I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 914: Carry a real man! (four thousand)

Chen Ge lived **** Liu Jian, and Liu Jian sent a video to respond positively to Chen Ge. Two large Vs belonging to different platforms scolded each other across the air, which attracted the crowd of melon-eating crowds.

Some good people have opened, betting that Liu Jian can successfully pass through Chen Ge's haunted house.

The hot search is changing, and Luo Dong behind the virtual future paradise and the New Century Paradise is helping. Both sides feel that they are winning, and they are desperately hot.

The platform also responded quickly. Liu Jian's platform opened a separate topic, and Chen Ge's short video platform also pushed his live broadcast room to the home page.

When Liu He and Chen Ge were fighting each other, some really calm netizens understood the key. This challenge about the haunted house is on the surface a contradiction between Chen Ge and Liu He. It is actually a new century paradise and a virtual future paradise. Collision.

Hanjiang is not a big city. It is a city that is developing rapidly. It has great potential, but with its current capabilities, it is difficult to feed two large parks at the same time, so one of the new century park and the virtual future park must be a victim.

As far as the present situation is concerned, the virtual future park has a great chance to win, and all the pre-sale tickets are sold out. However, in terms of popularity, the new century park is much higher than the virtual future park. The ghost house owner Chen Ge is another topic. Man, so it ’s hard to say who wins and who loses in the end.

Noisy and noisy on the Internet, fans from both sides come and go, each has its own main position, no one will obey anyone, everyone is waiting to see the results tomorrow.

Chen Ge's live broadcast continued until the afternoon. At the beginning of the broadcast, his fan count was 400,000. At the time of the broadcast, his fan count has soared to 650,000. This can also be said to be a big miracle.

Turning off the phone camera, Chen Ge took the teapot by the table and drank a few sips: "After saying so much, my throat burst into flames, and it was still easier to deal with Li Gui."

Opening the curtain, Chen Ge moved his body.

"A group of puppets are still needed in the new scene. I don't know how Qu Changlin did it."

Chen Ge ran out of the haunted house. As soon as he showed up, he heard the exclamation of the tourists outside. Many people stared at his face that could not be said to be handsome.

"Boss Chen! We have watched your live broadcast! Niu B! Tomorrow that Wang Ba calf!"

"That Liu Jian has never died, so he wanted to see the world after death."

"Brother Chen! Ollie!"

Many of the tourists who lined up outside were old customers of the Horror House, including the Raiders of Hanjiang Forensic Medical School. For them, playing the haunted house was just a pastime. The elder sister and senior sister also did not ask for good fruit. This group of passionate young people with ideals and ambitions complied with the school motto to meet the difficulties. Now they are biting their teeth and refusing to give up.

What's even more strange is that the principal of the School of Forensic Medicine has nightmares at both ends of the day. He always dreamed that his teacher reprimanded him. What did the teacher say when the headmaster woke up? He couldn't remember clearly. The word horror house.

He didn't believe this himself, but he always dreamed the same, and whoever could bear it, so the principal himself thought about quickly clearing the haunted house.

How can a group of forensic students who will face fierce and cunning criminals in the future can't even play a haunted house?

"Tomorrow the new scene opens, everyone can join in the fun and play together." Chen Ge greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked through the crowd.

At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Ge arrived at the puppet workshop, and Qu Changlin did not disappoint him. This actor who was left out in the new sea haunted house has a very high talent for making puppets.

The same thing, Qu Changlin made it very scary, as if each doll's eyes are conveying a certain emotion.

"I just want to be some adult companions, soothe the lonely and lonely heart, you two can be good." Qian Guigen looked at the spooky heads and limbs of the room, shaking his head and sighed.

"Don't listen to the boss's nonsense, Changlin, you're doing a good job." The workload is very large, Chen Ge himself started to help. When he started to make puppets using the living spouse talent, Qu Changlin looked directly at him.

He was so amazing and amazing that he felt that Chen Ge was not doing a doll in a haunted house, but was doing body art creation.

"Puppets also have souls, and only by giving them souls can tourists have a sense of reality."

The park closed at six in the afternoon, but none of the employees of the Horror House left. Jingjing Zhang and scissors drove the first batch of dolls back to the Horror House in the Paradise Truck. Xu Wan and Gu Feiyu stayed to help.

The park is also full of busy figures, and all the staff are preparing for tomorrow.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the paradise was commissioned for the second time. After everything was normal, the employees came off work one after another.

