
Chapter 138 Dragon Medal

Yang Li doesn’t know what happened on Long Huayan’s side, he is now with Xiao The spirits dealt with an evil haunt together. They dealt with a Level 2 evil spirit, two Level 1 evil spirits, and a Level 1 spirit-infused monster.

This time the main force is Xiao Ling.

speaking of which.

the past few days.

Yang Li carefully taught Xiao Ling to practice martial arts, Xiao spirit cultivator practiced Changchun Yang Qigong, this martial arts Yang Li has completed the breakthrough, very familiar, and fully understand the mystery.


Five days.

Xiao Ling fought the demon evil, plus taking medicine pill, and Yang Li’s guidance, and when he was in love, Yang Li would also use Inner Strength to help nourish.


Xiao Ling has already broken through Changchun Yang Qigong to the Grandmaster, ignited the Yang Fire, and his strength has greatly increased. Even in the face of Level 3 demons, he has the power to fight.


Xiao Ling originally planned to learn ‘golden sun mentality’ directly, but her aptitude was not enough and her innate talent was insufficient, so she could not directly practice ‘golden sun mentality’, she needed to cultivate ‘wanjin body tempering’ The trick is to carry out the transition of blood exchange before cultivation ‘golden sun method’.


Xiao Ling slammed his palm down, and the Yang Fire of scarlet gold poured out from his palm, surging forward, covering the frontmost ghost shadow evil, burning it to ashes.


Yang Li walked over with a smile on his face.

“What a great thing.”

Xiao Ling curled one’s lip, “It’s far worse than you.”

“It’s already great. “

Yang Li said: “The evil and monsters here have been dealt with, let’s go back.”

“Well, okay.”

Xiao Ling is well-behaved Nominate.


Yang Li and Xiao Ling returned to Xiao Mansion.

“I should leave too.”

Yang Li and Xiao Ling were on their way back to Xiao Mansion, thoughts move, unfolded Infinite Kill Interface, five days passed, killing The point didn’t change much, it just became three hundred and twenty points.

Five days.

Just added 130 kill points.

Too few.


This is because after the last war, the demons around Riverface Town were cleaned up, and the number of demons decreased, so it was naturally difficult for Yang Li to get more killing points.

So say.

If Yang Li continues to stay in Riverface Town, it will indeed delay his growth and improvement.

The screen changes.

Riverface Town Black Jade Tower.

In front of the tower gate.

“Director Long.”

The demon slayer on the right was smiling and his tone was rather gentle, like a scholar, “I’m at the next Qier. , this is Yan Fang, this is our identity token, we won’t introduce the rest, we will carefully investigate the specific situation in Riverface Town, and hope that you can cooperate with us when the time comes.”

“Of course.”

Long Huayan nodded, confirming that their identity token is correct, “No problem.”


Qi Er satisfied nodded.

“I am very interested in Yang Li mentioned in the message.”

At this time.

Yan Fang, who had a scar on his right face, said something.


Long Huayan’s expression remained unchanged, and his tone said in a tranquil voice: “If you want to meet Yang Li, we will finish talking later, but you can I’ll take you to Xiao Mansion, and I’ll see you when the time comes.”


Yan Fang nodded.


They then entered the Black Jade Tower.


Long Huayan gestured with his eyes to Wu Changsheng, who was standing not far away. The meaning was quite obvious, asking Wu Changsheng to inform Yang Li.


Wu Changsheng waited until Long Huayan and the others had already left, and then he quickly left the Black Jade Tower and rushed to Xiao’s residence, preparing to inform Yang Li of the matter know.


A lot of people saw this scene, but because they were far apart, they couldn’t hear the conversation between Long Huayan and Qi Er, so they all secretly guessed the identities of these two people. To make Long Huayan so respectful.

It must be extraordinary.

Xiao House.

Wu Changsheng arrived first.

Wu Changsheng walked over, shouted in a deep voice: “Go and inform Yang Li, even if the old man Wu Changsheng has something important to call him.”

“It was Wu Changsheng. Your Excellency.”


the door.

The two family members warmly received.

speaking of which.

Wu Changsheng, Zuo Zhihao, and Xu Yi survived the battle, but Xu Yi broke his left arm, and Zuo Zhihao lost his martial arts.

Only Wu Changsheng was seriously injured, and now he has recovered bits and pieces.

The living room.

Yang Li is here.

“Master Wu, why do you have time to see me?”

Yang Li walked over with a smile.

“Okay, you can pull it down, stop praising the old man here.”

Wu Changsheng glared at Yang Li angrily, “What’s your current strength? Realm, even the director is no match for you.”

“So what’s the matter?”

