
Chapter 131 The Flood Dragon is in the sky, and the ghosts travel at night! 【The third update! Please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! ]

“en. ”

Yang Li stopped, he turned around and looked at the county magistrate who could not move casually for the time being, his expression was calm, but he was full of absolute confidence, nodded, and his tone was very He said with certainty: “I did succeed.”


The crown prince opened his mouth, he looked at Yang Li, his mood at the moment was like a tsunami The sea, the waves tumbling, could not be calm at all.

This moment.

I got the exact answer from Yang Li’s mouth.

He was shocked to the extreme.

Can’t be calm.

I can’t really be calm.

“You actually did it.”

The crown prince took a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down as much as possible, “Okay, good, good, just be successful, be successful That’s good!”


The crown prince laughed, “You succeeded, that is, you have stepped into the level of ‘Concentration and Concentration’, which is comparable to Level 4 evil spirits, no matter how powerful those Level 3 evil spirits are outside, they are still your opponents.”

“very good, very good!!!”

” en. ”

Yang Li smiled slightly and said, “Master County, you are here to maintain the good luck cover now, and wait for the good news that I will completely defeat the demon army.”


The crown prince solemnly nodded, “The old man believes in you.”

It can be said.

In front of the crown prince, Yang Li created two miracles in succession, making impossible possible and breaking the crown prince’s idea, which made the crown prince extremely confident in Yang Li.

The entrance to the prison dungeon.

Xiao Min and Ye Fangling arrived first, but after they entered the county office, they did not find Yang Li and the county magistrate, but met Zhou Qingye and the others.

“Xiao Min, Ye Fangling, why are you here?”

Zhou Qingye asked with a frown.

“Constable Zhou.”

Xiao Min came over, took out the county magistrate’s warrant, and let Zhou Qingye look at it, “We were ordered to assist the county magistrate in lifting the hood. .”

“That’s right.”

Ye Fangling nodded.

“It is indeed the warrant of your lord.”

Zhou Qingye confirmed that there was no problem with the warrant. .”

“You guys are waiting outside for now.”


Xiao Min and Ye Fangling looked at each other and pondered. After a while, they were all nodded, “Alright, let’s wait here.”

After a while.

The other three teams from the Xiao Family also arrived, gathering the power of the three martial arts halls, which is considered to have gathered more than 70% of the forces left behind in Riverface Town.

“How do you say?”

Bai Yan, the deputy Hall Master of the ultimate martial arts hall, asked.

“Ye Fangling, Bai Yan, Xiao Min, Liu Qiming are all here.”

Zang Feng martial arts hall Deputy Hall Master Su Ye said.

“Sure enough.”

Liu Qiming is a thin middle-aged man, he said: “Riverface Town’s left-behind forces are basically here.”

“en. ”

Xiao Min nodded.

“The county magistrate and Mr. Yang Li have instructed that no one is allowed to enter the prison dungeon. Although you all have the county magistrate’s warrant, it means that you are indeed summoned by the county magistrate.”

Zhou Qingye said solemnly: “But, you all have to wait here and can’t go in.”

“Isn’t this a waste of time?”

Su Ye frowned.


Liu Qiming nodded, “Even if it’s just a delay of half a minute, I’m afraid a lot of people will die. If I remember correctly, if I want to restart the transport hood, it needs public opinion. Support, if too many people die, it is impossible to support it.”

“I really can’t go in?”

Bai Yan asked.


Zhou Qingye said solemnly.

Can’t help it.

The atmosphere is a little stiff.


All around, there are bursts of evil roars of demons, as well as people’s screams, cries, and calls for help, just like background music.

Outside town all around.

Evil energy, demonic energy, Monster Qi intertwined, forming a thick fog, which plunged Riverface Town into darkness, and the moonlight could not shine in.


The emotions of the people present were actually very depressed, completely tense, like a thin thread that was completely straightened, and it would snap with a little force.

“What are you worried about?”

At this time.

Yang Li walked out of the prison dungeon. His eyes were calm and his tone was gentle, but he had an inexplicable coercion and stood in front of everyone.

“Yang Li!”

Su Ye frowned, his face remained the same, but he was slightly vigilant.

After all.

In previous times.

There was almost a big conflict between Yang Li and Zangfeng martial arts hall.


Xiao Min looked happy.

“Yang Li, where is the county magistrate?”

Bai Yan asked.

“Why are you alone?”

Liu Qiming also asked.

“Mr. Yang Li.”

