I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 933: Your live broadcast room has been taken over by me

Footsteps sounded in the distant passage, half-height weeds were dispelled, and Chen Ge wearing a teacher's qualification certificate came over.

"You did a great job, beyond what I expected." Chen Ge has never been stingy and praised. He is very good at encouraging others. This may have a lot to do with being a warm man in his bones: "You are here Yes, if he wakes up, you can use him to practice other scary methods, and do n’t force it if you do n’t wake up. "

Saw the female ghost in red nodded gently, and Chen Ge left with satisfaction.

The reason why he rushed over was because he had received a message from Duanyue that the Talking Classroom had already appeared.

As a special building in the four-star scene psychic ghost school, Chen Ge would also like to see it.

Although it is said on the black phone that this special scene will not cause harm to anyone, he still needs to experience the experience in person to be at ease.

"Strange talk classroom, it sounds like a very good project, but the feedback from Lao Zhou and Duan Yue is not timely enough."

Entered the teaching building, and Chen Ge saw the weird classroom before he walked far.

"I came here last night when I set a startle point, it is not what it is now." He entered the classroom and roughly glanced at it. Everything was normal and there was no problem.

"Strange talk classroom will produce a strange talk every night, what was the strange talk last night?"

He sat in the first row of the classroom and waited for a long time, and there was still no abnormality.

The patience was worn away, and Chen Ge sent a message to the mobile phone that Lao Zhou used before, and learned that they were now being chased by the students in the blame classroom.


The classroom door behind closed itself, and when Chen Ge turned back, the classroom had returned to normal.

TV sets, mirrors and various debris are all gone, as if they never appeared.

"What does it mean? As soon as I, the owner of the black mobile phone, enters, the classroom will change its location? Or is it only open for a limited time every day?"

It is strange that the classroom is gone, but the male students who chase the old Zhou have n’t disappeared yet, which makes Chen Ge see a shortcut to “success”.

He speeded up, just ran a few steps, and suddenly saw the camera thrown alone in the middle of the corridor.

This poor camera was abandoned several times, and everyone felt it was a burden.

"The camera was thrown, what did Liu Jian use to broadcast the fake?" This is like the soldiers on the battlefield throwing away their weapons, which makes Chen Ge very puzzled.

"You don't broadcast live, how do the audience know how fun my haunted house is?"

Chen Ge walked to the camera and saw that the indicator light above was normally on, and he was relieved: "Since you don't want to shoot, then I'll take a picture for you."

The corners of his mouth raised, and several plans popped up in his mind.

Liu Jian live broadcast, certainly do everything possible to discredit the horror house, using various means to reduce the sense of terror, but now Chen Ge has obtained the camera.

Has the right to shoot in his own hands. It is no longer the time for netizens to shoot whatever they want, but for what he shoots, netizens will go to watch.

"Just take this opportunity to promote my haunted house and let everyone experience the charm of the horror house."

One hand held the camera, Chen Ge took out his mobile phone with the other hand, and opened Liu Jian's live broadcast room.

The lens was raised, the live broadcast screen just started shaking, and the number of barrage immediately began to soar.

"Camera moved! Brother finally thought of us in the live broadcast room!"

"Not quite right! The elder brother ran away long ago, the second wave of people also fled, who is shooting now?"

"Lying trough! Extremely scared! I'm not watching! The camera moved!"

"You let me down!"

Chen Ge did not interact with the barrage. He took the camera and prepared to record the real side of the tourists in front of millions of people. By the way, he made a small propaganda for his horror house.

Lao Zhou and Duan Yue provided the location, and Chen Ge quietly followed the group of tourists.


"let's be friends!"

The screams are getting closer and closer, not to mention the big ghosts and the little ghosts, even Lao Zhou and Duan Yue are a little flustered.

The teaching building is the largest sub-scenario among the psychic ghost schools. The corridors are intricate and there are no references. It is very easy to get lost.

Led by Lao Zhou and Duan Yue, they have reached the deepest part of the teaching building, surrounded by passages, but there is no hope in each passage.

"What the **** is that?"

"I do not know!"

"This physical performance is too special!"

Screamed nonstop, and could still chase behind with a sprint of 100 meters. Several tourists were more and more afraid.

"It's no way to drag on like this anymore! Since he wants to find a friend, maybe we promise him, he will leave!" The ghost girl really can't run, she's tired and vomiting bile, she didn't expect it before she came Visiting a haunted house can be so laborious.

"Try it. I once heard a similar weird talk. An isolated student had an accident in the classroom. He would go back to school every Ghost Day. He would leave only when he found a friend." Lao Zhou He Duan Moon ran at the forefront, and the two of them were breathless. Lao Zhou occasionally retched a few times, covering his chest with one hand. It seemed that he couldn't really hold it.

"Okay! Then let's try it! When the ghost student asks, I count down three times, and we will answer at the same time-I am willing to be your friend!" Bai Wuzheng's leadership ability is much stronger than Liu He's Become the backbone of this small team ~ www.readwn.com ~ No problem! "Everyone agreed, and their eyes were firm, and they held back their fears.

Ghost students saw that they stopped and did not slow down. The face was almost distorted and rushed over with a strange smile: "Let's be friends!"

"Prepare!" Bai unrepented with sweating in his palm, he began to count down: "Three, two, one!"

After the last word was spoken, the corridor was quiet and scary. None of the six people spoke.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. This amazing tacit understanding lasted for half a second, and then everyone seemed to agree, and ran towards the distance.

Teamwork eventually evolved into dirty physical consumption. Lao Zhou and Duan Yue felt that they were about to do it at any time, but these two people were breathing a sigh of relief, and their speed was not reduced.

Finally, the ghost girl couldn't hold it first, she was the first to be caught by a ghost student.

The scary grimace was directly attached to her, and then passed through her body.

Strange talk about the ghosts in the classroom seems to be just a time-bound obsession. Every time a ghost student finds a friend, his body will fade.

There were sharp screams in the corridor, the body reached its limit, coupled with emotional breakdown, and the double torture of the mind, the ghost girl collapsed on the ground.

The camera slowly moved away, and then two doctors in white coats floated past, whispering and complaining of dragging the woman away.

The voice of the ghost student floated in the corridor again. After the ghost student left, a man holding the camera followed up quietly.

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