Yang Li sat down beside him.

“The demon slayers from Tianlingfu City are here.”

Wu Changsheng said bluntly: “There are two of them, and they are very powerful. The guards are very respectful and don’t dare to offend them.”

“The most important thing is.”

“There is a demon guard named Yan Fang who said that he is very interested in you and wants to If I want to see you, the director will ask the old man to come and inform you immediately, which means I want you to sit down and get ready.”

“It’s okay, I don’t need to prepare anything.”

Yang Li waved his hand, “If they want to come, let them come, just right, I also want to see what the slayer of Tianlingfu City is like.”

“That’s right.”

“What do you know about Tianlingfu City?”

“I don’t know.”

Wu Changshengshook the head, “the old man has been there in his life. The number of times Tianlingfu City can be counted on one’s fingers, but every time I go to Tianlingfu City, it is extremely shocking.”


“The entire Tianlingfu City is not Not one city, but nine cities, arranged in a nine-pointed star formation, together form the ‘Tianlingfu City’.”

“In addition.”

” In Tianlingfu City, the forces are tangled and complicated, with all influences entrenched, and I am just a Body Refinement Martial Artist at the exchange level. In Riverface Town, I am an expert, but in Tianlingfu City, hehe is a fighter.”


“In Tianlingfu City, although the control of martial arts is still very strict, it is not that absolutely does not have the opportunity, there are more ways to get it High-grade martial arts.”

“The ‘Vajra body’ that the old man gave you last time was obtained in Tianlingfu City.”


“Vajra Temple is also in Tianlingfu City. This Vajra Temple is considered a force that is neither too big nor too small. When the time comes, if you go to Tianlingfu City, you might encounter it.”

en. ”

Yang Lip nodded, “I see.”

“The old man will go back first.”

Wu Changsheng stood up.


Yang Li personally escorted Wu Changsheng out of the Xiao residence.

“I’ve waited for so many days.”

Yang Li hands behind back, looking at the direction of Riverface Town Eliminator, pondered then said: “It’s finally here, here it is. It’s really time for me to leave Riverface Town too.”

Blink of eyes.

It’s afternoon.


Qi Er and Yan Fang came here this time mainly to investigate the casualties of Riverface Town and the specific situation of the war, so as to supplement the battle strength of Riverface Town Demon Slayer.


More about Yang Li.

Because Yang Li told Long Huayan and let Long Huayan keep it a secret, so Long Huayan just mentioned Yang Li in the news, and did not kill Yang Li pulling strongly against a crazy tide alone. Reported on ‘Level 4 Evil Spirit: King of Pseudo-Hundred Ghosts’.


Long Huayan also did not report that Yang Li had broken through one after another in a short period of time, from concentrating on shaping to condensing and condensing, concealing some of Yang Li’s innate talent.


After all, Yang Li is only eighteen years old. It is late September, and in a few months, it will be the New Year. When the time comes, Yang Li will be nineteen years old.

So young.

It has already reached the level of condensed concentration.

The innate talent is already phenomenal.

That’s why it still attracted the attention of the Demon Slayer Division of Tianlingfu City.


Under the leadership of Long Huayan, Qi Er and Yan Fang left the Black Jade Tower, went to the battlefield outside the town, and then asked the people some corresponding questions.

Until late afternoon.

This is the end.


Qi Er took out the pen and paper, took notes, and frequently nodded, “Director Long, there is no problem, all the situation has been reported to you. Exactly the same.”


“My condolences to the martial artists who died in this kind of war to protect Riverface Town, for the Protector family. , but also to protect their loved ones.”

“No matter what they did before they died.”


“They All are worthy of respect.”

The voice fell.

Qi Er and Yan bowed to the Land of Buried Bones for half a minute of silence.

“Thank you.”

Long Huayan took a deep breath.

Be aware.

A lot of people were killed in this war. Both of Long Huayan’s two deputy directors were killed. Long Huayan was not sad, it was impossible, but he didn’t show it.

“Don’t worry.”

Qi Er put away the pen and paper, “The battle damage on the Riverface Town side will be replenished, when the time comes, on the Tianlingfu City side Someone will be sent over to supplement the missing battle strength.”

“Riverface Town has been saved with great difficulty, and naturally I don’t want another accident.”

“many thanks to you two.”


Long Huayan bowed his hands in salute.

“There’s more.”

Qi Er said again: “This time, we have defended Riverface Town, whether it’s Director Long or Crown Prince County Magistrate, the credit for both of them is credit. It’s a must.”

“Of course.”

“And the Xiao Family’s son-in-law, Yang Li.”

“The three of you deserve the most credit. , and other people’s credit will be converted into corresponding rewards, and when the time comes, they will all be distributed.”

