The strength of the blade shocked many people.

Because in the ring, strength is balanced.

And the blade tooth is a warrior who constantly tempers his own strength, and the horror of its combat power is simply a monster-like existence for normal people.

“Hmph, it’s just an ant, when can I start the immortal-level competition.”

A voice sounded, and everyone looked at it, only to see that it was a strange figure with their own shortness, and a tail behind it that kept wagging.

This person is Friesha, he also entered here, and successfully entered the immortal group to compete, at this time, looking at the mortal group competition, his face was full of disdain.

But what people didn’t expect was that Blade Tooth actually heard Friesha’s words and suddenly looked at Friesha.

“You, fight me!”

Blade pointed at Frieza and said in a deep voice.

Frieza was stunned, and then showed a cruel smile.

“Hahaha, I’m from the Immortal Group, you are an ant, you actually want to fight me?”

Frieza is very arrogant, in his opinion, even if he can’t enter the saint group, but in the immortal group, he is invincible, because he is the emperor of the universe!

It’s just that Frieza doesn’t know that even if the God of Destruction Beerus comes, it is just in the immortal group, and because he has grown up with talent from the frozen demon clan, his strength is extremely terrifying, so he has never cultivated.

You must know that later in the Dragon Ball Super, Friesha broke through the cultivation, and then directly became a gold Friesha, which is comparable to super blue.

So it can be seen that Friesha’s talent is good, but he doesn’t cherish it.

“Senior, I want to fight him.”

Fan Ma looked at the Daotong who was the referee on the side, and said in a deep voice.

Dao Tong raised his eyebrows, looked at the Duo Bao Dao people, and after seeing the Duo Bao Dao people nodding, he said to Friesha.

“He’s from the Mortal Group, he wants to challenge you, are you willing to accept it?”

Frieza sneered, stepped out directly, and came to the ring.

And after he stepped into the ring, he suddenly felt shocked, looked at the Fan Ma blade in front of him and said with a smile.

“It’s actually this kind of power, will I actually be so strong in the future?”

“Maybe, I can kill Beerus and become the new God of Destruction?”

Frieza said to himself, “seven eight zero” to himself, his eyes full of excitement.

As everyone knows, in the Dragon Ball world at this time, all the kings with all the realm king gods are watching this game.

“Is he?”

Beerus recognized Frisha, and said in a deep voice, actually want to kill himself, is this guy trying to turn the sky?

The king did not speak, but the great priest did.

“When he returns, go find him and ask for a way to enter the Heavenly City.”

This is the purpose of the Great Priest and the King, they yearn for there, in this world they have no advance, their strength is comparable to the Great Luo Golden Immortal of the Flood Barren, and if they can enter the Heavenly City, they can break this restriction and become stronger.

Beerus nodded, a little unwilling, after all, it was ordered by the king and the great priest, it seems that this Frieza cannot be killed.

“Hey, little ghost, how did this balance of strength come about?”

Frieza said with a smile.

Jiao Jiao Daotong frowned, but did not get angry, but said lightly.

“You can adjust it up and down, let his strength rise, your strength decreases, take a median value.”

“Of course, if you have your own ideas, you can also follow your own ideas.”

Listening to Daotong’s words, Frieza looked at the Fan Ma blade in front of him with disdain, and said as if looking at an ant.

“That ant, let you feel the strength of King Ben at this time.”

“Let his strength become like mine, Ben Wang will let him see, even if he has Ben King’s strength, he will not be Ben King’s opponent.”

Frieza said proudly, he just let Fan Ma look at the gap between himself and him, not to mention that he was invincible.

Daotong frowned again, a little unhappy, but still looked at Blade Fang.

And the words of sharp teeth are very polite.

“If that’s the case, it’s troublesome for seniors.”

Dao Tong nodded, and then waved his hand, this is naturally not his divine power, but Hongjun’s divine power that is not only in this formation.

