I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 108 The most glorious moment! The craziest moment!

Wen Daozi, Fu Baoshi, Men Jiefu, Xu Enzeng, Ning Liren and nine other people came to the White Bone Territory.

Then, they were completely stunned.

Can people live in this place?

The entire White Bone Territory is about 2,000 square kilometers.

It is surrounded by mountains and there is a depression in the middle. It used to be a lake, but it was completely dry hundreds of years ago.

Because it is too close to the sea, the water in this lake is also salty. But it is not salty enough to mine salt, but it is enough to turn this area into saline-alkali land.

There are thousands of square kilometers of saline-alkali land with flat terrain, but nothing can be planted.

There are shacks scattered on this land, and there are very few normal houses.

Everywhere you look, there is extreme poverty.

People with missing limbs and people with dementia are everywhere here.

Wen Daozi has also seen some villages with many disabled people, but he has never seen such an astonishing proportion.

Either mentally disabled or physically disabled.

This is really a cursed land.


For the Shen Gong family, it is not worthless, and even its value is very high.

Because the stones produced here are the best.

The boundless quarry, any mining will produce the best quality stones.

Solid, flat!

Marble, granite, etc.

Zhenhai City is borrowed, so the Shen Gong family gathered all the family's strength and spent more than ten years to build the Magic Stone City.

From now on, the Magic Stone City will be the core of the Shen Gong family.

The Magic Stone City has an extremely magnificent and solid castle.

It has a solid and tall wall, more than ten meters high and three or four meters wide.

All the stones are mined from the White Bone Territory, so it is called the Magic Stone City.

Most of the people in the White Bone Territory are disabled.

But for the current Shen Gong family, they are the best and best quarrymen. They are tireless and very easy to satisfy.

Because this place is very strange, people with mental disabilities are surprisingly strong and powerful.

On the contrary, people with physical disabilities are particularly smart, but these people are rare. Because most people often do not live to adulthood, their bodies are too weak.

Therefore, these smart but disabled people became the commanders of the entire quarry.

They are very, very smart. Although they have never read books, they have learned to calculate without a teacher, and even learned geometry and physics in a sense.

Because they know how to cut stones in the most cost-effective way.

They also know the principle of levers, and know how to make various simple machines to transport the boulders out of the quarry one by one.

Mr. Jing, the arithmetic master who had just been cured, was completely stunned when he saw these machines in the quarry.

He could not believe that this was designed by people who had never learned arithmetic.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Accompanied by a series of loud noises.

This is the sound of the quarry workers desperately hitting the hammer.

Under the command of the smart disabled people, they hammered the nails into the boulders one by one, and then hit them with the giant hammers.

Listening to the commands of the smart disabled people.

It doesn't even take ten times.

A huge stone that was more than one meter thick, more than ten meters long, and four or five meters high was peeled out alive.

Then the stone was cut into square pieces to build castles and city walls.

Finally, these mentally disabled quarrymen carried these huge stones out of the quarry.

Everyone was stunned again!

Each of these slabs weighed five or six hundred kilograms, and the heaviest weighed more than a thousand kilograms.

This... this strength is too amazing, two or three times more than normal.

Each of these quarrymen had muscles as strong as iron.

Each of them was very shy.

When Wen Daozi and others looked over, everyone lowered their heads quickly.

However, when you keep staring at him.

His face will instantly turn red, and he will show you a simple, innocent, and pure smile.

Looking at their eyes and appearance, this is a typical feature of incomplete brain development.

Their intelligence is probably only at the level of four or five years old.

Because they are so strong, Shen Gongao once thought of recruiting them into the army.

But after trying many times, he finally gave up completely.

First of all, their intelligence is too low, and they can't even tell the left from the right.

Secondly, and most importantly, they are completely unwilling to leave the White Bone Territory.

Once they leave, they will fall into anxiety and mania, making waves of wild beasts crying and roaring, not eating at all, and even self-mutilating.

The White Bone Territory is a cursed land, and it is always shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

Perhaps it is this atmosphere that makes the children here born abnormal.

But... this atmosphere gives people here a special sense of security.

