
Chapter 231 The God of Dawn, the ‘Resurrection’ Nangong Mufeng

Su Yuexi actually received the message yesterday She was also stunned by the appointment from the Director of the Suppression of Demons in Lingfu City. Indeed, she didn’t expect the Director to make such a decision.

To know.

So far, there are only three deputy directors of Tianlingfu City Demon Elimination Division, namely: Ge Tianyou, Young Master Su Yu, Xuanyuan Qinghong, each of whom is a powerful Peak who is at the only level .

And the Three Great Families established by the three deputy directors.

That is, Ge Family, Su Family, Xuanyuan Family.

These Three Great Families maintain order and stability in Tianlingfu City.


The Director-General wanted to appoint Yang Li as the fourth Deputy Director-General.

It’s really shocking.

If this is a little careless, I am afraid it will affect the power structure of the entire Tianlingfu City, and even cause various things to happen.

“The appointment of the director was actually announced yesterday.”

Su Yuexi said: “It’s just that I haven’t notified Yang Li yet, but it’s a matter of time.”


“The corpse refining gate is now in charge of Yang Li, and Yang Li’s identity and position will also be higher than mine.”


Su Yuexi said solemnly : “You guys have been keeping an eye on the situation of Azure Dragon Gang in the past. If something unexpected happens, immediately dispatch the demon guards to help Yang Li solve the Azure Dragon Gang together.”

“The corpse refining gate It should be easy to solve Azure Dragon Gang.”

“Are you sure you need our help?”

Wan Qingyu, Mu Wanrong, and Qiao Yenan shrugged.

It was late at night.

Azure Dragon Gang.

The inescapable net of the corpse refining gate has been gathered up, and this time, Yang Li has dispatched 40,000 corpse refining corpses Sect Elder, deacon and Disciple.

It can be said.

Nearly half of them were dispatched.

There is a lot of momentum.

So when the big net was closed, there was a lot of commotion in Azure Wind City, and only then did Su Yuexi and the others discover the action of the corpse refining gate.

Look around.

Thicks of snow piled up on the streets of Azure Wind City, white roofs.


“Kill me!!”

“Kill them!”

“Kill! ”


The shouting sounded.

The Disciple, deacon, and Elder of the corpse refining gate took action one after another, ruthless, and they killed a lot of Azure Dragon Gang gang members.


“The door of corpse refining! It’s the door of refining corpse!!!”

“Run! Run!!”



“Go and report to the City Lord’s Mansion and the Qingfeng Branch. The people in the corpse refining gate are completely crazy. They have dispatched tens of thousands of people. This is to slaughter our Azure Dragon Gang!”

“The people in the corpse refining door are crazy, and the people in the corpse refining door are crazy. They must have been possessed by evil spirits, they must have been possessed by evil spirits…”

Miserable Cries sounded.

A lot of Azure Dragon Gang members were beheaded on the spot by the Disciples of the corpse refining gate, their heads were chopped off, blood splashed, and the snow was dyed red.

“The command of the sect master, surrounded the Azure Dragon Gang!”

“Kill me!”

“Don’t leave it!”

All elders of the corpse gate shouted loudly.

It can be said.

In a very short period of time.

The tens of thousands of people in the corpse refining gate formed an encirclement that kept shrinking, pushing the Azure Dragon Gang’s gang members and the followers of the Dawning cult who were mixed inside, all into the Azure Dragon Gang headquarters.


“What do the corpse refiners want to do?!”

“Are they crazy?”

“Why do you want to start with Azure Dragon Gang?”

“My God!”

“Tens of thousands of people were dispatched!”

“Quick! Go and report to City Lord’s Mansion and the Breeze Branch!”

This moment.

The many families in Azure Wind City, as well as many gangs, were terrified by the methods of the corpse refining door.

The Azure Dragon Gang would have been killed by the corpse refinement gate this time.

So is it their turn next? !

Be aware.

The Azure Dragon Gang has never offended the corpse gate, but the corpse refiner shoots at the Azure Dragon Gang for no reason, and even wants to destroy the gang, which is simply the act of the devil.

Azure Cloud Monastery with Vajra Temple.


Abbot Shikong and Taoist Qingyun planned to visit Yang Li, but because of a heavy snowfall and hundreds of thousands of refugees poured into Azure Wind City, various things happened, and they had to cook porridge. And to help appease the people so that they don’t have time to visit Yang Li.


Yang Li has been quite busy these days. He has been refining various medicine pills and has dealt with a lot of things. Until now, Yang Li is completely in charge of the corpse refining door.

Qingyun Taoist frowned, pondered then said: “What is Yang Li going to do? Why did he take action against the Azure Dragon Gang, and, although the Azure Dragon Gang is one of the 48 gangs, it is not enough to dispatch nearly half of the training. The people from the corpse gate are completely using a knife to slaughter chickens. Or, is there something wrong with the Azure Dragon Gang?”


