
Chapter 109 The evil army strikes 【Subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! ]

“Sir Yang, we naturally understand what you said.”


“Just say what you want to say.”

“We admire you from the bottom of our hearts!”

“Tell me…”

The witchers said one after another.

“These days, everyone thinks that I have swept away the evil demons all around Riverface Town all by myself, but I have to tell you, how easy it is for the demons to be killed by me alone?”


Yang Li said solemnly: “These demons are just hiding, making us lose our vigilance and make us think we have defeated them.”


“These demons are accumulating power.”



“There will be such a thing Is it?”

“Are these demons hiding, actually forming a large army? Then take advantage of our weak defense and attack our Riverface Town in one fell swoop?”

“No way!”

“But I think Mr. Yang is impossible to be alarmist!”

“Also, during this time, the Division of Demons, the County Government, Ye Family, Xiao Family, the three major martial arts hall, all with most of their forces patrolling around.”

“True or false, it’s always good to plan ahead.”


The witchers discuss spiritedly.

Can’t help it.

The hall became very lively.


Yang Li pressed his right hand, and everyone stopped talking immediately and looked over, “I didn’t say this to make everyone panic, but I’m telling everyone that if you are born in trouble and die in peace, don’t think that the demon evil has been solved, and we are truly safe.”


“Danger always exists. It’s coming at a time that I don’t know.”

“many thanks to Mr. Yang’s teaching.”

“I’ll keep it in my heart.”

“Yes! Ah!”

“I also felt that I couldn’t take it lightly after hearing what Master Yang said just now.”


Everyone said in succession.

“en. ”

Yang Li gently nodded and left the Demon Elimination Division, and what happened here has already reached the ears of Long Huayan and the county magistrate .

“This child is really good.”

Long Huayan said.

“en. ”

The county magistrate was also nodded and asked, “How is the investigation going?”

“There is no way to start.”

Long Huayan shook the head, with a very regretful and helpless tone, “I don’t have any news or traces here, and some things are just my speculations, and I don’t know if they are true or not.”

“It’s not just speculation.”

County magistrate said solemnly: “It would be nice if it were a guess, there would be no real danger, but if we don’t do our best to deal with it and let disaster happen, That’s the real tragedy.”


Long Huayan nodded, “We can only wait and see what happens.”

Xiao House.

Yang Li has returned.


Xiao Ling said in surprise, “Why did you come back so early today?”

“There is no longer any slayers over there. The mission is over.”

Yang Li shrugged, “So I’m back.”

“Then what are you going to do today?”

Xiao Ling expects ask.

“en. ”

Yang Li laughed , holding Xiao Ling’s small hand, soft and delicate, making people fondle admiringly, “the past few days left my wife in the cold, so I I feel like I’ve been with my wife all day today.”


Xiao Ling was very happy.


Yang Li accompanied Xiao Ling today, strolled around the back garden of Xiao Mansion, left Xiao Mansion, went shopping outside, and bought a lot of things.

until evening.

The sunset rises into the sky, and dusk arrives.

Xiao Lingcai returned to the mansion with no end in sight.

“Are you happy today?”

Yang Li hugged Xiao Ling’s slender waist.


Xiao Ling gently nodded, leaned against Yang Li’s arms, and whispered softly: “If we can be so happy everyday all Okay.”


Yang Li said: “I also hope that everyday all can be so happy.”


Yang Li looked at the sunset glow, this world is full of demons, evil, and suffering. In such a turbulent world, to live a truly happy life requires absolute strength.

After dinner.

Night came quietly.


After an intense workout.

Not long.

Xiao Ling was already asleep.


Yang Li hasn’t slept yet, he thought move and unfolded Infinite Kill Interface.

Name: Yang Li.

Skills: Nourishing Evil (Break Limit), Sun Wheel Blade Intent Visualization Technique (Fusion).

Killpoint: 932.

These days.

Before and after.

About seven days.

Yang Li hunted and killed a lot of demon evil spirits, but he never encountered evil spirits again. Instead, he killed a few evil little nests and gained 483 killing points.

Not even a thousand kill points.

“The ‘meaning’ contained in Xiao Family’s median Visualization Picture ‘Golden Osmanthus Visualization Picture’ is obviously completely different from that of Sun Wheel Blade Intent. If you want to integrate, you need a thousand kill points.”


Yang Li mused, “My current kill point is still not enough.”


“The demons outside Riverface Town are hiding, Even if there is no news from the Exorcist Division, if I go out of town to look for it, I will be blind and touch the elephant.”

Of course.

Yang Li can stay in the wild alone, and then deliberately leak his yang energy and use himself as a bait to lure the demon to appear.

Just that.

This is too dangerous.

when the time comes.

If it attracts terrifying existence, it will be killed in an instant and become the ration of demon evil.

This is not possible.

“Today is the night of the full moon?”

Yang Li glanced sideways out the window and saw the bright moon in the sky, hanging high in the sky, the moonlight was bright, round and flawless, It’s like a silver plate hanging in the sky, “The full moon!”

“In the memory of the original owner, there seems to be no full moon Mid-Autumn Festival in this world.”

“I should say more.”

“There are almost no festivals in this world.”

“The only thing I remember clearly is the Spring Festival every year. Other festivals, The original owner remembers it not quite clear, and I don’t know much about it myself.”

“It’s not like on Earth, there are festivals almost every month.”

Yang Li shook the head, stopped thinking nonsense, closed the interface, closed his eyes, and was ready to rest.


It’s late at night.



Dark clouds cover the moon and stars.

Dark shadows loom over the entire Riverface Town.


Boom! hum! hum! ! !

Outside Riverface Town.

A mutation occurred.

See you.

In this brief moment, the strong invisible evil energy actually formed a solid gray mist, coming from all directions, and rushing towards Riverface Town from the due east.


The evil energy was like a tsunami, directly hitting the invisible light curtain of Riverface Town, causing ripples in the invisible light curtain.

The ground, the sky.

In grey mist.

A variety of different evils appeared.

There are a lot of them.

The evil army is coming! ! !

“Evil is coming!!!”

“Ring the alarm!”


“Ring the alarm! Alert!!”

on the city wall.

The patrolling guards widened their eyes. They were shocked by such a sight, but they still reacted in the shortest time and sounded the alarm.

This moment.

A deafening bell rang throughout Riverface Town.

Almost everyone woke up.

(end of this chapter)

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