
Chapter 160 Fire of Primordial Spirit [Fifth Update! Please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! ]

“What’s going on?”

Yang Li frowned, he quickly put away the gray spiritual beads in his hand, put them in the dark layer of the stretch jacket, and looked at the seriously injured Wanbai Lake .

“Wanbaihu, why are you so seriously injured?”

Yang Li came over, “What happened?”

“Yang Li” …Big Brother Yang …”

Wan Baihu coughed up blood, face deathly pale, bitterly laughed, “We just promised to help you defend, but…but…, there is …there are Level 5 demons!”

“I…we are not opponents.”

“The village chief Ma Liang turned into a Level 5 demon after being eaten by a fish ghost’ Despair Withered Bones Demon’, Yuan Ning and I were already injured, and we are not opponents of the Despaired Withered Bones Devil at all.”


“I see. “

Yang Li understood, he also didn’t expect that the village chief Ma Liang could turn into a Level 5 demon after his death, causing Wanbai Lake to be almost killed.


Wanbai Lake is now half dead, with broken ribs, and the broken ribs may have been inserted into the lungs.

So Wan Baihu was intermittent when he spoke just now.

It goes on like this.

If Wanbai Lake is not treated in time, I am afraid it will die here, Yang Li glanced at it, and he has no good way.

After all.

Yang Li is good at killing people, good at killing demons and demons, good at killing evil spirits, but not good at saving people. He has never learned any skills related to saving people.

“en. ”

Yang Li nods, said in a tranquil voice: “Don’t worry, the rest will be left to me.”

“Yang…Big Brother Yang…”

Wan Baihu was stunned for a moment, “Have you recovered?”


Yang Li answered.

“But it’s only been so long.”

Wan Baihu couldn’t believe it.


At this time.

There is a rumbling sound from outside.



Yuan Ning’s roar came over.

Outside the house.

Yuan Ning is fighting with all his strength against the Desperate Bone Demon.


The silhouette of Yang Li rushed out in a flash, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to capture Yang Li’s silhouette and any action at Wanbai Lake.


Wan Baihu opened his mouth, “I…how do I feel that Yang…Big Brother Yang’s strength is good…it seems to be more than before… It’s stronger!”

“cough cough…”

Wan Baihu coughed up blood and his face turned paler, “Damn, Ma Liang is a bastard, I should just go straight He was hacked to death with a knife, and he was still uneasy, and even turned him into a Level 5 demon.”

“My injuries are too serious.”

Wan Bai Lake clearly felt that his strength seemed to be fading away, his vitality seemed to be slowly fading away, and he was getting weaker and weaker. Every time he took a breath, he felt pain in his chest, making it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The root, I’m afraid it was inserted into the lobe of the lung.”

“cough cough…”

“Fortunately, it was not inserted into the heart, otherwise, I would be dead now.”

“Wei Ru, I’m afraid I’ll be there to accompany you soon. Who would have thought that the mission we took this time would turn out to be so dangerous.”

“Yes I know.”

“The heavenly demon and the river demon haven’t appeared yet! But we have been injured like this. I hope we can escape with the strength of Big Brother Yang.”

“cough cough…”

Wan Baihu coughed up blood again, he took out a medicine pill from his arms and took it. The medicinal power slowly dissolved in the body, relieved a lot of pain.



Yuan Ning had already tried his best, and his whole body had a bloody texture of one after another, which was somewhat similar to Yan Fang’s bloody fighting body.


Yuan Ning is stronger and more comprehensive.

bang! bang!

Yuan Ning’s weapon was a glove with a stud. He was fierce and powerful. He fought against the Desperate Bone Demon again and again, fighting each other.


Yuan Ning was injured in the previous battle, and although the Despair Withered Bones Demon was just born, it was intact and preserved all of its battle strength.

In previous times.

Yuan Ning and Wan Baihu were swept aside, but Wan Baihu was severely injured by a punch from the Desperate Bone Demon, and was almost dead. Only Yuan Ning and Despair Bone were left. Demon fight.


Yuan Ning roared, “Blood Fist!”


Yuan Ning threw out his fists with all his strength. The blood-colored lines were wrapped around his fists, as if a blood-colored flame was burning, and he slammed.


Desperate Bone Demon roared. Facing Yuan Ning’s attack, he did not retreat or dodge. He confronted Yuan Ning head on, and he also threw out his fists.



The fist marks collided and the two sides clashed, resulting in an explosion, the bloody flame texture collapsed, and the terrifying force defeated Yuan Ning’s strength.