Once they leave, they will be extremely terrified.

And in the booklet that Li Qianji gave Wuque, a secret base of a dark domain and a dark academy is somewhere in the White Bone Territory.

Wen Daozi stared at the dense crowd in a daze.

How many quarry workers are there here?

There are thousands of them.

It is them who feed the tens of thousands of people in the entire White Bone Territory.

At this moment, Wen Daozi found someone pulling his robe.

He looked down and saw a child.

A very beautiful but thin child, who was also born with a disability.

Only one hand was normal, the other arm was naturally atrophied and only a few inches long.

One leg was higher than the other.

However, his eyes were big and bright.

His face was also beautiful, and his clothes were torn but very clean.

Even his teeth were clean.

At this time, he was pulling Wen Daozi's robe with his atrophied arm.

Looking at his lovely face and pure big eyes.

Wen Daozi's eyes were hot, and then he squatted down, picked up the child and said, "What's wrong? Baby?"

"Grandpa, here you eat." The child handed a white flour bun to Wen Daozi with his intact hand.

"Okay, thank you." Wen Daozi took the white flour bun.

The best way to deal with a child's heart is to accept it.

Then, Wen Daozi took out a piece of candy from his arms and said, "Then grandpa will exchange with you, okay?"

The child turned around and looked at his mother.

His mother was tall, but her brain was not normal. When she saw Wen Daozi looking at her, she lowered her head shyly and nodded.

The child took the candy and said sweetly, "Thank you, Grandpa."

Although he only had one hand, he still peeled off the candy coating very lightly with his mouth and put it in his mouth.

"Daddy..." The child shouted towards the mining site.

Suddenly, a middle-aged dwarf waved to the child.

Then, he bowed to Wen Daozi.

Of course, he didn't know what kind of big shot Wen Daozi was, but just that Wen Daozi was an elder.

Next, Wen Daozi held the child and entered the White Bone Town.

According to the previous imagination, this place is completely a hell on earth.

It will be very miserable, full of darkness and oppression.


It's not like that at all.

It's full of peace here.

Everyone's eyes here are gentle.

Although they are definitely poor, even extremely poor.


Everyone's clothes are shabby, but clean and tidy.

Everyone's face is also clean.

Everyone's eyes are pure.

It's very unexpected that there are many children and many old people here.

But... what's sad is.

Most of the old people and children are strong but mentally disabled.

Because of physical disabilities, smart children usually die early.

Everyone here will not be abandoned.

The elderly who have no ability to work here will not be abandoned and will be supported.

It is almost completely autonomous here.

A few smart people with physical disabilities are in charge of all order and distribute food and clothes fairly.

Most of the strong people with mental disabilities are responsible for working and feeding everyone.

Although poor, it is very fair.

So... this place is like a utopia!

There are people to take care of the children and support the elderly.

The young are supported and the old are supported.

This place is purer and more peaceful than any place Wen Daozi has been.

At this time, Ning Liren was extremely excited and trembling all over.

He seemed to have found his ideal.

When he was loyal to Wuque, he once said that he wanted the children of the poor in the world to go to school.

And this is the poorest place, and also the purest place.

No wonder Lord Wuque asked Mr. Wen Daozi to build the academy here.

No wonder it was named Wild Grass Academy, not Spark Academy.

Spark is still too far away.

Wild grass is the most suitable for this group of people.

This cursed place, this corner forgotten by the whole world, is home to a group of people.

Outsiders think they are as miserable as hell.

But they enjoy themselves and have their own happiness.

They are like weeds, anyone can trample on them, but they grow tenaciously and optimistically, and never stop.

Wen Daozi looked at the children here.

They are two extremes, either as strong as a calf, but with abnormal brains.

Or they are smart and beautiful, but very thin and disabled.

"We still need a doctor, even if we have to tie him up, we have to tie a doctor over." Ning Liren suddenly said.

Wen Daozi looked into the eyes of these children.

Either they are smart and spiritual, or they are dull and stupid.

But they are all equally pure.

"I have decided that the first academy of our reformists will be built here, and it will be called Wild Grass Academy!"

Next, Wen Daozi found the patriarch of this town.