In an instant, Fan Ma Blade sensed that an extremely terrifying energy gushed out from his body, but he did not burst out, and outsiders did not know what level the two of them were at this time.

Fan Ma’s eyes were full of surprise.

“Is this your power? It’s really scary. ”

Fan Ma said seriously, this is a power that he has never felt before, this is definitely a power that human beings cannot achieve through exercise.

This made him very excited, in this Heavenly City, he could learn a lot of powers that they did not have in their world, and then he could easily defeat his bastard father.

Frieza smiled, he thought that Blade Tooth was scared by himself.

But who knew that Blade Tooth actually added a sentence.

“But you who have this kind of power, your combat skills are so rough, you will only rely on absolute strength and absolute speed, and all the flaws in your body and bottom are flaws.”

Blade said lightly.

In an instant, Frisha’s face directly became gloomy, and he roared angrily.

“Ant, what did you say?”

Frieza was furious, disappeared in an instant, and appeared directly in front of Blade Fang.


A terrifying aura erupted from within his body, and he actually entered the ultimate posture in an instant, and at the same time directly entered the 100% combat liberation.

In an instant, in the void of the universe around the ring, some planets were actually trembling non-stop under the terrifying aura, and they were about to be shattered.

“This guy, so powerful!”

Someone exclaimed.

“It is worthy of being an immortal group, this kind of strength is indeed what immortals will have, the strength of explosive stars!”

“This young man is dangerous, I still hope this young man wins more than let that arrogant guy win!”

After all, some people, whether their words and deeds are likable, can be seen at a glance, and Frieza is undoubtedly the type that will make people disgusted.

In the Heavenly City, everyone will not be afraid of him, because if he kills each other, the Heavenly City will not let go.


Frieza roared, and a fist that was enough to smash a planet appeared in front of Fan Ma’s blade teeth.

“Rough attack.”

Blade said lightly, and then with a gentle wave of his hand, he actually resisted Frissa’s hand.


Frieza was shocked, and Blade Tooth squeezed his hand and walked forward step by step, pushing Friesha’s figure back.

“I don’t know how you got this power, maybe it’s a racial talent.”

“But your use of power is too rough, and such a powerful force in your hands is simply a waste.”

Blade said so.

In fact, in the Dragon Ball world, before entering the Z chapter, the earth warriors focused on moves, rather than simply relying on strength to push sideways.

But after entering the Z chapter, everything changed, and the strength no longer depends on the moves, but on whose form is strong and the breath is strong.

Even the Monkey King is the same, although his combat experience is rich, his use of his own power has actually stagnated since he entered the Super Saiyan posture.

How important it is to be completely in control of your own power, to control your body, that is the essence of self-conscious work.

It’s a pity that in the entire Dragon Ball world, there is no one who knows this except those gods.

On the contrary, the turtle immortals, if they are under the same strength, they can also change into super three states, maybe Sun Wukong and Vegeta will not be the opponents of the turtle immortals.

Because the turtle immortal is a real martial arts master, it’s just that the limit of the earthlings makes him not so strong.

“Pure pursuit of power, and neglect of one’s own control, the control of skill, that is a taboo.”

“Every cell of a human person should be perfectly controlled, so that the power can be fully exerted, otherwise, it will be just an empty shell after all.”

Blade Tooth said so, at this moment, his breath is not obvious, obviously he has the same combat power as Friesha.

“You! You actually preached to me? ”

Frieza was furious, and then he was going to get serious.

I saw Frieza roar, and then instantly turned into golden Frisha, terrifying golden light flashing, strong aura, compared to the previous form, hundreds of times or even more.

This gesture can compete with super blue.

And you know, Sun Wukong and others in the super blue state can already fight with the God of Destruction.

Although he was beaten by Beerus, Beerus is the strongest God of Destruction, so naturally it is not comparable to ordinary God of Destruction.

It is no wonder that when Frieza sensed his future peak power before, he would arrogantly think that he could kill Beerus.

“What a terrifying gas.”