Yuan Ning screamed, he felt like his hand bones were about to break, and the surging force rushed into him along his arm. In his body, he broke through his Inner Strength defense and damaged his internal organs.

pu! !

Yuan Ning vomited blood, and there were fragments of his internal organs in the blood. The injuries were extremely serious, and it was almost no better than Wanbai Lake, and the whole body flew backwards.


Yuan Ning fell to the ground and rolled out a long way. His body was covered with dirt and blood, and he was struggling to get up from the ground, but in a flash, the Despair Withered Bones Demon had already rushed over. .


Yuan Ning was shocked.


The pitch-black hand bones of the Desperate Bone Demon were torn apart like a sharp claw, grabbed Yuan Ning’s head, and smashed Yuan Ning’s head. Crushed.

In times of crisis.

Yang Li arrived just in time. He also rushed out of the room when he saw Yuan Ning being severely injured and about to be crushed by the Desperate Bone Demon.

Yang Li naturally couldn’t help seeing Yuan Ning die in front of him.


Yang Li immediately killed him.


The black golden blade was chopped off, and the black blade light flashed in the midair, which contained the power of terrifying, and the air was divided, producing a sharp edge Blade Qi, attached to the blade.


The Despair Withered Bones Demon felt the fatal danger, so he resolutely gave up killing Yuan Ning, and instinctively slid away from the rear.

A long distance.


This blade of Yang Li was cut empty and landed on the ground. The invisible Blade Qi cut a knife-marked ravine nearly ten meters long on the ground.

“It was quite quick to hide.”

Yang Li looked at the Despair Bone Demon.

“Yang…Brother Yang…”

Yuan Ning was stunned for a moment, looked at Yang Li’s back, and couldn’t help but feel more at ease, “Hold…sorry…, In the end, you still have to take action, we couldn’t let you rest for a while.”

“Enough rest.”

Yang Li looked back, lightly saying: “I It has fully recovered. Wanbai Lake is in the house where I rested before, but that house has collapsed. Your injury should be able to go away. Go to the house over there. Wanbai Lake’s injury is very serious. I hope He’s not dead yet.”

“Brother Yang, why don’t I help you snatch the battle.”

Yuan Ning said, “I can still fight!”

“Don’t get in the way here.”

Yang Li frowned.


Yuan Ning got up from the ground, all the blood lines on his body had faded away, and his breath was a lot sluggish. He obeyed Yang Li’s instructions. He quickened his pace to find Wanbai Lake.


The Despairing Bone Demon roared and roared at Yang Li. It seemed quite angry that Yang Li made Yuan Ning run away, and all his attention was focused on it. It fell on Yang Li’s body.


Yang Li beckoned, “Let me see your strength, compared with the previous skull-wing Heart Devouring Demon, whether your strength is strong or weak ?!”

roar! !


The Despair Bone Demon seemed to be provoked. With a flick of his silhouette, he rushed towards Yang Li. The speed was extremely fast, like a black light, and it killed him in front of Yang Li.

“Too slow.”


Yang Li raised his hand and slashed past, Blade Qi filled the air, and rushed to Yang Li’s despair The Bone Demon was split in half by this blade.



Ultra light flashed.

The Despair Bone Demon, which had been split in half, turned into strands of demonic energy and dissipated in the air. It turned out that this was just the Avatar of the Despair Bone Demon.


The real body of the Despair Withered Bones Demon appeared behind Yang Li, his hands like obsidian withered bones were covered with black light, and the iron was nothing difficult.

Torn apart.

To pull out Yang Li’s heart.


Yang Li had already captured the true body and movements of the Despair Withered Bones Demon, and turned around while splitting the Despaired Withered Bones Devil Avatar.


Yang Li’s sweep was another slash, the blade light flickered, and it was extremely sharp, cutting the skull’s head off the neck of the Despair Bone Demon.

Just that.

Even if his head was chopped off, the Despair Withered Bones Demon was still alive. With only a skeleton, he was still fighting with consciousness.

“Fire of Primordial Spirit!”


Yang Li thoughts move, ignite your own yang energy, and form a pure golden Yang Fire, but it also runs the Tai Chu Jing dive technique and integrates its own Inner Strength and Primordial Spirit Power.


The pure golden Yang Fire in Yang Li’s hands immediately transformed into a transparent Fire of Primordial Spirit, flying towards the Despair Bone Demon.

“Humans! Stop!”


At this time.

There was an angry shout from outside the village, and before he got close, Yang Li felt an extremely terrifying pressure, and this power completely surpassed the devil.


It also contains a power that erodes the soul.

Too terrifying.



