
Chapter 158 Crazy killing!

roar! !

next moment.

This is a soundless, invisible roar, emanating from the body of the river demon, but it caused the whole lotus river to vibrate. All went crazy.


All the monsters in Lianhua Hanoi received the master’s order to let them all enter Lianhua Village, Linhe Village, Yan Stone Village, Zhushan Village, etc. All the villagers are their blood food, they can eat without a trace. Unscrupulous tasting and torture.

Be aware.

Over the years.

These monsters have been greedy for the villagers in these villages for too long. If not for the suppression of the river monsters, adhering to sustainable development, carrying out family care, and also needing the sacrifices of the villagers, these lotus flowers in Hanoi The monsters have long since cleaned all the villages and won’t leave a living hole.

The horrific massacre is about to begin…

Lotus Village.

Boom! hum!

The thick fog outside the village was tumbling, like boiling water, constantly surging. Yang Li looked up and felt a little oppression.


Wan Baihu’s expression was solemn, “The spirit! It’s the spirit of the spirit!”

Sure enough.

What appeared in the mist was no longer just fish ghosts, but spirits, such as a fish-man who already had a human shape, with a fish head but human limbs and torso, face looks sinister, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, covered with sturdy and tenacious scales.


In addition to the fish-headed monsters with various fish heads, there are also anaconda monsters with a humanoid upper body and a snake-shaped lower body, with long hair flying all over their heads, each hair is a thin snake.

“This is the main dish I want!”

Yang Li’s eyes flashed, the killing intent was surging, but he became more and more excited.


Wanbaihu shouted: “There are too many spirits!”

“Be careful!”

Yuan Ning shouted.


Yang Li thoughts move, glanced at the Infinite Kill Interface, the number of kill points is now 1120, not far from 2000 Far.

“The battle body of the beginning.”


Yang Li furiously shouted, bursting out with all his strength, his body swelled rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he had already reached At a height of five meters, the muscles all over the body are tenacious like dragon scales bodyguards.



Yang Li rushed into the group of spirits, and with Yang Li’s invincible battle strength, these Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and even Level 4 spirits are simply not Yang Li’s opponents .



A punch.


Accompanied by Dragon’s roar.

It was a fish head monster that was bombarded to death.

Killpoint +50.

Then turned around and smashed the upper body of the other fish head monster with one kick.

Killpoint +100.

“Dragon King Fury!”

roar! ! !

Yang Li roared up to the sky, behind him, there seemed to be an illusory shadow of a dragon king, Yang Li also seemed to incarnate into a dragon king at this moment, sending out an angry dragon roar.

ka-cha! ka-cha!


The energy around Yang Li exploded and merged together. Along with his anger and artistic conception, it evolved into a thunder that surrounded his body.

In an instant.

The thunder broke out.

With Yang Li as the center point, the thunder lightning of one after another is split out, and the power of each thunder lightning is extremely terrifying, as if it has a ray of Heavenly Might.

Boom! ! !

This moment.

Yuan Ning, Wan Baihu, and the surrounding villagers were all stunned, and all eyes were over, filled with endless shock.

At the same time.

Those monsters and demons were also shocked.


Scenes like this are truly devastating.



In the thunder, those fish-head monsters, anaconda monsters, river mussel spirits, All of them were directly hacked to death by Yang Li’s thunder, and one after another of charred corpses fell.

Killpoint +100.


Killpoint +150.


Killpoint +200.

It can be said.

Yang Li’s Kill Points are increasing rapidly.


Yang Li laughed, within both eyes filled with more and more excitement, his whole body was flashing with thunder, the heat was surging, and the white mist shrouded, like a cloud. Ray Divine Dragon King.

Can’t help it.

The surrounding demons were shocked, and a look of fear appeared on their faces.

“My God!”

Yuan Ning was incomparably stunned, he swallowed, his eyes full of disbelief, “This…this…, Too strong, really too strong.”

“Is he really just contemplating unity?”

“Such strength.”

“I’m afraid it has reached the Divine Grade?!”

“gu lu!”