Sun Wukong, who was watching the battle in the crowd, said in shock.

“Do I have this power too?”

Sun Wukong entered the immortal group before, and like Friesha, he didn’t know if his future self would also have this power.

And in the void where the saint was located at this time, Hongjun looked at the battle below and said with a smile.

“This is interesting, if the strength is too balanced, it will not be seen.”

“It’s better to come all according to the strongest strength, so that it is also a chance for the weak, after all, you can feel the strong strength and help your cultivation.”

Listening to Hongjun’s words, the Duo Bao Daoist quickly nodded, and then ordered down.

After all, this is Hongjun’s will, he can do whatever he wants, and the rules are set by Hongjun.

“Boom!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The blade teeth and Fist of Frieza collided in the air, and the space was shattered in an instant, which if placed in the ordinary small world, it might even destroy the world.

Just like if the God of Destruction fights, the universe of their world will collapse.

“This Friesha, can he actually have this kind of strength in the future?”

In the palace of the whole king, Beerus said in amazement, after all, in his eyes, the so-called universe king Frieza was just an ant.

As a result, I didn’t expect that in the future, he actually had this kind of strength, although he was also an ant.

“But the Fan Ma Blade that interests me more, he is obviously just an ordinary person, but he actually has such a degree of control over his body.”

“If you use this posture of his to cultivate the Freedom Extreme Skill, I’m afraid…”

Beerus didn’t continue, while Ves smiled slightly. ,

“I am afraid that there will be a great chance of success, because his degree of control over the body even exceeds that of many gods.”

“Sure enough, the heavens and realms are too amazing, ordinary people can actually achieve this level, which is really strange, because normal exercise and normal people’s bodies cannot achieve this level.”

Listening to Weis’s words, everyone nodded.

While the battle continued, Frieza kept bombarding Blade Tooth with his fists and energy waves, but Blade Tooth easily dodged away.

On the contrary, it was the attack of the blade tooth, and Frieza could not dodge every time, and was even easily hit.

Some discerning people could see that Frieza had been completely suppressed.

“Sure enough, with the same strength, this Friesha’s fighter is simply rotten.”

“Hehe, then don’t talk about you, I estimate that if I go up and get the same strength as him, I can also win!”

Listening to the voices of those around him, Frieza had never been so angry.

But he was more frightened, because the blade tooth was too easy, obviously the strength of both of them was balanced to the same extent, why could the blade tooth be so easy?


“It’s you, you did it on purpose, right? You didn’t equip us with the same power at all! ”

Frieza suddenly looked angrily at the Daotong who was acting as a referee on the side, and in anger, he actually doubted the authenticity of Hongjun’s magical power.

For a moment, even the faces of the saints changed drastically.

If this formation is arranged by Hongjun, even if a saint fights a mortal, the strength of the two can be completely limited to one level…….

As a result, he was actually questioned at this time, and even yelled.

“Find death!”

A roar sounded, and it was the grumpy Styx ancestor.

He was now sanctified.

“This is the Dao Ancestor’s divine power, you actually dare to speak out?”

After saying that Styx looked over, Friedham was a revenant.


But before he could speak, his body began to turn into dust, and then under his terrified gaze, his whole person dissipated into the void.

Silence, the whole audience is silent, even if it is the heavens and realms, many worlds are silent.

Everyone looked at the River Styx in shock, is this the Mixed Element Saint?

Just like the powerful existence of Friesha, it was actually wiped out by a look, and sure enough, under the saints, they were all ants!

After this incident, even some villains in the world no longer dare to be arrogant.

They kind of know what will happen if they are arrogant.

In this way, Blade Tooth was victorious, and although there were accidents, everyone saw that when Blade Tooth had the same power as Friesha, his skill crushed Friesha.

This also allows everyone to see the doorway, that is, this competition is really about strength, not cultivation.

When everyone cultivates at a level, who wins and who loses depends on their respective combat experience and combat skills.

Some people with weak strength also gave birth to hope.