Zhou Qingye saluted respectfully.


Yang Li looked around, there were a lot of people gathered, according to the crown prince’s plan, he wanted Yang Li to lead them to clean up the demons in Riverface Town Evil, try to save as many people as possible, and find a way to gather public opinion.

Just that.

In Yang Li’s opinion.

It is not so easy to clean up the demons in Riverface Town, because the transport cover has been broken, and the demons outside the city wall can come in at any time.


It took too long to clean up.

It’s hard to succeed!

Of course.

Since the county magistrate dared to do this, he must have his own way. It is estimated that he probably still has some cards and tricks that he has not used.

Thinking about it.

“Xiao Min.”

Yang Li quickly gave an order, instructed: “You lead a group of people and Zhou Qingye to stay here and protect the safety of the county magistrate.”

“Xiao Min.” p>

“As for the others…”

Yang Li’s eyes swept over everyone present, “Let’s all set out with me to kill all evil spirits, demons, and spirits in Riverface Town, Rescue the people in the town.”

“Yang Li, why should we obey your orders?”

Su Ye asked in a deep voice.


Yang Li runs the Yin-Yang Visualization Technique.


next moment.

On the top of Yang Li’s head, a Flood Dragon head appeared, just like a real Flood Dragon, roaring, mighty, shocking everyone.

“Why do you say that?”

Yang Li shouted in a deep voice.


Su Ye’s scalp was numb.


“really strong!”

“What realm is this? At least it’s broken!”


“Yang Li is so strong!”

Liu Qiming, Bai Yan, Ye Fangling, and Su Ye, none of them knew about Yang Li The specific strength, so I was shocked and shocked.


Yang Li shouted: “Go!”


“As you bid!”



The crowd quickly followed Yang Li.

roar!roar!roar! !


Just when Yang Li and the others were about to leave the county government office, they heard roars, and when they looked up, they saw all directions of the county government office, and there were a lot of demons.


“The county office is surrounded!”

“When did it happen?”

“I…I understand, these demons have long seen through our intentions, but they didn’t stop us, they just waited for us all to gather at the county office, and then they would kill us all!!!”

“It’s over!”


Liu Qiming and the others were stunned and understood the reason for the incident. .

in front.

Evil spirits, demons, and spirits appeared one after another.

My scalp is numb.


Bai Yan swallowed her saliva, “I…what should we do now? Do we want to find a way to break through? What about the county magistrate?!”

“Our plan failed before it even started!”

Ye Fangling said in a desperate tone.

“I can only fight with these demons!”

Su Ye clenched his fists.


Everyone couldn’t help but show fear in their eyes.


At this time.

Yang Li suddenly laughed and walked straight to the front of everyone, completely exposed to the evil sight of all the demons present.

“Mr. Yang Li!”

“Be careful!”

“You…what are you going to do?”

“No You must have been frightened!”

Su Ye and the others were shocked.


Yang Li’s behavior really confused them, but they were trapped in the evil circle of demons and were in danger, and he even laughed.

“Okay, okay.”

Yang Li’s face was full of smiles, very happy and in a very happy mood, “Originally, the demons you entered in Riverface Town were scattered. If you make trouble everywhere and harm the people, if I want to solve all of you, it will take a lot of time to find you.”

“didn’t expect!”

“You guys They all gathered together to besiege the county government office, trying to kill us all in one go, this is really your own!”

“very good!”

“Kill!!! !”



Yang Li a long whistle, the shouting and killing sounded, the sound was like a thunderous explosion, almost burst the eardrums, and the terrifying power broke out in this brief moment.

Yin and Yang Visualization Technique!


In an instant.

Yang Li’s heart, Power of God and Inner Strength combined, behind him, one left and one right, rushed out two Flood Dragons and one golden dragon, Azure Flood Dragon.

The Flood Dragon roared and shook.

roar!roar!roar! !

Flood Dragon hovers and dances.

This moment.

The audience was shocked.


Yang Li is like a War God coming, and the two Flood Dragons are materialized, each reaching a length of forty-nine meters, and each one is a behemoth.


This moment.

Everyone in the audience was completely dumbfounded.

At the same time.

The demons around him also trembled and fell into fear. He never imagined that Yang Li was so powerful.


Yang Li manipulated the two substantial Flood Dragons, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and the strength displayed was very powerful, culling to all The demon around is evil.

A one-sided slaughter is about to begin…


“Follow Master Yang! Kill me!!!”




