I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 99 It’s crazy! I’ve made a fortune!

Bi Xiaoxiao suddenly pointed at Wuque and said, "It's you, it's you, it's you!"

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Wuque.

Bi Xiaoxiao said, "It must be you, who swapped the boxes in the warehouse. It must be you."

Mi Qi's eyes suddenly swept over like lightning.

This situation seems to have only this explanation.

But, absolutely, absolutely, there is no possibility.

There are thousands of guards outside the entire warehouse, and they are three parties, supervising each other.

The warehouse door is closed, and the iron door is more than a foot thick. Even mosquitoes can't get in, let alone people?

Wuque just shrugged his shoulders without any explanation.

And at this time, the governor of Piaoling City said coldly: "Miss Bi Xiaoxiao, be careful with your words."

All of a sudden, everyone remembered.

Just now, Shen Wuque repeatedly asked, is it possible that someone secretly swapped the boxes of the two warehouses?

At that time, the governor scolded Shen Wuque and said it was absolutely impossible.

He used the reputation of Piaoling City and the head of Governor Tumen to guarantee it.

The army of Piaoling City will protect the safety of every guest and every piece of cargo.

Although there are interests between Mi Qi and the Governor, the reputation of Piaoling City is the most important.

You said someone swapped the cargo boxes?

Doesn't that question my Piaoling City?

How can I do this business in the future?

The reason why Piaoling City has become the only legal and neutral trading city in the East and West is because of fairness and justice, because the safety of every piece of cargo and every person can be absolutely guaranteed here.

If you question whether Shen Wuque swapped the goods, you are going to shake the lifeblood of our Piaoling City.

How can this be?

Then, the Governor immediately said: "Come on, bring many distinguished guests and check every corner of the warehouse together."

After a while, hundreds of warriors from Piaoling City entered the warehouse and moved all of Mi Qi's cargo boxes out.

The warehouse was empty.

Then, a dozen large candles were lit.

Governor Tumen said: "Please ask Lord Miqi, Miss Bi Xiaoxiao, and all the guests to check every corner of the warehouse to see if there are any flaws?"

"This is the floor of the warehouse. The top layer is steel, and under the steel is a three-foot thick stone slab. Is there any damage?"

"This is the wall of the warehouse, all made of steel, a full foot thick!"

"Smash it!"

With the order of Governor Tumen, several strong men picked up huge hammers and pounded the steel wall frantically.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

There were bursts of loud noises.

The steel wall was not damaged at all.

Governor Tumen said again: "This steel wall separates two warehouses, and the warehouse opposite is Mr. Shen Wuque's warehouse. I would like to ask you to check if there is any damage on this steel wall?"

Everyone came to check.

Except for the little dent made by the hammer just now, where is the damage?

The entire steel wall is smooth and complete, without even a trace of splicing, let alone any cracks.

Someone swapped the cargo boxes of both parties at night?

Are you kidding?

It's totally a fantasy.

At this time, Bi Xiaoxiao suddenly said: "Perhaps, Shen Wuque has a very special ability to complete the swap without anyone noticing."

Suddenly, Tumen, the governor of Piaoling City, said coldly: "Miss Bi Xiaoxiao, please don't forget that every box opened by Mr. Shen Wuque not only contains a clock, but also the logo of Zhaixing Pavilion. If the cargo boxes were swapped, what's the matter with the clock inside? If there is really a clock in your cargo box, shouldn't it be the logo of Shiguang Pavilion?"

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded.

Bi Xiaoxiao wanted to speak again.

Suddenly, Mi Qi said coldly: "Shut up, shut up."

Bi Xiaoxiao's delicate body trembled, and she dared not speak anymore.

Mi Qi woke up at this time.

We can't hold on to this matter, otherwise it will attract the hostility of Piaoling City, and then it will be more harm than good.

Now that things have happened, they can no longer be reversed.

He was extremely curious and puzzled.

Shen Wuque's cargo box was clearly full of stones, while his Mi Qi's cargo box was clearly full of clocks.

Why did it completely reverse after two nights?

And the logo of the Time Pavilion has all become the logo of the Star Picking Pavilion.

It's too unbelievable.

Too weird.

What is certain is that Shen Wuque found a way to swap the goods on both sides.

No matter what method it is, it is really unimaginable.

But after eliminating all the wrong answers, the only thing left, no matter how absurd it is, is the truth.