He was an old man, also a dwarf, named Youan.

"Old patriarch, I want to open an academy here so that all the children can come to study." Wen Daozi said: "Don't worry, it doesn't cost money, and we will also pay for the children's lunch. In addition, the Bai Gu Ling does not need to pay for the opening of the academy, and even when we purchase stones to build the academy, we will pay according to regulations."

The old patriarch Youan fell into deep thought and struggle.

Ning Liren said: "Old patriarch, what are you worried about? Don't worry, my master is the third son of the Shen Gong family, who may be the future Zhenhai Marquis and the highest lord of this territory."

Patriarch You'an said slowly: "I haven't read the book, but I know it. When people read, they will become smarter and their horizons will be opened. But... I'm worried. Once you read the book, you will know a lot more. , the happiness and peace here are gone. The more you know, the more you want.”

Wen Daozi said: "The words of the old patriarch are full of wisdom, and I admire them very much. I can also understand your determination to protect everyone here, and I can also see that this place is very, very happy. But this happiness can last. For a long time, this place has been isolated from the rest of the world, and looks like hell to outsiders. But to you, this kind of peace and happiness is very fragile and can be easily broken."

"The Shen Gong family's large-scale infrastructure construction will soon be completed. And this kind of boulder is too heavy and the transportation cost is too high. It is impossible to sell it in large quantities. How will you make a living by then?"

"That's right. After children study, they know more and have more desires, and they easily become unhappy. But is complete ignorance of happiness real happiness? Real happiness is seeing the outside world and understanding a lot A lot, but still find inner peace. True happiness is to find your own ideal, lofty and great power after knowing a lot, and then try your best to realize it. "

"The children here are very good, the best children I have ever seen. So they should open their eyes and see the world. In the future, they may not be as innocent and happy as they are now. But... at least give them a choice. Chance."

Elder You'an said: "Sir, I am old, but my heart is very bright and my eyes are very bright. I can tell at a glance that you are all very good people, and you are also very tired people. But those who have fire in their hearts are not only bright inside, but also want to light up others. But our children are different from the outside. They will not be discriminated against here. Once they go out to the outside world, they will. Being discriminated against.”

Wen Daozi said silently: "Yes, it is indeed like this, and I can't change this. Even I am not that strong, I can't protect them. But there is a person who can be strong enough to protect them. Although he is not strong enough now, but He is able to protect us. When we have no place in this world, he has gained an inch of space for us to display our ideals!”

Elder Patriarch Youan fell into deep thought.

Then he slowly said: "You are right, it is fair and happy here, but it is very fragile and can be easily destroyed by external forces. It is always a good thing to make changes in advance, and earn a new life for the next generation of children. way to survive.”

"I agree to build an academy here, but I have a condition!"

Wen Daozi said: "Old patriarch, you tell me!"

Elder Patriarch You'an said: "We have to build this academy with our own hands. I know there are noble people behind you, but... your food rations must also be provided by us. We do not accept gifts."

"Okay, we accept the support from your entire clan!" Wen Daozi led several mentors and bowed deeply.

The old patriarch Youan saluted even more humbly.

The next day! Except for those who had to work in the quarry, the whole clan set out together, including every child.

Carrying wood, holding stones, burning lime, burning charcoal, digging foundations.

Everyone is working, including Wen Daozi, Xu Enzeng, Fu Baoshi, the arithmetic master Mr. Jing and so on.

These people have never done rough work.

At this time, he was having a great time doing it.

Although they are very tired and rolling in the dirt, everyone's heart is hot.

Looking at the Wild Grass Academy, it is being built inch by inch.

Everyone feels hope.

Everyone saw it, the spark was igniting.


Purity and beauty may be seen everywhere.

But... it's definitely not the theme of this world.

The theme of this world is always intrigue and deception, and the law of the jungle is always the strong.

Desire and greed are the basic driving forces for the progress of this society.

Oh, it’s ideals and goals.

At this time, Li Shiyun, the governor of Nanhai County, ushered in the most critical moment of his life!

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

This was the craziest gamble he had ever made.

