
Chapter 210 The real ‘magic’ [fifth update! Please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass! ]

In the beginning.

The number of demons and heavenly demons gathered here is not very large, the number of heavenly demons is close to a dozen, and the number of demons is close to a hundred.

This moment.

Yang Li’s strength exploded in an all-round way, and the dragon of nothingness rushed out, grew rapidly, turned into a lifelike Five Clawed Golden Dragon, and killed the demon ahead.

“True Dragon Dragon Breath!”


The Five Clawed Golden Dragon roared, roaring out golden’s Fire of Primordial Spirit, and gathered together , it formed a very terrifying dragon breath, which evolved into a fire sea.


The screams of demons and heavenly demons sounded.

I was literally burned to death.

Burned to ashes.

Boom! hum!

The vortex magic lock skill is activated, the black vortex is suspended in the sky, and strips of the lacquered black magic locks rush out from the inside, dancing like a flood dragon-like.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

When these gods lock up several demons, or heavenly demons, they will pull these locked demons and heavenly demons into the black vortex.

The black vortex spins like a giant millstone, wiping these drawn demons and heavenly demon forcibly to ashes.

It can be said.

As long as the strength does not exceed Level 3 heavenly demon, it basically cannot withstand the power of the vortex lock, and it can only withstand a period of time when it reaches Level 4 heavenly demon.

Of course.

It’s not over yet.


The three-legged white cauldron manifested, like the Primordial Spirit transformed into a Magical Artifact, more like a Spirit Treasure with consciousness, and smashed into it. Those demons and heavenly demons,


With the formidable power of the three-legged white tripod, it rises against the wind, almost the size of a hill. As long as it hits a demon, it can smash the demon into flesh on the spot, even a heavenly demon. Can be crushed.

“Purple Heaven Divine Thunder!”

ka-cha! ka-cha!

The lotus throne flew out, soared into the sky, suspended above the battlefield, countless thunders bred out, and erupted on the spot, releasing one after another thunder, as if to evolve into a sea of thunder.


bang bang bang!

The ground was blasted out with huge pits.



You can see it.

These dozens of heavenly demons and hundreds of demons that rushed out of the city and the demon cloud were all killed before they even got close to Yang Li.

Corpses are everywhere.


More that skeleton doesn’t exist .


Yang Li laughed wildly.


“Damn humans!”

“You’re crazy!”

“Die fast! “


next moment.

The ground cracked, and there were cracks one after another, as if an earthquake had occurred, the earth and rocks split apart, and a powerful heavenly demon rushed out from the ground.


A loud bang.

This powerful Level 5 heavenly demon fell to the ground, and what caught my eye was a huge body made of different rocks, with a height of fifteen meters, like a terrifying rock giant.


The rock on this Heavenly Demon Physique table is just his disguise, if it is not clear, I think this heavenly demon is the ‘rock demon’ who controls the rock.


This is a ‘Level 5 heavenly demon: Earth Demon’.

Able to control a trace of Power of Earth.



The Earth Demon roared, stepped out and stepped on the ground. With his foot as the starting point, a huge crack in the ground collapsed, and it spread rapidly towards Yang Li.

Yang Li quickly retreated.


The Earth Demon laughed wildly, “Feel my power?”



in the sky.

There is a black silhouette that is so fast that it falls from the sky, like a sharp arrow, it penetrates quickly, and it pierces the air, producing a sharp and piercing sound.

When! ! !

The three-legged white cauldron quickly protected the body, and the cauldron covered Yang Li’s whole body, blocking the blow. It was a long spear of black lacquer, wrapped around the demonic energy of black, containing With a special kind of power, it is indeed very powerful, enough to easily shatter 10,000 catties of boulders. The formidable power is terrifying, but it is still blocked by the three-legged white cauldron.

“Level 5 heavenly demon.”

Yang Li grinned coldly, “It can be regarded as a few anti-beating guys, otherwise, I would have thought that the black wind demon cave There is no one who can fight.”

Look carefully.

This is a Level 5 heavenly demon whose shape is almost indistinguishable from humans, but with a pair of demon bat wings and a pair of demon horns on top of its head.

Right hand gun.

Level 5 heavenly demon: The gun demon.


The third Level 5 heavenly demon appeared, this Level 5 heavenly demon was killed from the city, and it was a muscle with a height of nine meters A giant, with black lacquered skin, naked, without any extra organs.


bang! !