Shen Wuque's nine thousand clocks were all taken from his Mi Qi.

There are not only more than six thousand bought from the Yu Luosha pirates, but also three thousand that were imitated by his Mi Qi's Time Pavilion, which cost a huge price to make.

How much money did he lose in this business?

Asking the Jade Rakshasa Fleet to attack Shen Gongao's fleet cost a total of 800,000 taels of silver.

Buying the mortgage contract of Zhaixing Pavilion from Tianxiahui cost a total of 900,000 taels of silver.

Building Shiguang Pavilion and imitating 3,000 clocks took several years, wasted countless materials, consumed countless manpower, and cost 800,000 taels of silver.

Buying back 6,000 clocks from Zhaixing Pavilion from Li Huamei cost 2 million taels of silver.

A total of 4.5 million taels of silver was spent.

A total of four and a half million.

This is an astronomical number for the Shen Gong family, but it is also a big number for the Mi family.

The key is that not all of this money came from the Mi family.

It was Mi Qi who paid for it himself.

Because after the Shen Gong family's territory is annexed in the future, Mi Qi will take over on behalf of the Mi family, so he will use his greatest strength.

How much did Mi Qi pay to get this money? !

Although he was born in Lishan, he did not make much money by eating, drinking and having fun in the early years.

The Mi family is rich and wealthy, but that's all it gets in his hands.

This much money is almost his life savings.

Now...it's completely lost.

It’s really heartbreaking.

He suddenly felt darkness coming in waves.


He can still hold on.

Take a few deep breaths and put away all the distracting thoughts in your mind.

What is the most important thing in doing great things?

Don't get hung up.

What has happened has already happened and is irreversible, so let it go completely.

Continue to plan your next steps.

How did Shen Wuque manage to change the cargo boxes without anyone noticing? And changed the clock logo?

It's not important.

Because it has happened.

It is the most foolish thing to regret something that has happened.

Suddenly, Mi Qi laughed.

"Sir Governor, you are just joking." Mi Qi slapped the thick steel wall and said, "The walls of Piaoling City are impregnable. How could someone secretly exchange goods? It's completely impossible."

Then, he sighed: "I know that any transaction needs to give Piaoling City a commission. But this time our Time Pavilion did not make a deal, but our fleet docked at Piaoling City, and our boxes also occupied the warehouse , even though it’s only 10,000 stones, the fee still has to be paid.”

Then, he took out a thick stack of banknotes from his arms.

"This is one hundred thousand taels of silver, which can be regarded as the ship docking fee of Shiguang Pavilion these days, as well as the warehouse occupation fee." Then Mi Qi put the folded silver note in the hands of Governor Tumen.

Governor Tumen said: "Too many."

Li Shanhou said: "How much? Not much!"

After losing 4.5 million taels of silver, Mi Qi had almost no money left in her hands.

But he was still so generous.

As expected of someone who comes from a wealthy family for thousands of years, his ability to withstand pressure is very strong.

Then, he raised his hands towards Wu Que and said, "Brother Wu Que, congratulations, I wish you great success in this Golden Bell Conference."

Wuque said: "Thank you very much, Marquis Lishan."

Then, Mi Qi cupped her hands towards everyone and said, "Everyone, Mi Qi takes leave."

After that, he just walked away and walked away.

Not warlike at all.

In just a short moment, Mi Qi led hundreds of warriors to the dock, unfurled the sails, and left Piaoling City directly.

How could he leave so simply? !

You know, this plan cannot be lost for him.

Once he loses, cruel punishment will be waiting for him after returning to his family.

For this plan, not only did he, Mi Qi, pay a huge price, but the Mi family also paid a huge price.


Return to Qiankun upstairs.

Wuque said slowly: "Everyone, we have just finished counting. There are only 9,200 clocks in total."

"In addition, everyone has also seen that we are engaged in a fierce struggle with the Mi family."

"And Shiguang Pavilion has no ability to manufacture clocks at all. They just recycle our Zhaixing Pavilion clocks from the market at a high price, then put their own logo on them and sell them out."

"Because they feel that the Shen Gong family will definitely go bankrupt this time, and they will definitely be able to take over the Zhaixing Pavilion as their own. If his plan succeeds, then they will be able to produce a real clock next year."

All businessmen basically agree with the complete statement.

Everything that just happened seemed to confirm this.

Wu Que said: "What will be the outcome of our struggle with the Mi family? We don't know. Do you know what it means?"

