I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 921: Paper ball

"What about people?"

"what happened?"

The door of the dormitory was half open, and Liu Jian looked at the empty corridor and took a breath.

Male assistants are not brave, but definitely not small.

"What did he see outside alone?"

Everyone has the same problem in their hearts. No one of them knows why the male assistant fled into the desert. If this is not a sitcom discussed in advance, it proves to be a big problem.

"Brother, your brother, you have a little courage." Lan Dong stood beside Liu He, his eyes full of doubts. At that time, a few of them were hiding in the dormitory, and the assistant could knock on the door for help. Why did he want to look up Run away from the other side of the gallery?

Is it too scared that the brain is completely dominated by fear, and the basic judgment is lost?

Or is it that the thing that scared him is right in front of the dormitory?

A layer of goose bumps appeared on Lan Dong's neck. He looked around, and found nothing scary.

"The phone is still here." Aligang was about to pick up the phone of the male assistant, and suddenly saw a piece of bloodied paper thrown beside the phone: "Look!"

He picked up the paper and wrote a few words on it very strickenly-there was a secret passage hidden behind a mirror in the east and west campus. You can leave the east and west campus through the secret passage, but we only found out after we left ...

"We obviously didn't clear the game, why can we get tips?" Ali held the piece of paper: "Is this message deliberately misleading us? The mirror is something that needs attention in many places, especially when it's dark. , It ’s better not to dangle around the mirror. "

"The sacrifice of the brother's assistant is not completely worthless, at least it reveals a very important point." Lan Dong took the paper: "The haunted house boss has been staring at us, always ready to start against us. The information on the white paper It should be true. We broadcast live on the entire network. The haunted house owner ca n’t do anything on the game prompts. After all, his haunted house will still be open for business and make money. If you deliberately use tips to trick tourists, it will definitely arouse tourists.

In front of the camera, Lan Dong's analysis was right, he wanted to divert everyone's attention.

But he underestimated the impact of the disappearance of the male assistant on everyone present, including Liu Jian's live broadcast room, with question marks all over the screen.

"This note is closed. As long as we see the mirror, the few of us will try to push it together." Liu He barely kept himself calm. He was the first time he heard his assistant send it out. 'S screams, as if life was threatened, and it was about to die.

"Since the prompt is available, we don't need to do the remaining two games. Let's go directly to the information related to Teacher Bai and find the art club and Bai don't regret their meeting earlier." Lan Dong didn't dare to care about it anymore. After all, in a matter of seconds, a living adult disappeared in such a way that it was indeed scary.

They did not see the process of the disappearance of the male assistant, and did not know the reason for the disappearance of the male assistant. Because they were unknown, they were even more anxious.

"lets go."

The team of six people turned into five people in this way. Under the watch of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, Liu He must also put on a relaxed look.

Continued along the dark promenade, strange noises were heard from time to time in the abandoned male dormitory building, like a mouse drilled through, and something accidentally rubbed against the wall that was about to fall off.

The faint light above his head reflected the doors on both sides, and occasionally the name written with a red pen could be seen on the wall.

"It seems to be all student dorms here. Teacher Bai is estimated to live elsewhere." Lan Dong and Ali walked in front. When they came to the end of the promenade, they were very surprised to find that there was a road at the end of the corridor leading deeper. Stairs.

"There is another layer underground ..."

The light barely reached the bottom floor. The five of them stood on the corner of the stairs, and no one dared to go down first.

The rusty iron handrail trembles slightly, it seems that someone grabs the handrail downstairs and climbs up. Lan Dong took out his phone and took a picture of it. It seemed that something was reflecting in the thick darkness.

"Is it a mirror?"

"Don't forget, your eyes can also reflect light."

"Shall we stop?" Said the only girl in the team of Lan Dong. She gently pulled Lan Dong's clothes: "Do you remember that we went to visit the spirit once, and the eldest brother also happened before the accident Say you have seen red eyes in the dark ... "

"Do n’t mention that to me. Since he left, our video playback has grown exponentially. We were dragged down by him before." It seems that there were four people in Lan Dong ’s team before, but that person is because of certain Chose to quit.

"Some people's physiques are easily contaminated by those things, and the fourth brother is also kind." The Wenjing girl just kept talking. She knew Liu was on the live broadcast, so she gave Lan Dong some face.

"Sister, there are no ghosts in this world, only people who pretend to be ghosts." Liu He gently caught the girl's forearm: "I don't believe in ghosts, because I have seen many people who are worse than ghosts, like the boss of the haunted house. . "

The girl retracted her arm and stopped talking.

"There is no sign in this place, or don't go any further."

Ali whispered that Liu Jian happened to want to find a step: "Well, none of the three underground lights are installed, maybe the haunted house is not open. This is not what I dare not go. It is estimated that it has not been built yet."

Liu Jian communicated with the audience in the live broadcast room, but what he did not expect was that the direction of the barrage had changed. Many people who eat melon wanted to see what was on the third floor of the underground. .

Being scared away by the male assistant does make Liu feel uneasy, but he has hinted to himself many times that this is a haunted house ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no way to do anything other than scary. It may be physically touched, once the tourists are beaten, don't even think about driving this haunted house.

Will not be physically harmed, just be scared, and will not lose a lot of meat.

Liu Jian thought so, and felt at ease immediately: "You want to see, I will take you down to see how big things are."

He turned on his mobile phone lighting, let Lan Dong and Ali walk to the front, he and Xiaochun stood in the middle of the line, and the photographer followed.

"A lot of ghost stories on campus are related to stairs. The corners of the corridor are sullen, and they are a place where many dirty things are hiding." Lan Dong can still keep calm, he moves down step by step, the mobile phone lights illuminate the road ahead, in the light When sweeping to the corner, a child's face appeared.

"Don't, don't panic!" He shouted, pushing his glasses with a slightly trembling hand, and picked up his phone to point at the corner of the corridor.

There is a child squatting in the corner of the third floor underground corridor, and his face is crooked on his shoulder as if his neck is broken.

"It's okay, it's a dummy, it's really like it." Lan Dong approached the doll carefully, and found that there were a lot of dirty paper **** around the child.

He picked up a paper ball casually and opened it with a long paragraph written in it.

"It was my duty in the shift that day. When I was going to take out the garbage, I saw a child squatting in the corner of the corridor. His neck was unnatural. At that time, I walked to him like you and picked him up. Under the paper ball. "

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