I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 931: let's be friends

After reading Chen Ge's reply, Duan Yue deleted all the information at the first time, and then she and Lao Zhou backed away very well in five meters.

Curious tourists are still around the back door, and the most courageous devil slowly entered the classroom: "That student was standing in the middle of the classroom just now, have you all seen it?"

Guimei nodded: "There must be a secret passage, the classroom is very dark, there are so many debris piled up here, and there are many places for hiding."

After she finished, she glanced around: "Did you find that this classroom is different from other classrooms? There are so many things, just like a utility room."

This classroom is really special. The blackboard is painted with red symbols. Every table is engraved with dense letters. The drawers are filled with bulging school bags. Some school bags are covered with black and red plaques. Others revealed something like hair from the zipper gap.

Next to the table, a dark blue curtain covers the window tightly, but there is a personal protrusion under the curtain.

There are quirky portraits hanging on the walls. I do n’t know who painted them, but after watching them for a long time, I always feel that the eyes of the people in the painting are moving with me.

The fan with a worn head slowly rotates, and a white cloth is wrapped around the blade, making a crunching sound, as if it will fall at any time.

There are various waste papers scattered on the ground. If you look closely, you will find that there are a lot of white paper money.

The above mentioned are fairly normal. The most attractive thing in this classroom is the first few rows.

Next to the rostrum was a dilapidated square box TV. The position of the plug was not seen, but the indicator light on the TV was always on.

On the other side of the podium, behind the door of the classroom is a mirror equal to the height of an adult, and the strange and scary classroom is reflected in the mirror.

"I ’ve seen similar ghost stories. It seems that every school ’s old campus will have a closed classroom filled with debris. The school will say that this classroom has been transformed into a debris room. In fact, It ’s because someone died in the classroom. ”The big ghost said calmly. He looked around and added:“ Maybe more than one person died. ”

"Yes, I feel there is a story hidden behind everything here."

While several people were discussing, the TV next to the classroom podium suddenly turned on by itself.

There are harsh noises on the screen full of black and white snowflakes. It seems that there are many people talking, but because of the old equipment, the sound is seriously distorted.

"Is the haunted house actor in control?"

The screen flashed a few times and returned to normal, and black and white pictures began to appear on the TV.

"There seem to be characters on the screen?"

"What did you write?"

"Let's go and have a look together, remember to bring the camera too."

In addition to not regretting it, the others were carefully approaching the TV in the classroom.

"Have you found a haunted actor? Don't delay the time, come out immediately!" Bai Bu regrets that he is alone. When he said this, he did not forget to look at where Lao Zhou and Duan Yue stood. When he found that Lao Zhou and Duan Yue were far away from him, he was even more convinced that Lao Zhou and Duan Yue were tourists. If these two are haunted house actors, it is definitely the best time to do it yourself.

"Don't worry, this classroom is very special. It may hide what we are looking for." The kid looked at the TV screen with a line of words-a strange thing happened in this school tonight, the student who was dead , He is back again.

The words on the screen slowly emerged without any modification, but just to give the viewer a creepy feeling.

When the big ghost and the little devoted stared at the TV, the screen suddenly flashed, and the picture on the TV turned into this classroom, and all of them appeared on the TV.

"Is there monitoring?" The little ghost responded quickly, but looking for the shooting angle, he did not find the monitoring probe.

"How did this happen?"

Just when they didn't understand, the fan in the back of the classroom turned inexplicably, and the white cloth hanging on it was squeezed tightly, as if a person was hanging on the white cloth.

"You guys watch TV!" The ghost girl screamed, and several people quickly looked at the screen.

On a black and white TV screen, a person is hanging from a rotating electric fan in the back of the classroom!

The fan was old and could not bear the weight of a corpse. After a few turns of the fan on the TV, it suddenly dropped.


In reality, a loud noise came from the back row of the classroom!

The fan at the end of the classroom fell to the ground!

"How is it possible? Someone is controlling in the background? Someone must be controlling in the background!"

Several people panicked. At this time something even more terrible happened. The student in the strange school uniform on the TV climbed up from the ground. He saw the big and small ghosts gathered together, and slowly walked towards them.

Can't see the student in reality, but they can see the table and chairs pushed away as if someone is walking towards them!

The atmosphere in the classroom is dignified. The male student on the TV has reached the big ghost and the little ghost and is standing face to face with them.

The devil was so nervous that he could not breathe, and the madness on his face was long gone. He gritted his teeth, slowly grabbed the back of the chair, and slammed into the air in front of him.

"Go die!"

The chair hit the wooden table and didn't hit anyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ It turned out to be fake. "The kid throws away the wooden chair and looks at the TV. The male student disappears from the screen.

"Why is the screen gone? Is he hiding it?" Several people approached the screen and were looking for a male student. A face suddenly came out from under the TV!

"Let's be friends! Let's be friends! Let's be friends!"

The rapid, harsh voice came from the TV, the student's face kept reorganizing, and the whole classroom was abnormal.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, who still cares about clues, they rushed towards the classroom door, even the TV was not turned off.

"Let's be friends! Let's be friends! You can't run away!"

The male student on TV disappeared again, and the desks and chairs in the classroom were knocked over, as if someone was closely behind them.

"Run!" The ghost girl's voice was sharp, she rushed out of the classroom for the first time, shouting towards Bai Buxin outside.

Bai did not regret what was happening, but looking at the reaction of the ghost girl, it was definitely not a good thing. He didn't ask, and ran away.

Long Zhou and Duanyue, who had been hiding in the distance for a long time, responded faster. When the ghost girl had not left the classroom, they had rushed out for several meters.

"You two run slower! It's safe for everyone to get together!"

Lao Zhou and Duan Yue didn't take care of the people behind them, rushed down their heads, and brought their teammates into the deepest part of the teaching building.

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