
Chapter 127 The Way to Break the Game

Yang Li wanted to hunt down the lava demon, but rushed a lot from all directions The inferior demon, and even a Level 2 demon rushed over and blocked his way.

“get lost!”


pu! pu!

Yang Li’s roaring, golden flood dragons, fire sea burning, and many evil demons, even demons, who rushed up all around, were all used by Yang Li. means of beheading.

Killpoint +10.


Killpoint +20.


Killpoint +50.


In order to kill these evil demons and demons, Yang Li also spent a lot of physical strength, and the evil spirits can even transform corpses into evil spirits.


Yang Li was gasping for breath.

The mind is also very draining.

In the mind.

Jin Jiao also began to fade away.

“No way!”

Yang Li looked at the entire battlefield. It was no longer just outside the city wall. In the town, various battles broke out. All are battlefields.

“If you want to end this war, you must kill all the evil spirits, demons, and spirits. In this way, the demons on the battlefield will be leaderless, and the demon army will be defeated.”

Yang Li analyzed the situation and the battle situation, “Even if you kill more demon evil spirits, the evil spirits can transform the Martial Artist’s corpse, the monster’s corpse, and the wicked corpse into evil spirits.”


“Evil spirits have already entered the town, the longer it drags on, the worse the situation will be for us, and the more people in the town will die. , the number of evil spirits will only be more.”


Yang Li clenched his fists and looked at the lava demon who had fled to the back of the battlefield, unable to catch up , “I need stronger strength! Just concentrating on the Dharma is not enough!”

“I can’t completely reverse the whole battle situation!”

Thinking of this.

Yang Li glanced at the number of kill points. Unconsciously, his kill points reached one thousand and three points again, not too much, but not too little.

Be aware.

Yang Li just killed a Level 3 spirit, a Level 2 evil spirit, and a lot of bad demons, even Level 1 and Level 2 demons.


The evil demons and demons who died at the hands of Yang Li were all to buy time for the lava demons to escape.

“The lava demon has lost the courage to fight.”

Yang Li’s eyes sank, “In a short time, this lava demon should not dare to come out again, it is estimated that he has already escaped. Get up, the level 3 evil spirit is missing now.”

“It’s just…”

Yang Li shook the head, he wasn’t quite sure how to get rid of that. The level 3 evil spirit whose origin is unknown, “The other party chooses to rely on the night of the full moon.”

“I can’t act rashly!”

“I need to be stronger strength.”

Thinking of this.

Yang Li quickly came to the crown prince.

“The county magistrate.”

Yang Li landed on the crown prince.

“cough cough…”

The crown prince coughed a few times, coughed up blood, looked pale, and his hair turned a lot white. too hard.

In the beginning.

The crown prince almost died in the hands of painted skin.

It can be said.

If Yang Li hadn’t arrived in time.

The crown prince is dead.

“The old man just gave your father-in-law took ‘Origin Essence Pill’, he just passed out and was seriously injured, taking Origin Essence Pill, he will definitely not die.”

Crown Prince said.

“many thanks county magistrate.”

Yang Li bowed his hands.

“If you have something to say, just say it. Now, there is no need to go around.”

The crown prince said.

“en. ”

Yang Li nodded, “Although the azure snake king of bamboo leaves is dead, and the lava demon has lost the courage to fight, the demon army has not retreated.”

“This shows that they haven’t given up yet, and there must be more terrifying back-ups.”

“The current situation.”

“The only way is to put the battlefield Only by killing all the evil spirits, demons and spirits on the battlefield can the demon army be completely defeated, and Riverface Town can be saved.”

“Kill all the evil spirits, demons and spirits on the battlefield? “

The crown prince’s eyes widened and his expression was shocked. He had been doing County Magistrate for so long, but he still heard such crazy thoughts, “How is this possible? This is impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible.”

Yang Li said solemnly: “As long as you do it, try it, you will have a chance to do it, and if you don’t do it, you don’t even have an idea, then it is truly impossible. .”

“Then what do you want to do?”

The crown prince took a deep breath, solemnly asked.


Yang Li clenched his fists, “I need stronger strength! Just concentrating on the level of the Dharma does not allow me to accomplish this goal, I need to break through again. !”


The crown prince was even more dumbfounded, “You… what did you say? level.”

“You…you still want to break through?!”


Yang Li solemnly nodded, “So, I A ‘superior Visualization Technique’ is needed. Currently, Xiao Family does not have a superior Visualization Technique, and Ye Family does not have it either, so the three martial arts halls are even more impossible.”

“This way.”

“Only the county magistrate and the Demon Elimination Division.”


The crown prince opened his mouth and gradually calmed down, staring at Yang Li , he knew that Yang Li was not joking, “old man understands.”

“That’s right.”

The crown prince nodded, “old man does have a high-level Visualization Picture, and it is still with Red Python Visualization Picture ‘of common origins’ ‘Higher Visualization Picture: Flood Dragon’s water map’.”

“Old man can also give it to you.”

“many thanks county Sir.”

Yang Li saluted.

“Don’t be too happy.”

The crown prince continued: “The Flood Dragon water map is not on the old man’s body, but was placed by the old man in the county. In the secret room of the government office, if you want to get the Flood Dragon water map, you have to go to the county government office.”

“In addition.”

The crown prince said solemnly: “If you really can do it again breakthrough, the strength is further, it is indeed possible to kill all the evil spirits, demons, and spirits on the battlefield, and completely defeat the demon army.”


“In the eyes of the old man, this probability is too small, and the hope is too slim, so the old man can’t pin all his hopes on you alone.”


“You have killed the azure snake king of bamboo leaves, and the lava demon has also been repelled by you. He lost the courage to fight with you and retreated to the back of the battlefield.”

“So. “

“The old man is seriously injured now, even walking is a problem, so I hope you can bring the old man back to the county office, and then gather the county office, the Exorcist Division, the Two Great Families, the three martial arts hall and many other forces left behind in the town to solve the evil demon that invaded Riverface Town, protect the safety of the people, and maintain the order in the town.”

“That’s the only way.”

“Only the old man can use the ‘County Magistrate official seal’ to reunite the public opinion of the national movement in the county government office, raise the ‘game hood’ again, cover the Riverface Town, and win this victory.”

“Restart the ‘game’ hood.”

Yang Li was stunned, “Is this method feasible?”

“Old man can only try his best.”

The crown prince said : “It’s far greater than the probability of breaking through again.”


The crown prince’s eyes were worried, looking in the direction of Long Huayan, “old man is worried I don’t know what the situation of Director Long is in the battle with the Level 3 evil spirit.”

“If Director Long loses the battle, the situation will collapse completely, even if you have Yang Li around, I’m afraid it’s also powerless, when the time comes, I can only think of a way to break through with all my strength and escape as much as I can.”

“The county magistrate. “

Yang Li said, “If that’s the case, then it’s not too late. Let’s go as soon as possible. If we finish early, the danger will be reduced by one point, and the pressure of Director Long will be reduced by one point.” ”

(end of this chapter)

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