I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 114 Die! Die! Wuque's mad killing!

At this time, a crystal array has been built in the hall of the Marquis's Mansion.

There are a total of ten crystal columns, forming a five-pointed star shape.

The entire energy array is closed and covered with transparent crystal glass.

Each of these energy columns is extremely complicated.

This is the first time that Wuque has seen a real energy array.

This is probably one of the top secrets of Sky Book City.

It was once the strongest combat civilization of the Dark Academy, but later with the demise of the Dark Academy, most of the energy arrays became forbidden techniques and were not allowed to be performed publicly.

However, the top leaders of Sky Book City have never given up the study and research of energy arrays.

Today, the top leaders of Sky Book City have made a certain degree of innovation and liberated many of the forbidden techniques of the Dark Academy.

This includes many energy arrays.

It's really funny to say that Sky Book City can liberate its thoughts so smoothly and lift the ban on the secret techniques of the Dark Academy. To some extent, it is because Wuque's peerless strategy provides the highest theoretical support.

And now...

The energy array liberated by Wuque's strategy is actually used against him.

Grandmaster Li Mubai certainly would not build this energy array by himself, but would hand it over to the Yin-Yang Masters below.

Because the energy array is a top secret of Sky Book City, any construction process must be under the supervision of the Grandmaster.

Every use of the energy array requires the approval of the Grandmaster.

"Grandmaster, the Great Sun Bright Energy Array has been built, please review it!" The three Yin-Yang Masters bowed.

Grandmaster Li Mubai stepped forward to check and expressed his permission.

Next, the leading Yin-Yang Master said: "Marquis Zhenhai, Lord Bai, and all the nobles, I am the Yin-Yang Master of Sky Book City. My name is Jin Wushu. Today, I will represent Sky Book City to operate this Great Sun Light Energy Array."

"Let me introduce this energy array first. It contains the highest light energy of Sky Book City and can destroy any evil souls and any dark energy. Whether it is a demon spirit or a ghost that has not dispersed for thousands of years, it can be killed instantly."

"Any body-stealer is ultimately a dead soul. It's just that it is sealed in the eternal black coffin, so the soul will not dissipate. Once it finds a new body, it can be seized."

All of a sudden, everyone looked at the dark coffin full of mysterious runes.

"Next, I will demonstrate this Great Sun Light Energy Array to everyone!"

One of the Yin-Yang Masters took a rabbit and put it into the energy array.

"What we put in now is a normal rabbit, and its vitality is very fragile."

"Open the energy array!"

With an order.

The gate of the energy array was pressed down suddenly.


In the entire energy array, an incomparable strong light flashed.

It seemed to be many times brighter than the sun.

It was as if it would cause temporary blindness.

It was just a moment.

Everything returned to normal.

Everyone saw that the rabbit in the Great Sun Light Energy Array was still safe and sound, jumping around.

"Because this rabbit is a normal life, it will not be harmed by the energy array!"

"Next, we will demonstrate to everyone how this Great Sun Light Energy Array can destroy dark creatures and demon creatures."

"Everything you are about to see is top secret. You are not allowed to reveal any of it, otherwise you will be punished by the Sky Book City!"

"Carry it in!"

With an order, several people carried in a huge box, which was very, very heavy.

Wu Que recognized at a glance that this was a box that simulated the energy field of the dark domain.

"Inside this box is a demon creature!" Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu said: "Any species has a normal life. Any creature that has come back to life or has an alternative immortality is a demon! So in a sense, the one who takes over the body is also a demon."

"And this huge eternal black coffin is a small dark domain that can imprison the soul and dissipate. Once a dying person enters this eternal black coffin, he can live for a thousand years. But he cannot leave the eternal black coffin for half an inch, otherwise he will immediately turn to ashes, so he needs to take over the body."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Everyone sorted out the whole thing.

Shen Wuque, in order to help Fu Caiwei find the curtain of the Dark Emperor, came to a very special cemetery.

This cemetery has a very strange dark energy atmosphere.

A big tree, obviously charred all over, has been completely dead, but it is not really dead, but is still growing.

And under this big tree, there is an underground secret room.

In the underground secret room, there is an eternal black coffin.

Shen Wuque thought this was the tomb of the Dark Emperor Ji Xin.

So, he stepped forward and opened the eternal black coffin.

As a result... he was dragged down by the thousand-year-old immortal inside and sealed in the coffin.