All businessmen's hearts skip a beat.

Wuque said: "This means that this may be the last batch of clocks. There may not be a Golden Bell Conference next year or the year after that."

"Then when will the Golden Bell Conference be held? Wait until the day when the Mi family and the Shen Gong family will decide the winner. Either our Shen Gong family will win, or the Mi family will win and successfully annex our Shen Gong family. And The Zhai Xing Pavilion has been completely incorporated, and my wife, Zhi Fan, has returned to take charge of the Xing Xing Pavilion and serve the Mi family. "

"But the probability of that is extremely low. We would rather die together than hand over the Star Reaching Pavilion to the Mi family."

"So, these may be the last batch of clocks in the next ten years."

"Everyone, buy it and cherish it."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the merchants changed.

Young Master Shen Wuque, you are being unkind.

After you got Mi Qi away, you actually asked the lion to open your mouth and raise the price?

It was like this in previous years. Zhi Fan directly set a price, all merchants allocated quotas, and the entire Golden Bell Conference ended.

Hearing Wu Que's remarks, all the merchants felt unhappy and quickly exchanged information.

As long as we all unite and boycott, you can never sell it at a high price.

If you want to increase the price, we will make it impossible for you to sell it.

In previous years, a clock cost three hundred taels of silver. This year, as long as the price is higher than that, we will not sell it.

Immediately, the leading businessman said: "Master Wuque, can we go outside to discuss it?"

Wuque said: "Please do it."

Suddenly, hundreds of businessmen came to the outside.

The leading businessman said: "Everyone, if Shen Wuque wants to increase the price, it means that our profits will decrease. This is absolutely not allowed."

"Yes, absolutely not."

"We will not accept the price increase."

The leading businessman said: "The most important thing is that if the price increases this year, what about next year and the year after that? Not only do we have to pay more money, but we also lose the initiative. This is absolutely impossible."

All the businessmen agreed!

The leading businessman said: "We have all heard before that the Shen Gong family has lost more than four million taels of silver, but this has nothing to do with us. We have no obligation to make up for the shortfall for the Shen Gong family."

"So, once Shen Wuque's price exceeds three hundred taels of silver, we won't buy it."

"As long as we are united, Shen Wuque can only be the one to back down and compromise in the end."

"Don't forget that the final repayment deadline for many of the Shen Gong family's loans is the seventh day of November, which is less than five days away. So they are the ones who are anxious, not us."

"As long as we persist and don't let go, Shen Wuque will have no choice but to lower the price."

"So we businessmen must establish an offensive and defensive alliance. Let's set a price, two hundred and fifty taels of silver!"

"Once the clock in Zhaixing Pavilion exceeds two hundred and fifty taels of silver, we will not buy it. Let's see who can spend more than whom?"

"On the seventh day of November, if the Shen Gong family does not pay back the money, the Zhaixing Pavilion will be taken away by the Mi family, and Hei Jincheng will be taken away by the Tianxiahui. We can afford to wait, but Shen Wuque cannot afford to wait."

"Two hundred and fifty taels of silver, you can't add even one tael of silver, otherwise we won't buy it."

"As long as we as a group of businessmen unite as one, we won't be afraid of Shen Wuque not being able to submit properly."

"So next, once Shen Wuque quotes a high price, if any merchant dares to buy it, he will be the public enemy of all our merchants and will face a ban from all of us, how about that?"



The big businessman took out a piece of paper and wrote the contract of the offensive and defensive alliance.

"Everyone, come and sign."

Immediately, hundreds of businessmen stepped forward, signed their names, and stamped their fingerprints.

This is to strike while the fire is under fire.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

Do you Shen Wuque want to increase the price? Dream on.

Not only cannot the price increase, but the price must also be reduced.

We won't accept 250 taels of silver for a clock and an extra copper plate.

But if the price is 250 taels, then the total price is about 2.3 million taels, and Piaoling City will charge 10%.

I got it all, which is about two million taels.

At this time, if the Shen Gong family wants to survive the crisis, it will need at least four million taels of silver.

Far from enough.

This time the net profit was less than 4 million taels, which was a complete failure for Wuque.

And if you want to earn four million taels, the price of a clock must be at least five hundred taels of silver.

This is too difficult.

In every previous Golden Bell Conference, the price of Zhifan was only 300 taels of silver.

But this time, the price in the minds of the merchants was 250 taels.