He led the 5,000 Nanhai County garrison and charged crazily towards Red Earth City.

Red Clay City!

As the name suggests, they are all castles built of red clay.

The entire red soil territory is covered with red soil.

Although it is not as fertile and oily as the black soil, the land here is still very fertile and can cultivate a huge amount of farmland.

The rice grown here can be harvested twice a year.

Two million acres of fertile land can produce one billion kilograms of grain every year and can feed more than three million people.

No wonder the Dali Kingdom is negotiating to get this land back no matter what.

Because the Dali Kingdom also has many mountains and few fields, the fertile farmland of the entire red soil territory can support a fraction of the population of the Dali Kingdom.

At this time, 20,000 troops from the Shen Gong family were stationed in Hongtu City.

The general at the head is Shen Silong!

He is also the adopted son of Grandpa Shen Gong Ao and the righteous uncle of Shen Gong Ao.

Shen Gong Ao's grandfather was a famous general in the entire Western Region. In order to protect the Khanate and resist the Apocalypse Empire, he died on the battlefield. All his sons also died under the butcher's knife of the Apocalypse Empire. As a result, Shen Wuque was about to exile to the Daxia Empire at a young age.

However, his grandfather also left a very rich legacy to Shen Gongao.

That's people!

Not only were the sons his grandfather gave birth to great, but the sons he adopted were also outstanding.

Shen Silong, Shen Wu'an, Shen Liuqi, Shen Qiping, and Shen Jiumo are all the mainstays of the Shen Gong family until now.

And loyal.

However, there were originally seventeen adopted sons, but now only these few are left.

When Shen Gong Ao was away, the highest leader of the frontline army was the eldest son Shen Wuzhuo.

Without Shen Wuzhuo, the supreme leader is Shen Silong!

He stood at the head of the Red Earth City and watched an army rush over crazily.

Suddenly there was a burst of shouting!


"Get ready to meet the enemy and fight!"

Suddenly, all the Shen Gong family troops bent their bows and arrows and pointed toward the sky.

Just give the order and arrows will rain down like rain!

Li Shiyun and the eunuch were immediately shocked.

The army behind them also slowed down.

When we are still two hundred steps away from the red clay city wall!

All the five thousand troops behind Li Shiyun stopped.

Because if they advance any further, they will be within the range of the Shen Gong family's army.

They really know the combat effectiveness of the Shen Gong family's private army, and it is extremely powerful.

Shen Gong Ao has been fighting with the Nanman army for more than ten years and has won many battles.

This gives people the illusion that the Nanman army is very weak.

But on the contrary, the Nanman army is very powerful, especially after the establishment of the Dali Kingdom, they have gained centripetal force and cohesion, and their combat effectiveness has become stronger and stronger.

At least in the last war, the Shen Gong family paid a price of 30,000 casualties. In addition, Shen Wuyu led the Moro army to support at the critical moment and attacked from both sides. Only then did they defeat the tribal coalition forces of the Dali Kingdom and save the country. Red clay collar.

Facing this battle-experienced army, the Nanhai County garrison knew that their combat effectiveness was far behind.

The whole army hesitated.

Even the great eunuch stopped.

He was in the palace, beside the emperor, and despised the powerful people in the world.

But...when he really arrives in front of the army, he will return to a very sober state.

Therefore, he did not dare to move forward.

The presence of 20,000 troops on the battlefield was much more shocking than imagined.

Thousands of horses and horses were in silence, as if frightened by the 20,000-strong army of the Shen Gong family.

Li Shiyun felt his scalp numb and his whole body cold.

This... what should I do?

Is it so unbearable to bring 5,000 troops?

Don’t you even have the courage to approach Red Earth City? !


Current events create heroes.

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Should we just retreat like this?

So, Li Shiyun got off his horse and walked slowly towards Red Earth City alone.

Looking at the 20,000 troops of the Shen Gong family, they looked at the densely packed bows and arrows.

He showed no fear.

He walked slowly to the city gate alone.

At this moment, his back became extremely tall in the eyes of the five thousand imperial troops.

"Whoever has the highest official position in the city's army should speak out!" Li Shiyun shouted.