Released the Buddha’s name, “Why did Shi Yang Li commit so many crimes? Azure Dragon Gang, as one of the 48 gangs in Azure Wind City, although it didn’t make much contribution to Azure Wind City, it shouldn’t be destroyed by the gang.”

“They went to the slum to cook porridge some time ago.”

City Lord’s Mansion.

“Deputy Director of the Demon Elimination Division!”

Wei Qingfeng also received the news from the palace master of Tianling Mansion, and clearly told Wei Qingfeng in the letter that Yang Li Eligible to serve as the fourth deputy director of Tianlingfu City’s Demon Elimination Division.


Wei Qingfeng frowned, “The appointment here has just been made, but Yang Li suddenly wants to attack a gang in the city, although the Azure Dragon Gang has no achievements. , but killing Azure Dragon Gang at this time will only weaken the overall strength of Azure Wind City.”

“Yang Li came to City Lord’s Mansion last time, this City Lord with dragon horn Golden Carp’s dragon eye. I have probed him and found nothing wrong with Yang Li.”

“If Yang Li has no problem, then there is a problem with the Azure Dragon Gang, and Yang Li may have found that there is a problem with the Azure Dragon Gang. , but in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, so I didn’t say it. Instead, I directly mobilized the power of the corpse refining gate tonight, presumably to defeat the Azure Dragon Gang with a thunderous method.”

Wei Qingfeng pondered: “To allow Yang Li to treat Yang Li so solemnly, and even directly dispatch most of the power of the corpse refining gate, how big is the hidden secret in Azure Dragon Gang?!”

“Come on!”

Wei Qingfeng Shouted.

“City Lord!”

“Subordinates are here!”


Wei Qingfeng’s digital subordinates come.

“Pass the order of this City Lord.”

Wei Qingfeng said solemnly: “Immediately mobilize the First Prefecture Army to Azure Dragon Gang, as long as you find any changes in Azure Dragon Gang, Immediately help Yang Li!”


“As you bid!”

Wei Qingfeng’s digital department responded in a deep voice.


All Great Families, many gangs, they have already sent their staff to Qingfeng Branch and City Lord’s Mansion, wanting to ask City Lord’s Mansion and Qingfeng Branch to come forward to stop Yang Li and the corpse refining gate of atrocities.


The Breeze Branch and the City Lord’s Mansion refused these requests.


“How could this be?!”

“I see, it must be because of Yang Li, Yang Li’s The strength has not only reached the solipsistic level, but also an Alchemist Grandmaster of the solitary level, so the City Lord’s Mansion and the Qingfeng Branch will not come forward to stop Yang Li and the corpse refinement gate in order to please Yang Li!”

“I thought that after Yang Li became the sect master of the corpse sect, he would be able to restrain the corpse sect a little bit, but he didn’t expect that the corpse sect would get worse this time.”

” Why did Yang Li kill the Azure Dragon Gang for no reason!?”

“Such atrocity, such atrocity…”


Many major gangs and Great Families who did not understand the complete truth became angry and fearful, because they were afraid that after the Azure Dragon Gang was destroyed, they would become the next one.

They had no idea what Yang Li was going to do.

bang!bang!bang! !

Azure Dragon Gang headquarters.

A rumbling sound rang out, creating a series of explosions.


Various screams continued.


A member of the Azure Dragon Gang was beheaded, and the corpse fell to the ground. The thick snow has dyed a large area of bright red, just like a blossoming plum blossom.

Underground station.

The headquarters of the Dawn Cult.

At this time.

The believers of the Dawning Cult panicked, because Yang Li’s sudden shot beat them completely unprepared, and they never imagined that such a thing would happen.

“How could this happen?”

“Why did Yang Li send the corpse-refiningmen to fight Azure Dragon Gang?”

“Could it be that we exposed Is it?”


“We are so hidden, the impossible is exposed.”


Around the altar.

There are elders of the Dawning Cult standing, their voices are excited, and their eyes are even a little flustered, and they are arguing fiercely.

Be aware.

The entire Azure Wind City.

No one doesn’t know Yang Li.

The dawn cult is naturally aware of Yang Li’s strength, but this one, with the strength of oneself, suppressed the corpse refinement door and killed the two solitary levels of the corpse refinery door one after another. Solitary Alchemist Grandmaster.

It can be said.

Cleaning up their Dawn Cult is not something with no difficulty.


Just as the elders of the Dawning Cult were arguing fiercely, a very majestic voice suddenly came from the darkness, “Don’t panic. , the god of dawn is with us, the god of dawn will guide us, the god of dawn will lead us to the light of hope!”

“Praise the dawn!”

accompanying When this voice sounded, a tall and burly silhouette walked out of the darkness step by step. He wore a black clothed cloak, and the pattern on his chest was a black sun.