Therefore, there were bloody handprints of Shen Wuque struggling desperately in this coffin. Then, the poor Third Master Shen Wuque was possessed by the demon spirit.

"The soul of the possessor never dissipates because it is in the eternal black coffin. Once the possession is completed, there is almost no difference from a normal person, but there are still differences if you observe carefully, such as their face is very white, and they don't like to bask in the sun."

Suddenly, everyone looked at Wuque.

It was indeed very white, even whiter than the woman.

And recalling Shen Wuque's past, he really didn't like basking in the sun.

"Although the soul of the body snatcher is hidden in a living body, it still can't escape the Great Sun Light Energy Array. This is the most sacred energy in the world. Any dark and evil soul will show its true form!"

"Next, I will show everyone the whole process!"

Jin Wushu entered the energy array alone, holding the box.

The whole process was very careful.

"What is hidden inside is a terrible demon creature. Everything you see will be top secret."

Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu put the box into the energy array and slowly opened it.

Everyone opened their eyes wide.

This is a huge bat, a full meter long.

It has two long fangs.

The weirdest thing is its face, which looks like a human.

Moreover, half of its body is rotten, and you can see the skeleton inside.

And its brain emits a weird light.

In theory, it should have been dead a long time ago, and its whole body was rotten.

But... it didn't die.

This is a typical demon creature.

After the box was opened, the evil bat immediately launched a fatal attack on the Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu.

The mouth suddenly opened.

A terrible ultrasonic wave suddenly attacked.

Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu quickly raised a crystal shield in his hand.


The next second, the crystal shield was directly shattered and turned into powder.

This... this demon bat is so powerful?

Taking advantage of this time, Jin Wushu suddenly flashed and left the energy array.

And this demon bat attacked frantically.

Desperately exhaled dark ultrasonic waves.

Suddenly, the entire energy array was shaking violently.

Everyone present saw it and their faces changed drastically.

This demon creature is so powerful?

However, it never dared to leave the dark box.

Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu said: "This demon creature is a very valuable test subject of the Sky Book City Inspection Institute. So this experiment is very costly. Because we can't wrongly accuse any good person in our Sky Book City."

"Turn on the energy array!"


The gate of the energy array suddenly dropped.

In an instant!

The entire energy array suddenly released a terrifying white light.


The demon bat inside let out an extremely shrill howl.

Everyone saw it clearly.

There was a strange light that flew out of the body of the rotten bat, running rampant and desperately fleeing.

This...this is the dark soul.

Under the holy light of the energy array, it began to struggle.

It began to howl.

Everyone saw it clearly.

This...this strange light and shadow turned out to be a human face.

This is the dark soul of a person.

It began to howl and twist.


It turned to ashes.

And the rotten bat body fell directly to the ground and became charred.

The whole demonstration was over!

Everyone felt extremely shocked.

It seemed that the entire worldview had been hit by an unprecedented impact.

There really is a body possession in this world.

And a person's soul actually possessed the body of a huge bat.

"Everyone has seen clearly that any body-stealer, any dark soul, will reveal its true form in the Great Sun Light Energy Array."


Everyone looked at Wuque.

The Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu said: "According to the laws of the Sky Book City, any body-stealer, any dark soul, any demon spirit is evil. They will all be judged by the Sky Book City!"

"Your Excellency Zhenhai Hou, if it is proved that the so-called Shen Wuque in front of you is a body-stealer, then he is a demon spirit creature, a dark creature. We have the power to directly judge and execute him in public!"

Bai Yuchuan said: "The Sky Book City Inspection Institute, which belongs to the Sky Book City Court, has the right to execute any evil spirit creature."

It was actually judged in public? !

Executed on the spot? !

The Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu and Bai Yuchuan, the head of the third department of the Inspection Institute, each took out a document.

"Your Excellency Grandmaster, we use the Great Sun Light Energy Array to judge a suspected demon spirit creature, and we need your signature and supervision."

Grandmaster Li Mubai signed his name on two documents.

The Sky Book City needs the signature permission of the Elders Council to use the Tianyan Technique.

The use of the energy array also requires the signature permission of relevant senior figures.

Then, Yin-Yang Master Jin Wushu brought two documents to Shen Gongao.

"Zhenhai Hou, as the applicant, you need to sign these two documents. Only in this way can we put this so-called Shen Wuque into the Great Sun Bright Energy Array for trial."

In an instant.

Everyone's eyes turned to Shen Gongao.

Mu Hongyu's face trembled.

