I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 944: Who took my hand

Chen Ge has two talents of mourning and living couples, and has made hundreds of puppets by himself. He believes in his judgment: "This face is 80% similar to the face of the child in the photo. The question is why do I touch on the wall To such a face? Is it said that the child on the tracing notice has been killed? The body is related to the wall? "

Slowly retracted his arm, Chen Ge was still standing in the same place, quietly around, without any sound, and could not smell any special smell.

"The couple who quarreled on the second floor lost their child. The child's name is Dabao. It is likely that the tracing notice outside the corridor was posted by them."

"The couple on the second floor were looking for the missing child, but I touched the child's face on the wall of the corridor. Was the child turned into a ghost and returned to the building, or did he say that he was found in the building Killed? Will the murderer be the resident in the building? "

Chen Ge thought more and more that it was possible, her husband went out late at night, his wife pregnant with the second child did not lock the door and chased out, under normal circumstances, the child left alone in the house should not slip out alone unless he saw it Something, or an acquaintance called him outside the door.

"Is the murderer a neighbor?"

The word neighbor is very common, but for Chen Ge this word has a different meaning, because he is carrying out this nightmare-level daily task is named-neighbor.

Taking a step forward, Chen Ge felt more at ease to support the wall, but he stopped when his palm was about to touch the wall. The scene just gave him a psychological shadow, and he was worried about touching something strange again. .

Finger dropped one by one and touched the cold and hard wall skin, Chen Ge was relieved, if not necessary, he did not want to touch those passing people.

"I just came to complete the task, there is no need to explore what happened here, I just closed my eyes and walked to the top of the building, nothing else has anything to do with me." Chen Ge said that he took another step forward However, when his body moved, he suddenly felt that the clothing corner was being dragged by something.

"Is that child?" Chen Ge stiffened on the stairs. He closed his eyes tightly and could not see anything. He could only wait for the other party to let go.

After about five seconds, Chen Ge took another step forward, and he could clearly feel a force pulling him behind him.

The other party had no intention of letting go, and Chen Ge did not dare to come hard. He tried to take a step back, and that pulling force was obviously reduced.

"There seems to be something I don't want me to leave."

There was a terrible thought in his heart. Chen Ge slowly squatted down, and whispered towards him: "Dabao?"

The pulling force disappeared instantly, but soon returned to normal.

"Really you?" Chen Ge tried to slow down his speech as much as possible: "Your father and mother are looking for you, go home."

I don't know that Chen Ge's words stimulated the other party. He felt that the tension behind him suddenly increased, as if he wanted to drag him into the wall.

"Wait a minute, if you don't like your parents, don't want to go home, then I can accompany you!" Chen Ge immediately changed his mouth.

"Actually, my childhood was not so good. My parents always quarreled over some trivial matters. When they saw their terrible appearance, I could only hide in the corner. Other people's meals were lively and lively, but my family was always deserted, and occasionally a family of three. When you get together, you always get away. "

It seems that no one has ever said anything similar to him, and Chen Ge can feel that the pulling force behind him has decreased a little.

"I quarreled and smashed the items in the house, and their anger sometimes spread to me. I was scolded inexplicably again and again to keep me alive. I didn't dare to cry too loudly." Chen Geqing With a sigh: "Even if I grow up now, I won't forget the things that happened in the past. The scars have not been erased by time, but over time, I slowly learned to adapt to the pain."

Chen Ge squatted on the stairs, he turned around, facing the darkness, muttering to himself: "Is it sad? I'm just a child, I can't get the love of adults, but I have to force myself to be a sensible Lord. "

The tension gradually weakened, and Chen Ge's words seemed to resonate with each other.

"I have experienced the feeling of being alone, and I have become sensitive. I have doubts about everything. I know that taste is uncomfortable, so if you do n’t dislike, I can be your friend. I do n’t want you to I experienced the kind of sadness I used to have. "The force behind me completely disappeared, but Chen Ge still kept his posture motionless. The response of the adult to the child was a mirror. A good response can let the child see a good self. , Bad response is like a haha ​​mirror, will make children have distorted cognition.

Although Chen Ge has no children, he has had many dealings with children. He knows how to respond to a person.

Dabao's family is very unfortunate, if he can, Chen Ge is willing to help each other.

There was no sound around him, and his clothes were not pulled anymore. The child seemed to leave.

Chen Ge could n’t see anything, his hand pressed against the wall, and he did n’t touch anything weird again: “Do n’t worry about me leaving ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just have to go to the top of the building and wait for the treatment Things, I will come back. "

Said these words in the dark, Chen Ge got up slowly, he was holding the wall to go up, the hand near the railing suddenly felt a trace of cold, as if someone put a piece of ice in his palm.

'S fingertips were shaking, Chen Ge's fingers gathered, and he was sure that his hand was caught by the other hand.

Goose bumps instinctively emerged from the neck, Chen Ge stayed in place for two seconds, and then firmly grasped the little hand: "We can go together, but you have to remember that if you are in danger, you must quickly escape , Don't worry about me, understand? "

Holding that hand, Chen Ge continued to move up, he walked smoothly from the seventh floor to the eleventh floor, and there was no accident in the middle.

But when he came to the eleventh floor, the elevator in the hallway rang and the elevator doors opened. It seemed that someone had taken the elevator to the eleventh floor late at night.

I do n’t know if the other party is a person or a ghost. In order not to cause misunderstanding, Chen Ge stopped and did not continue to move.

The sound of footsteps sounded in the corridor on the eleventh floor, followed by the sound of the keys colliding with each other, and then the key was inserted into the lock, the snap spring bounced, and the anti-theft door was opened.

Just when Chen Ge thought that the other party was about to enter the house, a great force came from the side of the corridor. Someone grabbed his left arm and seemed to desperately want to drag him into the room that had just opened the door!

The body lost its balance, and Chen Ge, who was blindfolded, almost fell. At this time, another force pulled his right hand, trying to prevent him from being taken away.

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