I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 929: There are dramas all over

The middle-aged man is honest and honest, and his wife is not like the kind of person who is good at lying.

Several people confronted each other on the promenade for a while. Bai did not regret not paying attention. The middle-aged man and the woman had been standing out of the camera.

"I'm going to get the camera, kid!" Bai didn't regret feeling that there was a problem, he wanted to find out.

"Why should I go?" The kid didn't know Bai's identity, so he didn't bother to take it.

"Don't be noisy, peace is important." Liu Guangming, the bald security guard, picked up the camera: "It's not bad, this thing has been working normally, and the lights on it are still on."

"Always working normally?" Bai did not regret to take out his mobile phone to open Liu Jian's live broadcast room. There were too many barrage. There was already a serious freeze. He refreshed several times before he saw part of the barrage.

The wind direction of the barrage has changed, and Bai Buxin is anxious. He motioned to the security guard to move the camera aside, and then called Liu Jian's phone.

"Do you remember the contract we signed? You promised us that there will never be any problems in the park, and we only agree to your live broadcast."

There was no response over the phone, only to hear gasps and running sounds.

"Liu Jian! Speak to me!" Bai did not regret it. He wanted to expose the interior design of the new scene of the horror house through Liu Jian's live broadcast, and minimize the playability.

He knows how much effort it takes to make a horror scene. After the whole network is exposed, the number of curious people will decrease.

In this way, even if Liu He is afraid, it can indirectly reduce the visits of potential tourists.

He planned well, but he didn't expect Liu Jian to leave the live broadcast room and escape alone. He didn't expect this scene to be so big, he couldn't finish the visit for an hour! Half of this live broadcast, the feeling of being unfinished, may attract more people to visit.

After a long time, Liu He heard the intermittent voice on the phone: "Are you afraid that I bet to lose? No, the mouth is on my body, even if it is scary, I can say that it is not scary at all."

"Not scary at all, will you throw away the camera?"

"We can push it to the cameraman. The cameraman is too timid. What does it have to do with me?"

"You can just close it yourself." Until now, it's not easy to say anything: "We have found the camera. Where are you guys? Isn't it better to gather in the teacher's apartment?"

"There is a female ghost chasing us, the teacher's apartment can't go, you get the camera, let's meet in the library." Liu Jian's voice calmed down slowly, and seemed to get rid of the female ghost's pursuit.

"Why should I go to the library again?" Bai did not regret feeling that he had become Liu Jian's nanny and worked hard to protect this indisputable waste.

"My assistant found a secret passage in the library, which seems to be a hidden exit."

"How do you listen to your tone, you and your assistant are not together yet? Are you scattered again?"

"He met a haunted man in the middle of the house and broke up with us. These were the messages he just told me. Don't be wordy! Hurry to send the camera over. I disappeared in the live room for too long. Netizens will have opinions." Liu Jian is impatient.

"Did your assistant tell you anything else besides the secret passage?" Bai Wu regrets his suspicious personality, and a scattered person suddenly finds an escape route by himself? This probability is so low as to be negligible, he feels that the male assistant has been replaced, and it is not the assistant himself but the haunted house actor who sent the message to Liu Jian at this time!

After visiting colleagues in the hospital, Bai did not regret knowing that this haunted house has no lower limit at all, and he was so sad that he could do anything.

"You didn't say I forgot. My assistant also discovered one thing. Among the few tourists who came with us, only the student couple was normal! The other tourists may be pretending to be haunted house actors!" Liu He The voice was not loud, but the corridor was too quiet, and everyone around heard it.

They turned their heads at the same time and looked at the two tourists in the distance.

Ghost is in sight?

The security guard and the ghost girl stepped back quietly, but Bai Wuzhen still stood in the same place, he was holding a mobile phone, his expression puzzled: "Is this what the assistant told you?"

"Of course, it was the student couple who lent the assistant's mobile phone. The three of them got together and were chased by tourists who were played by haunted house actors." Liu Jian said very surely, as if he saw it himself.

"Catched up by tourists played by haunted house actors?"

"Yes, that is the middle-aged man and his wife, both of which are haunted house actors!" Liu Jiao said very surely that everyone around him heard it.

They all looked at the middle-aged man and the woman who were not far away.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to understand the situation yet. His calf shook slightly. Although he was scared, he still kept his wife behind him.

The middle-aged man covered it with his body. Bai didn't regret that they didn't see that the woman hiding behind the man was holding a mobile phone. At this time, the woman sent out the edited message.

"Okay, I know." Bai Buzheng was about to hang up the phone, and Liu Jian's voice came again from the phone.

"Wait! I received the text message from the assistant again!" Liu Jian's voice paused on the phone, and then came out again: "Oops! You hurry to the library! The male assistant and the two students have been haunted by actors The disguised tourists are approaching the dead end! "

The phone hung up, and Bai didn't regret that a few of them had been careful to watch out for the middle-aged man and the woman, but after hearing Liu Jian's last words, they suddenly felt something was wrong.

"If Liu Jian's assistants and students are being driven into a dead end by tourists who are played by haunted house actors, who are we facing now?" Big Ghost said the key to the problem: "These two tourists are clearly in front of us , How could chasing assistants run everywhere? "

"Yes!" Security guard Liu Guangming also stunned: "What's going on?"

"Obviously someone is lying!" Bai Buxin narrowed his eyes and glanced up and down the middle-aged man: "What do you call them?"

"What the **** do you want to do?" The middle-aged man is more cautious than Bai's regret, probably because he considered the other party's live broadcast, he didn't even disclose his name.

Saw the middle-aged man's fear, Bai Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, I think I already know who is lying."

"This is a very simple scam." He gently pushed his glasses: "The male assistant told Liu Jian ~ www.readwn.com ~ He and the two students were being chased by tourists, but in fact the two tourists were there Before our eyes. "

"So it was the male assistant who lied?" The devil scratched his head.

"The male assistant will not deceive Liu Jian. He may have been scared. The two students who lie with him are the two students who have been sending messages to Liu Jian. They framed the couple. Haunted house actor, want to dispel his suspicion and divert his attention, but I never imagined that the couple is right beside us at this time! Nodded: "The real haunted house actor is actually those two students!"

"Hidden so deep! It's so sinister at a young age!" The ghost girl was sweating coldly on her back.

"Actually, I should have noticed that this haunted house has a close relationship with the Hanjiang Medical College. The haunted house owner and medical students are very familiar with it! The new scene is open, and some students are inexplicably stuffed into it. There is absolutely a problem!" sure.

"Then let's call and tell Brother Ji!" Security Liu Guangming took out his mobile phone.

"Don't worry, they act as tourists and want to scare us. We will play with them this time. It just happened that the live broadcast hasn't been closed yet, and Liu Jian lost his face. We helped him get it back." Middle-aged man: "Sorry, I just misunderstood. Do you want to join us? After all, there are so many people."

Middle-aged man hesitated: "Let me think about it."

At the same time, the woman hiding behind him was quietly deleting messages.

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