Signing this word, in a sense, is a death sentence for Shen Wuque.

At this time, Wuque screamed: "Father, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to let you kill your own son yourself."

"Do you think this is a Great Sun Yin-Yang Energy Array? It is to kill me."

"Even if I am not a body-stealer, I will be killed once I enter."

"Are you going to kill me with your own hands? Are you going to kill me with your own hands?"

After that, Wuque suddenly drew his sword and threw it in front of Shen Gongao.

"If you want to kill me, chop off my head with a sword. I promise not to resist and I promise not to blink!"

"You want to kill me, you don't need to go through this energy array."

"If you sign this, we are finished, completely finished!"

Wu Que screamed and burst into tears.

"This is the enemy's conspiracy. Why don't you understand? Why don't you understand?"

At this moment, the Yin-Yang Grandmaster Li Mubai slowly said: "You overestimate your own weight. Our Sky Book City will not damage its dignity to frame a small person like you. If it weren't for the letter from Zhenhai Hou, this energy array would never appear here."

Shen Gongao closed his eyes.

He began to recall every bit of his time with Shen Wu Que, the pride and glory that this period of time brought him.

He saved him, saved Mu Hongyu, and saved the family three times.

His body began to tremble.

The pen in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

At this moment, someone not far away said: "If it is not a demon spirit, not a body-stealer, why are you so afraid to enter this Great Sun Light Energy Array? After all, even a little rabbit was fine just now. If you are not a body-stealer, then you must be safe and sound."


Shen Wuyu's cough came to Shen Gongao's ears.

In an instant.

That nightmare once again appeared in his mind.

For a month or two, it was a nightmare that repeated every night.

The third son Shen Wuque, who looked like a corpse, was bleeding from all seven orifices, his hands were full of blood, and he kept waving, crying: Dad, save me, save me! He is not me, he is not me!

Then, Shen Gongao gritted his teeth.

Signed his own name.

Signed Shen Wuque's death warrant.

In an instant...

Wuque was silent.

This result should be very good.

In the future, there is no need to worry.

There is no need to have any psychological pressure. After completely seizing the foundation, kill those who should be killed.

In this way, my plan A can be more relaxed.

Wuque glanced at this so-called Great Sun Light Energy Array!

He had contact with the array master Luo Meng.

He understood modern science.

He used the Three-Eyed Heavenly Master Technique to scan the entire energy array.

First of all, this energy array is really awesome.

It can really make the body snatcher show up.

It can really make the monster creatures disappear into ashes.

It seems that some people in the Sky Book City and the people in the Prince Mi's Mansion also suspect that Shen Wuque is the so-called body snatcher.


They have no evidence at all.

It's just speculation.

And based on these speculations, they conceived a huge conspiracy to put Shen Wuque into this conspiracy.

And this conspiracy has a core.

That is the nightmare of Shen Gongao and Shen Wuyu!

Two consecutive months of nightmares.

It destroyed Shen Gongao's defense.

Especially Shen Gongao once experienced a nightmare omen.


Will the Sky Book City have the so-called dream-entering technique?

Do these powerful and mysterious Yin-Yang masters know the so-called dream-entering technique?

If so?

Then the whole conspiracy is complete.

This conspiracy is still very, very awesome.

Shen Wuque's letter to Fu Caiwei is real.

Next, they made this so-called eternal black coffin.

Made a cemetery.

Made Shen Wuque's bloody handprint.

And so on, the chain of evidence is extremely complete.

It has a complete closed loop.

They have no evidence, but they forged the entire chain of evidence.

But... the most important thing is Shen Gongao's nightmare, which broke his defense.

They suspect that Shen Wuque is a body-stealer.

But Wuque is not a body-stealer.

There is no so-called dark soul in his body, not a demon spirit.

From this perspective, Wuque was framed and slandered.

So what does it matter? !

As long as he enters this big sun light energy array, the enemy will win.

If Wuque is a body-stealer, he has a dark soul in his body.

This energy array can make Wuque reveal his true form, and can turn him into ashes and his soul scatter.

But... if he is not the body-stealer.

He will also die!

And he will also so-called reveal his true form.

Because this energy array will release powerful ultraviolet rays!

What is used to kill ghosts and dark creatures? Ultraviolet rays!

When the ultraviolet rays are strong to a certain degree.

The skin and body of a normal person will also be directly burned, turned black and shrunken.

At that time, these Yin-Yang masters and Bai Yuchuan will point at Shen Wuque in the energy array and say: Look, look, he has revealed his true form.