Wan Baihu swallowed, “didn’t expect Yang Li’s strength to be unexpectedly strong. He was so powerful that the surrounding spirits couldn’t even get close to him, so he killed him with thunder.”

“In this way, we still have hope and opportunity, as long as we follow Yang With Li’s footsteps, we can escape alive and have a chance to live.”


Yang Li gasped for breath, the Dragon King’s anger was Yang Li’s command of the Dragon King. Rain Visualization Technique is upgraded to Grandmaster Level, a Profound Truth trick, formidable power is really powerful.


The consumption is also huge.

After the move just now, it took a lot of Yang Li’s physical strength.



Yang Li’s kill point has already reached 2,050 points, and with more than 2,000 kill points, Yang Li can already be promoted to the forging god.


Yang Li shook his head and looked at the demons all around, not only did he not feel the slightest fear in his eyes, he was even full of excitement, “It’s just two thousand killing points. , I don’t know if it’s enough, I need more killpoints.”

“The more the better.”

“As long as there are enough killpoints, Only then can I upgrade to the Divine Grade stably, otherwise, there will be an accident during the upgrade process, and if the kill points are insufficient, then the gains will outweigh the losses, and there will be big trouble.”

“Kill!! !!”


Yang Li let out a long whistle, he lost and abandoned the black golden blade, because the length of the black golden blade is less than one meter, and it is not necessary for the blade to be raised. For five-meter Yang Li, the length and size of the black golden blade are not enough.


It’s better to kill with a fist.

bang!bang!bang! !

Yang Li like tiger among a flock of sheep, killed to the point of madness, blood-soaked, fought to the end, Yang Fire burned the sky, Yin-Yang Diagram circulated, Azure Dragon manifested, thunder raged.

Boom! ! !

Various explosions sounded.

in this brief moment.

Yang Li brings out the full potential of his present moment.


That’s it.


The Lotus Village rushed in with a huge Level 5 spirit, imposing in a majestic manner, surrounded by countless water vapors, forming a mist belt of airflow.

Watch carefully.

This sprite was obviously advanced from a water lizard in the river. The original water lizard was not big, but after becoming a Level 5 sprite, it stood up to a height of nine meters.

Of course.

In terms of body size, this water lizard spirit is not the biggest among the enemies Yang Li encountered. It is about fifteen meters long.


The size of the body does not represent the strength of strength.

This water lizard monster stood upright, nine meters tall and covered with a layer of thick azure black scales. Powerful.

“Humble human beings! Die!”


The water lizard spirit can speak human’s words, and after a roar, go straight Crash into Yang Li, and slammed into it with an extremely ferocious attitude.

“get lost!”


Yang Li’s eyes flashed, without the slightest fear, and without dodging or retreating, but charging forward, directly colliding with the water lizard spirit.

bang! ! !

ka-cha! ka-cha!

The two sides collided, resulting in a collision, the ground under the feet cracked, the cracks continued to spread like spider webs, and pieces of soil and rocks splashed out.


The water lizard monster screamed. Under the impact of this time, he clearly felt that the bones in his shoulder were cracked, and he couldn’t bear it. The gigantic force, the terrifying force even penetrated his appearance, and crashed into his internal organs, causing all his internal organs to be damaged.

pu! !

He vomited blood, and the blood contained fragments of internal organs.

“Dragon King Fist!”


Yang Li came over, his eyes were cold, and this fist smashed, accompanied by the sound of Dragon’s roar , and the thunder surrounds the fist mark.

pu! !

Flesh and blood.

The water lizard spirit blocked its arms in front of him, but still couldn’t defend against the power of Yang Li’s fist, and the water lizard spirit’s arms were smashed off.


The chest with the water lizard was also penetrated, Yang Li’s fist came out from the back of the water lizard spirit, and the spine was broken.


The water lizard monster vomited blood, accumulated the last strength before dying, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Bitten to Yang Li’s head, but was hit by Yang Li’s head.


The water lizard sprite’s neck is broken.

Killpoint +270.


Yang Li slammed the corpse of the water lizard spirit and smashed it out, knocking several fish head monsters and fish ghosts flying, and the surrounding The demons looked at Yang Li in horror, and didn’t even dare to get close.