Shen Silong took off his mask and said slowly: "I am Shen Silong!"

Li Shiyun said coldly: "I, Li Shiyun, the governor of Nanhai, have come to take over Red Earth City!"

Shen Silong said coldly: "This Red Earth Territory and this Red Earth City were bought by our Shen Gong family with 30,000 lives. No one can take it away, let alone the Nanhai Prefect, even if the Governor comes! "

Li Shiyun said coldly: "Shen Silong, your master Shen Gong Ao has written a secret to His Majesty the Emperor, dedicating the Red Clay Ridge to the Empire for free. Do you have to disobey your master's order? Do you want to disobey His Majesty the Emperor's will? ”

Shen Silong said angrily: "I don't know what you are talking about! I only know that our Shen Gong family paid a huge price to seize the Red Earth Territory and the Red Earth City. We will never let it go. . Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy!"

Li Shiyun roared angrily: "I am here to take over Red Earth City according to the will of His Majesty the Emperor. Anyone who dares to stop will be shot to death!"

Then, he suddenly drew his sword!

One person and one sword, they rushed towards the city gate.

"Imperial soldiers, follow me into the city and take over the Red Earth City. Who dares to stop you? Kill without mercy!"

"Shen Silong, I represent the will of the empire, I represent the will of the emperor. If you have any objections, shoot an arrow to kill me!"


The prefect Li Shiyun raised his sword high and slashed at the city gate frantically.

One man and one sword, attack the city!

This is the highlight moment of Lee Se Yoon's life.

On top of the city, even though Shen Silong had 20,000 troops, he still did not dare to order the killing.

And right now!

A homing pigeon flew in.

At the same time, the scouts from the Shen Gong family were flying over not far away.

"The Lord has an order, no war, no war!"

"My lord has ordered that the Shen Gong family's troops immediately withdraw from Red Earth City and completely withdraw from Red Earth City!"

Shen Silong took off the secret message from the carrier pigeon. It was Shen Gongao's own handwriting, and it was also a special coded text.

The content is exactly the same. The army of the Shen family will unconditionally withdraw from Hongtu City and return to Zhenhai City! No war shall be started, no soldiers of the Nanhai County garrison shall be harmed, and Hongtu City shall be surrendered!

Suddenly, Shen Silong was struck by lightning.

His whole body was shaking!

This... this... this is not true.

We have sacrificed tens of thousands of people, the eldest son is missing, and the second son has become a walking corpse.

The Hongtu Territory that we paid such a high price for is just given up like this?

I am unwilling, I am unwilling!

However, the lord's order cannot be disobeyed.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah..." Shen Silong roared like a beast.

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling, I am unwilling..."

"Order all troops to withdraw from Hongtu City, hand over Hongtu City, and return to Zhenhai City!"

After giving the order, Shen Silong's eyes went dark and he fainted!

And at this moment!

Li Shiyun felt hot all over, and the whole person was floating in the air.

It seemed as if he was about to fly to the sky and look down at the earth.

Is this... the taste of success?

He made the right bet.

He ushered in the most glorious and brilliant moment of his life.

One man and one sword defeated the 20,000 troops of the Shen Gong family.

Five thousand troops, including the imperial angel, did not dare to take a step forward. Only he, Li Shiyun, dared to draw his sword against the 20,000 troops of the Shen Gong family!

This scene will surely be praised by the world.

It will surely become a legend in the mouths of storytellers.

This paragraph will surely be recorded in history books.

One man and one sword to capture a city!

How glorious? !

I, Li Shiyun, will be great! I finally stepped on the head of the Shen Gong family and rose up!



And the entire Tianshui Province!

I just experienced an unprecedented shock, and it has not subsided yet.

It has not been a few days since the Mi Wang Mansion was bombed!

Another shocking news came!

The leader of the Tiandao faction of the Dark Academy, Kuang Yin, once again issued a massive manifesto.

This time, he didn't even mention asking Sky Book City to hand over Li Qianji.

Instead, he directly announced to the world that the Dark Empire was to be officially established!

In order to celebrate the establishment of the Dark Empire and to sound the death knell of the Great Xia Empire, the Dark Snow Palace planned to launch an even crazier attack!

