eventually be laid down and sent out, and when I go to their haunted house to play, they will still be laid down and sent out."

"That's not necessary ..." Luo Dong thought for a while and said: "When they come to our haunted house to play, don't hurt them. If you want to go to their haunted house to play, then let go of your hands and feet, anyway. Everything is their problem. ".

"It makes sense." Chen Ge felt that he had indeed learned a lot from following Luo Dong.

"There is that Liu Jian, and many people who are making waves on the Internet. When necessary, you can stimulate them. If you can let them come and visit together, it will be more perfect." Luo Dong added a few words.

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