At the same time, Chen Ge also received a call from Director Luo.

"Everything is done, the designer of the virtual future paradise horror scene will come to your horror house tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, you will experience their scenes. The whole webcast is live, but ..." The promise was very refreshing, and there must be something wrong with it. You must pay more attention tomorrow. "

"I won't carelessly."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Ge was devoted to the work at hand, and all the staff of the haunted house came to help. Everyone got it together at eleven o'clock in the evening.

"You go home quickly and get a good night's sleep, just leave the rest to me." Chen Ge took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time.

"Boss, can you do it alone?"

"Boss, I usually go to bed at two or three, and now nightlife is just beginning for me, and I am not in a hurry."

"Boss, you have a rest too."

Looking at the unwillingness to leave the staff, Chen Ge was also very warm in his heart: "Listen to me, hurry home. If you don't leave, you will be deducted from your salary."

After the others had left, Chen Ge sent them a red envelope and continued to be busy.

At two o'clock in the morning, everyone got it, Chen Ge loaded them back to the horror house.

When you arrive at the haunted house, it is more efficient for you to help the staff, and it took only half an hour to put everyone in the previously designed position.

"True and false, true and false, the ghost you think is just a doll, the doll you think is the ghost that follows behind you."

After passing through the new scene from beginning to end, Chen Ge made a few more props, and he didn't return to the staff lounge until four in the morning.

"Every day the sun will rise as usual, but every day the person who sees the sun is changing." Chen Ge, holding the white cat and Xiaoxiao, leaned against the bed and fell asleep slowly.

I don't know how long it passed, Chen Ge, who was sleepy, was awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone. He glanced at the time and woke up instantly.

Putting down the white cat, Chen Ge took a cold shower in the bathroom of the haunted house and changed into a new dress.

He looked at himself in the mirror and showed the most standard and kind smile in the service industry: "It's just for this day after a few months of busyness."

Wiping off the mist on the mirror, Chen Ge turned and walked outside.

Thick curtains were lifted, the sun shone on his face, Chen Ge opened the protective fence of the horror house with a smile, and several of his employees had arrived early.

"Today, there will definitely be more haunted house visitors than usual, and everyone will be more troublesome. Let's go, I will first apply makeup to you."

Less than eight o'clock, all employees of New Century Paradise are already busy, and two workbenches have been added to the door of Chen Ge's horror house. One is dedicated to the distribution of detection bracelets, and the other is temporarily unknown. I saw six medicine boxes arranged neatly under the table.

At 8:15 in the morning, all the staff were in place and music rang in the park.

At 8:30 in the morning, media vehicles kept coming at the park entrance.

At 8:40 in the morning, the east and west gates of the paradise were already crowded with tourists, many of whom were not Hanjiang natives, but ran from outside.

Seeing this scene, all the staff of the park have put their hearts down, and they are worried that no one will choose New Century Park this peak season.

At 8:45 in the morning, several staff members put several shooting instruments into the paradise, and Luo Dong also called Chen Ge at this time.

"Luo Dong, are you looking for me?"

"You can look at Liu Jian's homepage. Their platform has a paradise treasure program to monitor the number of visitors to the park in real time. This should be a trick for the virtual future park. They want to see our jokes." Luo Dong's voice is very loud Calm, he is like a reef in the sea, letting the wind and rain beat, not shaken at all, New Century Paradise is also because Luo Dong is the backbone of the heart, can walk through a full ten years.

"Whoever jokes is not necessarily." Chen Ge sees so many tourists coming, he is more confident.

"Don't underestimate the virtual future park." Luo Dong sent a few pictures to Chen Ge. The parking lot of the virtual future park was full of cars. The four gates near the east, west, south, and north are all waiting in line for tourists: Today, the Virtual Future Park can receive at least 19,000 visitors today. We only achieved this number in the first year of opening. In addition, I have one thing to worry about. "

"what's up?"

"Park business is a long-term business. Today, we can come to so many people in the park. Part of the reason is that I made a small move in publicity. Our park has been operating in Hanjiang for ten years. It is the memory of many people and it is a hit. Nostalgic card, you see those tourists who came to the queue early, many of them just want to keep this memory. "Luo Dong's voice has changed slightly:" I am very grateful that they can come here at this time, but If we do not count them, we will lose half of the start. We are very popular online, but there are only a few people who will come to visit Hanjiang specifically. "

"It doesn't matter, as long as the word of mouth is played, more and more people will come to play in the future. We really can't beat the virtual future paradise in terms of comprehensive strength, but their ambition is too big to be an all-round paradise, so we will concentrate on this to kill him "" Chen Ge knew it was difficult, but this was the only option.

