
Chapter 273 The Convergence of Kings The Star of Fear.

"Lord King, think twice!"

"Whether it is Celestial Dragon, the King of the Blue Sea, or the Star News, they are all existences that we cannot provoke, and rashly participate in the relationship between them. Fighting will definitely bring disaster to the country!"

The king Aotan of the Great Ears sat on the throne and looked down at the ministers who were moaning and persuading him with a gloomy expression: "Then, this king was killed by Celestial Dragon I was recruited to the front line to participate in the battle. During this period, Tutu, the son of this king, was killed at will by Celestial Dragon. Is there any difference between my country and destroying the country?"

This is the truth, but It's better to die than live, and the ministers have to persuade again, Otten slapped the armrest heavily: "I've decided!"

"Your Majesty..."

"You Didn't you see the image of the Celestial Dragon god general Long Huyue? There must be many people who will join them for the fruit, the power of Celestial Dragon will be further enhanced, and the Star News has no chance of winning, even if we don't choose them, we can't..."

"Your Majesty the King!" Just when the great hall was in chaos, someone came to report: "The Star News also released a video news!"

Oten said immediately: "Take Den Den Mushi!"

Soon, there is a screen showing.

In the picture, the pink-haired woman is extremely tall and slender, and her appearance and bearing seem to be even better than Celestial Dragon's dragon pot Yue.

She said to the crowd: "I am Charlotte Linlin of the Blue Sea, the granddaughter adopted by Figo grandfather, the blue sea people who inherited the most powerful bloodline among the 13 kings of the Barbarian Race 10,000 years ago.

The Star News cannot cast images to a thousand life planets at the same time like Celestial Dragon, but can only pass our opinions to everyone as much as possible.

There are only two things I want to say In other words, as everyone knows, in the eyes of Celestial Dragon, there are only Celestial Dragon and 'other' races in the starry sky. In their eyes, we are not equal to them! Then when Celestial Dragon oppresses Demon Race , you choose to be silent because you are not the Demon Race. When the Celestial Dragon bullies the Star News, you choose to be silent because you are not us. And when the Celestial Dragon bullies you, who can speak up?!”

Video It was over, and the great hall was dead silent.

Otan stood up and repeated, "Who can speak when the Celestial Dragon oppresses us!"

The ministers bowed their heads.


A brief video, but the truth is deafening, and it spreads across the central Star Domain at an unprecedented speed, which is faster than the wider channel of Longhuyue video, and even makes Linlin, who was first known to the entire starry sky, gained a large group of fans.

The Kings of Star News supported Figo and joined Demon Race, not only because they were annoyed by Celestial Dragon's tricks, but also because they understood this truth.

Back off now, do you want to count on Lucifer, the Demon King, to help them overthrow the Celestial Dragon?

Heavenly Dragon star, the pavilion of gods.

The seven immortals are not particularly happy about this, although they let Long Huyue speak out not to fight a public opinion war, but to lay the foundation for Heavenly Dragon to completely control the starry sky in the future. Calling back easily is still very embarrassing.

"hmph, steal the concept, isn't the ruler of this starry sky originally us?"

"At this time, I know how to put myself in the position of the weak and seek alliances. It's over."

"Forget it, let them struggle to gather more eyes, which is exactly what we want."

"Go on, Longhuyue."

"Go on, Longhuyue."


"Yes." Long Huyue nodded withdrew, her face unclear.

In the next period of time, Celestial Dragon and Star News, two forces that control the channel of voice, spread the video one after another all over the starry sky, and also attracted more attention to the 'negotiation' star.

As the largest life planet around the desolate star, Bibidi Star has also been settled by more and more foreign kings, most of which are in order to immediately know the 'negotiation result' and respond.

This planet as it should be by rights is controlled by Celestial Dragon, so every day, the information collected by Celestial Dragon is constantly refreshed.

"The number of kings of Bibidi Star has broken through 70,000 people, and with the nearby planet, the total number is roughly more than 120,000 people."

"The king of the snow clan has appeared, this is the The 17th King of the Four Lanterns who arrived at Bibidi!"

"The King of the Moon Shadow Clan is here too!"

"Another Pirates has contacted our people, the captain is Piroyssen Road, where three lights are lit, has..."

"After the recruitment video was released, as of this time, 4,396 kings have contacted us to join us, and the number of wicks is 10,086. "

"The number of people who joined the Star News is also roughly the same, but most of them are small clans such as the big ear clan, the long finger clan or the night clan..."

Seven longevity The critics are quite satisfied with this, which proves that Celestial Dragon's accumulated power is still enough. Even if the 'public opinion' cannot be beaten, the number of people who choose to join the two sides is still evenly divided.

But Longhuyue knew that as long as Celestial Dragon showed a hint of decline or even a balance of power, the 120,000 kings who were watching would instantly turn into people of the Star News and help them defeat Celestial Dragon.

And if the Star News loses, the 120,000 is more likely to be scattered away, away from Celestial Dragon!

The Celestial Dragon is in peril!

No, dangerous?

How can I think of danger? There are seven ancestors, how can we lose? Facing the mirror and arranging her clothes, Long Huyue looked at herself in the mirror and was slightly stunned.

There are only two days before the date of the battle, and their gods will be about to go out with the two adults Lenos and Diagulaga.

The last expedition was more than two months ago, and the opponent was Demon Race. This time, the opponents are the King of the Blue Sea and the Star News.

Last time...

"Xiaoyue, be careful, run for your life when you meet Heram, don't be ashamed." The blue-haired silhouette appeared in front of her eyes, smiling happily, "Hey, why are you ignoring big brother? Big brother cares about you."

"Flavo, I said many times, don't face me with your fake smile."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but Xiaoyue, who eats Spirit Fruit, is more sensitive to this kind of thing." Fravo said with a smile: "Actually, I can be seen as fake like me. Falsehood, those innate falsehoods are more terrifying..."

"Just let me be careful, you bastard... but you will die if you say death." Long Huyue looked at the mirror, lightly He sighed lightly, his eyes flashing.

There is a piece of data that she couldn't explain clearly when she relayed it to the seven immortals—most of those recruited by their Celestial Dragon were Pirate or wanted criminals.

Two months ago, they were still the righteous messengers of the Demon Race. Why did they suddenly become villains and could only be in the company of the villains? This gap makes her very uncomfortable.

Occasionally, she would think of Figo's solicitation for her when she was let go and evacuated that day, Blue Sea...the land of hope...

She shook her head and adjusted her mind. , go to the flying boat base to gather, take a flying boat with a group of gods and two immortals, and rush to the promised star.

At the same time, in the starry sky, the flying boat of Figo, Linlin and the King of Star News, and the flying boat of Demon Race are getting closer and closer!

Two days later, the three flying boats arrived almost at the same time. At the same time, there were tens of thousands of kings watching them in the starry sky and near the barren star.

(end of this chapter)

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