Just now, a little rabbit was put into this energy array, and the strong light burst out, but this fragile little rabbit was still safe and sound.

But, this is just a trick.

This is just a very ordinary strong light, there is no ultraviolet light at all, so this little rabbit will be safe and sound. And its eyes are blind.

So, the enemy set up this conspiracy.

If Wuque is the so-called body-stealer, he will show his true form and will definitely die.

But if Wuque was not the one who took over the body, he would still be burned directly by the extremely strong ultraviolet rays, and his skin would be charred and shrunken, and he would still be the so-called sacrificed prototype.

This is the viciousness of the enemy's trick.

Regardless of whether Wuque is a body-snatcher or not, as long as he enters this energy array, he will definitely die!

And just now, Shen Gongao signed the document with his own hands.

It was equivalent to pushing Shen Wuque to the guillotine. Therefore, this enemy's trick is not only to kill people, but also to kill people's hearts!

Wu Que looked at Shen Gong Ao and said slowly: "I tell you again, this is the enemy's conspiracy!"

"But... if you want me to die, I have to die!"

"If the father wants the son to die, the son has to die!"

Then, Wuque looked at the pale Shen Wuyu.

"Second brother, I don't know what role you play in this conspiracy, but I hope you will always remember that I am not a body snatcher. Even if I am wiped out in ashes, then I will die without a burial place, and I will still be Shen. The third son of the Gong family, Shen Wuque."

"I am not a body snatcher, I am not a body snatcher."

"But if you want to see this result, I will make it happen for you."

"But please remember that as a biological father, you pushed your son to hell. As an elder brother, you pushed your biological brother to hell."

"I have a poem for you."

Wuque was composing a poem, walking toward the bright energy array of the sun, and recited in a hoarse and sad voice:

"The beans are boiling and the beans are burning, and the beans are weeping in the cauldron."

"We are born from the same root, so there is no need to rush into mutual conflict."

As soon as this poem came out, the whole audience turned their attention.

The whole audience was solemn!

Arriving at the door of the energy array.

Wu Que stopped and roared: "I'm not a body-snatcher, but as a father, if you want me to die, I'll make it happen!"


Wuque suddenly walked into the great sun energy array.

He looked at Onmyoji Jin Wushu, bared his white teeth fiercely, and roared:

"I know that someone wants to harm me, and someone wants to harm my family!"

"I know, you don't have any evidence at all, you just want to kill me!"

"But please remember, as long as I don't die this time, you will be the ones who die when I come out of this energy array."

"Remember each of your faces!"

"Bai Yuchuan, a lot of people died in your Lishui Manor last time, but not enough. You and your father are still alive. I swear to God here that as long as I come out alive, your whole family, and I will kill everyone related to your family, thousands or tens of thousands of people."

"I will kill everyone in your family, regardless of gender or age!"

"And all of you, including the so-called Grand Master Li Mubai, as long as I come out alive, I will kill everyone in your family, no matter men, women, old or young."

Listening to Shen Wuque's hoarse voice.

Extremely vicious.

But it was also extremely painful.

Everyone was moved.

At this time, including Bai Yuchuan, including Li Mubai, including several onmyojis, they were almost certain in their hearts.

This Shen Wuque is really not a body snatcher.

Because the entire chain of evidence was forged by them.

The chief planner was Mi Huan, who dared to skin Ying Que at the age of twelve.

The person who provided the core evidence was the fairy Fu Caiwei.

Mr. Mi Huan took action, and it was indeed remarkable. How powerful is Shen Wuque? Master Mi Huan hasn't even appeared yet, so Shen Wuque died without a burial place.

The great onmyoji Jin Wushu and Bai Yuchuan, the director of the inspection institute, watched all this silently.

Bai Yuchuan sneered and said: "You are worthy of being a body snatcher. At this juncture, you still don't admit guilt."

But in their hearts, they sneered cruelly.

Yes, Shen Wuque, we are almost certain now that you are not a body snatcher.

But...so what? !

You have entered this great sun light energy array.

Even if you are not the body-snatcher, you will definitely die.

The next fatal glare will completely scorch the skin of your body, making you look like a ghost.

In this case, we say that this is the appearance of a powerful ghost.

Not only are you certain to die.

Moreover, he has to die with the stigma of being a ghost that steals the body!

Sky Bookstore has already experimented.

