
Chapter 125 Fierce Battle 【Subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

bang! bang! bang! ! !

on the city wall.

Yang Li fought the lava demon and the bamboo leaf azure snake king alone. They fought a lot of tricks. It was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time. attention.


“Yang Li! It’s Yang Li!”

“He…he actually reached the ‘Concentration Dharma Sign’ Level.”


“It’s even a one-person battle between the Level 3 lava demon and the Level 3 spirit azure snake king.”

” What a battle strength.”


Extremely shocking.



A loud bang.

Yang Li slashed out with all his strength, as if the roar of the Flood Dragon could be heard faintly, and forcibly slashed the huge bamboo leaf azure snake king flying out.


Another loud bang.

The lava demon smashed over, Yang Li blocked it with the Scarlet Gold Dragon blade, and Yang Li was knocked out.

“poisonous snake bone spear!”

ka-cha! ka-cha!


A large number of poisonous snakes appeared, and then the fleshy body of the poisonous snake was forced into the glass by a force, and the poisonous sac of the poisonous snake was also stripped out.

All the snake bones are fused with the venom sac.


Under the burning of poisonous flames.

It turned into a black-painted poisonous snake bone spear, 30 meters long, and the shadow of the poisonous snake wrapped around it, filled with a sinister aura.

Hey! ! !

This poisonous snake bone spear pierced through, killed Yang Li, and locked Yang Li’s head.

“Jiao Jiao!”


Yang Li thoughts move, the golden Jiao dharma reappeared, hovering above his head, roaring furiously, and his forehead The Huajiao Knife was cut out again.

The golden blade light is extremely bright.

bang! ! !

The poisonous snake bone spear and the Jiaojiao knife swelled in the air, making a loud noise, and bursts of energy storms swept out, producing bursts of explosions.


Poisonous snake The bone spear and the Jiaohua knife fly upside down at the same time.

“lava pillar!”


The lava demon roared, he let out a roar, gathered a lot of energy, and above his head, appeared A lot of lava, like a volcano about to erupt.

See you.

A large number of lava gathered together to form a huge lava pillar, which was smashed to Yang Li under the manipulation of the lava demon.

“go! ”

Yang Li clenched the Scarlet Gold Dragon blade with both hands, and slashed a knife, producing a blade glow, the golden dragon roared, and under the control of Yang Li, it merged into the Scarlet Gold Dragon. went in.

blade glow turns into a dragon.


The golden dragon roars.


Boom! ! !

See you.

The golden dragon collided with the huge lava pillar. The strength of the two sides confronted each other. The hot temperature evaporated the water all around, and the city wall cracked.

A powerful clash of energies.

roar! !


Jin Jiao roared, forcibly smashed the lava pillar, and the remaining energy blasted towards the lava demon, which shocked the lava demon.


The lava demon shakes.


The azure snake king of bamboo leaves immediately flicked the tail of the snake and smashed the broken golden dragon. In the void, a chain of golden chains suddenly appeared out of thin air.

“Did you forget the old man!”

The crown prince shouted: “The prison of chains!”

ka-cha! ka-cha!

See you.

The crown prince is also desperate, the official seal of County Magistrate is suspended in front of him, with a dragon beard Golden Carp hovering on it, and the chain of golden spreads out from the official seal of County Magistrate.

At this moment.

Has trapped the bamboo leaf azure snake king.

It forms a prison.


The crown prince shouted again: “Yang Li! Do it!!!”

roar!! !

The bamboo leaf azure snake roars.

“The Toxic Mist.”

A time of crisis.

The bamboo leaf azure snake king roared out a strong poison mist again, this poison mist did not attack Yang Li, but enveloped the county magistrate and crown prince.




The lava demon screamed. He was hit by the residual energy of the golden dragon, and his chest exploded. The demon’s flesh and blood flew out, and the huge body flew out.

“Sun Wheel shines!”


See you.

Yang Li thoughts move, he waved his left hand, and the Sun Wheel behind Jin Jiao’s head, like a circle of merit, flew out and appeared above the crown prince.

In an instant.

The golden light shines like Buddha’s radiance.

Boom! hum!

Chi chi chi…

The poison mist all around was dissolved by the golden light, making a sound like sulfuric acid corroding the ground.


Yang Li’s mouth was bleeding.

Just now.

The golden flood dragon manifested, and with its powerful power, it shattered the attack of the lava demon, and even severely injured the lava demon, but the golden flood dragon was also shattered, and Yang Li’s heart was shattered. to the backlash.


It is still within the scope of being able to persist.



Yang Li will naturally not let go of the great opportunity created by the crown prince, without any hesitation and savings Full power, Heart Power of God and Inner Strength are poured into it.


At the same time.

Yang Li bit the blood from the tip of his tongue, infecting the Scarlet Gold Dragon blade, and also stimulated the power of the low-grade talisman treasure, and the rays of light of the Scarlet Gold Dragon blade became more and more dazzling.

The power has been activated.


Yang Li this blade slashed over, Blade Qi moving unhindered, dazzling and even more powerful, the bamboo leaf azure snake king was trapped and locked by the crown prince again, making it difficult to resist.

roar! !

In times of crisis.

The azure snake king of bamboo leaves tried his best, but he could only do his best.

“poisonous snake bone spear!”

Bamboo leaf azure snake king took out this bone spear again.


Yang Li thought to move, the Huajiao knife cut out, and the poisonous snake bone spear flew away, but this was not the real killer move of the bamboo leaf azure snake king, the ultimate move was hidden under the bone spear.

“Snake King’s Fang!”

Huh! call out!

The moment the poisonous snake bone spear was knocked into the air, there were two tiny black lights, fast as lightning, which were the utensils forged by the bamboo leaf azure snake king with his own poisonous fangs.

Sharp, swift, and poisonous.

Contains the full strength attack of the bamboo leaf azure snake king.

When! when!


Yang Li has discovered that this blade is invincible, and with a powerful force, it repels the snake king’s fangs and kills the bamboo leaf azure snake king.


The Crown Prince’s ‘Prison of Chains’ is not just as simple as trapping and locking the azure snake king of bamboo leaves, but also weakening and suppressing part of the strength of the azure snake king of bamboo leaves.


Yang Li can be so invincible, crushing the attack of the bamboo leaf azure snake king.

“die for me!!!”

Yang Li this blade has already split, but at this extremely critical juncture, the bamboo leaf azure snake king broke out the demon source in his body , with the soaring Monster Qi spewing out like a tornado, shattering the crown prince’s chains.


The crown prince coughs up blood.

“Old man can only do this.”

The crown prince looked at the battlefield with a sullen expression.



Yang Li’s powerful knife contains the strength of his whole body, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, smashing the tornado formed by Monster Qi, originally intended to cut down the bamboo leaf azure snake king brain.


In times of crisis.

The bamboo leaf azure snake king broke free from the chains and avoided the key point, so Yang Li’s this blade failed to cut off the bamboo leaf azure snake king’s head, but cut off her huge snake tail .


The blood of the snake spewed out, the huge snake tail fell to the ground, and was constantly twisting and struggling on the city wall, blood was scattered all around.


The Level 3 lava demon was horrified.


The azure snake king of bamboo leaves was terrified. She was seriously injured now, and she had just exploded the demon source. Her strength is not one in ten, and she dared not do it again. The fight is over.


She wants to run away!

“Sun Wheel Blade Intent!”


With a wave of Yang Li’s left hand, the Sun Wheel and Hua Jiao Knife all appeared, and once again converged on the At the same time, the Huajiao Knife is embedded in the Sun Wheel, forming a knife wheel and spinning rapidly.

(end of this chapter)

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