Yang Li sneered, fighting one after another, especially in the battle state of the Absolute Beginning.

“It’s too fierce, it’s really too fierce, it’s just a fierce man!”

Wan Baihu exclaimed again and again, “Yang Li big brother is too powerful. “

“But if you keep fighting like this, Yang Li’s stamina is exhausted too fast, and I don’t know how long he can last. Besides, the heavenly demon and the river demon haven’t appeared yet.”

” p>

Yuan Ning was worried.

Zhushan Village.



The last slayer in the village died, he was with a Level 5 demon perish, And this Level 5 demon was demonized after the death of the village chief of Zhushan Village.


A period of years.

The heavenly demon has already planted demons in the villagers’ bodies and has matured. Today is the day when all demons will recover.

The other side.

Yan Stone Village and Linhe Village also followed in the footsteps of Zhushan Village. All the villagers up and down the village were eaten up by fish ghosts and died.

At the same time.

The demons in the corpses of these villagers were revived, all demonized, and became bone demons.

It can be said.

There were a total of 28 demon slayers who participated in the Lotus River incident. Now, 25 people have died, and only Yang Li, Yuan Ning, and Wan Baihu are still alive.

The village He Mingliang of Linhe Village has turned into a Level 5 beheading demon. He beheaded the Level 5 mansion-level demon slayer who was concentrating on unity.

Boom! hum!

Zhushan Village.

The river demon and the heavenly demon arrived, they entered the village from outside the water mist, looked around all around, the air was filled with endless resentment, death, baleful aura, blood…

Slayer’s body lay on the ground.

“jié jié jié…”

The heavenly demon is laughing, “What a wonderful Death Aura, what an intoxicating taste, ah…”


Boom! hum! ! !

The river demon was also roaring, very excited, the pair of scarlet eyes lit up with rays of light, all around resentment, death, baleful aura, blood and so on.

Rush towards the river demon.

Everything was absorbed by the river demon.


After absorbing these, the river monster aura became more and more stable and stable, and the pair of scarlet’s eyes became agile.


Immediately after.

The river demon chopped off his own body, dropped two tentacle-like flesh and blood from his body, and got into the corpse of the Demon Slayer.

ka-cha! ka-cha!


The corpses of these demon slayers were transformed into monsters similar to zombies, but more like corpses controlled by river demons, completely controlled by river demons.


heavenly demon glanced at it, “You didn’t even eat the corpses of these slayers, why? You prefer to eat them than dead corpses. Alive!”

“In this case, we have to speed up, lest all the demon slayers in other villages be killed by our subordinates.”

Om! hum!

The water mist surging and the demonic energy bursts, wrapping the demons in Zhushan Village. They left with the river demon and heavenly demon and went to Yan Stone Village.

In Rock Stone Village.

The same thing happened again.


The river demon and the heavenly demon took their subordinates, left Yan Stone Village, and went to Linhe Village.


He Mingliang, the beheading demon, knelt down on the ground.

“jié jié jié…”

The heavenly demon laughed, “Yes, yes.”


He was very happy to have gained a level 5 demon subordinate.

“There is also a Level 5 demon in Lotus Village. It should be fully developed now. Then we can go to Lotus Village to see it.”

heavenly demon is quite in his heart. expectations.

The Lotus Village.


Another loud bang.

Yang Li smashed a deep hole in the ground, the ground was cracked, the earth and stones were flying, the battlefield was a mess, and all kinds of corpses were piled up all over the ground.

All kinds of blood mixed together and gathered on the ground, forming a pool of rancid liquid, which was simply indistinguishable.


Yang Li looked tired. He fought from the very beginning to now, and he didn’t know how many spirits, how many monsters, and how many inferiors he killed. Demon, how many demons.


Those bone demons can still gather together. After hundreds of skull demons are fused together, they will become big bone demons, and big bone demons are already demons.

Boom! hum!

The heat rises like a white mist.

Can’t help it.

Yang Li had to withdraw from the battle because of too much physical strength. The five-meter-high body returned to its original state, and the fatigue was obvious.

(end of this chapter)

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