The perfect price is 500 taels.

The gap is too big.

All merchants have signed an offensive and defensive alliance contract to force Wu Que to compromise.

Half an hour later!

A total of one hundred and nine businessmen returned to the venue.

Everyone signed the Offensive and Defensive Alliance Contract.

The big businessman smiled at Wuque and said, "Master Shen Wuque, please continue."

Wuque said: "In every previous Golden Bell Conference, my wife Zifan set the price directly, and then all the merchants distributed the purchases equally. I think this is not good, very bad."

"Fan Fan, how can we in Zhaixing Pavilion be so strong? All businessmen are our food and clothing parents. The pricing power can only be given to them. How can we set the price?"

As soon as these words came out, all the businessmen were slightly shocked.

What does this mean?

Mr. Wuque, how are you doing?

So open-minded?

Are you going to give us the pricing?

However, you look very sinister, and it doesn't look like you want to give us money.

Wu Que continued: "So, the Admiralty Conference will change its approach in the future. From open pricing to bidding, and secret bidding."

"Every businessman who wants to buy our clock can set the price yourself."

"Everyone has a few blank pieces of paper with numbers on them, which represents your identity. Write the quantity and unit price of the clock you want to buy on this piece of paper."

"You can buy as many clocks as you want, as long as you have enough money."

"Of course, if you don't have enough money, it doesn't matter. You should be able to borrow money from Piaoling City temporarily."

Next to him, Governor Tumen nodded and said: "Yes, you can borrow money from us. We have a file for every distinguished guest. We will give you a loan amount based on your file, and our interest rate will be relatively low, at least much lower than the world. ”

"In order to prevent the harmonious relationship between you two, we will proceed in the form of a hidden mark."

"Except for me, the Governor of Piaoling City, and yourself, no one knows your bid."

"Of course, our clocks are limited, only 9,200 in total."

"There are a total of 109 businessmen present, which is twice as many as last year's Admiralty Conference."

"After we receive the bids and purchase quantities from all merchants, we will start from high to low until sold out!"

As soon as these words came out.

All the businessmen yelled.

I fuck your mother, Shen Wuque.

It's so insidious and despicable.

Are you actually bidding with a hidden bid?

And he kept saying that he would give us the pricing?

This is completely like being a bitch again and erecting a memorial arch.

The leading businessmen were trembling with anger.

Looking at the offensive and defensive alliance contract in his hand, it suddenly became a piece of waste paper.

Use secret bidding?

Then all the businessmen have become competitors, and they are also secret opponents.

In this case, as long as there are three businessmen, there will be traitors.

Not to mention 109 businessmen?

Hidden mark? Selling is stress-free.

Then, Wuque took out an hourglass and said, "The whole secret marking process takes a quarter of an hour!"

"After a quarter of an hour, the auction ends. Those who have not bid will never have time."

After saying that, Wuque suddenly turned the hourglass upside down.

The sand inside began to flow down slowly.

"The secret bidding auction begins!"

However, none of these businessmen moved.

Because everyone has just signed an offensive and defensive alliance contract, what if you are the first to bid?

Didn’t he become a traitor and the target of public criticism?

Shen Wuque, you are still one step behind.

You should do it at night, with all lights out, and in complete darkness.

Then, businessmen can step forward to bid without worrying about other people's eyes.

The several big businessmen headed by him gradually calmed down.

As long as no one bids, what will I see you do in a quarter of an hour?

I will prevent you Shen Wuque from coming to Taiwan.

Then the offensive and defensive sides will directly change.

The next pricing power is up to us.

Anyway, Shen Wuque is the one who is short of money and time now. We have a lot of time.

But...at this time.

Someone came on stage with a piece of paper!

It turned out to be the Piao Ling King!

He actually took action.

King Piao Ling said calmly: "If no one buys these clocks, then I will take care of them."


King Piao Ling, you don’t teach martial arts.

You actually want to make this money?

How could no one want the clock? This is a luxury product that is popular all over the world, and it is completely made of hard currency.

No matter how many wealthy nobles have money, they can't buy it. As long as you get the goods and put them on the market, you can sell as many as you have.

What's more, this year, the market of the Western world was directly opened. How many businessmen from the Western world were present?

Everyone was just greedy and wanted to lower the price to 250 taels each.

But everyone knows that if this clock is on the market, the lowest price will not be less than one thousand two hundred taels.