They don’t expect to win all the time, they just want to win one or two games, so that they can also get a lot of Heavenly Coin rewards.

After watching several matches, Blade finally defeated his last opponent after winning nine in a row, and with a strong posture, he won ten consecutive victories and ended today’s mortal group battle.

The fighting style of this guy who fought with Fan Mo was surprisingly similar to that of Blade Fang, and the fist-to-flesh battle was actually much more wonderful than many martial arts masters and immortal cultivation masters before.

This man is the Ten Ghosts and Snake King Horse!

And his nickname is Asura , and his battle with Blade Fang is simply brutal to the extreme.

The two kept bombarding each other, their legs were directly blown off by the recoil force, and their hands were directly turned into meat foam because of the constant bombardment.

Then the bodies of the two and even the internal organs were blasted out, and finally the two burst each other’s heads, ending the battle.

Shockingly, after the head was burst, the remnants of Fan Ma’s bladed teeth actually stood on the ring, so in the end, this battle was also destroyed, and the corpse of Fan Ma’s blade teeth stood and won.

Under Hongjun’s magical power, the two immediately returned to their original state.

“Have a chance, fight again!”

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma looked at the blade in front of him and said excitedly.

The blade teeth are also shining, and he fought this battle very coolly.

The first martial arts association naturally has to decide the first one, but it is impossible to come out all at once, and it will take a long time to fight.

It can be understood as the group stage, those who win more than ten consecutive games have a chance to enter the next game, and in the end, only ten people can be born and enter the next round.

So the next thing to start is the immortal group.


With a wave of Dao Tong’s hand, all the contestants of the Immortal Group entered that big world.

“How about I come first?”

A voice sounded, and then I saw a young man wearing a victory uniform, took a step forward, and came directly to the ring.

He didn’t know that he was just an ordinary victorious player!

How did you enter the immortal-level group?

Daigu came to the heavenly city when he was searching for the pyramids, and everyone was searching for the pyramids at this time.

“Hahaha, have you finally reached the Immortal Group? 1.4 Uncle can’t wait! ”

A voice sounded, causing many people to look over, only to see this person, and did not know whether to call it a person, after all, the appearance is too strange.

There is actually a head dart on the head, two eyes, like a glowing light bulb.


Sero’s figure instantly appeared in the ring, and Hongjun also showed an interesting smile, this was not arranged by him, it was really luck that made these two meet together.

“You, you’re a giant of light?”

Daigu said in shock, because although Sairo’s appearance is different from the giants in the ancient documents, it is obviously a similar race, after all, the iconic goose egg eyes, energy timers and so on.

“Huh? You actually know Uncle Ben? ”

Sero was puzzled, isn’t this the heavens and realms? Could it be that this person in front of him is also a person from their Ultra World?

Daigu did not speak, because at this time, he had already felt the powerful energy gushing out of his body.

Sero also sensed it, and it was also quiet in an instant.

I saw that in Dagu’s hand, light slowly appeared, and then condensed into a strange thing, which was the Divine Light Rod.

“That is?”

Sero, as an Ultraman, naturally knows what this thing is, or that all Ultramen will have.

I saw Daigu take a deep breath, follow the movements in his memory, slowly pose out, and then suddenly raise the divine light rod.


With a loud roar, a burst of brilliant light made everyone present unable to open their eyes.

Then a huge figure slowly appeared in the ring.

Sero’s figure is also from the size of an ordinary person, slowly growing, and finally the same size as Diga, which is their real posture.

At the same time, in the world of Diga, the victory team is looking for the pyramids, and they are also looking for Dagu.

At this time, seeing the scene in the void, they thought that some alien had made it.

When he was still exclaiming for the martial arts and battle inside, he saw Dagu turn into light at this time!

“Da, Daigu is actually a giant of light?”

Lina said in shock.

Well, Daigu is a giant of light, and it is Diga’s matter, which was directly exposed fifty episodes in advance.

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