“Sect Lord!”

“It’s the Sect Lord!”

“very good!”

“Praise the dawn! “

“Praise the dawn!”



The elders of the Dawning cult and the surrounding Dawning believers who were still a little flustered, because of the appearance of Dawning Sect Lord, it seems to have brought them strength, brought them confidence, and made them no longer hesitant. , no longer fear.

“The believers of the god of dawn.”

The Sect Lord walked to the center of the altar, he stood in front of the heavenly demon statue, and slowly raised He raised his hands, took off the cap of the cloak, revealing his true face, it was a middle-aged man, his eyes turned pitch black, as if swallowing all the light.

At the same time.

On his left cheek, there is a black sun.


Nangong Wenyue quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from shouting out, a look of extreme astonishment appeared in her beautiful eyes. She was extremely shocked and even more unbelievable, because she recognized who the Sect Lord of this Dawning Cult was.

“How could it be him?!”

Nangong Wenyue couldn’t believe it, she felt that she was hallucinating.

The Sect Lord of the Dawning Cult in front of him is Nangong Mufeng.

The previous patriarch of the Nangong Family.

Nangong Qingyun’s father.

Shame on the Nangong Family.

Nangong Mufeng who degenerated into a Blood Heavenly Demon.


If Nangong Wenyue remembers correctly, after Nangong Mufeng turned into a Blood Heavenly Demon, Elder Ge appeared in time and killed him.


Why is it here?

Don’t say.

Nangong Mufeng didn’t die at all!


Nangong Wenyue was terrified, “If we say, after Nangong Mufeng became a Blood Heavenly Demon, he was not killed by Elder Ge. , but escaped disaster.”

“That is to say.”

“Nangong Mufeng has been lurking in Azure Wind City for several months, And a Level 3 heavenly demon has been lurking in Azure Wind City for several months!”


“What did Nangong Mufeng do in these months? What happened, and the Dawning Cult founded by Nangong Mufeng is really just as simple as I see it?”


Nangong asked Yue’s body trembled, and her heart was full of fear. As long as she thought of a Level 3 heavenly demon lurking in Azure Wind City for months, she felt a chill go straight to the top of her head, making her unable to calm down.

“The great Dawn God has given me guidance.”

Dawn Cult Sect Lord.

Now it should be said that it is the demonized Nangong Mufeng.

The corners of his mouth rose, exuding bursts of admiration, “We have waited too long for this day, and today will be the great moment when the God of Dawn comes.”

“Cheer, be excited, jump for joy, shout, be excited, the coming of the God of Dawn will lead all believers to embrace the light and embrace hope.”

“Bring the sacrifices up!”

Nangong Mufeng shouted.


“Yes, Sect Lord!”

“The great God of Dawn guides our way!”

“Bring all the offerings.”


On the other side, in the darkness, there was the sound of chains mopping the floor. Nangong Wenyue clearly saw one child after another, their hands and feet being locked by chains, and they were being hit by a chain. Dawn believers brought them here.

Too many.

Too many.


Thousands of people!

“How could that be?!”

Nangong Wenyue was dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes widened, “Where did the Dawning Cult capture so many children? Between ten and fifteen!”


Where did Nangong Wenyue know.

Nangong Mufeng has been running the Shuguang cult for several months. In addition, he was originally a patriarch of the Nangong Family. He has an incomparable understanding of Azure Wind City, and a large number of refugees poured into Azure Wind during this time. City.


It’s just thousands of children.


He caught more for this sacrifice, that’s just part of it.

“Very good!”

Nangong Mufeng was satisfied, nodded, “The sacrifice will begin soon, but it will take some time to complete the sacrifice, Wang Qinglong, go out immediately and stop the corpse refining door. For a while.”


Wang Qinglong turned out to be an Elder of the Dawning Cult, “As you bid.”

“Go ahead “

Nangong Mufeng said with a smile: “The God of Dawn will always watch you, give you courage, give you strength, and when you can’t stand it, call out to the God of Dawn, and you will Invincible!”

“I hope you can teach Yang Li an unforgettable lesson!”

“It’s all for the sake of the god of dawn.”

Wang Qing Long eyes loudly shouted frantically.


Nangong Mufeng laughed.


Nangong Wenyue saw all of this in her eyes, “Wang Qinglong is the Gang Lord of Azure Dragon Gang, didn’t expect Even he has become the Elder of the Dawning Cult.”

“Nangong Wenyue.”


Nangong Mufeng’s gaze fell on Nangong Wenyue’s body, and a charming smile appeared on his face, “Are you shocked to see me alive again? It’s incredible?!”


Nangong Wenyue’s frightened pretty face turned pale, and the Dual Cultivation’s long thighs were trembling.


Nangong Wenyue has long been exposed.

(end of this chapter)

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