This kind of deadly glare is useless no matter how high your martial arts skills are.

It will also burn your whole body, making it black and shrinking.

Besides, your martial arts skills, Shen Wuque, are just average.

What's the use of saying these harsh words now?

Suddenly, the Great Onmyoji Jin Wushu said slowly: "We at Sky Book City will not wrongly accuse a good person, but we will never let go of a demon spirit."

"Any demon spirit, any dark creature, any body-snatcher, no matter how cunning you are, you will have nowhere to hide under the holy judgment of the bright energy array of the sun!"

"Holy Judgment Begins!"

"Great Sun Light Energy Array, turn on!"

With an order.

He suddenly pressed the energy array's gate.


The entire energy array suddenly erupted with an extremely dazzling light.

I don’t know how many times more than sunlight.

It contains extremely terrifying ultraviolet rays.

Under such terrible ultraviolet rays, no matter how high Shen Wuque's martial arts was, it would be useless.

The entire skin will be burned alive.

The entire body will be charred.

Shrunk into a ball, like a ghost.

This conspiracy is almost unsolvable.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Extremely terrifying, extremely powerful ultraviolet rays.

He shot Shen Wuque all over his body like crazy.


Within the energy array.

Shen Wuque let out an extremely shrill scream.

An extremely shrill roar!


Everyone could only see an extremely painful figure.

Can't see clearly inside.


This light is really too strong.

But from these marvelous screams.

How painful it would be to be able to see.

Absolutely miserable.

And the ruthless Onmyoji Jin Wushu has been pressing the gate.

Even though this energy array is extremely precious.

Even if it only takes three seconds, it's enough.

The killing of that terrifying demon bat just lasted only two seconds.

And this time...

He pressed the gate for a full half minute.

Gritting his teeth, he pressed for half a minute.

He just wanted to ensure that Shen Wuque was burned alive.

Burned into coke.

Burned into a ghostly appearance.

Then, to put it bluntly, this is a fierce ghost.

This is the light judgment of Sky Book City.

Within the energy array.

Shen Wuque's miserable howl only lasted less than five seconds.

It became completely quiet.

Everyone's heart trembled.

Bai Yuchuan, Jin Wushu and others were overjoyed.

Shen Wuque should be dead.

This is normal. Anyone who goes in can't last more than five seconds.

The lethality of this ultraviolet ray is unparalleled.


Jin Wushu still pressed the gate for half a minute.

Make sure Shen Wuque is completely dead.

Half a minute later!

He let go.

The extremely dazzling light finally dimmed.

The entire energy array was filled with thick smoke.

Presumably, Shen Wuque was completely burnt.

Completely dead.

Several people breathed a long sigh of relief.

The monster-like Shen Wuque.

The genius Shen Wuque.

He was dead after all.

Mr. Mi Huan, King Mi, we have accomplished what we promised you.

Fairy Fu Caiwei, this is your revenge for being humiliated.

Shen Wuque, although you are extremely powerful and resourceful.

But... he died in our hands after all.


The thick smoke inside gradually dissipated.

Everyone saw it.

Inside lay a body, curled up and motionless.

It hasn't been completely burned to coke yet?

However, he must be dead.

Jin Wushu said to another Onmyoji: "Go in and carry him out, let everyone see the true face of this body-snatcher, this demonic creature."

"Yes!" The two onmyojis entered the energy array and tried to lift out the huddled body of Shen Wuque.


The next second.

Dramatic changes!

Shen Wuque inside suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly held the legs of the two onmyoji so that they could not escape.

The two Onmyoji who entered the energy array were shocked.

At the same time, Shen Wuque screamed at Jin Wushu outside: "Die! Die!"

Then, he suddenly used magnetism.

Jin Wushu was wearing a gold belt, usually made of iron.

His entire body was completely out of control and was directly dragged into the energy array by a powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, the entrance to the entire energy array suddenly closed!

Wu Que said sternly: "Next, I will show you the holy judgment of this so-called Great Sun Light Energy Array!"

"You idiots, open your dog eyes and take a good look!"


He uses magnetism.

Suddenly opened the gate of this energy array!

Incomparably powerful, extremely terrifying ultraviolet rays suddenly burst out.

It shines on the bodies of the three Onmyoji.


Three onmyojis, the three onmyojis who were about to put Shen Wuque to death just now.

He let out an unprecedented, painful howl!


Note: The first update is here, I have a meal, and then continue to write the second update. Today is still an update of 14,500.

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