To blow up the Emperor's Tianshui Palace!

In an instant!

Everyone was once again shocked to death!

Damn, damn, damn!

You, the Dark Academy, are really crazy.

Too awesome.

You just blew up Prince Mi's Mansion, and now you are going to blow up the Emperor's Tianshui Palace? !

Before, everyone thought that this must be a complete joke.

But now...

No one dared to think it was a joke!

Because all the previous attacks of the Dark Academy were successful.


The army, like a tide, headed towards the Tianshui Palace.

The army of Prince Mi, the army of the Governor's Mansion, and the army of the Black Dragon Terrace.

Before, there were not many people defending this palace, only a few hundred people.

And now!

Tens of thousands of troops guarded the entire palace.

And no one was allowed to approach the palace within a thousand steps!

Once the palace was bombed, the emperor would be furious.

And an order was issued!

The palace was completely blocked, and no one was allowed to leave half a step.

No one could enter or leave!

No one was allowed to approach within a thousand steps.

I don't believe that your Dark Academy Tiandao Sect could bring in that super bomb.

I don't believe that you could bomb successfully!

At this time, inside the palace.

There was a guard every five steps and a sentry every ten steps.

Dozens of sorcerers, with hundreds of warriors, searched every corner of the palace.

Because according to previous intelligence, the so-called super bomb was an extremely huge iron ball covered with spikes.

The picture of this super bomb was posted in every corner.

No matter where it was hidden in the palace, it would be found.

And now!

Inside the palace, a captain of the Black Dragon House was drinking with Li Guangzong (Wu Que)!

"Sorry, Mr. Li, martial law has been ordered, so you can't go out for the time being. I'll set up a wine party to apologize to you!"

Li Guangzong's son is the governor of Nanhai County, and he is also a big shot in the Zhenbei Palace, so the captain of the Black Dragon House also wants to curry favor with him.

Two days ago, Li Guangzong brought two women into the Tianshui Palace, saying that he wanted to visit.

The Black Dragon House guards who guarded the palace also turned a blind eye and let them in, because the dignitaries often came.

Unexpectedly, the Dark Palace lunatics actually said they wanted to bomb the Tianshui Palace.


The entire palace was blocked, and Li Guangzong couldn't get out.

"It's okay, it's okay. Now the entire palace is surrounded by tens of thousands of people, and not even a bird can fly in. Those crazy people in the Dark Palace want to bomb the palace, which is completely a dream!" Li Guangzong laughed.

The captain of the Black Dragon Terrace said with a smile: "Isn't it? The army has been summoned to wipe out the rebels of the Dark Academy. The blockade will be lifted soon, and then Mr. Li can go home."

"No hurry, no hurry..." Wu Que smiled.

At this time, the super bomb was lying quietly in the center of the Guangming Hall of the palace.

Under the huge table, inside those huge stones, there was compressed gunpowder!

Because everyone knows that the super bomb is a huge iron lump, because every super bomb that exploded before was like this.

No one knows what gunpowder looks like.

Even if it is placed in front of them, they will not doubt it, nor will they recognize it.

So before the explosion.

Li Guangzong shouted long live the Dark Empire in front of tens of thousands of troops!

Shouting that the blue sky is dead, the black sky is on the ground! Daxia is sinking, and the Black Emperor is ascending!

Shouting my son Li Shiyun, assist the third prince of the Dark Empire and achieve a great cause for thousands of years!

What will be the result?

Then, the rebel army of the Dark Academy really rushed into the Red Earth Territory, and with the help of some people, they killed the court’s army and the imperial envoys of the court.

What will be the result? !

That picture is too beautiful, and I dare not imagine it!


Note: The second update is here, two updates today, 16,000!

I went to order central air conditioning and floor heating today, and I ran around until the evening. After taking a taxi back to the hotel, I buried my head in typing!

Tomorrow I will measure the bathroom cabinets, toilets, etc.! The day after tomorrow I will measure the windows.

But Gao Ding will seize every opportunity to write! Benefactors, do you still have monthly tickets? Vote for me, please?

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