Liu Qiming, Su Ye, Bai Yan, Ye Fangling, the four of them all reacted, roared again and again, picked up the weapons in their hands, and led the crowd to take the initiative to attack.

The war broke out at the gate of the county government.

And this time.

Outside the city wall.

Frontal battlefield.

The war is getting more and more fierce and tragic. It is true that too many people died. After this time, even if the demon army is repelled, Riverface Town will be hurt.

“pu… ”

Behind the battlefield.

Long Huayan was coughing up blood, and he was seriously injured. During the battle with the black clothed cloak evil spirit, he did everything he could, using all means, even the high grade talisman treasures are thoroughly inspired.


He was still defeated.

Now more seriously.

“It’s time.”

The black clothed cloak evil spirit hands behind back, overlooking the entire battlefield, taking everything in the entire scene, sending out an extremely insolent laughing out loud.

He’s the winner.

The war continues to this day.

In Riverface Town.

Too many people died.

At the same time.

The demons also died a lot.

Look around.

The remains of evil spirits, monster corpses, and wicked demon corpses piled up on the battlefield one after another, and the air was filled with an indescribable smell.

“You…what do you want to do?”

Long Huayan lowered his head, he was staring at the black clothed cloak evil spirit, his right hand held the Dualbladed Halberd tightly, ” No matter what you want to do, I will not let you succeed!”


The black clothed cloak evil spirit laughed wildly again, and looked the head, “It’s so sad, you Simply not my opponent, still delusional here.”


“I’ll show you.”

“What is ‘ Hundred Ghosts Night Walk’, and let you know why I chose to attack Riverface Town on the night of the full moon today, I have already plotted against it all.”

“Although a little happened on the way. , but it cannot affect the final result at all.”

“from the very beginning.”

“Riverface Town is destined to be erased.”

“Get up!”

bang!bang!bang! ! !

See you.

The black clothed cloak evil spirit rose into the air, and in this brief moment, he became the focus of the audience, and countless blood-colored bone chains were flying in the air like a flood dragon-like.

“The… what is that?”

“Evil spirits! Evil spirits!!”

“Be careful!”

“Don’t Look!”

“Body Refinement Martial Artist Don’t Look!”


Bai Zhanchen and the others roared loudly.

“hahaha…, hahaha…”

This moment.

The insolent laughter of the black clothed cloak evil spirit spread to the entire battlefield, and many Body Refinement Martial Artists were affected, and their minds were shaken violently.

Among them.

There are quite a few seriously injured Body Refinement Martial Artists whose minds were distorted by this laughter, and even turned into a twist shape, with blood-colored bone chains rushing out of their bodies, Became part of the black clothed cloaked evil spirit.


Long Huayan roared.


See you.

The black clothed cloak evil spirit opened his hands, he took out a black painted scroll from his arms, and he slowly unfolded the scroll.

si si sizzle…

A dark and eerie Ghost Qi pervaded the picture scroll.

“Hundred Ghosts at Night!”

The black clothed cloak evil spirit a long whistle shook all directions. over the sky.


“Hundred Ghosts at Night!”



All of them stared at the Martial Artist with astonishment.

It was.

This is the real killing move of the black clothed cloak evil spirit.

Boom! hum! hum!

After this Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Map was fully unfolded, the incomparably rich moonlight was drawn down, and all of them poured into the Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Map.


There is one ghost shadow after another projected from the Hundred Ghost Night Map.

appears in mid-air.

Count carefully.

It happens to be a hundred ghost shadows, densely packed, filling the air, each ghost shadow is extremely illusory and simply unreal.


Om! hum! hum!

The black clothed cloak evil spirit manipulated the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and a terrifying suction force came out. On the battlefield, the remains of the evil spirits, the corpses of the monsters and the undead, all floated into the air. , forming hundreds of water currents, flocking to the illusory ghosts.


The illusory ghosts are slowly becoming real.

“On the night of the full moon, a hundred ghosts walk at night!!!”

The black clothed cloak evil spirit roars.

“You can’t even think about it!!!”


Long Huayan roared furiously, he tried his best, blood gushed out, and completely stimulated all his body. high grade talisman treasure, “Except Demon Halberd! Kill me!!!”


A huge halberd shadow appeared and smashed the black clothed cloak evil spirit.

PS: These three chapters were written yesterday, I have something to do in the morning, and I will code in the afternoon. When the time comes, I will post as many as I want. See you at night!

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(end of this chapter)

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