Yang Li ignored it, the Fire of Primordial Spirit had already fallen, attached to the Despair Bone Demon, Fire The Primordial Spirit burned violently, burning the Despair Bone Demon to black ashes.

Killpoint +275.


The fury of the heavenly demon came.


Inside the house.

Yuan Ning and Wan Baihu also heard the violent anger of the heavenly demon, and their hearts were shaken. They were seriously injured, so they felt as if their souls had been shattered.

“heavenly demon! It’s a heavenly demon!”

“Big Brother Yang! Be careful!”

“Brother Yang, this is a Level 1 heavenly demon, I’m afraid, even more how, this is still the old nest that heavenly demons have built for several years, we simply can’t win, you don’t care about the two of us, find a chance to escape!!!”

Yuan Ning and Wan Baihu shouted.

“Level 1 heavenly demon.”

Yang Li thoughts move, “If it’s just Level 1 heavenly demon, it’s not without a chance, of course, one of them has reached the level of a monster. The river demon.”

“You can’t be too aggressive, you have to be cautious.”

“Yuan Ning.”

Yang Li turned around and took advantage of the After a while, he asked bluntly: “Tell me how many levels of heavenly demons and monsters are divided? How is the Divine Grade divided?”

“Do you know?”


Yuan Ning was stunned for a moment, she really didn’t understand that at this time, how could Yang Li still be in the mood to ask these questions? Shouldn’t she find a way to escape? ?

This is a Level 1 heavenly demon!

apart from this.

There must also be a Level 1 monster.

“Brother Yang.”

Although Yuan Ning had a lot of confusion in his heart, he quickly answered Yang Li’s question: “Whether it’s a heavenly demon, Or monsters, and black grudges.”

“They are all the same as demons, spirits, and evil spirits.”

“Level 5 from low to high.”

“What we encountered should be Level 1 demons and Level 1 monsters, which belong to the lowest level, but even so, it is not something we can compete with, because reaching the level of heavenly demons and monsters, their means will be directly If it affects our soul, if we fail to step into the Forging God, we will not be able to tempering the soul at all, and there is no corresponding means, so it is naturally impossible to fight against it!”

“so that’s how it is. “

Yang Li understood.

Be aware.

Last night.

Yang Li and Yuan Ning explored the Lotus River together, but when they were leaving, Yang Li turned around and was stared at by the monsters in the Lotus River, and an invisible force rushed towards Yang. Li’s mind shakes Yang Li’s mind.

If it wasn’t for the ‘Ring of Absolute Beginning’ showing its power at that time, I’m afraid that it would have been recruited.

putting it that way.

At the beginning, the river demon used the power of the soul level to destroy Yang Li’s soul, but was blocked by Yang Li.

“If you say that.”

Yang Li pondered, “I had not yet reached the forging god, but I had already started to touch my own soul, plus the beginning of time. The ability of the Ring has some capital against monsters, even heavenly demons.”

“Of course.”

“Just against Level 1 heavenly demons and Level 1 monsters. “

Thinking room.

Yuan Ning just wanted to continue to answer Yang Li’s question and answer Yang Li’s confusion about the Divine Grade, but the heavenly demon had already entered the village.

The dense fog was surging, and the demonic energy surged into the sky, rolling continuously. The demonic energy of the black lacquer formed a magic cloud, covering all around, producing an extremely terrifying power.

ka-cha! ka-cha!


The bone demons still alive in the lotus village converge towards the heavenly demon.


When the demonic energy rolls and the fog rages.

all directions.

There are one after another of inferior demons, bone demons, big bone demons, and demons.

A glance.

At least three Level 5 demons.

It’s not over yet.

Boom! hum!

A large number of fish ghosts began to pour in.

Fish head monsters, anaconda monsters, river mussel monsters, giant crab monsters, water lizard monsters, and a rigid walking corpse wearing slayer clothes also appeared.

Too many.

Too many.

densely packed.

The surrounding area is completely blocked, forming an encirclement.



“So…so that’s how it is, all dead, all dead It’s dead! All the demon slayers in Linhe Village, Yan Stone Village, Zhushan Village and other five or six villages have died. Among the tasks at this time, only the three of us are still alive, and now, we are afraid He’s going to die soon.”

Yuan Ning and Wan Baihu had already reacted after seeing the bodies of the other demon slayers, and basically deduced the outcome and course of the incident.

Yang Li They are in a desperate situation.

“Is that so much?”

Yang Li looked solemn, but there was a hint of excitement on his face, “If this is all killed, how many will it take? Killing points? Tens of thousands? Or tens of thousands?!”

(end of this chapter)

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