The further away from Zhenhai City, the more expensive it will be.

It's a luxury product. You don't have to worry about selling it at all.

With King Piaoling's move, all the merchants collapsed.

Immediately, the second businessman.

The third businessman.

The fourth businessman.


All the remaining businessmen are going crazy.

They rushed forward desperately, writing prices and bidding.

I'm afraid that when the time comes and I haven't made a bid yet, I will be kicked out of the game.

Some businessmen only make this once a year.

Because the desk clock is so easy to sell, you can only make a profit and not lose any money.

Therefore, some businessmen want to attend the Admiralty Conference even though they are trying to sell things or even take out loans.

What if I can’t buy the goods?

Well, not only will there be no profit, but it will directly lead to bankruptcy.

And, albeit in secret bidding.

But... when some people write prices, they will inevitably be glanced by the people next to them.


You actually wrote 501 taels of silver?

Didn't you see it? You, with such thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually rebelled and wrote such a high price?

Then he returned to the corner, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and wrote down 502 taels of silver and five hundred clocks.


The next scene made many businessmen feel uneasy.


Someone secretly bid twice?

Obviously, I felt that my first bid was too low, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to buy it.

So, I went to bid a second time.

Shit, shit, shit.

So shameless.

What about the agreed-upon offensive and defensive alliance? What about uniting as one?

Are you going to change it?

Then I should change it too?

The businessmen present changed their prices again and made a second bid.

Seeing this scene, the governor of Piaoling City and the king of Piaoling sneered in their hearts.

It's really funny. More than a hundred businessmen, for the sake of profit, still want to unite as one?

However, the higher the bid, the more Shen Wuque will make, and the higher the commission from Piao Ling City will be.

With common interests, everyone is a good friend.

Governor Tumen came to Wuque with a wine glass in hand, bowed and toasted: "Master Wuque, I wish you a great success in advance for the Golden Bell Conference."

His attitude was truly humble and affectionate.


Not long ago, the Governor joined forces with Mi Qi to suppress Shen Wuque?

When did it happen?

I, Governor Tumen, don't remember it at all. I only remember that Master Shen Wuque and I were close friends.

A quarter of an hour later!

All the sand in the hourglass had flowed out.

Wuque announced: "Time is up, the blind bidding is over!"

He looked at the transparent glass box in front of him, which was filled with notes.

All of them were the bidding prices of these merchants.

There were a total of 109 merchants, but there were at least three or four hundred price bids in it.

In other words, each merchant bid three times.

Wuque and the governor stepped forward and opened the box together.

"Come here!" With the governor's order.

Twenty clerks came in.

"Open the bids!"

Twenty clerks moved neatly and opened the three or four hundred bids.

"Sort and register!"

Then, the twenty clerks recorded the prices, purchase quantities, and bid numbers on the bids.

Each merchant had a special white paper for the bids, and each had a separate number, which represented the merchant's identity. There was no need to write a separate name, but many merchants were still worried and wrote their own names.

All the merchants in the venue were extremely nervous.

They were afraid that they would come in vain and not be able to buy the clock.

Wuque and Zhifan were also very nervous and looking forward to it.

The Shen family needed four million taels of silver, so this time they had to sell at least four and a half million taels of silver to get through the difficult times.

Therefore, the average unit price needed to be sold at five hundred taels of silver.

This was a secret bidding.

What price would this group of merchants offer?

It was completely unknown.

How much money would this business eventually make?

It was also completely unknown.

However, Wuque was very confident in his heart, and even sure that the average unit price would exceed five hundred taels of silver.

This business would definitely make a net profit of four million taels.

After more than half an hour!

Twenty documents were completely sorted out, and then all the data was handed over to Wuque.

Wuque took it and took a look.


He was completely stunned.

This, this, this is too exaggerated.

He completely underestimated this group of merchants.

You are too crazy, and you are too rich.

He knew that this business would make a lot of money, and he knew that this group of merchants would raise the price very high.

But... I didn't expect it to be raised this high?

Too crazy.

It's really a fortune!

Wuque's goal is an average unit price of 500 taels of silver.

The result...

The lowest winning bid is 612 taels of silver.

Not the average unit price.

But the lowest unit price!

It's really a fortune!


Note: The first update is here. The tenth place in the new book monthly ticket list is in danger, and it will be caught up with a few dozen votes.

Benefactors with monthly tickets, please help me.

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