"So, little brother anything you wanna do?" Sandstorm asks normally and not in her accent.

"I um, when I was at the hospital they said they couldn't remove the shrapnel." Tony says

"I think I know of a doctor who can he is a bit arrogant though." Sandstorm says

"Really who?" Tony asks

"Doctor Steven Strange. But first thing we need to fix is this." Kyra says tapping on the Arc reactor.

"What's wrong with it?" Tony asks

"What element is powering it?" Sandstorm asks

"palladium? Why? Wait, oh that could be an issue." Tony says looking at his shorter older sister.

"Unless you wanna die of palladium poisoning. I suggest you work on that." Sandstorm says

"There is a way?" Tony asks shocked

"Yeah, dad got halfway through making a new element to power the big reactor downstairs we were just limited by technology of the time. We would've needed a particular accelerator." Sandstorm says

"That can be made." Tony says

"Out in the desert right?" Sandstorm asks

"I also had a different idea of fusing hydrogen atoms together." Sandstorm says

"Really?" Tony asks wondering how mage cann miniaturize it with that.

"Jarvis, can you pull up the stuff from the flash drive?" Sandstorm asks

Suddenly schematics of fusion reactors from fall out are displayed including the fusion core.

"This is... you are a genius!" Tony shouts.

"Who do you think it was that patented the nuclear reactor?" Sandstorm asks

"I'm back!" A woman voice says walking in.

"Who are you?" Tony asks

"That is Lisa my girlfriend." Sandstorm says to the confused Tony.

"I'm not judging." Tony quickly says, as Sandstorm giggles.

"I like him." Lisa says


Meanwhile on the news.

"Stark Industries shocks the world today." The news anchor says before going silent looking at the script.

"This isn't fake right?" He asks live on air

"No it's not fake." The manager says from behind the camera.

"We got news today that after Tony Stark randomly appeared in his tower in New York. He came back from the hospital and gave a press interview.

Where tony Stark announced the end of the Stark Weapons production. But after that we have reports and video of his older sister appearing." The News Anchor says

Suddenly it's cut to video.

"I think that's a great idea Tony! And I would be happy to answer any questions you may have!" Alia Stark is shown in her outfit from the history books.

"You were real! I really saw you in the desert!" Tony shouts

"Do you know anyone else who could randomly pull out of a desert in Afghanistan! That is nothing compared to the time the howling commandos and I stole a German destroyer! No one even knew how to drive the stupid boat we had some one from the concentration camp drive it while we fought off the Germans at the docks." Alia shouts in her heavy Scottish accent.

Meanwhile on a separate screen it showed Stark industries stock dropping heavily. The suddenly increasing after the announcement of Alia's return.

It cuts back to the news room.

"It appears Alia wants to invest into the space industry." The News Anchor says

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