I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 939: It ’s just a hundred million scares.

If the fright that can be accepted by living people is divided into ten levels, Liu He feels that he is now in a level 100 fright.

He didn't know when he was comatose, he only knew that he had a long-lost happiness in the moment of coma.

"If possible, I want to sleep forever and never open my eyes again ..."


The door was pushed open, countless ghosts poured into the house, and then they consciously stood on both sides.

There were footsteps in the distance, and Chen Ge, wearing a teacher's qualification certificate of Bai, came over. He put the camera outside the Xuehong campus and now only holds a mobile phone in his hand.

"One minute and three seconds, you still need to work harder, and strive to reduce the scary time to less than one minute." Chen Ge walked to Liu Jian: "The blood red campus is very similar to the world behind the door, it is best to be regarded as Killer, try not to let tourists stay here too long. "

Even if the positions are different, even if they are hostile, Chen Ge still cares about Liu Jian.

"The time of the visit is 60 minutes, and it is not yet time. Everyone will help take them to the school hospital and let Dr. Wei check it."

Activity breaks his hand, Lao Bai drags Liu Jian out of the classroom.

After explaining a few words, Chen Ge looked at the red high-heeled shoes again: "The resentment and hatred accumulated in the hearts of tourists are just what you need. It is simple and effective to extract the negative emotions in their hearts in this way, and it can be repeated. I ’m not persuading you to stay, I just want to tell you these things. You do n’t want to stay here anymore. You can take care of yourself. "

Seeing that the red high-heeled shoes did not respond so strongly, Chen Ge left.

Back to the school hospital, Chen Ge heard Dr. Wei's complaint before entering the door. He stood wisely at the door and waited for a while before entering.

"Master, how are they doing?"

"I'm wondering, do you open a haunted house or a hospital? Tourists come to visit, you have to give them all the physical examination and send them out again?"

"These are not fortunate." Chen Ge said casually.

"It's okay, the guy called Big Ghost can hear our voice because he hides a hint of the dead's obsession in his ears. That obsession was almost scared away when he came to our haunted house. Just now in our Persuaded by several doctors, that obsession has dispersed. "

"It's still you who is powerful, he can cure his illness by moving his mouth."

"Go up and get them away!"

The staff of the haunted house helped all the twelve tourists to the entrance of the ghost school. Chen Ge urgently deployed several corpse transport vehicles from the underground corpse to send them all out of the underground scene.

Looking at the tourists who had fallen down the corridor, Chen Ge also had a headache. If this scene was seen by other tourists coming and going, it might be a surprise.

Take out his mobile phone, Chen Ge called Zhang Jingjiu: "Lao Zhang, did you record the live video of Liu Jian?"

"You can rest assured, from beginning to end, all recorded." Zhang Jingjiu is very dedicated.

"You sent me the part where Liu Jian threw down the camera and escaped. By the way, they had a dispute with the medical students in the haunted house, and the part that chased the medical students was also sent to me.


Ten seconds later, Zhang Jingjiu sent the intercepted video to Chen Ge.

After confirmation, Chen Ge put away his phone, loaded the tourists, hummed the song, pushed the car, and walked out of the haunted house.

The wheels of the corpse truck pressed across the floor and made a squeaking, squeaking sound. Chen Ge opened the thick black curtain at the door of the haunted house.

The sun was shining, as if the corpse car had been coated with gold rims, and it seemed to be a pair of hands, gently touching the faces in sleep.

"Come out! Boss Chen is out!"

"He's here! He's here! He's pushing the corpse truck!"

"Then above are the tourists who just went to the four-star scene? My God! Three coma!"

The tourists who were still waiting in line fry the pan, and the tourists who had just bought the ticket and were ready to enter the scene could not care about the visit, and they all came around.

"Let me give up! Don't watch! Don't watch!"

Hearing the sound of the wheels, Uncle Xu felt bad. He rushed over fiercely, but it was still a step late, and the media who had been squatting for a long time swarmed up.

"Is the four-star scene so scary?"

"What did these three tourists encounter in your haunted house?"

"Boss Chen, please stay!"

Chen Ge ignored them and waved to Uncle Xu: "Uncle, find someone to carry the three of them into the lounge."

"Will you just give me the car?"

"Car, there is still use."

Three tourists were sent to the lounge by the staff of the park. Chen Ge ’s haunted house was even more lively. The third and fourth floors were surrounded by tourists.

This delightful scene satisfied the curiosity of countless tourists.

The squeaky voice sounded again, Chen Ge pulled the corpse back to the haunted house, and half a minute later, he pushed a new tourist out.

"There are three more?"

"Guests in the four-star scene will not be wiped out by the group! That's a dozen people visiting together!"

Seeing Chen Ge coming, Uncle Xu's eyes twitched and asked in a small voice: "Car ... Can't you still give me?"

"En." Chen Ge nodded: "There are two cars."

Is as bland as water, without any turbulent daily conversation, but the tourists who heard it constantly exclaimed.

"Visitors who entered the four-star scene were all stunned! Frustrated!"

"I thought at first that his haunted house was using a grading system to squander money. Now I understand how ignorant I am. Can I change my ticket to Muyang Middle School? I want to go to the one-star scene. . "

The heated discussion among tourists, but Chen Ge silently pushed the car back to the haunted house. With the creaking sound, he sent the remaining tourists in two.

Besides Chen Ge, the busiest thing was the doctor. At the beginning, many tourists did not understand why there was an emergency point next to the haunted house. Now they understand it all.

Lending the cart to the doctor, Chen Ge stood at the door of the haunted house with Liu Jian's camera, until this time, the camera was still working.

"Everyone be quiet first!" Chen Ge pointed the camera lens at himself, and then he connected his mobile phone to the big screen playing the promotional video outside the haunted house.

"Yesterday, there was an online big guy named Liu He who tried his best to defame the horror house on the Internet." Chen Ge pressed the play button on the phone, and a short video that Liu He shot on the big screen appeared.

Holding the folding fan Liu Jian, holding a picture of the horror house zombie resurrection night scene, with a look of disdain-can such a broken scene be called a haunted house? this one?

"He took pictures from a few years ago and brought rhythm on the Internet ~ www.readwn.com ~ Later I agreed with him online and asked him if he would dare to come to my haunted house? If he visited, he thought my haunted house was Scary, then I apologize to him on the live broadcast; but if he feels horrified, then he will apologize to New Century Paradise and put the apology announcement on the top page. "

After Chen Ge finished speaking, he stopped the doctor and placed Liu Jian on the stretcher under the big screen.

"Facts speak louder than words. With Liu Jing in his current state, it is estimated that there is no way to issue an apology announcement. In fact, I did not expect him to be so vulnerable. It's a little bit more difficult. "Chen Ge swung the camera back, which just allowed the camera to shoot Liu He in the big screen and Liu He under the big screen at the same time.

And at this time, the video on the screen happened to be at the end. Liu He was excited to show the audience his ticket purchase information. His voice was also broadcasted through the Paradise Radio: "Some people ca n’t recognize themselves, then I will Help him and let him know what he is? "

After speaking of Liu Jian on the big screen, he flicked away the folding fan handsomely, and there were four big characters written on it—Jiaoliang Clown.

"At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will see you all!"

The video ended here. Chen Ge took the camera and walked to Liu Jian, who was stunned and unconscious. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

"It's ten o'clock now, and my brother will be taken to the hospital right away. If you have anything to say, I will tell him the first time."

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