“It’s just that Riverface Town is too far away from Tianlingfu City, and it may be delayed for a while. Time.”

“We can understand.”

Long Huayan said.

“Of course.”

Qi Er laughed, “Regarding the reward of Director Long, as well as the reward of Crown Prince County Magistrate, and the reward of Yang Li, we have actually done it for you. Think about it.”

“Director Long.”

“We will award each of you a ‘Dragon Medal’.”

“Dragon-level medal!”

Long Huayan couldn’t help but look surprised, some did not expect the reward this time to be so generous, “If I remember correctly, the medal for the Demon Elimination Division in Tianlingfu City is lower. To the highest level, it is divided into: wolf level, leopard level, tiger level, dragon level, etc.”

“Among them.”

“A wolf level medal can be exchanged for a lower level. Visualization Technique, a Leopard Medal can be exchanged for a median Visualization Technique, and so on.”

“A Dragon Medal can be exchanged for a True Visualization Technique.”

“The following medals are divided into ‘credits’, including major merits, minor merits, and final merits.”

“You are right!”

Qi Er nodded, “You That’s right, it is indeed a direct reward to each of you with a dragon-level medal, which can be exchanged for a true Visualization Technique at Tianlingfu City Exorcism Division.”

“Of course.”

“Of course.”


“If you don’t want to exchange Visualization Technique, you can exchange for other things.”


Long Huayan nodded.

“Since the matter here has been investigated and dealt with.”

Yan Fang laughed, but the scar on his face made his smile a little scary, “Then let’s go Meet the Yang Li who you have never met before.”


Long Huayan nodded, “Alright.”

“Please lead the way. ”

Align the ear canal.

“You two come with me.”

Long Huayan led the way to Xiao Mansion.

Not long.

Long Huayan and the others came to the door of Xiao Mansion. The two servants at the door bowed and saluted Long Huayan with a respectful tone, “I have seen Mr. Long Director.”

“en .”

Long Huayan nodded, “You go to inform Yang Li, and say that the two slayers from Tianlingfu City are coming.”


The servant was startled, and looked at Qi Er and Yan Fang out of the corner of his eyes, not daring to pry too much, and immediately turned around and entered the mansion.

“The three adults, sorry, I can only trouble you to wait outside.”

The other servant said in a humble tone.

“It’s out of the way.”

Qi Er’s voice was calm.

After a while.

Yang Li came over.

“Director Long.”

Yang Li bowed his hands and looked at the two beside Long Huayan, feeling the aura in them, which was no trivial matter. , has definitely reached the condensed truth.

Really strong!

As expected of the Demon Elimination Division of Tianlingfu City, the two Demon Elimination Guards dispatched, each of whom has reached the level of condensed truth, is indeed very unusual.


Yang Li can still feel that although these two demon slayers are both condensed, their strength is far inferior to himself, even if they don’t fight against Yang Li, they can feel it.

The gap is still quite obvious.

“I have seen two Lord Demon Slayers!”

Yang Li saluted Qi Er and Yan Fang: “Several, please come with me into the mansion, and if you stand at the door and talk, then I, Yang Li, are too rude.”



Long Huayan nodded.


Qi Er is also nodded.


Yan Fang didn’t say much.

Three people enter the house.

Yang Li led the way in the front, and went all the way along the corridor to the reception hall. Long Huayan and the others sat down under the arrangement of Yang Li.

One after another.

A maid brought the cakes and tea.

“The three adults, some of them are not well received.”

Yang Li said.

“You’re welcome.”

Long Hua Yan said.


Chil laughed.


Yan Fang was silent.

“Yang Li.”

Qi Er didn’t eat tea, he went straight to the subject and said, “This time we are here to investigate what happened in Riverface Town. , everything is the same as what Director Long Huayan said.”

“Of course.”

“In order to determine the truth of the facts, it is necessary to test whether you really have the level of condensing truth. Strength, if there is no problem, Tianlingfu City Demon Slayer Division will reward you with a dragon-level medal based on your credit this time.”

“Dragon-level medal?”

Yang Li asked, “What is that?”

“cough cough…”

Long Huayan lightly coughed, and said: “That is, a dragon-level medal can be used in Tianling. The Fucheng Exorcist can exchange for a True Meaning Visualization Picture.”

“And ten dragon medals can be exchanged for a Celestial Visualization Picture.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Li nodded, “How do you want to test?”

“Yan Fang.”

said in unison.


Yan Fang stood up, raised the giant axe behind him, and said with a smile, “Qi Er, I’ve been waiting for your words, What a waste of time waiting so long.”

(end of this chapter)

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