This Level 5 heavenly demon furiously shouted, clenched his right fist, and hit the three-legged white tripod. The terrifying force exploded, producing an explosion, and forcibly moved Yang Li back a few times. step.


This Level 5 heavenly demon laughed wildly.

Level 5 heavenly demon: Muscle trolls.

“Come on!”

Yang Li scolded and slayed the muscular troll, clenching his right hand, his fist tightened, as if a Dragon’s roar sounded, and his arm swelled One punch, and it smashed.

“You dare to compete with me in strength!”

The muscle troll laughed again, “You’re just courting death!”

“Complete you!”



The muscle troll moved forward instead of retreating, accumulating the strength of the whole body, and the right arm swelled in a circle, containing an indescribable explosive force.




The two fists collided together, producing a series of explosions, the fight of absolute power, the collision and confrontation of absolute power.

bang bang bang! !

The waves rolled and the air burst.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

The ground beneath my feet cracked open, and countless rubble flew across.


next moment.

The muscle troll screamed loudly, his arm was shattered by a terrifying force, Yang Li’s fist formidable power was simply amazing, extremely terrifying, not only defeated the muscle giant Demon power.

At the same time.

bang! ! !

This fist of Yang Li also shattered the right arm of the muscle troll, and even the right half of the upper body with the muscle troll was shattered by the force of this fist.

Flesh and blood.

One punch!

Just one punch!

That’s the muscle troll.

“Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!!!”

The muscle troll roared in horror: “How can I lose to a human in terms of strength? I’m impossible to lose in terms of strength. To a human!!!”

“Gun rain!”


The gun demon seized the opportunity and launched it quickly The powerful move quickly attacked and killed, and the black long spear in his hand stabbed out, forming a continuous attack like a rainstorm.

bang bang bang! !



The three-legged white cauldron on Yang Li’s body was still unable to defend completely, so it was shattered by the spear demon and exploded into pieces all over the sky.

The defense is broken.


Earth Demon laughed wildly, “It’s now!”

“Power of Earth!”

Earth Demon The attack was launched, the Power of Earth was released, and the boulders, dirt, gravel, etc. all around, all condensed.


It turned into a large hill, the demonic energy rolled, turned into a magic mountain, locked Yang Li, and smashed Yang Li’s head fiercely, killing Yang Li. .

“soar into the clouds and mount the mists.”


See you.

Yang Li’s body seemed to have clouds and mist, and his speed suddenly surged, like soar into the clouds and mount the mists, approaching an extreme, there was an afterimage.


Yang Li’s current speed has surpassed the gun demon, avoiding all the gun demon’s attacks, making all the gun demon’s attacks fail, and quickly closing the distance.

“explode for me!”


Yang Li clenched his fists, then slowly retracted them. The muscles of the entire arm swelled for several laps, and then blasted out in an instant.

A loud bang.

A ‘bang’ sounded.

The fist runs through.

Air burst.

Invisible into an aerosphere-like gas explosion cloud.

Faced with such a punch, the gun demon simply couldn’t dodge, so he could only hold the gun in both hands and block it in front of him, Yang Li’s fist hit the gun demon’s black gun.

See you.

The gun demon’s black spear bent in an instant, unable to withstand the terrifying power of this fist at all, and broke apart with a ‘bang’ in an instant, breaking into two pieces.

The gunner’s face was full of astonishment and horror.


Yang Li’s fist directly hit the gun demon’s body. This time, the gun demon experienced firsthand what kind of terrifying power this is, full of absolute destructive power and extremely destructive power. can.


In the mournful scream, the gun demon’s whole body is like being stuffed with tons of bombs, and the bombs in the body are still alive. It exploded and shattered into shreds.

The dead can’t die anymore.

Killpoint +1700.


Yang Li left beckoned and got another Level 5 heavenly demon bead.

This way.

Yang Li has collected four Level 5 heavenly demon beads.

One more.

Boom! ! !

The explosion sounded again.

Yang Li’s Five Clawed Golden Dragon roared out the True Dragon dragon breath, and the vortex divine lock came out of the sky, and the lotus throne fell one after another thunder.

That’s it.

The magic mountain gathered by the Earth Demon using Power of Earth was shattered by Yang Li’s Primordial Spirit, and exploded into rubble, which completely shocked the Earth Demon.

“How is that possible?!”

The Earth Demon was horrified.

pu! !

Blood splashed.