He also went to download a paradise treasure. Now both New Century Park and Virtual Future Park are hanging on the most conspicuous place on the homepage. The number of tickets for online pre-sale is twice that of Virtual Future Park.

"The situation is very unfavorable, but we will all work together to change."

At 8:50 in the morning, the staff began to guide the tourists outside the door.

At nine o'clock in the morning, New Century Paradise and Virtual Future Paradise will open at the same time!

The number of tourists who entered the park by ticketing at the two parks on Paradise Bao began to soar, and they went hand in hand, and no one lost to anyone.

"All back to the scene where I was in charge! Started business!"

The first wave of rushing into the New Century Paradise was followed by hot media friends, followed by old acquaintances of Chen Ge ’s haunted house, and many melon-eaters who were curious about Chen Ge ’s haunted house, followed by ordinary tourists.

Three minutes after the park opened, there was a long queue at the door of Chen Ge ’s horror house. The lounge was also full of people. The newly installed large screen outside the haunted house circulated the promotional videos of various scenes.

Uncle Xu and the other two staff were responsible for scanning the codes and selling tickets, while Chen Ge stood at the door of the haunted house, as if waiting for something.

Around 9:20, there was a commotion at the gate of the New Century Paradise. After a short quarrel, a dozen people came straight to the haunted house.

Some of them were holding cameras and others were using live broadcasts on their mobile phones, which was very lively.

The headed two people, one holding the folding fan with one hand, had a long face, no beauty filter, and the skin was a little dark. This person thought he was an Ascott, and frowned as he watched the crowd.

Another work permit for the virtual future park was hung around his neck, wearing thin thin-frame glasses, his eyebrows were pale, and his skin was very pale, as if he hadn't seen sunlight in a long time.

Chen Ge has yin pupils and saw them from afar. The long face with a folding fan is Liu Jian. The other is the designer of the virtual future park. His name is written on the employee card, called Bai Buzhen.

"Virtual Future Park and Liu Jian came together, it seems that I guessed well before." Chen Ge is waiting for them.

Most of the tourists are queuing, but only a few of them do not follow the rules and go directly to the door of the haunted house.

"Stay behind! Didn't your mother teach you to line up?" Several students from Hanjiang Forensic Medical College were about to line up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly found someone queuing, and immediately shouted.

"We are not here to visit. The boss of this haunted house called cheerfully on the Internet yesterday, thinking that I dare not come, and now I am looking forward to seeing my expression." Liu Jian flicked the folding fan, he spoke very politely, but Did not consciously queue up.

"You said the boss of this haunted house thought you didn't dare to come? Did you run the wrong place?" The student of the forensic medical school suspected that he had heard it wrong. He was about to ask again, and Chen Ge came over.

"Don't quarrel with them." Chen Ge smiled and pointed to Liu Jian: "They are here to challenge the four-star new scene."

"Challenging new scenes ?!" Several students of the forensic medical school stood side by side in an instant: "That's okay, please ask first!"

"That's why it's mysterious." Liu Jian looked up at Chen Ge with his head up: "You're more pleasing than watching it online. I can't imagine the guy who yelled at you yesterday is the same person as you."

"Since you're here to play, it's a tourist, and I have always had a very good attitude towards tourists." Chen Ge couldn't wait any longer: "Come with me, I will take you to the new scene."

"Wait a minute." Liu Jian didn't care how obstructive he was standing here. A dozen people squeezed to the door. He directed the person next to him holding the camera at himself: "It's time to start."

He took out his mobile phone and opened the live room of his platform. After confirming that he was correct, he smiled at the camera.

"Everyone is a fan! I'm Liu He. I'm right at the door of that haunted house. The person next to me is the haunted house boss who was madly yelling yesterday. Immediately I will broadcast the whole scene to challenge the latest scene of his haunted house!" Liu He is very good at it. To mobilize the atmosphere, he threw away the folding fan: "Not much nonsense, everyone prepare peanut seeds, see how I fight fakes today!"

As he spoke on the side, the live broadcast room flew in rewards, and the screen was full of barrage of real man.

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