Yang Li’s Primordial Spirit has also activated his ability, and the Primordial Spirit behind his head has been killed. Taking this opportunity, he directly chopped the seriously injured muscle troll into two pieces.

The head is separated from the body.


Although the right half of the upper body of the muscle troll was smashed, and even his head was moved, he still did not die. Every muscle in his body seemed to have consciousness. The body, the broken half of the body is also recovering quickly.


This time’s wheel of the beginning is attached with a cluster of One-self True Fire, and this cluster of One-self True Fire was still in the body of the muscle troll when the wheel of the beginning cut off the head of the muscle troll. start to burn.


Sure enough.

at the next moment.

The muscle troll ignited spontaneously, and the only True Fire was burning wildly with the fleshy body of the muscle troll as fuel. In the mournful scream of the muscle troll, the forcibly burned to ashes.

Killpoint +1700.


Yang Li laughed again.


Left beckoned.

Trail with Primordial Spirit Power.

Yang Li got another Level 5 heavenly demon bead.

“Five Level 5 heavenly demon beads have been collected.”

Yang Li was in a very good mood.

“How could this happen?!”

Earth Demon was terrified, and he was terrified of the human being in front of him, because Yang Li’s strength was too powerful and terrifying .

Generally speaking.

Under the same level.

As heavenly demons, they should be stronger than humans, and they just fought three against one, with more and less, they are not the opponents of the human in front of them.


The gun demon and the muscle troll died one after another at the hands of this human.

How can a human being be so powerful? !

“Now it’s your turn!”

Yang Li stared at the Earth Demon.

“Not good!”

This Earth Demon has already thought of retreating.

He wanted to run away.

Boom! hum!


Just when Yang Li was about to start, he felt a palpitating feeling, as if his heartbeat couldn’t help but slow down a beat, and his breathing was about to stop.

“This is…”

Yang Li was shocked.

Can’t help it.

He remembered what Mr. Ge said before entering the Black Wind Devil’s Cave, that the existence above the heavenly demon is called ‘demon’, and in the Black Wind Devil’s Cave, there is a real ‘demon’.

This feeling…

Heart palpitations.


This is a kind of oppression from the class of life.

The suppression of the inferior by the superior.


Yang Li clenched his fists.


In an instant.

Yang Li felt an indescribable force coming, this feeling was like a gentle breeze, but it completely imprisoned Yang Li’s power.

“This is…”


Yang Li cannot move to move.

“How is that possible!?”

Yang Li was stunned, “Is this the power of the ‘Magic’? The power beyond the Divine Grade? I… I was actually imprisoned, even disabled to move. “

“What is this ability?” ! “

Om! Om!

At this time.

Not far from Yang Li, the space seems to be distorted, a vortex appears, gradually The proliferation of , condensed into a vortex portal.


After Yang Li broke the real illusion and solved the real illusion, he has already inspired the identity token, Ge Lao also got the news immediately.

And then.

The location of Yang Li was determined, and the vortex portal was quickly opened.

You should know.

Yang Li clearly understands that with his current strength, if he is exposed, he must prepare to evacuate immediately, and it cannot be delayed for too long.


He had decisively activated the identity token immediately before.

This way.

Yang Li just killed two Level 5 heavenly demons, and the vortex portal was Appeared, Ge Lao successfully constructed Yang Li’s retreat and exit.


The only thing Yang Li didn’t expect was only one point.

The ‘magic’ came too fast.

“Ah! ! ! “

At this moment.

Yang Li must work hard, and he must break free from this invisible force before the ‘magic’ really arrives, otherwise, he will really is in danger.

“The Divine Divine Technique! “

Yang Li shouted and tried his best, Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Lotus Throne, Cloud Mist, Vortex God Lock, Three-legged White Ding, all returned to Primordial Spirit in the beginning.

All the forces merged into one.

Om! Om!

Yang Li roared towards the sky.

“break for me! ! ! ”


An explosion.

All the Primordial Spirit Power and Inner Strength in Yang Li’s body surged, and this ability was completely drained It detonated around his body.

“Ah! ! ! ”


Yang Li vomited blood, and wounds one after another appeared all over his body. A lot of blood flowed out, but it was short-lived with all his strength. He broke free from this invisible force.


Yang Li silhouette flashed and displayed ‘soar into the clouds and mount the mists’, without the slightest hesitation and Hesitating, he quickly withdrew from the fighting state and rushed into the vortex portal at a fast speed.

(end of this chapter)

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